Eda Angela Oab - STS - Module 1 - Answer Sheet

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Name: Eda Angela N.

Course/Block: BEED 1-B
Date: May 6, 2021

Directions: Answer the following questions in NOT more than five sentences.

1. How did the society shape science and how did science shape the society?
 The society shaped science by the demands and needs of the people in the society. The science
shaped the society through the development of useful products and services to the people of its
society. Another example of this, all of us can be a scientist by our way, we can discover different
ideas or skills that can contribute and help the society better and easily perform well. In short, that
connection of science is for the development of society.

2. Among the three scientists presented in your module, who do you like the most and why? What is
the most important quality do you think he possessed that is useful to a being teacher?
 I choose Charles Darwin, since he originally made individuals mindful of their spot in the
developmental interaction when the most impressive and perspective type of life found how
people or society had advanced. I think the quality that he possessed is having evidence in every
investigation that he encountered. As future elementary teachers, our students are always curious
about everything that they see and observe in their surroundings that why every piece of
information that we passed to our students is always true and not made up by ourselves. We must
be careful about the words that we say or transmit. As their instructor, they are always believing
in our thoughts and opinions.

3. As a future elementary teacher, how can science and technology be able to help you in your
teaching style?

 As a future elementary teacher, science help me to find solution to a particular situation or

problem, investigate, explore, research, inquiry information to found another way of
instructional materials that I can use in my class to be more productive and effective teacher.
On the other hand, technology helps the teacher to easily create learning methods, new
teaching strategies that can support to the learning process of the students. It can also help the
teacher to catch the attention or the engagements of her/his students in class because you
applied something new unlike using manila papers or the other old materials of teaching.



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understanding of understanding of understanding of understanding of the
the topics. the topics. Good some parts of the topics. 5 X2
Exceptional use of use of materials topics but some
materials has been has been information is
observed. observed. disconnected.

Originality Student used his/her Answers have 10- Answers have 40- Answers have 70- 5 X1
own words in 30% similarities 60% similarities 100% similarities
answering the with the answers with the answers with the answers of
questions. of his/her of his/her his/her classmates
classmates and/or classmates and/or and/or articles from
articles from the articles from the the internet.
internet. internet.

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