Lesson - Plan - Grade - X - SELLA ANANDA GIOVANY - 2201418081

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School : SMK Negeri 1 Jepara (Culinary Art)

Subjects : English

Class / semester : X / Even

Subject Matter : Written Transactional Text Involving asking and giving information about
activities without needing to mention the culprit

Time Allocation : 1 meeting (2 x 45 minutes)

Basic Competencies :


3.8 Menerapkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan 3.8 Menyusun teks interaksi transaksional lisan
unsur kebahasaan teks interaksi transaksional dan tulis sangat pendek dan sederhana yang
lisan dan tulis yang melibatkan tindakan memberi melibatkan tindakan memberi dan meminta
dan meminta informasi terkait keadaan/ informasi terkait keadaan/ tindakan/kegiatan/
tindakan/kegiatan/ kejadian tanpa perlu kejadian tanpa perlu menyebutkan pelakunya
menyebutkan pelakunya sesuai dengan konteks dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks
penggunaannya. (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan dan unsur kebahasaan yang benar dan sesuai
passive voice) konteks. (perhatikan unsur kebahasaan passive

After attending the learning process, students are expected to be able to:
Asking and giving information regarding activities without needing to mention the
culprit, identifying the passive voice sentence in the simple present tense in the text
asking permission and responding appropriately. – Knowledge (KD – 3.8)
Writing short and simple transactional interaction texts and dialogues involves
giving and asking for information related to the activity without mentioning the actor
using the passive voice in the simple present tense, using expressions asking for
permission in speaking the dialogue. – Skills (KD – 4.8)

B. Learning Media, Tools, Resources

● Media: WhatsApp group, Power Point, Worksheet, The assessment sheet
● Tools / Materials: Internet, and HP Android / laptop
● Learning Resources: Books to Support the 2013 Curriculum for English
Subjects “Practice Your English Competence”, grade X.
C. Learning Stages (Activities)


The teacher says hello and instructs students to write a list of attendees.

The teacher provides instructions for describing learning materials to students.

The teacher provides motivation about what can be obtained (goals & benefits) by studying
today's material

Main Activities

Building Knowledge Students observe and understand videos from YouTube that are
of Field displayed by the teacher. (literacy)

Students answer questions related to videos to increase

understanding of the learning material.

Modelling of Text Students understand the use of passive voice simple present tense
sentences related to the video explained by the teacher.

Students pay attention to the teacher's explanation of the structure

of the text, and the social function of giving and asking for
information related to activities, using the passive voice-simple
present tense.

Students write simple present tense passive voice sentences

displayed by the teacher related to the video. (Creativity)

Joint Construction of Students identify things they do not understand related to the
Text structure, and social function of giving and asking for information
related to activities, using the passive voice-simple present tense.
(Critical thinking)
Students apply the use of simple passive voice present tense
sentences by changing the words on the worksheet.

Independent Students answer questions from the teacher regarding the use of
Construction of Text giving and asking for information related to activities, using the
passive voice-simple present tense. (Communication)

Students get the task of making simple present tense passive voice
sentences based on the given context and sending them via
Whatsapp Group.


- The teacher instructs students to make transactional texts related to giving and
asking for information related to activities without mentioning the perpetrator.

- The teacher reminds students to learn the material to be discussed at the next

- The teacher closes online learning activities via WhatsApp Group with greetings
and prayers

D. Assessment

● Attitude Assessment : Observation

● Knowledge Assessment : Written test (Short answer)
● Skills Assessment : Written test (Constructing dialogue)

Social function

Give and request information related to activities using passive voice-simple.

Struktur teks

Jane: Wow! This Sushi is so yummy! Did you cook this food?

Yoko: No, sister. This was cooked by Sakura this morning.

Jane: Why don't you make it?

Yoko: I'm not sure, it will be yummy.

Jane: Oh no… keep it real ma sister. You can do it!

Yoko: Thanks ma sister.

Jane: Why don't you try this Sushi?

Yoko: No, thanks. I'm full. Ramen has been eaten just now.

Jane: Oh, I see. I'll finish this.

Yoko: Please.

Language element

1. Doing an activity.
2. What, where, and how much
3. Use of the passive voice - simple present tense.

Passive Voice Formulas - Simple Present Tense

Unlike the active voice - simple present tense, where the main verb is verb-1,
main verb is in passive voice - simple present tense is a past participle (verb-3)
The past participle is accompanied by the auxiliary verb is / am / are adjusted
to the subject in the passive voice (object in the active voice) to fulfill the subject-
verb agreement. Is is used in the singular subject except you and I; are in the
plural subject and you; while am on I.
If there is a modal verb (such as: can, should, may), the past participle is
preceded by the auxiliary verb "be".

The following is the passive voice formula in the simple present tense and modal verb:

Active Voice Passive Voice

S + verb-1 + direct object S (direct object) + is/am/are + past participle +/- by … (agent)

S + modal + bare S (direct object) + modal + be + past participle +/- by … (agent)

infinitive + direct object

Agent in passive voice is subject to active voice. In passive voice, the subject acts as the
recipient of the action, while the agent acts as the actor of the action.
The formula above applies to transitive verbs, where it is the verb that is generally passive. A
sentence with an intransitive verb may be passive if it has a prepositional phrase.


Passive voice on intransitive verbs

Subject in passive voice is object of preposition on active voice.

Active Passive Voice


S + verb- S (object of preposition) + is/am/are + past participle + preposition +/- by …

1int + (agent)
+ object of

Example of Passive Voice Sentences - Simple Present Tense / Modal Verb

1 (S + modal + bare infinitive + direct object + adverb)

Pregnant women should eat dark chocolate regularly.

(Wanita hamil seharusnya makan coklat hitam secara teratur.)

Passive Voice:

(S + modal + be + past participle + by agent)

Dark chocolate should be eaten regularly by pregnant women.

(Coklat hitam seharusnya dimakan secara teratur oleh wanita hamil.)

2 (S + verb-1 + direct object + prepositional phrase)

People make books from trees.

(Orang membuat buku dari pohon.)

Passive Voice:

(S + auxiliary verb + prepositional phrase)

Books are made from trees.

(Buku dibuat dari pohon.)

3 (S + verb-1 + direct object + prepositional phrase)

My parents treat me like a baby.

(Orang tua memperlakukan saya seperti bayi.)

Passive Voice:

(S + auxiliary verb + prepositional phrase + by agent)

I am treated like a baby by my parents .

(Saya diperlakukan seperti bayi oleh orang tua.)

4 (S + modal + bare infinitive + direct object + prepositional phrase)

You can use the photos for free.

(Kamu bisa menggunakan goto-foto tersebut secara gratis.)

Passive Voice:

(S + modal + be + past participle + prepositional phrase)

The photos can be used for free.

(Foto-foto tersebut dapat digunakan secara gratis.)

5 (S + adverb + verb-1 + prepositional phrase)

He often sleeps on the right side of the bed.

(Dia selalu tidur di sisi kanan tempat tidur.)

Passive Voice:

(S + auxiliary verb + past participle (+ preposition on) + by agent)

The right side of the bed is often slept on by him.

(Sisi kanan tempat tidur sering ditiduri olehnya.)


A. Complete the sentences (Active or Passive Voice). Use Simple Present.

1. He _____________ cars.
2. The blue car ____________.
3. In summer, more ice-cream __________ than in winter.
4. She __________ her grandparents every Friday.
5. The letters ______________.
6. He ___________ his medicine every day.
7. Jane _____________ to school by her father.
8. We ________ to school by bus.
9. She ___________ for a bank.
10. Milk _________ in the refrigerator.

B. Rewrite the sentences in passive voice.

1. He opens the door. -________________

2. We set the table. - ________________
3. She pays a lot of money. - ____________________
4. I draw a picture. - _____________________
5. They wear blue shoes. - ____________________
6. They don't help you. - ____________________
7. He doesn't open the book. - ____________________
8. You do not write the letter. - ___________________
9. Does your mum pick you up? - _______________________
10. Does the police officer catch the thief? - _____________________

C. Create 2 short dialogues about asking questions and providing information

about the activity using the passive voice simple present tense.

Answer key:


1. Sells
2. Is sold
3. Is eaten
4. Calls
5. Are typed
6. Takes
7. Is not taken
8. Go
9. Does not work
10. Is kept


1. The door is opened by him.

2. The table is set by us
3. A lot of money is paid by her
4. A picture is drawn by me
5. Blue shoes are worn by them
6. You are not helped by them
7. The book is not opened by him
8. The letter is not written by you
9. Are you picked up by your mum?
10. Is the thief caught by the police officer?


o Short Answer:

If the answer is correct, score = 20

If the answer is wrong, score = 0

Maximum score = 20x5

= 100


Aspect Description Score

Provide detailed information related to asking and

providing information about activities 4
without mentioning the perpetrator.

Contains slight misinformation related to

inquiring and providing information about 3
activities without mentioning the culprit.
Contains a lot of misinformation related to
asking and giving information about activities 2
without mentioning the culprit.

Does not contain information related to

asking and providing information about
activities without mentioning the perpetrator
at all.

Compilation Social functions, text structure, and linguistic 4

elements are well implemented

There are few errors in implementing social

functions, text structure, and linguistic 3

There are many mistakes in implementing

social functions, text structure, and linguistic 2

It does not pay attention to social functions,

text structure, and linguistic elements

Grammar errors are minimal 4

There is a grammar error but it still doesn't affect the

meaning of the sentence
There are many grammar mistakes and affect the
meaning of sentences

Didn't pay attention to grammar at all 1

Effective word selection and correct spelling 4

Word selection and spelling are slightly wrong but

still don't affect the meaning of the sentence

Vocabulary The choice of words and spelling is wrong and

affects the meaning of the sentence

Completely wrong choice of words and spelling so

that the meaning of the sentence cannot be 1

Proper use of punctuation and capitalization 4

There are minimum punctuation errors and

Technical There are many misuse of punctuation and

Sentences are dominated by misuse of punctuation

and capitalization

Maximum score @ question = 5 x 4 = 20

Total Score = 10 + (20x2)
= 10 +40
= 50

Score = Total Score x 2

Maximum Score = 50 x 2

= 100

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