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1. Unique Culture is possessed by each agency/ institution. In your institution, when did you
conform to such practice/ culture that go against your principle? Why?

This Covid-19 Pandemic has brought many challenges to us most especially teachers. We make
sure that there is a continuity in learning through different learning modalities. Although, our
school adopted modular learning modality where we provide and reproduce nodules for our
students in a weekly basis. The DepEd ordered memo students grades should not be get or
based from the modules and requires every teacher to make assessment based from the
modules. However, during the first quarter because of the strict implementations of health
protocols and lack of time we're not able to conduct home visitations and remediations.

In addition, during the end of the quarter we are advised to submit grades of learners with
computed mean percentage score along with Weekly Home Learning Plan, Table of
Specifications, and Test Item Analysis.

Everybody got confused, we do not know exactly what are we going to do, where we will
start. Just for the sake of compliance, we manipulated. Submitted manipulated copy of learners
grades with MPS including those other reports which are merely out of manipulation.

Well, I find it hard to contemplate since it is against my principle and our mandates as
teachers. However, the same problem arises as module-making and course packs become a
struggle because of the demands of the institution. We are hastily forced to produce modules for
the sake of having finished products to justify expenditures on teacher salaries and to beat the
deadline, given the early class opening. Modules and course packs don’t replicate the actual
teaching. This band-aid solution only shows the gaps between the privileged and their
underserved counterparts in education.

2. As a teacher we deal with different personalities. There were times when we practice prejudices
consciously and unconsciously in dealing with our colleagues, students, and the community. Site
some instances where biases were observed, and how you were able to heal their feelings.

As teacher, there were times I practiced the phenomenon of unconscious discrimination and
prejudices towards my students which lead to biases.

For instance, during class recitations or demonstrations. I am more focused or attentive to

other learners to recite particularly those who belongs to group of highly intellectual learners
without considering my other students belong to slow learners who most needs my attention
and guidance as their teacher. However, inorder to cope with their learning, and to reduced
negative comments and prejudices from my learners, I conducted home visitations and
remediations to my learners who are identified as slow learners.
3. Human beings are provoke to be aggressive by other people or situations. How do you manage a
student/ client who displays aggressive behavior in a situation where you are also pressured?
It’s every educator’s mission to create a positive classroom environment that supports student
growth and development. This isn’t always easy when you’re faced with a diverse learners with
different personalities and learning abilities. It is even more difficult when defiant students
influence others or create a negative classroom dynamic. Knowing how to handle and address
student aggression in a legally-defensible manner is key to regaining control of your classroom
and offering a positive learning experience.
I clearly remember the first time I encounter the very first time I have to dealt with my
students aggressive behavior. I was a student-teacher before at Tabuk City National High School.
My experience prompted my ability, patience to handle such behavior. This particular student
wasn't even on my radar the first weeks I was with them. Instead, he tended to sit in the back of
my classroom passively and do nothing at all. After weeks of trying to engage him and reach his
parents, we arrived at a test date. I placed a test and pencil in front of him, and bam—he
snapped in a second. The next thing I knew, he was in my face shouting obscenities about how
he wasn't taking a test from me. Thankfully, another student ran to get my cooperating teacher
because, in that moment, I had no idea what to do. So, I learned the hard way how I should
handle student aggression. Your impulse in dealing with student aggression may be to yell, cry,
or run. However, your real first impulse needs to be to determine how to quickly deescalate the
situation. As I have learned from similar encounters with other aggressive students in the
classroom, you need to stay calm. Don't threaten them or raise your voice. Speak in the calmest
tone you can, almost as if you were speaking in a library. The student will feed off your emotions,
so if your stress comes through in your voice, you may inadvertently escalate the situation. I just
remember my cooperating teacher after the incident she keeps on asking me; "Aniya kayat mo
pay nga agbalin nga Teacher"?
4. From the lectures presented in this subject, how can you apply the concepts/ theories in your
workplace so to have a significant contribution to your institution?

The beauty of teaching is why we teach, and that is the supreme art of inspiring and touching
the lives of our students to dream and do more, as well as nurturing and empowering them into
something great so they become better citizens of the country and the world. It is our
responsibility as teacher being at the forefront of the teaching-learning process to ensure and
provide a quality education; teaching what ought to be learned and alongside, guiding the
growth and development of the learners who come to school with varying sets of diverse values,
interests, beliefs and expectations towards excellent learning.

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