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Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication Engineering 2008 May 13-15, 2008 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Countermeasure for Detection of Honeypot Deployment

Lai-Ming Shiue1, Shang-Juh Kao2

Department of Applied Mathematics
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan

Abstract Since the essential task of the honeypot strategy is

to make indistinguishable to attackers between a
In this paper, a deceptive system, called deceptive system and a regular host, how to not expose
honeyanole, is developed to escape from honeypot the honeypot deployment becomes critical. In general,
hunting as well as to collect attacking information. In deception detection [8] could be service support
honeyanole, three phases of collection, redirection and detection, connection feature detection, or system level
deception are implemented. In the collection phase, detection. Service support detection [9, 10] launches
four types of attacking information are gathered for all kinds of service requests to check for a honeypot.
cross analysis to build up the blacklist. Upon the Usually, an emulated service can be easily examined as
blacklist being developed, two redirection techniques, a deceptive system.
layer-2 and layer-3 redirection, are employed to Connection feature detection [10] refers to remotely
dynamically transmit incoming traffic to a production test a target host and collect the transmission features,
or a deception server in the redirection phase. Finally, such as latency, error, and protocol header. Through
the deception server could transparently capture the the connection features analysis, a fabricated operating
attacking behaviors in the deception phase. With system or a virtual network interface can easily be
honeyanole, we can effectively prevent honeypot discovered. For instance, a high detection rate of
deployment from hunting, build an early warning recognizing a low-interaction honeypot was reported in
system, and enhance the system defense. [11] by using Neyman-Pearson decision theory to
analyze information collected from round trip time of
I. INTRODUCTION icmp and tcp connections. And, Mukkamala et al [9]
demonstrated that high detection accuracy (higher than
As threats to network security increase with the
95%) can be derived in identifying a honeypot by
exponential growth, the traditional defensive systems,
using SVMs to analyze 49 various features of tcp
such as firewall and intrusion detection systems, is
insufficient. Honeypots [1-4], a deceptive approach,
System level features, such as type of physical
are introduced to trap hackers. Without being noticed
devices, type of file systems, and the memory usage of
by hackers, attacking information is gathered and
hidden programs, are required to detect [12, 13] a
analyzed in order to trace attacking behaviors. There
high-interaction honeypot, no matter the real system is
are two approaches to classify honeypots [5-7],
deployed at a physical or virtual machine. There
depending upon either the deployment purpose or the
already exists some collection tool for high-interaction
interactions with the honeypot. Regarding with the
honeypots, for instance the Sebek [14], which works in
purpose of deployment, a honeypot could be
the kernel module to monitor system call invocations
constructed for the production or research purpose.
and record data of interest. In [15], the NoSEBrEak
Based on the interactions with the honeypot, a
project has shown that Sebek can be detected and
honeypot could be either low-interaction or high-
disabled. Briefly, the three deception detection
interaction. No matter how a honeypot is classified,
techniques for discovering different types of honeypot
either by purpose or by interaction, only when the
systems can be listed as in Table 1.
deployment is transparent, honeypot approach is

978-1-4244-1692-9/08/$25.00 ©2008 IEEE 595

collecting and analyzing attacking information. We
categorize network connections into regular service
TABLE I. DETECTABILITY OF DECEPTION DETECTION METHODS requests, probe requests, and attacking service
requests. Under the layer-2 redirection, regular service
Interactio Detection Method
Machine connections and probe requests are directed to the real
Type Connection Service System system. In this case, the redirection latency is
Feature Support Level
insignificant, and hence the honeypot is not suspicious
low virtual detectable detectable to honeypot hunters. Once an attacking service
virtual detectable undetectable detectable connection is discovered, layer-3 redirection is active
high and the connection is redirected to the fabricated
physical undetectable undetectable detectable
There are three phases in honeyanole: collection
While the development of a honeypot system phase, redirection phase, and deception phase. The
focuses on the integration and analysis of attacking main task of collection phase is to build a blacklist of
information, the exposure of honeypot deployment will possible attackers to support the redirection server. As
make the deceptive system to be invalid. A common shown in Figure 1, all traffic flows from Internet to
countermeasure against the deployment exposure is to production server will be mirrored to the detection
redirect the connection to avoid directly interacting module for intrusion inspecting. The information of
with a honeypot. The redirection technique is to possible attackers will be gathered by collection
decompose Internet traffic into two destinations: a module from detection module and other three
production server or a honeypot. defensive systems, including the illegal access log, the
In general, the direction of traffic flows is decided record of probes, and exchanged defensive
upon the intrusion detection engine. In [16], a bait & information.
switch honeypot router is constructed at the network
layer and uses network address translation (NAT) to
dispatch the traffic flows. However, such a pure layer- Mirrored Traffic
Detection redirection server
3 redirection could easily slow down non-attacking
service connections and the deployment could be
Collection Analysis Decision
revealed via the latency trace, such as via the icmp attacking information Module Module Module
from other systems
protocol. In [17], a redirection module in honeypot
system at the data link layer is presented to lure
suspicious traffic into a honeypot system via changing Figure 1. Modules inside the collection phase.
the MAC address. Unfortunately, when the layer-2
redirection is implemented in a connection oriented After the collection, the alerts of attacking
network, the sequence number failure due to the re- information for eliminating the same attack and
connection operation makes the honeypot system to be incurring a new threat based on alert type, source
suspicious. address, and target address are raised. Then, the
In this paper, a deceptive system, called honeyanole, analysis module performs the correlation of collected
is developed to escape from honeypot hunters as well attacking information to predefine attack scenarios,
as to collect attacking information to enhance further such as network scans, port scans, or vulnerability
defense. In this system, non-attacking service attacks. Upon finishing the analysis, the decision
connections and probing connections are monitored module would build an orderly list of possible
and transmitted, while the attacking service attackers according to temporal information and
connections are transparently redirected to the involved services. Finally, a blacklist is distributed to
fabricated system for the attacking process collection. redirection server dynamically.
Finally, the system implementation and its evaluation For redirection, the server with external, internal,
are reported. and redirection interfaces are designated to connect to
Internet, a production network, and a deception server
II. THE HONEYANOLE SYSTEM respectively. When an incoming traffic arrives from
In honeyanole, both layer-2 and layer-3 Internet interface, redirection module will transmit it to
redirection mechanisms are employed to dynamically a production server or a deception server with the aid
transmit incoming traffic flows for the purpose of of the blacklist. Operational flows of the redirection
resisting the detection of honeypot hunters as well as module can be depicted in Figure 2.

Three deception programs, honeyd [20], honeytrap[21]
and linux with sebek [14], are deployed as deception
([WHUQDO,QWHUIDFH ([WHUQDO,QWHUIDFH In order to validate the feasibility of the
honeyanole, several tests in the test environments of
direct, bait & switch, and honeyanole were conducted
<HV 7DUJHW0DVTXHUDGH 6RXUFH0DVTXHUDGH as shown in Figure 4. Apache web server was
employed as the production server and Microsoft web
/D\HU)RUZDUGLQJ 77/0DVTXHUDGH application stress tool was adopted to generate http
connections from the traffic generator.


Deception Report Agent
Report Agent Server
Figure 2. Operation flows of redirection module.

If an incoming traffic is a probe or its source

Redirection Server
address does not appear in the blacklist, the layer-2
redirection would forward the traffic to a production Traffic Black List
server via the internal interface without changing any Report Agent

packet’s content. However, if an incoming traffic has

its source address appearing in the blacklist, the layer- Detection
3 redirection will take place. With layer-3 redirection,
target masquerade changes the target address of Defensive
incoming packets into the deception server before defensive information exchange

layer-3 forwarding. And, TTL masquerade adjusts the Collection Server

value of ttl in IP header to conceal from the action of
layer-3 forwarding. Similarly, the outgoing packets Figure 3. The global view of honeyanole.
will be adjusted accordingly.
The deception phase is responsible to capture the
intrusive processes. With honeyanole, various types of
honeypots systems can be deployed as deception
servers. Adopting a high-interaction honeypot can +XQWHU 5RXWHU
obtain more intrusive information and easily suffer
from deployment disclosure by system level detections,
while a low-interaction honeypot could be discovered 3URGXFWLRQ6HUYHU
by service support detections.
How to precisely predict an intrusion, more %DLW 6ZLWFK
specifically honeypot detection, is the key feature to 'HFHSWLRQ6HUYHU 5RXWHU

deception detection. By combining the above three

phases, honeyanole system is built as shown in Figure
3. Therefore, how to build an effective and accurate +RQH\DQROH 3URGXFWLRQ6HUYHU

blacklist is an imperative task. All traffic to production 3URGXFWLRQ6HUYHU +RQH\DQROH


server, including service connections and attacks, are

mirrored to detection module to execute an intrusive 'HFHSWLRQ6HUYHU
inspection. The alert generated by the detection
module is also the main part of attacking information. Figure 4. Test case network layout.

III. SYSTEM EVALUATION A. Connection Latency Test

Following the honeyahole architecture, we carried As for examining connection delay generated by
out the implementation in slackware linux both layer-2 and layer-3 redirections, the first test is to
environment. Iptables [18] and snort [19] are employed measure the connection latency in various situations.
as the redirection and detection modules respectively.



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