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SQ1: Which of the elements of contemporary art form do you find most fascinating or challenging?
Why do you say so?
- I'd say art that is based on technology. In general, technology supports an artist's creativity
by expanding their horizons while simultaneously reducing the issues they could encounter.
It decreases the time and effort required to make art, allowing artists to ponder on and
grow their creativity.

SQ2: Why are the elements and principles of arts important in creating an art?
- First and probably most important, one cannot make art without at least a couple of them.
Second, knowing the aspects of art allows us to explain what an artist has done, assess what is
going on in a piece, and communicate our findings in a common language.

SQ3: How do artistic elements and principles contribute to create meaning in art?
- The principles are founded on sensory responses to visual input: elements appear to have
weight, movement, and other visual characteristics. The principles guide what happens when
certain pieces are organized in a specific way.

SQ4: Do you agree in the statement that “one of the best ways to improve your craft is by learning
to critique your own work “? Why do you think so?
- I agree with you on this one. As an artist, you must learn to criticize your own work in order to
identify any flaws. It helps you to evaluate each component of your craft to see if they
compliment one another and aid your craft in conveying its message as a whole.

Activity 1: Marvelous Enough

NAME OF ARTWORK: Vamos a Belen series 1998-2004
NAME OF ARTIST: Ramon Obusan

What makes this artwork contemporary?

- Because of how it is viewed, as well as its shape.
How does this artwork reflect the Filipino people of today?
- Obusan had influenced cultural and diplomatic interactions by
utilizing the many facets and dimensions of arts and dance.
Artist Statement

The River of Change

Title of your Work
What did you make? I made an art that shows a path of letting go of yourself for change.
What did you use to make it? I use a bond paper and painted it with water color

How did you make this?
How did you feel while doing it?

Why is the piece of art decided? Do you like it? Describe how you used the elements and principles of
- I decided to make this kind of art mainly because of its thought or let’s say its purpose. In today’s
Many are bullied and discriminated because of their identity. So I made this art to tell the people
Who are still afraid to show who they truly are, we have our freedom to change and be a better
example one day.
1. Variety
2. Balance
3. Appropriation
4. Hybridity
5. movement
6. perspective/real space
7. proportion
8. pattern
9. contemporary art
10. text

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