Format of On The Job Training Report: Guidelines For Writing Chapter Wise Report (Content)

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1.Cover page – Outer cover of the report.

2.Front page – The format of Cover page and Front page should be the one and the same.
4.Company Certificate
7. List of Tables
8.List of Figures/Charts
9.List of Abbreviations
10. Contents/chapters
11.Appendices if any e.g. questionnaire


1.Chapter I of the report should be titled as “INTRODUCTION”. The Introduction chapter
should include the Importance, Objectives, Scope and Period of the training as well as
Chapterisation scheme.
2.Chapter II of the report should be titled as “COMPANY PROFILE”. Company Profile should
brief about the origin and growth of the organization; various departments and its activities. A
detail account of company products, its management, Board of Directors etc. should be listed. If
possible provide the photographs of same.
3.Chapter III of the report should be titled as “ACTIVITES OF VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS”.
The third chapter should cover the objectives of the different departments and its functioning.
Specially the department in which you have undergone your training should be highlighted in
4.Chapter IV of the report should be titled as “LEARNINGS” at organization. It must include:
Sr. no. Week Work assigned Work assigned Observations/
by Learning

****The above format should also be mailed to respective mentors on weekly basis.
5. Chapter V of the report should be titled as “CONCLUSION”. The Conclusion part should
include the observations made by the trainee in each of the department and the extent of
fulfillment of training objectives.
If, your work is an empirical one during your On the Job training e.g. using the questionnaire,
interview or secondary data analysis (data from various published or unpublished sources for
calculation purpose) available in readymade form. The following will be the format of content/
chapters report:

1. Chapter 1: Introduction:
a. About company
b. About topic
2. Chapter 2: Research methodology
3. Chapter 3: Data Analysis and interpretation
4. Chapter 4: Findings and recommendations
5. Chapter 5: Conclusion
6. Chapter 6: Learning during On The Job training

The duration for the training will be 8 weeks


The training report should be presented in the following format only -
(a)The report should be printed on A4 size Executive Bond sheet.
(b)The font used should be Times New Roman and font size should be 12.
(c)The top, bottom and right margins should be 1” each. The left margin should be set at 2”.
(d)The line spacing should be fixed at 1.5 lines.
(e)Page numbers should be placed at bottom middle position.
(f)Chapters should be numbered as 1, 2, 3, etc. The tables and charts should be in the format of
1.1, 1.2, etc. i.e. 1.1 indicates that it is the first table in Chapter 1; 2.1 indicates first table in
Chapter 2. Similarly chart no. 1.1 indicates first chart in Chapter 1.
(g)The training report should be a minimum of 50 pages and should not exceed 60 pages.
(h)Students should submit 2 hard copies duly signed by the faculty guide and the HOD
(i)The hard copy should be in soft binding format with coloured page as the cover page.

NOTE : Please get a draft of your Training Report checked by your guide before taking final print
of your report. Please ensure that the final print is as approved.
Format of Certificate

Department of MBA

This is to certify that the On The Job Training Report entitled “_________________”, in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the awardof the Degree of Master of Business
administration is a record of original trainingundergone by your name (Reg .No ) during the
year 2017- 2019 of his/her study in the Department of MBA, HPU Regional Centre,
Dharamshala of Himachal Pradesh University, Shimla under my supervision.

Place: Signature of Guide

Date: Guide name with designation
Department of MBA

Head of the Department

Dr. Manoj Sharma
Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale)
Department of Commerce HPU RC, Dharamshala

External Examiner

I, Your name, hereby declare that the On The Job Training Report, entitled
“____________________________ ” , submitted to the HPU RC in partial fulfillment of the
requirement for the award of the Degree of Master of Business Administration is a record of
original training undergone by me during the period December 2018- February 2019 under the
supervision and guidance of Your Guide name with qualification and designation,
Departmentof MBA, HPU Regional Centre and it has not formed the basis for the award of any
Degree/Fellowship to any candidate of any University.

Place: Signature of the Student


The acknowledgement page is provided in a report to thank all the members who have supported
and guided in completion of the report. The On the Job training report should contain
acknowledgement in the following order –
i. Management of the Organization in which training was taken up.
ii. The Director HPU RC
iii. The Head of the Department MBA
iv. Faculty guide and Industry guide
v. Faculty Members
vi. Family and Friends

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