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ECE132: Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab


Important instructions
a. Upload solution pdf on UMS only
b. Submission last date 03.08.21

Q:1 Simulate half wave and full wave with input voltage with resistive load of 5Ω 6
and voltage as last two digit of your roll number mutlipled by 5. (Screenshot
upload). Also find the ripple factor, average and rms voltage for both the
Q:2 a) Explain the different type of DC Motor 6
b) What are the various method used to control the speed of DC Motor
c) Draw the Speed torque and Speed Voltage characteristics of PM DC
Q:3 Draw a RC low pass filter for the frequency band (<50 kHz) using a resistor 6
value of 1XX Ohm,
b) Draw a RC high pass filter for the frequency band (>50 kHz) using a
resistor of value of 1XX Ohm
Where XX is the last two digits of your Roll number
Q:4 a) Upload screenshot of simulation of NAND gate as universal gate. 6

Q:5 Calculate the current through the zener diode and the voltage across the 6
Rload resistance for the given circuit. If the Rload (k Ohm) is the last two
digits of your roll number (Upload screenshot)

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