Technology For Teaching and Learning 1

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Technology for Teaching and Learning 1

First Semester, Academic Year 2020-2021

Name/Course & Year: Rodrigo Esequille E. Longcop BSED SCIENCE 3


What kind of teacher would you like after you graduate? Why?
 The kind of teacher I would like to be in the future is depicted both on the
2 picture. That is because I would to be that kind of teacher that can
adapt, and deliver quality education no matter what kind of resources are
available on the workplace.
1. What do we mean by ICT?
 ICT stands for Information and Communication Technology is a broader
term for Information Technology (IT) which refers to all communication
technologies, including the internet, wireless networks, cellphones,
computer, software, and other media application and services.
2. What are the seven domain of ICT Competency Standard?
 The seven domain of ICT competency standard are as follow;
 Domain 1: Understand ICT in Education
 Domain 2: Curriculum and assessment
 Domain 4: Technology tools
 Domain 5: Organization and Administration
 Domain 6: Teacher Professional Learning
 Domain 7: Teacher Disposition
3. What are the six ICT competency standard for teacher based on ISTE?
 The six ICT competency standard for Teacher based on ISTE are:
 Standard 1: Technology Operation and Concepts
 Standard 2: Planning and Designing Learning Environment
and Experience
 Standard 3: Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
 Standard 4: Assessment and Evaluation
 Standard 5: Productivity and Professional Practice
 Standard 6: Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issue
4. What are the six ICT competency standard for students based on ISTE?
 The six ICT competency standard for students based on ISTE are as
 Standard 1: Creativity and Innovation
 Standard 2: Communication and Collaboration
 Standard 3: Research and Information Fluency
 Standard 4: Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving and Decision
 Standard 5: Digital Citizenship
 Standard 6: Technology Operation and Concept
5. What are the advantages of a teacher who follows the ICT competency
 Teachers who follow the ICT competency standard have an edge in the
teaching field, you are far ahead in term of the strategy and resources
than those who does not follow or teachers who still teach with the
traditional way. Using the ICT competency standard in teacher not just
only ensure quality education and teaching, but with learning environment
that is conducive for learning.
6. What do we mean by digital citizenship?
 Digital citizenship is “how we should act when we are using digital tools,
interacting with others online. So as digital citizens, we must demonstrate
ethical and legal behavior, exemplified by the practice of safe, legal and
responsible use of information.
7. Can you perform a digital type of instructional materials?
 Yes. Particularly PowerPoint presentations.
8. What are the advantages of a digital technology?
 Digital technology offer wide arrays of advantages that are making our
way of life a lot easier. From the communication aspect, acquiring
information, and even doing business nowadays are just one click away.
9. Based on ISTE national educational technology standard for students
stated that students must be creativity and innovation. What do you mean
by creativity and innovation?
 To be able for the students to be creative and innovative, they must
demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop
innovative products and process using technology from existing
10. A communication tool used to send and receive videos, pictures, link and
files in a wireless way?
 Cellphones, laptops
11. Example of hand-held device?
 Cellphones
12. What are the three domains in educational technology?
 Technology as a tutor
 Technology as a teaching tool
 Technology as a learning tool

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