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To arise is to happen.

A benefactor is a person who A blacksmith is a person who

gives money to help makes things out of metal.

-* Difficulties arose with his -♦ The student’s benefactor * The blacksmith pounded
computer because it was old. gave him money to spend on the piece of metal until it was
his studies flat

A chimney is a tall pipe used To compensate is to pay To exceed is to be more than

to carry smoke out of a someone for the time they something
building. spent doing something.

-* The cat was on the roof -» Her boss compensated her -+ Since I exceeded my lim
sitting next to the chimney. for the extra work she did last it, I decided to get rid o f my
week. credit cards.

To forge is to make or People who are humble do If people are modest, they do
produce, especially with not believe that they are not think that they are too
difficulty. better than other people. important.

-* Stacy and Heather forged -*• Even though Bob is the -» Derek is very modest for
their friendship when they smartest boy in his class, he someone who is so rich.
were teenagers. is humble.

A penny is a coin worth one To prosper is to be successful To sustain something is to

cent. or make a lot of money. keep it going.

-► U.S. President Abraham -» Frank’s new business -+ Wind power is a clean

Lincoln is on the penny. finally prospered after many way to sustain a city with
years of hard work. energy.

4000 essential word book 3

Unit 1

To deceive someone is to A hut is a house made of If something is inferior, it is

make them believe something wood, grass, or mud that has not as good as something
that is not true. only one ortwo rooms. else.
-* He tried to deceive his -*■ We all went into the hut -* Cars built a hundred years
friends as they were playing a to sleep. ago are inferior to ones built
game. today.

A lodge is a house in the To neglect someone or An offense is behavior that is

mountains, used by people something is to not take care wrong or breaks a law
who hunt or fish. of it properly.

+ During our ski trip, we — William neglected his -* Stealing a car is a very
stayed at a lodge. room, so it is a complete serious offense.

To overlook something is to A shepherd is a person who To venture is to go to a place

not notice it, or to not realize protects and cares for sheep. that may be dangerous
that it is important.

-* Brenda overlooked the last -* The shepherd moved the -* Even though it was
step and had a bad fall. sheep to another field. dangerous, they ventured up
the mountain.

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