Cloud Business Intelligence

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S. Satyanarayana et al.

/ IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844

Cloud Business Intelligence

Assoc.Professor of CSE,
M.Tech Students,,
K L University, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh, India

Abstract. Cloud Computing is a buzzword current economic crisis increasingly oriented

for web infrastructure. Cloud Computing is ICT (Information and Communication
not a completely new concept, it has Technologies) industry to effectiveness by
intricate connection to the established Grid providing new models of provision,
Computing paradigm, and other relevant management and IT (Information
technologies such as utility computing, Technology) security.
cluster computing and distributed systems in In this context, the organizations are being
general. Business Intelligence(BI) refers to rethought, emphasizing on the flexibility and
computer-based techniques used in spotting, strong sensitivity to environment and the use
digging-out ,and analyzing business data, of strategic systems in real time. Also, there
such as sales revenue by products and is the shift from strategic planning to
departments or associated costs and incomes. strategic vision and the management
Business Intelligence technologies provide instruments have new tendencies and
historical, current, and predictive views of approaches, in order to be use defectively.
business operations. Common functions of Therefore, organizations felt the need for
Business Intelligence technologies are proactive, integrating instruments, with
reporting, online analytical strong impact compared to conventional
processing(OLAP), analytics, data mining, reports, dashboards, an analyses by OLAP
business performance management, text systems. In addition, the current management
mining and predictive analytics. passes through the transition from certainty
Integrating BI with Cloud activities to the management under crisis
Computing will bring revolutionary changes conditions that requires innovation and
in business analytics. Implementing BI in ingenuity.
Cloud Computing allows users to access data In the present economy, each organization
from anywhere in the world. To access tends at becoming an intelligent organization
business operations in a Cloud in a simple and at gaining competition advantage on the
way Business Intelligence applications are market by the use of new and innovative BI
required. solutions. Integration of a BI solution
involves a large human and financial capital,
1. Business Intelligence and Cloud for many small and medium-sized
Computing organizations this representing an objective
In the face of current global crisis, the to attain and not a reality. Also, under
organizations can expect the increased conditions of recession businesses must use
uncertainty of their existence. The nature and all the opportunities to maximize
the structure of the current dynamic word performance and minimize costs. Under these
cause that nowadays, in times of uncertainty, conditions, large investments in traditional BI
risks and incomplete information, the crisis solutions are often unpractical and
becomes a feature of modern business, not unattractive, while popular solutions based
the state of emergency. Meanwhile, the on Cloud Computing, called Cloud BI or

S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
Software as a Services BI or BI services on environments, and of specific elements of
demand are increasingly popular. Integration each organization.
of a Cloud BI solution has special interest for Initially, cloud-based solutions have been
organizations that desire to improve agility designed for small and medium-sized
while at the same time reducing IT costs and organizations, as a means to ensure increased
exploiting the benefits of Cloud Computing agility at low cost. Recently, an increasing
Cloud Computing represents one of the number of large organizations are analyzing
significant trends in the development of the possibility of rapid integration of new
provision, management and security of IT solutions and the use of Cloud Computing,
within an organization. At the present, Cloud but it still remains mostly suited for small
Computing has no universally accepted and medium-sized organizations. As a result,
definition. NIST(National Institute of the used for all organizations, especially in
Standards and Technology) and CSA (Cloud the field of BI .
Security Alliance) represent a basis for Success in using Cloud Computing
defining it, as a model that provides on opportunities depends on condition existing
demand network access to a common reserve within the organization and on understanding
of configurable computing resources (for of the main benefits and risks of Cloud
example, networks, servers, storing, Computing (figure 1), described in detail in
applications and services). These may be along recommendations on addressing risks
available quickly and with minimal and maximizing benefits. These are different
management effort or service provider according to the service models (IAAS –
involvement. In order to better understand Infrastructure as a Service, PAAS -Platform
the concept of Cloud Computing, we present as a Service, SAAS - Software as a Service)
below its main features and to the development models (private
- abstract computing and IT service oriented cloud, community cloud, public cloud, and
approach; hybrid cloud)implemented within the
- virtual, dynamic, scalable and massive organization. Concerning the risks of Cloud
infrastructure; Computing integration, approximately 75%
- shared, configurable, flexible, dynamic of the Chief Information Officers and IT
resources; specialists consider security as the number
- accessible via internet from any device; one risk . The main security risks are: loss of
- platform with minimal management or self- governance, lock-in, isolation failure,
management; compliance risks, management interface
- utilization model based on self-service; compromise, data protection, insecure or
- charging based on consumption (measured incomplete data deletion, malicious insider
service). Moreover, the security of Cloud BI
A recent study shows that 71% of the application is vital, as these applications
organizations consider Cloud Computing a involve the transfer of decision support data
realistic technological option, 70% believe between cloud and networks. As a result,
that it would lead to increased business security standards for transmitted data are
flexibility, 62% consider that it would speed
up response to market conditions, and 65%
consider that it would lead to increased focus
on the main aspects of business. At the
present there are few organizations that use
Cloud Computing ,mainly due to a lack of
proper understanding of architecture, of
payment models, of different business

S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
very important in choosing a Cloud BI solutions to Cloud Computing. The migration
will take place gradually and, for a long
Considerations for BI in the cloud period of time, the SaaS software and the
traditional software will coexist inside the
Questions to Consider
Data Size 2. Strategy for the integration of a Cloud
Scale out vs Scale up Business Intelligence solution
App Dependencies Integration of a Cloud BI solution needs a
Latency Requirements very well defined strategy that would involve
Data Sensitivity Cloud Computing capabilities. As an
SLA Requirements important part of the IT strategy of the
Regulation & Compliance organization,it should adjust itself to it.
Success of the implementation depends on
the existence of a service oriented strategy at
the level of the organization, which would
provide the necessary infrastructure for the
Cloud implementation. Without SOA and
BPM, integration of a BI solution based on
Cloud Computing serves no financial
purpose, involving high costs for engineering
of the present systems [3]. Also, in order to
be successful, Cloud strategy has to be in
accord with the business strategy of the
organization .Based on recent research on
integration of a BI solution and transition to
Cloud Computing ([2], [1] ) we propose the
following strategy of implementation of a
Cloud BI solution in six stages (figure 2).

Figure 1. Benefits and risks associated to

the Cloud BI solution
The problem of choosing one of the solutions
of providing BI appears mainly in the
business models of organizations that have an
IT infrastructure. In are detailed the criteria Figure 2. Stages of Cloud BI integration
of identifying opportunities for adopting strategy
Cloud Computing by organizations. The 1. Initiation
specialists in this field consider that there This stage includes identifying and setting
will not be a complete migration from BI the hierarchy of business objectives,
S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
assessing the budget needed to use the Cloud
BI solution, setting up the work team, the
deadlines and the resources for
implementation and maintenance. Also,
within this stage must be identified the
business’ users that will perform the Cloud
BI solution management and have to be
involved in the following stages. The Cloud
BI strategy work team must include IT
personnel as well as business chiefs. They
will communicate with internal and external
stakeholders concerning objectives, progress,
costs and benefits for each cloud project.
2. Analysis and evaluation of the present
stage of business
For the success of the Cloud BI strategy it is Figure 3. SOA and CC [18]
essential to identify resources used in the 3. Designing the Cloud BI solution
daily operations and in establishing the The key objective of this stage is defining a
internal operation base. Also, at the level of method for the replication of traditional
the organization, the present needs and solutions using the cloud technologies
possible opportunities of a Cloud BI solution (public or private) when these make sense.
have to be identified. Therefore, the present Also, there have to be defined the essential
stage of business has to be analyzed and elements that will be the starting points in
evaluated both from an internal and an designing future architectures . The result of
external perspective of the business, putting this stage is a Cloud BI solution that fully
the stress on the culture and value of uses the benefits provided by Cloud
business, on important business processes Computing and BI for the business
and business infrastructure. Evaluation of operations, the infrastructure and the existing
business infrastructure involves, among other applications. Designing of the Cloud BI
things, analysis of management and security solution may be achieved through the
of applications, data storage, finding and following steps
classifying data .At the level of the a) Mapping BI requirements and IT culture
organization, Cloud Computing may be according to one of the Cloud Computing
considered an extension of SOA. From this models. The key for the success of the Cloud
point of view it is important to identify data, BI strategy is obtaining the correct
services, and processes that are suitable combination between the cloud and internal
candidates to reside in the Cloud, and the development for taking advantage of both
cloud services that have to be abstracted solutions. Transition to the cloud may be
inside SOA (figure 3). achieved gradually, and the software
provision models will coexist for a period of
time(figure 4). Taking into account the fact
that most organizations are using hybrid
models of Cloud Computing, maintaining
key elements of their in house infrastructure,
under direct control and externalizing the less
sensitive components,
strategic analyses have to be made in order to
choose the implementation solution
,concerning the decision of
S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
integration/migration. These two options may Due to the profound changes on the
be used for the gradual transition of existing technological market generated by the
applications to Cloud Computing, for globalization and the new economy, the
example, starting with the testing of a pilot relation between the forces present in the
project in the cloud and externalizing then field of BI and Cloud Computing may gain
the whole infrastructure. new valences and polarizations. As a result,
b) Identification and evaluation of the the evaluation of solutions/providers has to
different plans of verification of the benefits be done based on the most recent sources
of the Cloud BI solution. For the evaluation (provider, consulting firms, the newest
of different plans, must be analyzed the types articles), the rest of the sources of
of criteria determining the opportunity of a information representing the grounds for
Cloud BI solution in a specific situation , obtaining a global image of the market of BI
such as: level of personalization of data in Cloud Computing (figure 5). Within this
sources; priority of BI solution on the list of stage takes place the analysis and testing of
internal IT projects; considerations regarding Cloud BI solutions, the selection of candidate
security, risks, regulatory and privacy issues; solutions, identification of major changes and
development of organization and obtaining insurance from the selected Cloud
applications. BI providers.
c) Identification of the main Cloud BI The model of decision for choosing the
providers that meet the operational, technical Cloud BI solution combines strategic factors
and business requirements. Identification and techniques with cost-benefit analyses for
may be achieved based on information from decisions of migration, versus integration or
search engines, consulting firms, and from keeping in house (figure 6). The major
other sources. Selection of candidate decisions, in this model, are: _ strategic
platforms may be made between the analyses for grounding decisions of
traditional BI providers that have adapted migration/integration/keeping based on
their offer to the cloud or/and the new business factors; _ architectural analyses
providers specialized in BI products in cloud. based on intangible cost-benefit analyses of
strategic decisions and _ the selected solution
based on the analyses made. The process of
selecting the Cloud BI strategy is iterative
and is based on the results of the technical
and economical analyses. Every iteration
identifies and eliminates the platforms of
solutions that are unacceptable or
unavailable, configurations that are too
expensive or solutions with an unacceptable
level of solutions.

4. Evaluation and selection of Cloud BI


S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
processes toward the cloud, with possible
returns from the cloud to operations hosted
internally (figure 7). This is achieved through
continuous evaluations of the benefits of
cloud technologies. Also, implementation
involves setting a flexible program of risk
management (to cope with IT risks that are
increasing continually), testing the solution’s
performance and the management of

Figure 6. Decision model for choosing a

Cloud BI solution
Based on the final offer of the provider, the
team will measure the impact on the
organization of the selected solution,
assessing costs and benefits in order to
determine the opportunity of integration and Figure 7. Implementation of Cloud BI
the key elements under negotiation .Finally, strategy
based on the offer and the model of contract, Migration of data, services and processes to
the contractual elements are negotiated: the Cloud platform must be achieved based
price, service conditions, payment, on well defined models/strategies. Every
obligations of the parties, etc., and the migration model involves specific objectives,
contract is closed. In selecting a BI solution, according to the policies of the organization,
organizations have to take into account the the control and security of information. Data
newest trends on the BI and Cloud migration must be achieved by keeping the
Computing market, the present and future optimal balance between data accuracy,
needs and the opportunity of integration. In speed of migration, time of non-operation
order to be successful, the selection of a and minimal costs (figure 8).Utilization of a
Cloud BI solution has to be achieved Cloud BI solution involves changes in the
objectively by a team of specialists based on manipulation of processes, such as data
good criteria that have been analyzed and processing, development, receipt of
weighted accord into the present and future information, means of storage, archiving and
needs of the organization. saving data, etc. Migration of critical
applications and infrastructure to the Cloud
5. Implementation of the Cloud BI strategy. and maintaining the business activity
Implementation of the solution may be involves important human resources for the
achieved in iterative stages, through management of sensitive data and of
continuous transmission of data, services and applications during migration. At the end of

S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
the solution’s implementation takes place the
training of users in operating the new 3. Analysis of the opportunity of using a
systems. Cloud BI solution
Evaluation of a Cloud BI solution represents
a difficult process of analyzing risks and
associated costs and benefits by a team of
managerial staff and ITC specialists. Initial
evaluation is followed by a series of analyses
taking place after each year of use in order to
check the initial estimations and to possible
correct the way of operation. At the present
there are different types of cost-benefit
analyses, providing an image on the
costs/benefits involved by Cloud Computing
(e.g.: where models are limited mainly to the
measurement of costs and savings) and
Business Intelligence .The approach
proposed in this article provides a perspective
on the calculation of ROI (Return of
Investment) indicator associated to a BI
solution in the Cloud environment, stressing
the difference between the traditional means
and Cloud Combining
The problem of choosing between one of
the two solutions or the use of hybrid
solution appears generally within
Figure 8. Migration of data to the Cloud organizations with a certain level of ITT he
6. Management of the Cloud BI solution selected Cloud BI solution and the transition
At the level of the organization must be strategy (e.g. integration or partial/total
present a management model that should migration) will influence the calculation of
include policies on security, the management the ROI indicator within the organisation
of applications and infrastructure, risk
management and continuous evaluation of Table 2. High level risks specific to Cloud
the Cloud BI solution. An efficient Computing
management is essential for any quality
management program. It supports proactive
ensuring of quality by measuring and
improving processes, procedures and
services. Besides the typical components
under the audit of a BI solution, detailed in,
in monitoring the Cloud BI solution must be
taken into account the specific elements of
Cloud Computing environment. Among the
most important are: monitoring URLs,
monitoring system resources, monitoring log
files, event management, multi-client
capabilities, evaluation of contracts with
providers. Successful implementation of Cloud BI
solution depends on adequate risk
S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
management. The result will be that you
minimize the impact of project threats and
seize the opportunities that occur The 10
golden rules to apply risk management
successfully in your project, described in
are: make risk management part of your
project; identify risks early in your project;
communicate about risks; consider both
threats and opportunities; clarify ownership
issues; prioritize risks; analyze risks; plan
and implement risk responses; register
project risks; track risks and associated tasks
Generally, the risk management activity is
perceived to be an efficient one in case in
Romanian organizations. A significant part of
respondents indicated that risk management
is a key function of their company; it’s Figure 9. Information to manage project
integrated in the culture of the company and risks
Among the tools that can be used in risk
is a source for competitive advantages. management, remember Project Future,
Organizations use different tools/products for which offers all the benefits mentioned above
risk management and analysis of different or The @ Risk for Project informatics
scenarios. Any instrument should provide at product that allows the achievement of a plan
least the following benefits: rather flexible to the modifications which
could occur during the business development
• Risk Manager: define risk strategies, and applies to sensitivity analysis and
prioritize risks and take action (figure9); scenarios analysis. The @ Risk adds over 37
• Risk Analyzer: analyze the causes and probability distribution functions to
effects of project risks; Microsoft Project program. In order to
• Risk Register: keep track of all risks and perform risk analysis, Monte Carlo
activities in a central database; simulation technique is used. The products
• Risk Response planner: generate and does not eliminate the risks associated to a
execute and monitor responses to certain complex project, but have the
optimize risks necessary tools for the best decisions in order
 Risk knowledgebase base: use a set of to schedule the business activities, when
standard risks that frequently occur delays ,unexpected costs or other deviations
in projects. could occur.
The present article represents a
supplementary argument in favour of the idea
that the information and communication
technology makes its presence felt in all the
areas of social and economic life. Built on
the structure of the global network – internet,
the network economy has in our days
spectacular development, representing the
element of maximal emergence of
S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844
information society .In this context, the
economic organization – as main actor in the
global economic game – has to adapt as it
goes in order to develop but especially in
order to survive. Therefore, a Cloud BI
solution may be a feasible answer to the
(other than adopting BI or Cloud BI) would
not be accessible. Moreover, considering the
perspective of Cloud Computing
characteristics ,adopting a Cloud BI solution
at the level of business may represent the
premises of organizations passing to a
superior form of information society – the
virtual organization.challenges of the
economic crisis. By such a solution, the
economic organization –small, middle-sized
or large – may use market opportunities that
under normal conditions Thus, by sharing
resources and increasing market integration
speed, by increasing the speed of business
processes and integrating traditional BI
solutions, the proposed Cloud BI strategy
may be an answer for adapting the
organizations to the present economic and
social conditions .Last but not least, the
evaluation of the economic efficiency of the
proposed solution by the relation cost –
performance based on the ROI indicator
represents another argument in favour of the
feasibility of a Cloud BI strategy.

S. Satyanarayana et al. / IJAIR ISSN: 2278-7844

This work was supported by our research guide
DR.S.Satyanarayana and is contributed of our own work [1].Birst (2010), Why Cloud BI? The 9
we thank him for our development in research work and Substantial Benefits of Software-as-a-
supported by KLUniversity. Service Business Intelligence, Birst, Inc.,

[2]. Bowen, F., How SOA can ease your

move to cloud computing, IBM, http://www-
[3]. Forrest, W., Barthold, C. (2011),
Clearing the Air on Cloud Computing,
Mckinsey & Company,
[4]. B. Raj Kumar(2012) , Term Paper on

Cloud Business Intelligence, KLUniversity.

[5]. T. Gopi Kiran(2012) , Term Paper on

Business Intelligence, KLUniversity


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