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Name Hachiko

Fact and Opinion

• Statements of fact can be proved true or false. Facts can be proved by a reliable reference
source, by observation, or by asking an expert.
• Statements of opinion are judgments or beliefs. They cannot be proved true or false, but they
can be supported by facts and logic.

Directions Read the following passage. Then complete the diagram by identifying statements of
fact and statements of opinion.

G olden retrievers, the best choice of

pet, are less popular than Labrador
retrievers. People love goldens because
watchdogs because they bark when a
stranger approaches. Golden retrievers
make excellent pets when they are well
with proper training they are patient and cared for. Daily exercise and proper
gentle with children. Golden retrievers training help the dog manage its behavior.
seem to want to do nothing but please Occasional grooming keeps the dog’s coat
their owners. They also make good free of tangles and looking great.

Statement: Golden retrievers, the best choice of pet, are less

popular than Labrador retrievers.

1. Which part of the statement is 2. Which part of the statement is

opinion? fact?

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3. How to support? 4.  How to prove?

Home Activity  Your child read a short article and identified statements of fact and statements of
opinion. One way to check facts is to look on Web sites. Talk with your child about how to tell whether the
information on a Web site can be trusted.

84  Comprehension Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1

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Name Hachiko

Writing for Tests

Prompt: Write a journal entry about a time when things did not turn out as you had hoped or planned.

March 19, 20__

This morning as I read the local paper, a story on the front page caught my attention.
The headline read, “Local Farm Appeals for Help.” Since I love animals of all kinds, I was
immediately drawn to the story.
It seems that this week’s heavy rains flooded a nearby farm. The family that owns the farm
was reaching out to find temporary homes for some of its animals. We already have two dogs,
three cats, a parakeet, and a guinea pig, so I wasn’t sure that Mom and Dad would be willing to
take in a short-term farm animal. But, we do have a big yard. We could easily keep a horse out
back, and maybe even a chicken or two.
After breakfast, I asked Mom whether she had read the article. She hadn’t read the paper, yet,
but she promised she would get to it later. I asked her, polite as can be, to please read the article
now because it was very important to me. Mom knows how much I adore animals, so she read
the article right then and there. When she finished, she looked up at me, and I gave her my sad
puppy-dog eyes, hoping she would know exactly what I was thinking. “Well” she said. “We
don’t have room for another animal. If you want to help, you could always volunteer at the farm.
It says in the paper that they need people to help clean up damage caused by the flood.”
I definitely would have preferred a horse, but I suppose it’s good to help in any way I can.
And who knows? Maybe when the farm is up and running again, I will be able to visit the
animals I helped!

1. What experience does the writer describe in this journal entry?

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2. Underline the sentence that tells you how the writer feels about animals.

3. Circle three different pronouns that show that the entry is written in the first person.

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Name Hachiko

Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches each definition. Write the word on
the line.

1. in a quiet way
Check the Words
You Know
2. push gently
3. a small bit of food furious
4. held steady nudge
5. a time of watching ruff
Directions Choose the word from the box that best matches each clue. vigil
Write the letters of each word on the line. Take the circled letters to
make a word below.

6. marked by excitement and activity

7. hunched over

8. without noise

9. a fringe of fur growing around the neck

10. held steady

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Write a Description
Using a separate sheet of paper, describe what a hungry dog might do or look like. Use as many
vocabulary words as you can.

Home Activity  Your child identified and used vocabulary words from Hachiko: The True Story of a Loyal
Dog. Read an article about dogs with your child. Have him or her point out unfamiliar words. Try to figure out
the meaning of each word by using words that appear near it.

86  Vocabulary Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1

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Name Hachiko

Common and Proper Nouns

A common noun names any person, place, or thing.

The shiny coins jingled in his pocket.
A proper noun names a particular person, place, or thing. When a proper noun is more than
one word, capitalize only the important word or words.
Her cousin lives in South America. Aunt Jean visited the Statue of Liberty.
Some proper nouns, including titles for people, have short forms called abbreviations that begin
with capital letters and end with periods.
Gen. Jones visited the middle school. I met Edward Wu, Jr.

Directions  Underline the proper nouns and circle the common nouns.

1. Dr. Tee Van chuckled at the bird.

2. My uncle put his money in the National State Bank.

3. Aunt Louise worked in her garden.

4. Mrs. George just became an aunt.

5. Our neighbors moved from Maine to Oregon.

6. Dad and Rev. Johnson had lunch on Saturday.

7. She bought presents for Aunt Sue.

8. May I have more broccoli, Mom?

Directions  Rewrite the proper nouns, using correct capitalization, punctuation, and abbreviations
where possible.

9. doctor martin luther king, junior

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10. general forrester

11. doctor bart

12. reverend smith

Home Activity  Your child learned about common nouns and proper nouns. Have your child tell you the
difference between common nouns and proper nouns and find examples of each in a magazine.

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1 Conventions  Common and Proper Nouns  87

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Name Hachiko

Plural or Possessive
Spelling Words
country’s countries’ countries its ours
theirs hers library’s libraries’ libraries
niece’s nieces’ nieces crow’s crows
witness’s witnesses’ witnesses secretary’s secretaries’

Complete the Sentences  Write the list word that completes each sentence.

1. All the ___ desks are covered with file folders. 1. _______________
2. My young ___ birthday is next month. 2. _______________
3. All the ___ to the crime agreed on what they’d seen. 3. _______________
4. My two ___ bedroom has a window overlooking the park. 4. _______________
5. There were ___ in the trees outside my window. 5. _______________
6. I found a black ___ feather in the woods. 6. _______________
7. It is a ___ duty to tell the truth. 7. _______________
8. I have three nephews and two ___. 8. _______________
9. The ___ job is to help the president with her appointments. 9. _______________
10. All of the ___ accounts of the crime were the same. 10. _______________
11. There are two ___ in my town. 11. _______________
12. Many ___ sign treaties with one another. 12. _______________
13. My local ___ book sale was full of bargains. 13. _______________
14. A ___ prosperity depends on its economic strength. 14. _______________
15. Our state ___ computer systems are all linked together. 15. _______________ © Pearson Education, Inc., 6

16. Many ___ flags have stripes. 16. _______________

17. My sister has a doll that is ___. 17. _______________
18. My dog has a ball that is ___. 18. _______________
19. My neighbors have a house that is ___. 19. _______________
20. My family has a house that is ___. 20. _______________

Home Activity  Your child wrote plural and possessive words. Ask your child how to form a possessive
pronoun. (Add an s; do not add an apostrophe.)

88  Spelling  Plural or Possessive Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1

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Name Hachiko

Scoring Rubric: Journal Entry

4 3 2 1
Focus/Ideas Clear, focused Mostly clear Composition Composition
composition and focused somewhat with no clarity
with effective composition; unfocused; or development
supporting some insufficient
details supporting supporting
details details
Organization Organized Organized Organization Poor
logically; ideas logically, few attempted, but organization;
are coherent gaps; ideas not clear; some ideas lack
and focused fairly focused ideas unrelated focus
and coherent to subject
Voice Engaging; Evident voice; Weak voice; Lacking clear
clearly shares some does not share voice
expresses thoughts and many thoughts
writer’s feelings and feelings
Word Choice Vivid, precise Accurate word Limited or Very limited
word choice choice repetitive word word choice
Sentences Varied Not as much Too many Many
sentences variety similar fragments and
sentences run-ons
Conventions Excellent Good control, Weak control; Serious errors
control and few errors; errors with that obscure
accuracy; common and common and meaning
common and proper nouns proper nouns
proper nouns generally
used correctly correct
© Pearson Education, Inc., 6

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Name Hachiko

Vocabulary • Suffixes -ly, -ous

• A suffix is a word part added to the end of a base word to change its meaning or the way it is
used in a sentence.
• The suffix -ly means “in a manner that is” or “in a way that is.”
• The suffix -ous means “full of.”

Directions Read the following passage. Then answer the questions below.

Lin frequently watched the ducks to be courageous, but the duck made him
gather in the pond on her grandfather’s too nervous. Instead, Ace retreated and
farm. Winter was coming on quickly, just watched the ducks in frustration. This
and she knew it was soon time for their continued for a week. It appeared that this
migration south. Usually her dog Ace and duck could detect when Ace approached,
the ducks tolerated each other pretty well. and it would rush and flap and quack
For some reason, one of the ducks had riotously. This game between Ace and
become aggressive with Ace. When Ace the duck continued until the ducks finally
approached the flock, it would rush at Ace began their migration south.
with its wings flapping wildly. Ace tried

1. How does the suffix -ly change the meaning of the base word quick in the word quickly?

2. How does the suffix -ous change the meaning of the base word courage in the word courageous?

3. How does the suffix -­ ous change the meaning of the base word nerve in the word nervous?

4. The word riotously contains two suffixes. How is the base word riot changed by adding the
two suffixes? © Pearson Education, Inc., 6

5. Think of another word that ends with either -ly or -ous. Use it in an original sentence that
makes its meaning clear.

Home Activity  Your child read a short passage and identified suffixes at the ends of words. Read a story
with your child and identify the suffixes -ly and -ous at the ends of words in the story. Ask your child how the
suffix changed the meaning of the word.

90  Vocabulary Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1

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Name Hachiko

Card Catalog / Library Database

 card catalog and library database provide information you need to find a book in the library.
• A
The card catalog has drawers with cards in them.
• A
 library database is the online version of a card catalog. Instead of cards, the database has files
called records.
 he cards or records provide information about a book, including its author, title, subject, and
• T
its call number.
• You can search a catalog, online or in cards, by author, title, or subject.

Directions Read the starting search screen for a library database shown below. Then answer the
questions that follow.
Glenside Library
Home Library Hours Story Hour Database

Glenside Free Library Database

Title (exact search)

Title (keywords)
Author (last name, first name)
Author (keywords)
Subject (exact search)
Subject (keywords)
Check a box above and type keywords in the
box below.

1. Which box would you check to find a book about dogs? Which keyword would you type?

2. Which box would you check to find the novel titled My Life in Dog Years? Which keywords
would you type?

3. Which box would you check to find a book by Pamela S. Turner? Which keywords would
© Pearson Education, Inc., 6

you type?

4. Which box would you check to find a book with dogs in its title? Which keyword would you type?

5. Which box would you check to find a book about the caring for puppies? Which keywords would
you type?

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1 Research and Study Skills  91

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Name Hachiko

Directions Look at the search results from a library database. Then answer the questions below.

Glenside Library
Home Library Hours Story Hour Database

Glenside Free Library Database

Search results for Title containing dogs

8 records found Results page 1 of 1

Number Title Year Status

1 Dogs 1985 on shelf
2 The Dog and the Serpent 1996 on shelf
3 Dogs Can’t Count 1992 checked out
4 A Guide to Dogs 1977 on shelf
5 A Dog’s Journey 1996 reserved
6 Statue of a Dog 1966 on shelf
7 Dogs of the World 1996 checked out
8 Show Dogs 1988 on shelf

6. These results are from a search for a title containing the word dogs. How can you tell?

7. How many records were found for this search? How many are shown on this page?

8. If you wanted to check out Dogs of the World today, would you be able to? How do you know?

9. Which book is reserved? What do you think it means for a book to be reserved?

10. Why does Hachiko not appear on this list? © Pearson Education, Inc., 6

Home Activity  Your child learned about using a library database. Go to the library or go to an online library
database with your child. Then search a topic you are both interested in.

92  Research and Study Skills Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1

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Name Hachiko

Plural or Possessive
Proofread a Journal Entry  Read this journal entry. Circle five words that
are spelled incorrectly. Write them correctly on the lines. Find a sentence Spelling
with a punctuation error. Write it correctly on the line. country’s
Dear Journal, its
My nieces moved a month ago, and I still miss them? ours
Suddenly we live in two different countries’. Sometimes theirs
we talk on the phone, but ours conversations are so hers
long that they become to expensive. We write so much library’s
that if we had secretaries’ they’d be busy all the time. libraries’
I probably will always miss my niece’s. libraries
1. ________________ 2. _________________ nieces
3. ________________ 4. _________________ crow’s
5. ________________ witness’s
6. ______________________________________________________ witnesses’
______________________________________________________ secretary’s
Plural or Possessive  For each sentence, decide if the missing word is
plural or possessive. Circle the correct word and write it on the line. Frequently
7. That ___ beak looks very sharp. 7. ______________ Words

crow’s crows too

8. My ___ all have curly hair. 8. ______________
niece’s nieces
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9. Almost all ___ have computers these days. 9. ______________

libraries’ libraries

10. The ___ all agreed on what happened. 10. ______________

witnesses’ witnesses

Home Activity  Your child identified misspelled words. Ask your child to think of and say sentences that
contain list words.

Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1 Spelling  Plural or Possessive  93

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Name Hachiko

Common and Proper Nouns

Directions  Read the passage. Then read each question. Circle the letter of the correct answer.

The American Sewing Machine

(1) Elias Howe was the inventor of the first American sewing machine.
(2) Inventor Howe was born in spencer, massachusetts in July 1819. (3) When he lost
his factory job, he moved to Boston, where he found work in a machine shop and
began to work on a sewing machine that could stitch 250 stitches a minute. (4) It took
eight years until Howe was ready to demonstrate his machine. (5) By then, Mr. Isaac
Singer was hard at work on what became the famous singer sewing machine.
(6) Howe earned close to two million dollars from his invention. (7) During the civil
war he donated part of his wealth to buy uniforms for the Union army.

1 What change, if any, should be made in 4 What change, if any, should be made in
sentence 1? sentence 5?
A Change Elias Howe to elias howe A Change the period to an exclamation
B Change inventor to Inventor point
C Change American to american B Change Mr. to mr.
D Make no change C Change singer sewing machine to
Singer Sewing Machine
2 What change, if any, should be made in D Make no change
sentence 2?
A Change spencer, massachusetts to 5 What change, if any, should be made in
Spencer, Massachusetts, sentence 7?
B Change July to july A Change Union army to union army
C Change Inventor to inventor B Change civil war to Civil War
D Make no change C Change wealth to Wealth
D Make no change
3 What change, if any, should be made in © Pearson Education, Inc., 6

sentence 3?
A Change machine shop to Machine
B Change Boston to boston
C Change sewing machine to Sewing
D Make no change

Home Activity  Your child prepared for taking tests on common and proper nouns. With your child, find four
examples each of common and proper nouns in a newspaper or magazine article.

94  Conventions  Common and Proper Nouns Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook  Unit 1

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