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International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, (ISSN: 2320 5091) (May, 2017) 5 (5)


Phadke Chinmay1, Nilakhe Savita2

MD scholar, 2Associate Professor;
Department of Ayurved Samhita and Siddhant, College of Ayurved, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed
University, Pune, Maharashtra, India


Dhatu Shaithilya is a structural and functional deformity. Shaithilya is an incompact type of union.
Dhatus will acquire Shaithilya at different degrees of Anibidasamyoga. Shaithilya is of two types
Physiological and Pathological. Unless the pathogenesis of Shaithilya is understood the treatment of
same is not possible. In this article study of Shaithilya in different angles is presented. These are
Prakrut-Vikrut Shaithilya, Structural-Functional Shaithilya, Nidan Panchak associated with
Shaithilya and Relation of Shaithilya to Dosha, Dhatu, Mala, Upadhatu. Shaithilya can also be
explained on the basis of the Guna, Karma and body components associated with the
Panchamahabhuta. Study of Shaithilya has different angles to be focused. These are elaborated in
this article.
Keywords: Shaithilya, Shithila, Prameha, Samyoga, Laxity

In India total of 31.16 % (37.7 crore) of is Dhatu Shaithilya which is caused over
population is urban.1 It's seen that their dietary duration due to change in the composition of
habits & behavioral patterns are similar to the Dhatu. This symptom is present in diseases
same described in Charak Samhita as such as Pandu2, Vatarakta3, Sthaulya4,
Gramyahar. Now a days, these factors are also Kushtha5, Prameha, Rajayakshma etc. Unless
being found in rural areas. These factors affect the pathogenesis of Shaithilya related to
the physical as well as mental strength of a various sharir bhavas like Rakta, Mamsa,
person and cause various effects like Meda, Sandhi, Indriya etc. involved in these
dislocation of joints, porosity in bones, diseases is understood the treatment of same is
vitiation of Rakta, hampered ejaculation of not possible. Hence this topic is chosen for
Shukra, Glani, Sada, Shwasa etc. One of those study.
Phadke Chinma&, Nilakhe Savita: Conceptual Study Of Shaithilya

Aim: To study Shaithilya as a concept. Shaithilya at different degrees of

To study the Shaithilya there are scattered
 Carak Samhita with Chakrapāni & references from the Bruhattrayi. When those
Gangādhar commentaries. references are compiled together, correlated
 Sushruta Samhitā with Dalhan & Gayadās and analyzed; vast information about
commentaries. Shaithilya is obtained which may be classified
 Ashtāņga Saņgraha with Indu commentary. as -
 Ashtaņga Hrudaya with Arundatta,
Hemādri & Chaņdranandan commentaries 1. Prakrut-Vikrut Shaithilya
2. Structural-Functional Shaithilya.
Method - Literary Study 3. Nidan Panchak associated with Shaithilya.
 References related to Śaithilya from 4. Relation of Shaithilya to Dosha, Dhatu,
classical Âyurvedic texts & allied classical Mala, Upadhatu.
literature was compiled. MODES OF ACQUIRED SHAITHILYA
 The compiled references were studied & 1. Prakrut-Vikrut Shaithilya
Prakrut Shaithilya term is coined for those
 The concept of Śaithilya from compiled
conditions in which Shaithilya is acquired due
references has been established.
to unavoidable physiological changes in the
body. For e.g. Pittala person has Shithila
Shaithilya is a structural deformity which also
sandhibandha and Shithila Mamsa dhatu due
brings a functional deformity. Chakrapani
to Drava guna of Pitta. Hence it may be
explained it as Anibidasamyogata. (Incompact
related to Jala and Teja Mahabhuta.(See table
type of union) (See table No.1, and Diagram
no. 1) Shaithilya is an incompact type of union
of two bhava padartha. To understand this Vikrut Shaithilya term is coined to those
concept; an example is given by Chakrapani; conditions which arise due to some
as, if tough treads are woven loosely pathological changes. This is described under
ultimately the resultant cloth will not have Classification according to Hetu, Samprapti,
compactness and hence the strength. In the Purvarupa, Rupa, Upadrava, Arishta/Asadhya
same way even if paramanus of a dhatu are of lakshana associated with Shaithilya. (See table
best quality but being arranged loosely then no.3)
the dhatu thus formed will not have required
2. Structural-Functional Shaithilya
compactness. That condition is known as
Structural Shaithilya – Actual structural
Shaithilya. This will be graver with a
change in a sharir bhava resulting in Anibida
decreasing quality of dhatu paramanus. The
Samyoga is termed as Structural Shaithilya in
degree of normal compactness of each dhatu is
this study. E.g. Sandhi Shaithilya in
different. Hence different dhatus will acquire
Rajayakshma samprapti, Sandhi Shaithilya

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Phadke Chinma&, Nilakhe Savita: Conceptual Study Of Shaithilya

due to ratha-kshobha. This will also elicit a 4 References of Purish undergoing Shaithilya
functional deformity/debility. are found.
Functional Shaithilya – Shaithilya causing References stating Specific Avayava Shaithilya
deformity in normal functioning of body parts. include Linga Shaithilya as Rupa in klaibya,
E.g. Javoparodha is seen as an effect of Parva Shaithilya as in vyapad of ratha-
Shaithilya in medo dhatu in sthaulya. kshobha, lasika Shaithilya as in Kushtha.
Danta Shaithilya presenting asadhya laxana in
3. Nidan Panchak associated with
visha peeta condition are the conditions in
which Shaithilya is found in a particular
When direct references of word Shaithilya Organ.
were analyzed according to nidana Panchaka
References of Shaithilya in rasa, Majja as
it was found that this deformity is present from
dhatu and Mutra, Sweda as mala are not
purvarupa till the Arishta lakshana in various
directly stated in Samhitas but in Prameha,
conditions. The obtained information is
Shithilangata is a Purvarupa and in Dushya
presented in the table.(See table no. 3)
sangraha of prameha, Majja, Rasa and Ambu
Charak samhita and both Vagbhatacharya are stated. Hence it is understood that Rasa,
stated Shaithilya as purvarupa in Prameha but Majja, Mutra and Sweda also undergo
Acharya Sushruta mentioned it as Upadrava. Shaithilya in Prameha.
Bruhatrayi states Shaithilya as purvarupa in
Vatarakta but they differ in Avayava – Sandhi DISCUSSION
Shaithilya as per Charaka, Paad Shaithilya as According to the references Shaithilya is a
per Sushruta & anga Shaithilaya as per state of incompact union and Samhanana is a
Sangraha are stated as purvarupa in state of Compact union. Hence these
Vatarakta. conditions are exactly opposite to each other.
Prakrut Shaithilya includes following
4. Relation of Shaithilya to Dosha, Dhatu,
Mala, Upadhatu. conditions.
During the summer season there is great
All the three Dosha take part in Shaithilya & discomfort in the body because of the
except Pitta Kshaya all kshaya and vruddhi of affliction with excessive heat. Doshas remain
Doshas are directly associated in generating excessively detached due to their excessive
Shaithilya. Shaithilya caused by the contact with the
There are direct references of 5 dhatu Ushna Guna.
responsible for Shaithilya. Namely Rakta, Kleda causes Shaithilya in the food particles
Mamsa, Medo, Asthi and Shukra. during digestion. This also suggests the action
Among Upadhatu Twak, Sira and Snayu of Kleda on tissues. If it stagnates in a tissue in
mentioned as Sandhibandha acquire Shaithilya excess quantity, it will cause Shaithilya of that
according to these direct references. tissue. This will be Structural deformity along
with functional impairment.

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Phadke Chinma&, Nilakhe Savita: Conceptual Study Of Shaithilya

In Pitta dominant person Shaithilya is due to Shaithilya is also suggestive of fore coming
Drava attribute of Pitta. death in combination with other specific
As soon as sweating is noticed, one should symptoms as mentioned in Arishtas.
conclude that the stagnant doshas have moved Shaithilya is multi factorial deformity. Hence
from their locations to the alimentary canal. it should be studied in various ways. Scholar
Here the word Shaithilya is used in a sense to has attempted to study Shaithilya in few
describe detachment of stagnant doshas. aspects.
In old age Sara becomes Shithila. Here again
instability suggest a functional Saithilya and There is further scope to continue the study of
incompactness suggests structural Shaithilya. Shaithilya by adding clinical assessment of
In the context of Asannaprasava Gaṅgādhara Shaithilya. If one could diagnose and assess
comments on Shaithilya of eyes, as inability to Shaithilya it will be a golden opportunity to
open and close. In the same context prevent it from generating any further disease.
Aruṇadatta comments as Shaithilya is a Objective Assessment of Shaithilya could be
feeling as if eyes are being slightly moved developed as common pre-diagnostic criteria
from their site. Hence, here, both structural of above mentioned diseases. Also controlled
and functional Shaithilya can be understood. trials of specific Aushadh, Anna and Vihar can
During onset of Bhōjanakāla, samāna vayu is be arranged to find out a method to counter
in active mode. Also Kshudha Vega is there. Shaithilya.
In this condition Shaithilya occurs as a
Shaithilya is a step in pathogeneses of various 1. Shaithilya is multi factorial deformity.
diseases like Kushtha, Sthaulya, Prameha, 2. Shaithilya is a common step in
Rajayakshma, Pandu. Shaithilya is also found pathogenesis of various diseases.
as a primordial symptom in Prameha and 3. Shaithilya can be generated by any Dosha
Vatarakta. It is one of the symptoms in in Any dhatu except Asthi as well as 3
conditions such as Pitta asrśa, Pakvaśōpha, Upadhatu, 1 mala and 9 organs.
Grahaṇī, Sthaulya, Klaibya, Asthikṣaya, 4. Shaithilya is also a factor which causes a
kaphakṣaya, kaphavr̥ddhī, raktakṣaya and disease to become Krucchrasadhya.
Shaithilya can arise as complication in Sutika REFERENCES
if adviced regimn is not followed. This causes 1.
a disease in sutika to become Krucchra Sadhya /PCA/PCA_Highlights/pca_highlights_file
hence it also provides a valuable aspect for /India/Chapter-1.pdf
judging the prognosis. Hence it should be 2. Charak Samhita by Agnivesha with
diagnosed as early as possible and treated as Chakrapani tika, Edited by Vd. Yadavji
early as possible. Trikamji Acharya, Published by
Chaukhamba Prakashan, Varanasi, Reprint
in 2013, Page no. 526,.

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Phadke Chinma&, Nilakhe Savita: Conceptual Study Of Shaithilya

3. Sushruta Samhita by Sushruta with office, Varanasi, Edition 2008, Page

Dalhana tika, Edited by Vd. Yadavji no.184,.
Trikamji Acharya, Published by 5. Ashtanga Hrudaya By Vagbhata with
Chaukhamba Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, Aruṇadatta and Hemādri tika, Edited by
Reprint in 2013, Page No. 264. Vd. Hari Sadashivashastri Paradkar,
4. Ashtang Sangraha By Vagbhata with indu Published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit
Tika, Edited by Dr. Shivprasad Sharma, Sansthan, Varanasi, Reprint in 2012, Page
Published by Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series no. 524.

Table 1: Shaithilya Vs Samhanana

Shaithilya (Chakrapani – Cha.Sha.4/14) Samhanana (Chakrapani – Cha.Vi.8/116)
Anibida-samyogata Nibida-sandhanata
State of an incompact union State of a compact union

Diagram 1 :- Shaithilya Diagram 2 :- Samhanan

Table 2: Prakrut Shaithilya.(Cha. – Charak Samhita, Su. – Sushrut Samhita, A.San. – Ashtanga
Sangraha, Vi.- Vimana Sthana, Sha.- Sharira Sthana, Chi.- Chikitsa Sthana, U.- Uttara tantra.)
Reference Topic Sutra Sharir Bhava Guna Mahabh
uta Avoid Shodhana in śariraṁ…… śarira, dōṣa Ushna Teja
Grishma atiśithilamatyarthapravilīnadōṣaṁ

Cha.Sha.6/15 āhārapariṇāmakar klēdaḥ śaithilyamāpādayati Jala

a bhāva
Cha.Vi.8/97 Symptoms in Pitta dravatvācchithilamr̥dusandhibamdhamāṁs sandhibamdh Drava Teja,
dominant Person āḥ a (Snāyu), Jala
Su.Chi.33/7 Mode of action of tasya ca svēdaprādurbhāvēṇa Dosha Ushna, Agni,
Vaman drug. śithilatāmāpannaṁ ……jānīyāt Tikshna, Vayu.
A.San.Sha.8/2 Old age vr̥ddhē tu......tasminmārutōdrēkaḥ tēna Sāra(Oja), Ruksha Vāta
2 ślathasāramāṁsasandhyasthitā māṁsa,
sandhi, asthi

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Phadke Chinma&, Nilakhe Savita: Conceptual Study Of Shaithilya

Cha.Sha.8/36 prajananakāla akṣṇōḥ śaithilyaṁ, Netra, Vakṣa, Chala Vāta

liṅga vimuktabandhanatvamiva vakṣasaḥ, kukṣi
Su.U.64/84 Āhāra kāla kukṣau ca śithilē pradēyastvāhārō bhavati kukṣi

Table 3: Nidan panchak associated with Shaithilya. (Cha. – Charak Samhita, Su. – Sushrut Samhita, A.San. – Ashtanga
Sangraha, A.Hr.-Ashtanga Hrudaya)
Samprāp Pāṇḍu Rājayak Sthaul Pram Kuṣṭ
ti ṣmā ya eha ha
Pūrvarūp Prameha Vātarak
a (Cha., ta
Rūpa Pitta Pakvaś Ratha Vyavā Gra Sthaulya - Klaib asthik kap kap rakta māṁsa
asrśa, ōpha - kṣōbh ya - haṇī javōparōdh ya - ṣaya - hakṣ havr̥ kṣaya kṣaya -
Raktārśa tvak a - sandh - viṭ a śaithilya liṅga sandh aya ddhī - sirā ḍhama
(viṭ) sandh i i nī
Upadrav Prameha Sūtikā
a (Su.) Paricar
yā – If
Ariṣṭa, Piṇḍikā - Sandhib Viṭ - Siprāy Viṣa
Maraṇa, sadyaḥ andha - sadya antē pīta
Asādhya sadyaḥ ḥ gātrā

Source of Support: Nil

Conflict Of Interest: None Declared

How to cite this URL: Phadke Chinma&, Nilakhe Savita: Conceptual Study Of Shaithilya. International Ayurvedic Medical
Journal {online} 2017 {cited May, 2017} Available from:

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