What Are Some Advantages of Living in A City?: Week #1

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AÑO LECTIVO 2021 – 2022


What are some advantages of living in a city? ADJECTIVES.

Type: my - your - his - her - its - our - their

She is happy with job.

The children lost way in the town.

Peter is showing house to Susan.

I have a pet. name is Baboo.

There is a mouse in (we) bedroom.

Is that (you) house ?

We bought fruit yesterday.

The cat is hungry. This is food.

You are a boy and name is Marc.

I live in Paris with family.

Don't put (you) trainers on the bed !

My friend Lisa is drinking water.

Fill in my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1. Can you spell name?

2. Susan cannot find pen.

3. Our uncle and aunt like new house.

4. The cat is drinking milk.

5. I must study for test.

6. Peter is writing in exercise book.

7. The children are studying for exams.

8. Carol likes new skirt.

9. The dog is sleeping in hut.

10. I often clean bike on Saturday.

Hi Daniel,
________ name is John. This is _______ friend Jason. He's 12. _______ sister is nine. They have
got a pet. _______ pet is a budgie. ________ name is Charlie. Jason and I go to the same
school. There are 450 boys and girls in ________ school. Jason's form teacher is Mrs. Peterson.
She has got a pet, too._________ pet is a tortoise. Our form teacher is Mr. Smith. I like
_________ lessons. He has two dogs. The dogs love to play in _________ garden. Now I have a
question for you.What’s_______pet?


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