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Roles and Responsibilities & Human Resource Management

As the CEO of Live Action Networks, there has been multiple areas of needed

improvements across the entire spectrum of the Non-Profit Organization (NPO). There is not

a current designated Human Resource Management (HRM) representative that can tackle all

the NPO’s issues that we have at this time. If there is not someone designated to handle “that”

particular issue, then “that” issue will continue to fail. These issues deal heavily with the

personnel conflicts and miss management opportunities that can all be resolved in house, if

there is a designated HRM representative.

The roles and responsibilities of human resource professionals are the equivalent of what a

first sergeant does in the Marine Corps, to a certain extent. Not everyone knows the roles of a

first sergeant in the military, but I will explain. Human resource professionals manage

employees and oversee how the overall company, NPO, corporation etc... is running. Are

there personality conflicts? Is there missed opportunities to _____? This speaks to how

effective and efficient are the departments ran within this company or NPO. Human resource

professionals are second to none with communication skills and making decisions to better

the overall work community. Another role they play is keeping the team together and giving

incentives to motivate the employees along way. With these incentives come a strict

adherence to accountability for the rules that are set in place from the CEO. Meaning there

are punishments for employees that are acting in negative manner or producing results that

are not in liking to what the CEO has mandated within his mission/vision of the NPO. The

key focus for these HRM professionals that are critical responsibilities are to build, develop

and maintain the workforce.

To build the workforce, the HRM representative must recruit and advertise my NPO to get

employees/volunteers. Even though it is a small NPO we need personnel from all areas of the
state to pass the mission and vision along for what my NPO stands for. Without a networking

system of personnel to pass information, then we will not have anyone to pass information to.

Additionally, to build we must come together as a team and learn our strengths and

weaknesses so that we all can be employed to the best of our abilities within the NPO. It’s

imperative to build and brand the name of the NPO so that it has the ability to market and


As the NPO is built up must be developed into a better team. The HRM representative will

provide opportunities to go to schools for training and further developing opportunities

abroad. This is crucial for allowing the NPO to grow and withstand culture changes and gives

the NPO the opportunity to consistently evolve with time. The more diversity the NPO has

the more potential it has to be more effective. Another way to develop the NPO with the

HRM representative is to build in certain volunteer/employee benefits across the state. Each

area could have its own perk and or benefit. This way it keeps the employees always working

for a goal. This step is imperative because they are developing themselves while developing

the NPO simultaneously.

Lastly it is the HRM representative’s responsibility to manage all the people and current

programs within the NPO. This is the most important step within the HRM critical

responsibilities list to ensure. Managing people can be the hardest thing to do within any

company or NPO. However, it is the most important and is often overlooked. I believe this is

the glue that will hold my NPO over to the test of time! If you have a close knitted and strong

relationship within your employees and volunteers that can be trusted and counted on. Then

you will have a successful NPO. It is imperative for the HRM representative to look out for

the employees/volunteers’ personnel needs and overall well-being.

Kind Regards,

Luke D. Johnson


Live Action Wrestling Networks

“Where dreams come to fruition!”


Mayhew, R. (2019, February 5). Primary Responsibilities of a Human

Resource Manager. Small Business - Chron.Com.


HR’s Evolving Role in Organizations and Its Impact on Business Strategy.

(2016, June). Dhananjay Shrivastav.


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