Quality Agreements For Contract Manufacturers: Compliance Notes

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Electronically reprinted from September 2014 The Science & Business of Biopharmaceuticals

Compliance Notes

Quality Agreements for Contract Manufacturers

A well-constructed quality agreement can be an important
tool to enable effective collaboration between owner and CMO.

n May 2013, FDA published Draft Guidance, CMOs’ compliance to the cGMP regulations. As a
Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for Drugs: result, CMOs may find their clients increasingly
Quality Agreements, and 37 individuals, compa- involved with assessing the state of compliance
nies, and trade associations submitted comments at the CMO, including increased owner company
before the close of the comment period on July 29, quality oversight of the CMOs’ operations. FDA
2013 (1). The agency has not finalized the guid- continues to inspect CMOs in much the same
ance document but has implemented an enforce- manner as before. What is expected to become
ment program based on FDA law and regulations common is that the owner firms who contracted
discussed in the draft guidance. The purpose the CMOs will increasingly be subject to regula-
of this article is not to discuss the merits of the tory actions as a result of cGMP violations at their
submitted comments but to provide perspectives CMOs. Previously, it was rare that companies that
regarding the events leading up to a new enforce- owned the drug products and contracted CMOs
ment program for CMOs and the sponsor/owner were cited for cGMP failures at their CMOs. As the
companies that contract them. FDA draft guidance states, FDA sees the contracted
Traditionally, the role of the quality agreement facility as an extension of the contract giver. This
has been to divide the responsibility between the view is supported by cGMP regulation 21 CFR
contract giver (owner) and the contracted facility 211.22(a), which states “the quality control unit
(CMO). The cGMP regulations (21 Code shall be responsible for approving or rejecting
of Federal Regulations [CFR] 210 and 211) drug products manufactured, processed, packed,
require all drug companies (human and or held under contract by another company” (2).
animal, pharmaceutical and biologi- Regulatory actions can be useful when they
cal) to have written procedures defining drive a higher level of compliance resulting in
the responsibilities/procedures for their fewer violations. FDA believes that holding own-
quality organizations (2). The FDA draft ers more responsible for their CMOs will result
quality agreement guidance document in fewer compliance issues and, ultimately, fewer
offers suggestions/recommendations for regulatory actions. An increase in the number of
using quality agreements as effective actions such as warning letters, seizures, injunc-
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Penny Hylton, PhD (pictured), tools to support meeting the intent of tions, and prosecutions makes drugs appear less
Managing Consultant, Tunnell the regulations. safe. The goal of FDA is to ensure public safety and
Consulting, and David K. Haggard, The new enforcement program is product quality, not to increase the number of
independent consultant working holding owner companies contract- enforcement actions.
for Tunnell Consulting. ing CMOs more accountable for their If compliance issues with some CMOs have
Compliance Notes

existed for years, why the sudden RECOMMENDATIONS is fair for both parties to meet all the
change in FDA’s enforcement policy? Read or re-read the draft FDA quality expectations.
CMOs have proliferated because they agreement guidance document. This
offer pharmaceutical and biologic is a document that should be dis- Oversight
manufacturers the means of reduc- cussed at the highest levels of every Traditionally, sponsors/ow ners
ing their manufacturing and labor CMO and pharmaceutical or bio- may not necessarily have visibility
costs (particularly when the majority logic company that has contracted to cGMP violations at a CMO that
of the CMOs are located outside the may impact them unless the viola-

US) to take advantage of lower cost tions are specifically associated with
structures as well as global distribu- their drug products. Limiting this
tion opportunities. Use of foreign awareness of violations at a CMO
manufacturers as CMOs for the US
market, such as manufacturing APIs,
agreements should may limit the sponsor/owner’s abil-
ity to see and address systemic qual-
has resulted in more cGMP viola- ity problems. Increased transparency,
tions as foreign manufacturers adjust
to FDA’s expectations. The public’s
be a forethought, not including access to redacted FDA–
483s following regulatory inspec-
concern over drug safety reached
new heights with the Heparin con- an afterthought. tions at the CMO will increase the
ability of the sponsor/owner to pro-
tamination problem in 2008 that actively address potential issues.
subsequently led to the passage CMOs, or is considering doing so in
of the FDA Safety and Innovation the future. This is an excellent time Taking action now
Act (FDASIA) in 2012. Sec. 711 of to re-evaluate contracts and quality When FDA considers taking action,
FDASIA, requiring adequate control agreements between contractors and they take into consideration what
and oversight of the supply chain, CMOs. Drug manufacturers should the firm is doing to improve, such
can be expected to impact many not wait for FDA’s finalizations of the as having a continuous quality
CMOs. The proliferation of CMOs draft quality agreement guidance to improvement plan. FDA sees inef-
globally and the Innovation Act’s re-evaluate or update their quality fective oversight as insufficient. The
impact on FDA’s resources drives the agreements. Quality agreements can more CMOs and owners do to review
agency to find more efficient and serve as an effective tool to ensure and enhance quality agreements
effective approaches in regulating the appropriate level of quality over- and compliance oversight, the better
pharmaceutical firms. sight. The recent increase in enforce- position they have to present a pro-
T he i ntense cost pressu res, ment focus has signaled the urgency active compliance stance.
increased competition, tight mar- of revisiting existing, or implement-
gins, and insufficient quality sys- ing, quality agreements. SIX STEPS TO AN EFFECTIVE
tems, among other factors, have QUALITY AGREEMENT
led to a higher incidence of non- Qualifying CMOs The following are six steps owners
compliance (e.g., FDA-483s, warn- Some CMOs have in the past placed can take to develop an effective qual-
ing letters, and import alerts) among restrictions on the level of thorough- ity agreement.
CMOs than ever before. Most CMOs ness of due diligence or pre-contract
have multiple clients that contract audits by the manufacturers evalu- Step One
with them and it is not unusual that ating them. Due diligence should Define the scope, including the fol-
owners present with varying lev- never just be a limited audit. Check lowing:
els of expectations related to qual- out the CMO’s qualifications, past • Component or details of the ser-
ity. Furthermore, quality agreements compliance history, organizational vice being provided by the con-
were frequently discussed only after structure, quality culture, references, tractor
supply contracts were signed. and reputation. • Name and address of CMO
FDA, in its draft guidance, is Quality agreements should be a • Name and address of any subcon-
reminding owners that they remain forethought, not an afterthought. tractor/suppliers
responsible for all areas of drug qual- The time to implement a qual- • Dates and terms of the agreement
ity, either directly or indirectly. As ity agreement is before signing a • Responsible quality head for
the draft guidance points out, this business contract covering supply. owner and CMO
was always the intent of the cGMP Establishing all of the requirements • Detailed description of the com-
regulations (21 CFR 211.22(a) and (d)). allows mutual agreement regarding ponent or service, its intended use
what is to be done and the price that
Compliance Notes

in the manufacturing process, and the impact on the Step Five

final drug product Define the documentation:
• Applicable to pharmacopeia, regulatory, environmen- • Define the documentation required to support the
tal, legal requirements deliverables including product or service information,
• Specify quality assurance system requirements. certificate of analysis, material safety data sheets, sum-
mary of manufacturing, deviations and OOS investiga-
Step Two tions, and quality assurance statement of compliance
Define roles and responsibilities: to regulations
• Use a responsibility matrix to clearly define responsi- • Depending on the nature and status of the relation-
bilities of the CMO, the owner, as well as any agreed ship and quality metric performance, additional docu-
upon responsibilities shared by the owner and the mentation may be required, such as batch records and
CMO raw testing data.
• Detailed listing of all the tasks needed to complete the
intended scope of operations Step Six
• Define owner’s responsibilities for conducting routine Define metrics for performance:
and for-cause audits and for participation in regulatory • Define how the owner will monitor the performance
inspections of the CMO. Include, for example, number/frequency
• Define CMO’s responsibilities to ensure adherence to of deviations, number/frequency of OOS results, inter-
cGMP and regulatory requirements and to provide nal audits and regulatory audit performance, continu-
reasonable and appropriate access to owner to enable ing process verification, customer complaints and
owner’s quality oversight. adverse events
• Define timing and frequency of when reviews will
Step Three be performed and continuously look at performance
Define the deliverables: to proactively avoid loss of a component or service
• Define the required deliverable from the CMO which will cause a disruption to the supply chain and
• Detail the specific testing and specifications required increase risk to patient safety.
• Specify CMO quality assurance oversight and certifica-
tion required to ensure the quality and safety of the SUMMARY
deliverables A well-constructed quality agreement can be an impor-
• Specify the container/closure, transportation, any spe- tant tool to enable effective collaboration between owner
cific temperature requirements. and CMO to ensure product quality and regulatory com-
pliance. A quality agreement is ideally constructed prior
Step Four to entering into a financial supply agreement to ensure
Define the communication plan: that all requirements are fully understood by both parties
• Define how the owner and contractor keep one so they can be adequately addressed as part of the overall
another informed of any issues that may impact the business arrangement. The quality agreement does not
quality of the deliverables relieve the owner of responsibilities under cGMP regula-
• Define the process for communicating change control, tions.
deviations, out-of-specifications (OOS), and regulatory
agency inspections to the owner REFERENCES
• The communications plan must be specific about 1. FDA, Draft Guidance, Contract Manufacturing Arrangements for
Drugs: Quality Agreements (May 2013).
when, how, and to whom any information impacting
2. 21 CFR 211.22 ◆
quality and safety are to be reported.

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strategic, technical, process, and organizational skills to design and implement sustainable solutions that exactly
meet client needs. With deep industry knowledge, extensive scientific credentials, and superior measurable
results, we consistently boost the operating performance of each unique client we serve.

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Posted with permission from the September 2014 issue of BioPharm International ® www.biopharminternational.com. Copyright 2014, Advanstar Communications, Inc. All rights reserved.
For more information on the use of this content, contact Wright’s Media at 877-652-5295.

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