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Systems Analysis and Design – BIS 636

Project 2

Fromage Global Services, an international IT consulting company, has hired you to

work as an analyst. On your first day at the job your manager informs you that you
will be working as a consultant on a project to develop an information system for a
hospital system in Zimbabwe. The hospital is located in Harare and serves multiple
branches throughout the nation.

Injury Diagnosis System: The purpose of the Injury Diagnosis System is to help
provide efficient care to patients when they sustain an injury. When patients visit
the hospital branches in the countryside for treatment of injuries sustained by them,
they are assigned to a physician after they have checked in. The check in process
involves providing medical history and insurance data. After the check in process is
completed, the physician performs an initial inspection to determine if an X-ray is
needed. If the physician recommends an X-ray then the patient is referred to the
Radiology Services Department (imaging, X-rays etc.) where a nurse/technician
takes a brief medical history and insurance data. Information bottlenecks are
common in the Radiology Services Department leading to increased response time
for treatment adding to the frustration of patients and physicians. Once the patient
information is processed, the patient is positioned on the X-ray equipment and the
nurse/technician takes an X-ray based on the physician’s written orders. After the
X-ray has been completed the patient leaves the lab and waits to hear back from the
physician. The Radiology Services Department forwards the results of the X-ray to
the physician who then reads the X-ray results and recommends appropriate
treatment for the patient. A copy of the X-ray results is eventually provided to the

Administrators and physicians of the hospital are frustrated by the information

bottlenecks in the system and want a system that eliminates information
bottlenecks and helps treat patients on time.

In this project, you will prepare a Business Requirements Document (BRD). The
report should include the following.

 Introduction
o Project summary – overall goal of this project
o Background – business issues/problems, expected benefits
 Project Scope
[Describe what work is in scope for the project, and specifically what work is
out of scope. This is designed to prevent “scope creep” of additional features
and functions not originally anticipated.]
o In scope functionality
o Out of scope functionality
 System Perspective
[Provide a complete description of the factors that could prevent successful
implementation or accelerate the project, particularly factors related to legal
and regulatory compliance, existing technical or operational limitations in the
environment, and budget/resource constraints.]
o Assumptions
o Constraints
o Risks
 Business Requirements
o Identify the system improvement objectives (reference the cause-
effect analysis diagram).
o Identify functional and nonfunctional requirements and prioritize
o System data requirements
 ER Diagram
o System process requirements
 Current business process
 Proposed business process

Include in your Appendix

 Glossary of terms
 Cause effect analysis
 Functional and non-functional requirements
 Fully attributed ERD
 Context diagram
 Please write down the lessons learned from this mini-project. What
challenged you the most and why?

Due Date: August 1, 2021 – 11:59 pm

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