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Pyrat ee mw clitm a Grek st) (an @ » A refreshed, accessible Singapore Math: program from the people who know it best. Seen es D reson Math» PK—5 is the latest Singapore Math» curriculum from the people who know it best. We've refined aspects of the Singapore math method to better meet the needs of today’s students and educators while preserving the core of this unique approach. Written by a team of educators and experts with more than 100 years of combined classroom experience, it is a rigorous and engaging curriculum that provides a deep elementary math foundation. The price of the series reflects our belief that an excellent math education should be accessible to all. Dimensions Math Textbook 2A 4 Singapore Math Inc. Proven results! Why Singapore Math? The Singapore math approach is « highly effective teaching approach based on research of math mostery in Singopore, which consistently ranks atthe top in international math testing. ‘Our Singapore Math® curriculums aim to raise U.S, student performance internationally and at home on stondordized ond state assessments. Fd Grade 4 50 80 93 99 Advanced | High | Inlermadote | Low Benchmark | Benchmark | Berchmerk | Benchmark 14 47 TA) 95 PE Shore Shore of Shore of Pe ow Iooge ‘ep EM Peccrmers Performers Permers MAX MAX MAX MIN MIN MIN © Singapore © Uniled Stotes The Approach The intentional progression of concepts in the Singapore math opprocch instills « deep understanding of mathematicel thinking. Key features include: PA (Concrete Pictoriol Abstract he Introduces concepts in « tangible way and progresses to increasing levels of abstraction. ‘Number Bonds: Shows the part-whole relationship between numbers Bar Modeling: Helps students visualize o ronge of math ‘concepts, such as fractions, ratios, and percentages. Allows students to determine the knowns and unknowns in.@ given situation. Mental Math: Helps students develop number sense ‘and flexibility in thinking about numbers. an 7-E-f l. ‘ OECD PISA Global Education Survey 2015 TMSS 2015 Inlerneionel Reeull im Mothomalice Textbooks sr SS Textbook lessons build on prior knowledge and develop concepts in on approachable way. Textbooks A and B for each grade correspond to the two holves of the ‘school year. ‘Think: Stimulates interest in new concepts through ‘a hands-on ectivity or problem. © tsa Posers detains ad hy xpos new concepts. Do: Solidifies and of concepts. opens student understanding Exercise: Provides additional problems in the workbook for students to master concepts. © Prete Powis aoe th opens consolidation, remediation, ond assessment. fee = Workbooks & Tests Workbooks offer independent practice through careful progression of exercise variation. Workbooks A ond B for each grade correspond to the two halves of the school year. Tests help teachers systematically evaluate student progress. They align with the content of textbooks. Grades 1-5 have differentiated assessments: Test A focuses on key concepts and fundamental problem- solving skills, while Test B focuses on the application of onelytical skills ond heuristics. si ih i ih Singapore Math Inc. Teacher's Guides & Resources Teacher's Guides are « comprehensive resource that help teachers understand the purpose of each lesson within the fromework of the curriculum. They offer structure for thoughtfully guiding student inquiry, and include detailed tecching notes and octivties to achieve lesson objectives. ‘The extensive Dimensions Math” online resource site Includes videos, Blackline Masters, letters home, and more. Chapter 17 Adaltion and Subtraction Within 10 Seca 2pm ah Ste ccapn a me Ebooks _......., & Digital “C Assessments Textbooks, annotation workbooks, and wrap-around teacher's guides are all on the digital plotform. Teachers con pon, prep, assign, and review lessons online. Students con ‘occess textbooks and complete workbook assignments through their school’s LMS portal. The interactive digit ossessments allow teachers to systematically evaluate student progress with greater ease and acourocy. ema Perrin ‘ Scope & Sequence aa © Motch, Sort, and Classy © Compare Objects © Patterns © Numbers to 5— Part 1 © Numbers to 5— Part 2 © Numbers to 10 —Port 1 @ Numbers to 10— Part 2 Pe © Ordinal Number © Shapes and Solids © Compore Sets ® Compose and Decompose © Explore Adeltion and Subtraction © Cumulative Review Cs © Match, Sort, end Classty © Numbers to5 © Numbers to 10 © Compore Height, Length, Weigh, cand Copacity © Compering Numbers Within 10 @ Numbers to 20 © Number Bonds © Addition © Subtraction @ Addition and Subtraction ® Numbors to 100 © Time © Money © Numbers to 10 © Numbers Bonds © Aatdion © Subtraction © Numbers to 20 © Aiton 20 @ Subtroction Within 20 © Shopes © Ordinal Numbers © Length © Gomporing © Numbers to 40 © Aaston and Subtroction o Within 40 © Grouping and Sharing © Fractions © Numbers to 100 © Addition and Subtrection ‘Within 100 © Tine © Noney © Numbers to 1,000 © Addition and Subtroction Part 1 © Addition and Subtraction Part 2 © Length © Woight © Miattiptication and Division © ‘Muitiptication and Division of 2,5, and 10 Singapore Math Inc. .Y Throughout the series, five characters offer Look! (nly two bids ein the tee. suggestions to students on how to think about ) c problems and strategies they've learned, while ea pointing out important information to encourage students to come up with their own solutions. © ental Caleuaton © Mattpiying and Dividing with bee © Mattiptication ond Division Silesese © pated cand Division of Sand 4 ® Fractions —Port 1 of Decimals, ® Monoy © Fractions — Pert 2 © Anglos © Froctions © Geometry © Lines and Shapes @ Time © Area and Perimeter @ Properties of Cuboids © Graphs © Money © Whole Numbers © Shopes Coe Seas © Muttipication and Division © Addition ond Subtroction of Numbers to 10,000 e : e Fractions © Addition and Subtraction © Adeition and Subtraction © Multiples and Factors © Multiplestion of Frections Part 1 © Multiplication © Acdeltion and Subtraction ‘aaa @ Division of Fractions — Perle — © Meosurement © Fractions © Multiplication ond Division © Volume of Solid Figures —_ © Matpiying @ Fraction cond @ Whole Number © Mattipiection © Divison essai © Line Grophs and Line Plots oe aie 7 © Dato Analysis and Graphs fot ® Area and Perimeter e © Decimals eee © Poortoge q ‘ Learn, 1BYe) Oe et eS See eer ey aa people who know it best. The curriculum was Pere ee ee eee eee oa ‘ond students while preserving the unique core of the ee one ces ee Pann \ el 02 peony

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