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VB.NET Collections Tutorials

 How to use VB.NET ArrayList
 How to use VB.NET HashTable
 How to use VB.NET Stack
 How to use VB.NET Queue
 How to use VB.NET Arrays
 How to use VB.NET Dyanamic Arrays
 How to use VB.NET NameValueCollection
 How to use VB.NET List
 VB.Net Dictionary example
How to VB.NET ArrayList
ArrayList is one of the most flexible data structure from VB.NET
Collections. With the Array list you can add elements to your array
dynamically and it accepts null as a valid value and also allows
duplicate elements. Normally Collection class allow you to access an
item using either a numeric index or a String key, but ArrayList
allows only a numeric index. ArrayList is flexible because we can
add items without any size information.

Important functions from ArrayList Object

Add : Add Items in an ArrayList

Insert : Insert Items to a specified position in an ArrayList

Remove : Remove an Item from ArrayList

RemoveAt: remove an item from a specified position

Sort : Sort Items in an ArrayList

How to add Items in an ArrayList ?

Syntax : ArrayList.add(Item)

Item : The Item to be add the ArrayList

Dim ItemList As New ArrayList()


How to Insert Items in an ArrayList ?

Syntax : ArrayList.insert(index,item)
index : The position of the item in an ArrayList

Item : The Item to be add the ArrayList

ItemList.Insert(3, "item6")

How to remove an item from arrayList ?

Syntax : ArrayList.Remove(item)

Item : The Item to be add the ArrayList


How to remove an item in a specified position from an

ArrayList ?

Syntax : ArrayList.RemoveAt(index)

index : the position of an item to remove from an ArrayList


How to sort ArrayList ?

Syntax : ArrayListSort()

From the following Visual Basic source code you can see some
important operations from an ArrayList Object
Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object,
ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim i As Integer
Dim ItemList As New ArrayList()
MsgBox("Shows Added Items")
For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1
'insert an item
ItemList.Insert(3, "Item6")
'sort itemms in an arraylist
'remove an item
'remove item from a specified index
MsgBox("Shows final Items the ArrayList")
For i = 0 To ItemList.Count - 1
End Sub
End Class

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