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wish hope

Watch T.V.
See Did you see the dolphin?
Involuntario/ por casualidad I saw your keys on the table.

Voluntario con dirección
Look at me.
Look at that dog.

I like watching people walk by.
She´s watching T.V.
Con atención durante un tiempo
Seeing She was seeing him.
Ella estaba saliendo con él.

Looking She was looking at him.

Ella lo estaba mirando.

Watching She was watching him.

Ella lo estaba observando.
Mom is seeing the doctor tomorrow.
See We are seeing some friends this weekend.
She is seeing someone else.
Mamá va a ver el doctor mañana.
Vamos a ver unos amigos este fin de semana.
Ella se va a ver con alguien más.

I am watching you.
Watch I am watching a movie.
She is watching those guys
Te estoy viendo.
Estoy viendo una película.
Ella está viendo esos chicos.
See See a movie

Watch Watch a movie

Look at me Mírame
You look good Te ves bien
You look like a model Te ves como una modelo
Look for Buscar
Look out! ¡Cuidado!
What do you look like? ¿Cómo eres?
I look forward to hearing Quedo a la espera de su
From you respuesta
Watch T.V. Ver televisión
Watch a movie Ver una película
Watch videos Ver videos
Watch sports Ver deportes
Watch football Ver futbol
Watch out! ¡Cuidado!
Watch your step! ¡cuidado!
See you Hasta luego
See you later Te veo más tarde
See you soon Hasta pronto
See you tomorrow Hasta mañana
Let me see Déjame ver
Let´s see A ver
We´ll see Ya veremos
As you can see Como puede ver
See you there Te veo ahí
Long time no see Hace tiempo que no nos vemos
Playing – Competition
Tom won a car on a T.V. game show.
Who is winning?

How much do you earn?
I earn 4,000 dollars a month.

To get
I gained a lot of experience
Teaching abroad.
Win the lottery Ganar la lotería
Win a game Ganar un juego
Win a prize Ganar un premio
Win an award Ganar un premio
Did you win? ¿Ganaste?
I always win Siempre gano
You win Tú ganas
Earn money Ganar dinero
Earn a living Ganarse la vida
Earn a salary Ganar un salario
Earn an income Ganar un ingreso
How much do you earn? ¿Cuánto ganas?
I earn a lot of money. Gano mucho dinero
Earn commission on each sale Ganar una comisión en
Cada venta
Gain weight Aumentar de peso
Weight gain Aumento de peso
No pain no gain Sino duele no sirve
Gain experience Ganar experiencia
Gain knoledge Adquirir conocimiento
Gain time Ganar tiempo
Gain Access Acceder
Cerrar con llave
Don´t forget to lock the door
When you go out.

Close the door.
Close your eyes.

Shut the door.

Cerrar / énfasis
Shut your eyes.
Lock the door Cerrar la puerta con llave
Lock your car Cierra tu coche
Lock out Quedarse afuera
Lock in Encerrar
Lock down Confinación
SIM lock Bloqueo de SIM
Under lock and key Bajo llave y cadena
Close the door Cierra la puerta
Close the window Cierra la ventana
Close your book Cierra tu libro
Close your eyes Cierra tus ojos
Close your mouth Cierra tu voca
Close friend Amigo cercano
Very close Muy cercano
Shut up Cállate
Shut the mouth Cállate
Shut it Cállate
Bring me a soda.
They always bring their dog with them.

Here is your pen, I took it by mistake.
Take me to church.

Would you like me to carry your bag?

Llevar / Portar
Police officer in Britain do not carry guns.
Do you take credit cards here?
That´s my final offer. Take it or leave it

¿Aceptan tarjetas de crédito aquí?
Esa es mi oferta minal. La tomas o la dejas.
Somebody took his car.
Llevar /tomar/robar
Let me take you to your room.
Llevar mano/Transportar
She is carrying a baby.
Carry She carried her baby to bed
Take care Tener cuidado
Take care of Encargarse de
Take off Quitarse algo
Take advantage of Aprovecharse de
Take a shower Tomar un baño
Take a picture Tomarse una foto
Take notes Tomar apuntes
Take out Sacar algo
Take it easy Tranquilo
Take for granted Dar por hecho
Carry-on De mano
Carry-on bag Equipaje de mano
Carry-on baggage Aquipaje de mano
Carry a briefcase Llevar un maletín
Carry a gun Portar un arma
Carry an umbrella Llevar un paraguas
Carry out Llevar a cabo
Where did you meet your boyfriend?
Primera vez
I met him at a party.
Meet Nice to meet you.

Have you met Daniel?

Durante tiempo
Do you know Daniel?
Know Yes I know him, he´s my friend.

I´ll meet you at 8:00.

Ana and I meet for lunch once a week.
Nice to meet you Mucho gusto
Nice to meet you too Mucho gusto
Glad to meet you Encantado de conocerte
It was nice to meet you Fue un gusto conocerte
Meet new people Conocer nuevas personas
I want to meet you Quiero conocerte
Can we meet? ¿Podemos vernos?
I don´t know No sé
Let me know Avísame
I know you Te conozco
I know it Lo sé
I know that… Yo sé que…
As you know Como tú sabes
Did you know that…? ¿Sabías que…?
I didn´t know No sabía
I don´t know what to do No sé qué hacer
I don´t know what to say No sé qué decir
Tell Tell me the truth.
Decir con objeto
I told him to come.


I don´t know what to say.

Say He said, “I´m tired”
Decir con objeto
He said to Ana that he was in love with her.

He told Ana that he was in love with her.
How do you say…? ¿Cómo se dice…?
What did you say? ¿Qué dijiste?
Why do you say that? ¿Por qué lo dice?
What do you want me to say? ¿Qué quieres que diga?
If you say so Si tú lo dices
Say hello Decir hola/ saludar
Say goodbye Despedirse
Say something Decir algo
Say it Dilo
Whatever you say Lo que tú digas
Please tell me Dime por favor
Tell me the truth Dime la verdad
Tell me about yourself Cuéntame de ti
Tell me more Cuéntame más
Tell a story Contar una historia
Tell jokes Contar chistes
Don´t tell me No me digas
Empezar (más formal)
What time does the game begin?


Start What time does the game start?

Beginner This class is for beginners.
Esta clase es para principiantes.

We ordered a starter of smoked salmon.

Starter Ordenamos de entrada salmón ahumado.

Start a car Arrancar un carro
Start a machine Prender una máquina
Let´s get started Empecemos
Start a family Empezar una familia
To start with Para empezar
A fresh start Un nuevo inicio
Start something Empezar algo

The car won´t start

What time does the class end?


Finish What time does the class finish?

Poner fin
We have to finish this Project because
There isn´t any money left.


Finish We have to finish this Project by next month.

Terminé de pintar mi casa ayer.

I finished paintig my house yesterday.

I finished doing my homework.
I finished reading the book.
I finished paying my car.
In the end Al final
Come to an end Llegar a un fin
At the end of the day Al final del día
End of story Fin de la historia
Make ends meet Llegar a fin de mes
No end Sin fin
The end justifies the means El fin justifica los medios
Intencional / Con atención
I am listening to you.
Listen to me.

Sin intención/Casualidad
Did you hear that?
Hear That´s what I Heard.
Listen to your heart.
Listen to me, we got to go.
I listen to music in english.

Just sit and listen.
We listened in silence.
Listen carefully.
I can´t hear you.
I Heard a noise.

Have you Heard from Peter?
I Heard you are leaving.
I hadn´t Heard about that.
I hear you Dime por favor
Did you hear that? Dime la verdad
Sorry to hear that Cuéntame de ti
That´s good to hear. Cuéntame más
I didn´t hear you Contar una historia
Contar chistes
No me digas
Intencional / Con atención
I am listening to you.
Listen to me.

Sin intención/Casualidad
Did you hear that?
Wait That´s what I Heard.
Intencional / Con atención
I am listening to you.
Listen to me.

Sin intención/Casualidad
Did you hear that?
Look like That´s what I Heard.
Intencional / Con atención
I am listening to you.
Listen to me.

Sin intención/Casualidad
Did you hear that?
Lend That´s what I Heard.
Intencional / Con atención
I am listening to you.
Listen to me.

Sin intención/Casualidad
Did you hear that?
Beat That´s what I Heard.

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