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The University of Hong Kong

Urban Studies Students’ Association


21​st​ September 2015
28​th ​February 2017
22​nd​ July 2017

Section I: Definition
Section II: General
Section III: Terms of Membership
Section IV: General Meeting
Section V: Executive Committee
Section VI: Finance
Section VII: Interpretation and Amendment of Constitution

Section I: Definition

Term Meaning
“AGM” Annual General Meeting
“EGM” Extraordinary General Meeting
“HKU” The University of Hong Kong

Section II: General

2.1 Name

The full Chinese name shall be “​香港大學城市研究學會​”. The full English name
shall be “Urban Studies Students’ Association, the University of Hong Kong”,
hereafter referred to as “USSA, HKU”.

2.2 Affiliation Status

USSA, HKU is an independent association.

2.3 Aims

a) To become a bridge connecting the members of USSA, HKU and teaching

b) To represent the interests of members within and outside the

c) To work for the benefit of the members’ intellectual and social welfare.

2.4 Official Language

Both English and Chinese are official languages of USSA, HKU and enjoy equal status.
Either language can be used in official documents.

Section III: Terms of Membership

3.1 Types of Membership

a) Full Membership
b) Associate Membership
c) Honorary Membership

3.2 Eligibility of Membership

a) Full Membership

Only students majoring in Urban Studies can register with USSA, HKU as a Full
Member upon the payment of the annual membership fee.

b) Associate Membership

Students minoring in Urban Studies and postgraduates students under the

Department of Urban Planning and Design, HKU can register with USSA, HKU as
an Associate Member upon the payment of the annual membership fee.

c) Honorary Membership

Anyone who had contributions towards USSA, HKU is eligible to be the

Honorary Member with the appointment in the General Meeting.

3.3 Rights of the Members

a) All members are entitled to participate in the activities held by USSA, HKU.
b) All members have the right to attend and speak in any General Meeting.
c) All Full Members have the right to move and to second motions, and to vote in
any General Meeting.
d) All Full Members are eligible to nominate or be nominated in an election.

3.4 Responsibilities of Members

All members are obligated to abide by the constitution and resolution of General

3.5 Membership Fee

All members have to pay the annual membership fee of which the amount shall be
approved by the two​-thirds of the cabinet.

3.6 Terms of Memberships

a) The term of Full Membership and Associate Membership shall start from 1​st
August and ends on 31​st​ July.
b) The term of Honorary Membership shall be permanent.

Section IV: General Meeting

4.1 General

The General Meetings are highest authority of USSA, HKU.

4.2 Authority

Any resolution in a General Meeting has supreme authority.

4.3 Quorum

The quorum of any General Meeting is twenty percent of Full Members of USSA,

4.4 Conventions

a) The Honorary Chairperson shall be appointed for any General Meeting by the
current Executive Committee seven days prior to an AGM and three days for an
b) The Honorary Secretary shall be appointed for any General Meeting by the
current Executive Committee seven days prior to an AGM and three days for an
c) All Full Members of USSA, HKU shall be informed of the arrangements including
the date, time, venue and the agenda of the AGM at least 168 hours (seven days)
before the commencement of the meeting and 72 hours (three days) for an EGM
through mass email.
d) Any General Meeting shall be conducted in either Chinese or English.

4.5 Annual General Meeting

a) Convention

The AGM shall be held every year within the period 1​st​ February to 31​st​ March.

b) Functions

I. To receive and adopt the agenda.

II. To receive and adopt the minutes of the previous AGM and
EGM(s). (if any)
III. To receive and adopt the Annual Functional Report of the present
session. (if any)
IV. To receive and adopt the Annual Financial Report of the present session.
(if any)
V. Election of executive committee of the next session.
VI. To receive and adopt the Year Plan and Financial Budget of the
incoming Session.

4.6 Extraordinary General Meeting

a) Convention

An EGM is held upon

I. the request of the current Executive Committee, or

II. the written request of not less than twenty percent of Full
Members of USSA, HKU.

b) Functions

I. To deal with special matters arising in the session.

II. To propose a vote of confidence or non-​confidence of any current

Executive Committee member.

III. To elect new Executive Committee member(s).

IV. To propose any amendment to be made to the constitution.

V. To propose any addition or cancellation of functions in the Year Plan.

4.7 Vote of Non-​confidence

The vote of Non-​confidence shall be passed with a two-thirds majority in that EGM
and call for immediate resignation of the person(s) whom the vote(s) is/are moved
against to.

4.8 General Meeting Regulations

a) Only Full Members shall have the right to propose and to second motions,
and to vote in all General Meetings.
b) Non​-members attending the General Meetings shall not have the right to speak unless
prior approval by Chairperson of the meeting is obtained.

Section V: Executive Committee

5.1 Authority

The Executive Committee shall be the executive body of USSA, HKU.

5.2 Composition

The Executive Committee shall comprise of a maximum of 13 posts, in which

Chairperson and Financial Secretary are mandatory:

a) The Chairperson
b) Vice Chairperson
c) General Secretary
d) Financial Secretary
e) One or two Social Secretary(ies)
f) One or two Welfare Secretary(ies)
g) One or two Publicity and Publication Secretary(ies)
h) One or two Marketing Secretary(ies)

5.3 Duties of Individual Executive Member

a) Chairperson

Take chair in all Executive Meetings and coordinate the work of the
Executive Committee.

b) Vice Chairperson

Assist the Chairperson in all matters. Act on behalf of the Chairperson on the
absence of the Chairperson. Co-​ordinate the work of the Executive Committee.

Maintain close relationships with the department and other student
representatives in the University.

c) General Secretary

Assist the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson in the discharge of their duties.
Record Executive Committee Meetings minutes.

d) Financial Secretary

Be responsible for all financial matters of USSA, HKU.

e) Social Secretary

Be responsible for all social activities of USSA, HKU.

f) Welfare Secretary

Promote the general welfare of the members of USSA, HKU.

g) Publicity and Publication Secretary

Be responsible for all matters related to the publicity and publications of USSA,
HKU and its programs.

h) Marketing Secretary

Be responsible for the solicitation and management of sponsorships and other

related matters of USSA, HKU.

5.4 Election of Executive Committee

a) The nomination shall be opened at least four weeks before the AGM and the
nomination of the Executive Committee of the new session shall reach the current
Executive Committee at least one week before the AGM since the second cabinet.
b) The nomination of the Executive Committee of the new session shall be in the form
of a cabinet.
c) The Executive Committee of the new session shall submit a Year Plan and a Financial
Budget to the current Executive Committee at least four weeks before the AGM.
d) The election shall be held in the form of polling.
e) The polling shall be held in the form of individual posts.
f) The polling shall be held at least ten days before the AGM, last for at least two days,
and notify members at least two days before the start of the polling.

g) The result of the polling shall be declared valid provided the number of votes cast is
not less than twenty percent of Full Members and no complaint is received.
h) The candidate shall be declared elected provided the candidate has secured a
number of votes for him/her greater than the number of votes against and abstain
i) Counting of votes shall be opened to all members at least seven days before AGM.
Announcement of the polling results shall be made at least seven days before the
AGM if no complaint is received.
j) Any complaint concerning the conduct of the polling procedure shall be lodged with
the Chairperson of the current Executive Committee within twenty-four hours after
the announcement of counting results and shall be signed by the complainant and
two seconders.
k) If the Nominated Chairperson or Financial Secretary secured the aggregate number
of votes against and abstain votes exceeding the number of for votes, the
nomination of the Executive Committee of the new session, polling, counting and
announcement section shall start again. The polling shall be conducted before 21​st

5.5 Functions

a) To formulate the policies of USSA, HKU in accordance with its objectives.

b) To carry out the resolutions of the General Meetings of USSA, HKU.
c) To act as a supervisory body of the members over the affairs of USSA, HKU.

5.6 Executive Committee Meetings

a) Executive Committee meetings shall be conducted at least once every two

b) Executive Committee meetings shall be conducted upon request of the
Chairperson of USSA, HKU or upon request of a simple majority of the Executive
Committee members.
c) A simple majority of the Executive Committee members shall form a quorum
of all Executive Committee meetings.

5.7 Resignation of Executive Committee Members

a) In case of the resignation of the Chairperson, an EGM shall be conducted to elect

a new Chairperson among the Executive Committee members. The Vice
Chairperson shall take the responsibility to be the acting Chairperson until a new
Chairperson is elected.
b) In case of any resignation of the Executive Committee members other than the
Chairperson, the vacancy shall be filled in by any Full Member appointed by the
current Executive Committee in a General Meeting convened for that purpose.

5.8 Session

The session of the Executive Committee shall commence once elected at the AGM and
terminate at the next AGM.

Section VI: Finance

6.1 Financial Year

The Financial Year of USSA, HKU shall coincide with the Session of USSA, HKU.

6.2 Financial Report

Annual Financial Report shall be prepared by the Financial Secretary of USSA, HKU
before the AGM.

6.3 Income

a) The income of USSA, HKU shall include annual membership fee,

sponsorships and surplus from functions organized by USSA, HKU.
b) Fees for annual membership fee and activities are non​-refundable unless
otherwise specified.

6.4 Use of income

The income of USSA, HKU shall be used for service expenses of USSA, HKU.

6.5 Management of Cash Box

The Cash Box of USSA, HKU shall be kept by the Financial Secretary. Another
Executive Committee shall be authorized to be responsible for the
management of Cash Box if one is both the Chairperson and Financial Secretary.

Section VII: Interpretation and Amendment of Constitution

7.1 Interpretation

The interpretation of the constitution shall rest with the Executive Committee unless
revoked by a two​-thirds majority in a General Meeting.

7.2 Amendment
Any amendment of the constitution shall be passed with a two-​thirds majority in an
AGM or an EGM with the proposed amendment announced seven clear days prior
to the meeting.

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