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5G towers

5G, as evident from its name, is the new generation of the cellular network with enhanced
data speeds, low latency, and maximized reliability. It is an innovation that will change the
face of the Earth, our daily lives, and our interaction with the digital world. 5G will influence
every industry, innovate how industries operate and corporates work. With negligible
latency 5G will connect the world with zero delays; anything around the globe could be
handled with almost 1millisecond delay, which is negligible. 5G network will not only change
our mobile devices, but it will also connect every electronic device and merge them, making
everything digital. In this video, we will learn how 5G is going to revolutionize the world,
how 5G towers work and the technology used in those towers.
The fifth generation of the cellular network is a huge step ahead of the fourth generation,
i.e., 4G. 5G will provide the internet speeds of 70 Gbps for the consumers coming from 4G,
which maxed out below 1 Gbps. Typically for 4G, the latency is 20 milliseconds; upgrading to
5G will reduce the latency to 1 millisecond. This dramatic reduction in latency will provide
users an experience where everything will be just a tap away.
The fast and low latency internet is possible only with high powered, high-frequency
millimeter waves. The millimeter waves carry the signals to the recipient, because of the
high frequency they can carry much more data than the waves with the lower frequency
used in 4G. Nowadays, every single person has a smart device connected to the cellular
data; they work using specific waves with a certain frequency range; this resulted in heavy
traffic and slower transfer of data. 5G with a new and broader range of frequency will
provide high data speeds. The millimeter waves enable high data speeds and low latency.
5G millimeter waves have a frequency ranging from 24GHz to 47GHz.
However, the millimeters are powerful and have high frequency, but this comes at the cost
of a short range. The millimeter waves with the wavelength ranging between 10 millimeters
to 1 millimeter have a short range, and they lose strength and die as they travel in the air.
Performing tests from the 5G tower, the field was detected to be 500 meters only. The
waves can also be blocked from any physical blockage in between the device and the server.
4G using waves of lesser frequency hence more extended range.
5G servers need many towers installed nearby to cope with because of the short range. The
5G towers are small in size and can be installed within a couple of hours. Despite the small
size of the 5G cells, the technology inside the cells makes insane speeds and negligible
latency possible. It works on the principle of ‘Beamforming’; the 5G towers form a beam
that sends signals direct towards the consumer rather than spreading it all around. The
beamforming technology makes the 5G towers highly efficient and easy to install rather
than 4G towers that were massive and took a significant amount of time to install. While
benefiting from its small size, the 5G cells can be installed anywhere on the streets, on light
poles, and on top of buildings. 5G towers need to be installed in abundance in busy areas as
the cell has to be in a direct line to the device, also coping up with the low range.
Everything around us, every industry will be massively impacted by the 5G. Providing high
internet streaming, the 5G will innovate the systems, banking, automotive industry,
agriculture, and almost everything. It will make the idea of self-driving cars possible with its
negligible latency and high reliability. The 5G will significantly impact the healthcare systems
as it will allow remote surgeries. The low latency will enable remote surgeries from
anywhere in the world. 5G will bring the ‘Internet of things’; every electronic device will be
connected to 5G will be made digital. Smart homes will be possible, where everything could
be controlled by a single device and everything connected to the 5G server.
5G is a huge step ahead of 4G, enabling the heavy traffic a new pathway to the internet
connection making everything once again smooth and much faster than before. As 5G
towers have low range, the 5G rollout will take some time, the early years will be bumpy,
but everything will be on track with time. The future with 5G is looking very bright, and with
a network of 5G towers, the user experience will be the best in history.

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