An Elgamal Encryption Scheme of Fibonacci Q-Matrix and Finite State Machine

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Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, no.

20 (9) /2015, Suceava

An Elgamal Encryption Scheme of Fibonacci Q-Matrix

and Finite State Machine
B. Ravi Kumar1 A. Chandra Sekhar2 G. Appala Naidu3
Department of Mathematics, GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA
Department of Mathematics, GIT, GITAM University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA
Department of Mathematics, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, INDIA

Abstract- Cryptography is the science of writing messages in The Fibonacci theory of numbers [8][9][10][11][12]
unknown form using mathematical models. In Cryptography, ascertained the possibility of new applications for scientific
several ciphers were introduced for the encryption schemes. results as seen in the last few decades.
Recent research focusing on designing various mathematical The following (2X2) square matrix was received in [10]
models in such a way that tracing the inverse of the designed [13]:
mathematical models is infeasible for the eve droppers. In the
present work, the ELGamal encryption scheme is executed
1 1 
using the generator of a cyclic group formed by the points on Q    (1)
choosing elliptic curve, finite state machines and key matrices 1 0 
obtained from the Fibonacci sequences. The nth power of the Q-matrix was proven [10] [14]:
Keywords : ElGamal, Fibonacci sequence, Finite state F Fn 
machine, encryption, decryption. Q n   n 1 , (2)
 Fn Fn 1 
I. I NTRODUCTION Where n  0,1,2,................Fn1 , Fn , Fn1 are the
Fibonacci numbers.
Victor Miller and Neal Koblitz first proposed Elliptic curve The recurrence relation:
cryptography, in the year 1985. Elliptic curve cryptography is Fn1  Fn  Fn1 (3)
not a new technology and has proven its security by standing
with a generation of attacks. In the recent years, as the With the initial conditions are: F1  F2  1 (4)
wireless industry has grown, the numerous companies have The determinant Q-matrix in (2) can be proved coinciding
adopted Elliptic curve cryptography as an innovative security with Cassini formula using (3) and (4).
DetQ n  Fn 1 Fn 1  Fn  (1) n
technology. Elliptic curve employs a relatively short (5)
encryption key and the short key is faster and requires less
Consider the multiplicative group M2 the set of all 2 2
compelling power than the other first-generation encryption,
Matrices over the set of all real numbers.
public key algorithm a ‘160’-bit Elliptic curve
If n=1, equation (6) reduced as
cryptography, encryption key provides the same security as
 0 1
‘1024’-bit RSA encryption key [1] [2] [3] [4] . Q1    (7)
The equations of the elliptic curves take the following  1 1
form, known as Weierstrass equation [6]: The extension to the above matrix is as follows [14]:
y 2  gxy  hy  x 3  ix 2  jx  k , where g, h, i, j, k are real  Fn 1 Fn 0 
numbers and x, y take on values in the real numbers. The   (8)
Q2   Fn Fn 1 0 

equation of the elliptic curve is of the form: y 2  x 3  gx  h,  0

 0 1 
where x, y, g, h belongs to R. And also include a single
element denoted by O is called the point at infinity or the
zero point. This equation also has to satisfy the discriminant B. Finite State Machine
  4 g 3  27 h 2 is not equal to zero [ 4][5][6][7 ]. Automata theory is a key to software for verifying systems
of all types that have a finite number of distinct states, such
A. Fibonacci Q-matrix as communication protocols or protocol for secure exchange
of information.

Computer Science Section

PB  K B  C. Now ‘A’ wants send the message M to B. For

this purpose A chooses a random integer ‘n’ now A encrypts
M as CTm  {nC , M  nPB } and sends to B. Then ‘B’ decrypts
the CTm as
M  nPB  K B (nC )  M  n( K BC )  K B (Cn )  M [17 ] [18].


Alice wants to send the message to Bob using elliptic curve

ElGamal encryption by using Moore machine. Alice chooses
Fig.1 Moore machine with residue mod 4 the elliptic curve y 2  x 3  gx  h over the field z p .
Choose the point G on the elliptic curve.
Finite state machines (FSM), also known as finite state Alice selects a private key ‘a’ and generates the public key
automaton (FSA), at their simplest, are models of the A = ‘aG’ and Bob selects a private key ‘b’ and generates the
behaviors of a system or a complex object, with a limited public key B = ‘bG’.
number of defined conditions or modes, where mode
transitions change in circumstance [15] [16]. A. Encryption
A deterministic finite automation (DFA) is a quintuple
M  (Q, , q0 ,  , F ), where Step 1: Alice chooses a random integer k, and keeps it
 Q is a finite set of states. secret.
Step 2: Compute k G.
  is a finite set of input symbols. Step 3: Alice selects the Bob’s public key B  bG.
 q0 is the start state indicated by an arrow  . Step 4: Compute kB  k (bG )  l.
  is a transition function  : Q    Q i.e., Step 5: Compute aB  a(bG)  m.
 ( q 0 , a )  q i  Q. Step 6: Alice wants to send the message qi to Bob.
 F  Q is a finite set of final states. Step 7: Alice wants to convert the message into the points
Generally, the input symbols of being either letters or on the elliptic curve. She chooses a point P, which is a
digits. i.e., and is the set of strings formed out of Sometimes generator of the elliptic curve. By using ASCII characters of
we refer strings as languages also. We say that a string x is upper case letter into the points on the elliptic curve.
accepted by a DFA if the set of languages accepted by a DFA Let A  {1P,2P,3P................255P}
‘M’ is denoted by L (M). In a DFA, there will be only one B  {set of all ASCII characters}
transition out of each state on the same input symbol. The Alice defines one to one correspondence f : A  B by
nondeterministic finite automation (NDFA) is also a
mathematical model where are as in DFA except is a f (n p) = x n , where n=1,2………255 and
transition function. {x1 , x 2 , x3 ,...........x 255 } are the ASCII characters.
In NDFA there may be Moore machine is a sixtuple Step 8: To create 3 3 matrix with entries are the points
M  (Q, ,  , ,  , q 0 ) where Q, ,  , q 0 are as before and  is on the elliptic curve.
a output function and  is the set of output symbols. In a  a1 a 2 a3   a10 a11 a12 
   
More machine the output depend on the transition [15]. m1   a 4 a5 a6  m2   a13 a14 a15 
Transition table, as well as a transition diagram can also a a a  a 
 7 8 9  16 a17 a18 
represent Moore machine. In this paper, consider Moore
and so on more mi obtained depending upon the length of
machine, which calculates residue mod 4 [20] [22].
the message.
Step 9: Alice selects m, where‘s’ is the x-coordinate of
C. The ElGamal Cryptosystem
‘m’ and the binary value‘s’ is secret key.
Two communicating parties ‘A’ and ‘B’ initially agree Step 10: Alice define Moore machine with input is secret
upon the Elliptic curve E p ( x, y ) and p is sufficiently large key. Then she defines Fibonacci Q p n  matrix where p=2 and
prime number and (x,y) is the point on the Elliptic curve. For n  output  1, then Q p reduces to classical Q-matrix.
secure communication over insecure channels both A and B  Fn 1 Fn 0 
 
Q2   Fn Fn 1 0 , n  0,1,2.......... .
fix a point C(x1,y1). A initially selects the private key ‘KA’ n
and generates the public key PA  K A  C. Next ‘B’ selects
 0 0 1 
the private key KB and generates the public key 

Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, no. 20 (9) /2015, Suceava

Step 11: Compute  Fn 1  Fn 0 

q j 1  q j  ( fibonacci recurrence matrix ) n , where, Q  n  1  
n 
 Fn 1 Fn 1 0 .
(1) 
where n = output of qj+1+1.  0 0 1 
The resultant sets of points are
Step 12: Bob applies the reverse process and by using the
R  {r1 ( x1 , y1 ), r2 ( x2 , y 2 ), r3 ( x3 , y3 )...........ri ( xi , yi )} conversion from given ASCII characters of upper case letters,
where i  1,2,3..... he can recover the message.
Step 12: Compute Ci  ri  l  m.
Step13: Now Alice sends the encrypted message (kG, C i)
to Bob.
Alice wants to send the message to Bob using elliptic curve
ElGamal encryption by using adjacency matrix. Alice
B. Decryption
chooses the elliptic curve y 2  x 3  4 over the field z 271 .
To recover the plain text ri from Ci Bob should do
Then the points on the elliptic curve are
Step 1: First Bob selects the Alice public key A = aG.
235),(7,135),(7,136),…..………..(264, 174), (269,114),
Step 2: Compute bA = b (aG) = m.
Step 3: Now Bob computes the inverse element of b (aG)
The number of points on the elliptic curve is 271 and the
is – b (aG).
prime number is 271. Therefore each point is a generator of
Step 4: Add –b(aG)to the second part of the message:
an elliptic curve E [18] [19][20][21][22].
ri  kbG  abG  abG = ri  kbG Choose the point G = (68,136) on the elliptic curve. Alice
Step 5: Multiply the Bob’s own private key ‘b’with the selects a private key ‘a’ = 6, and generates the public key
first part of the message kG, we get: kbG. A = ‘aG’ = 6(68,136) = (85, 199) and Bob selects a private
Step 6: Now Bob computes the inverse element of kbG is – key ‘b’ = 8, and generates the public key B = ‘bG’ =
kbG. 8(68,136) = (122 , 259).
Step7: Bob adds -kbG to the second part of the
message: ri  kbG  kbG  ri . A. Encryption
Step 8: After decryption, the obtained points are stored in
3  3 matrix. Step 1: Alice chooses a random integer k = 4, and keeps it
 q1 q 2 q3  Step 2: Compute kG = 4(68,136) = (250, 189).
 
S1   q 4 q5 q 6 ,............... Step 3: Alice using the Bob’s public key
q q q  B = bG = (122, 259).
 7 8 9
Step 4: Compute kB = k (bG) = 4 (122, 259) = (132,248).
Step 9: Bob selects m, where ‘s’ is the x-coordinate of m Step 5: Compute aB = a (bG) = 6 (122, 259) = (215,157) =
which is the secret key and the binary value‘s’ is input key. m.
Step 10: Bob chooses Moore machine with input is secret Step 6: Alice wants to send the message qi to Bob.
key ie‘s’. Then he defines Fibonacci Q p n  matrix where
Step 7: Alice wants to convert the message into the points
p=2 and n  output  1, then Q p reduces to classical Q- on the elliptic curve. She chooses a point P = (172,240)
which is the generator of the elliptic curve. By using ASCII
characters, into the points on the elliptic curve.
 Fn 1 Fn 0
A  65(172,240)  (64,246),
  n  0,1,2.......... .
Q2   Fn
Fn 1 0 ,
 0 T  84(172,240)  (126,260),
 0 1 
T  84(172,240)  (126,260),
Step 11: Now Bob multiplies qi with private key (inverse
A  65(172,240)  (64,246),
of Fibonacci recurrence matrix):
C  67(172,240)  (179,51),
 a1 a 2 a3 
n   K  75(172,240)  (15,98),
S1  Q2   a 4 a5 a6 , I  73(172,240)  (183 , 38),
a a a 
 7 8 9 N  78(172,240)  (69,18),
 a10 a11 a12  G  71(172,240)  (54,268).
n  
S 2  Q2   a13 a14 a15 ,................
Then the points are
a a18 
 16 a17

Computer Science Section

T  {(64,246),(126,260),(126,260),(64,246),(179,51),  (64,246) (126,260) (126,260) 

 
(15,98),(183,38),(69,18),(54,268)} m1   (64,246) (179,51) (15,98) 
Step 8: To create 3 3 matrix with entries are the points  (183,38) (54,268) 
 (69,18)
on the elliptic curve. Step 9: Alice selects m  ( 215,157 ), where s  215 and
the binary value of 215 is 11010111, which is input key.

S. I/P Previous Preset O/P n= Secure key Cipher text
No. State State O/P+1 = ( Fib. recurence Matrix ) n

1 1 q0 q1 1 2
 5 8 0  (140,260) (73,226) (126,260) 
   
 8 13 0   (262,139) (108,10) (15,98) 
0 0 1  (109,244) (161,31) (54,268) 
   
2 1 q1 q3 3 4
 89 144 0   (140,260) (73,226) (126,260) 
   
144 233 0   (262,139) (108,10) (15,98) 
 0  (109,244) (161,31) (54,268) 
 0 1   
3 0 q3 q2 2 3
 21 34 0   (221,210) (5,260) (126,260) 
   
 34 55 0   (126,260) (6,36) (15,98) 
0  (51,226) (229,51) (54,268) 
 0 1   
4 1 q2 q1 1 2
5 8 0  (64,25) (119,211) (126,260) 
   
8 13 0   (55,178) (56,2) (15,98) 
0  (43,10) (65,141) (54,268) 
 0 1   
5 0 q1 q2 2 3
 21 34 0   (153,151) (88,101) (126,260) 
   
 34 55 0   (54,3) (209,240) (15,98) 
0  (157,268) (213,2) (54,268) 
 0 1  
6 1 q2 q1 1 2
5 8 0  (134,51) (28,57) (126,260) 
   
8 13 0   ( 71, 27 ) (182 ,258) (15,98) 
0  (107,173) (256,259) (54,268) 
 0 1   
7 1 q1 q3 3 4
 89 144 0   (163,71) (17,64) (126,260) 
   
144 233 0   (98,238) (157,3) (15,98) 
 0  (15,109) (93,5) (54,268) 
 0 1   
8 1 q3 q3 3 4  89 144 0   (150,222) (235,228) (126,260) 
   
144 233 0   (85,72) (149,98) (15,98) 
 0 0 1   (173,23) (54,268) 
  (5,260)

Then the points are

R  {(150,222), (235,228), (126,260), (85,72), (149,98), C 3  (126,260)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (209,240),
(15,98), (173,23)(5 ,260), (54,268) }. C 4  (85,72)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (242,57),
C 5  (149,98)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (76,228),
Step 11: Compute
Ci  ri  l  m. C 6  (15,98)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (88,101),
C 7  (173,23)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (163,71),
C1  (150,222)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (269,114),
C 2  (235,228)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (91,244), C8  (5,260)  (132,248)  (215,157)  (31,178),

Journal of Applied Computer Science & Mathematics, no. 20 (9) /2015, Suceava

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B.Ravi Kumar is presently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Engineering Mathematics. He is pursuing his PhD
in number theory and Cryptography under the guidance of A.Chandra Sekhar.

A.Chandra Sekhar received his PhD degree in number theory from JNT University and M.Sc., degree with specialization in
algebraic number theory from Andhra University. He secured the prestigious K.NAGABUSHANAM memorial award in M.Sc., for
obtaining University first rank. He did his MPhil from Andhra University in 2000. He was with Gayatri Degree College during 1991 to
1995 and later joined GITAM Engineering College in 1995. Presently he is working as Professor & BOS Chairman of the Department
of Engineering College, Visakhapatnam, INDIA.

G.Appala Naidu is Professor Department Mathematics, College of science & Technology, Andhra University, Visakhapatnam,
INDIA. He works in the areas of fixed-point theory and number theory and Cryptography. He published papers in reputed journals of
national and international.


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