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Multiple Choice Questions for all Biotechnology Tests

Compiled By

Muhammad Numan (MPhil Scholar Biotechnology)

Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad

Questions Answers

1. The term cistorn, muton and recon were introduced by Answer:

(A) Watson and Crick (B)
(B) S. Benzer
(C) Meselson
(D) Morgan

2. Extra-nuclear genetic material is found in

(A) Plastid and nucleus Answer:

(B) Mitochondria and plastids (B)

(C) Nucleus and cytoplasm Answer:

(D) Mitochondria and nucleus (B)

3. The molecular formulae of deoxy-ribose sugar and ribose sugar (A)
respectively are
(A) C5 H10 O4 and C5H10O6 Answer:
(B) C5 H10 O4 and C5H10O5 (C) C5 H10 O5 and C5H10O4 (D)
(D) C5 H10 O5 and C6H10O4

4. The nitrogen bases which pair with two hydrogen bonds are
(A) Adenine and thymine
(B) Adenine and Cytosine
(C) Cytosine and guanine
(D) Cytosine and adenine

5. DNA differs from RNA in

(A) Presence of deoxyribose sugar
(B) Presence of thymine base
(C) Property of replication
(D) All the above
6. DNA molecules makes a complete turn after every
(A) 20 Å
(B) 34 Å
( B) 3.4 Å
( D) 10 base pairs

7. The distance between two successive nitrogenous base pairs is

(A) 34 Å
(B) 36 Å ( C) 20 Å
( D) 3.4 Å

8. In nucleoside, nitrogen base is attached to pentose sugar at

(A) Carbon – 1 of pentose sugar
(B) Carbon – 2 of pentose sugar
(C) Carbon – 4 of pentose sugar
(D) Carbon – 5 of pentose sugar

9. If the strand of DNA has 35 nucleotide how many phosphodiester bonds would
(A) 34
(B) 35 ( C) 24
( D) 70

10. In eukaryotic DNA replication, lagging strand is formed by

(A) RNA fragments
(B) Okazaki fragments
(C) DNA fragments
(D) Nucleotide fragments

11. The enzyme DNA polymerase can work only in

(A) 3¢ ® 5¢ direction (B) 5¢ ® 3¢ direction
(C) Both the direction


(D) 5¢ ® 5¢ direction
12. Enzyme required for removing RNA primer during DNA replication is (A)
(A) DNA primase Answer:
(B) DNA ligase (A)
(C) DNA polymerase I
(D) DNA polymerase III Answer:

13. During DNA replication, the reunion or recoiling of separated DNA Answer:
strand is prevented by (B)
(A) Helix destabilizing protein
(B) Single strnad binding protein
(C) Rep protein
(D) Both (A) and (B )

14. The enzyme that cuts the bonds of DNA molecule at the origin of replication is
(A) Endonuclease
(B) DNA polymerase
(C) DNA gyrase
(D) DNA ligase

15. Which of the following enzyme is required to release the tension imposed by
uncoiling of strands? ( A) Endonuclease
(B) DNA ligase
(C) DNA gyrase
(D) DNA helicase

16. The cellular composition of m-RNA is

(A) 5-10%
(B) 3-5%
(C) 10-20 %
(D) 70-80%

17. Formation of mRNA from DNA is called

(A) Transformation
(B) Transduction


(C) Traslation Answer:

(D) Transcription (A)

18. The ratio of purines and pyrimidines in mRNA is not 1:1 because the
nitrogenous bases are ( A) Unpaired
(B) Paired Answer:



(C) Paired only in loops
(D) Paired in stems Answer:

19. The codons which may present at 3¢ end of mRNA

(A) UAA ( B) UAG ( C) UGA
( D) Any one of these

20. Which of the following is not tool of genetic engineering?

(A) Vectors
(B) Enzymes
(C) Foreign DNA

21. In recombinant DNA technology a plasmid vector is cleaved by

(A) Modified DNA ligase
(B) A heated alkaline solution
(C) The same enzyme that cleave the donor DNA
(D) The different enzyme other than that cleave the donor DNA

22. The most common plasmid vector used in genetic engineering is

(A) PBR 328
(B) PBR 322 ( C) PBR 325
( D) PBR 330

23. ‘Nif gene’ for nitrogen fixation is cereal crops like wheat, jowar etc.
is introduced by cloning
(A) Rhizobium meliloti
(B) Bacillus thuringiensis
(C) Rhizopus
(D) Rhizophora

24. Eco RI is an
(A) Ligase
(B) Polymerase



(C) Restriction enzyme Answer:

(D) Gyrase

25. The transgenic plant flavr savr tomato carries an artificial gene for
(A) Delay ripening process
(B) Longer shell life Answer:
(C) Added flavours (C)
(D) All of these

26. Hirudin is obtained from the transgenic plant

(A) Brassica napus
(B) Hibiscus rosasinesis
(C) Raphanus sativus
(D) Vinca rosea

27. Bt Cotton is
(A) Cloned plant
(B) Transgenic plant
(C) Hybrid plant
(D) Mutated plant

28. Dolly sheep was genetically similar to

(A) The mother from which nucleated fertilized egg was taken
(B) The mother from which nuclear DNA of udder cell was taken
(C) The surrogate mother
(D) Both surrogate mother and nuclear donor mother

29. Genome is
(A) Genes on nuclear DNA
(B) Nuclear DNA + mitochondrial DNA
(C) Nuclear DNA + chloroplast DNA
(D) Nuclear DNA + Mitochondrial DNA + Chloroplast DNA



30. A technique of using very small metal particles coated with desired (A)
gene in the gene transfer is called ( A) Electroporation
(B) Microinjection Answer:
(C) Liposome (B)
(D) Biolistics
31. The complete set of chromosomal and extrachromosomal genes of
an organisms is called Answer:
(A) Genome (D)

(B) Gene pool Answer:

(C) Gene bank (D)
(D) Gene library

32. The study of all the proteins coded by the genome is called
(A) Proteome
(B) Proteomics
(C) Genome
(D) Protein formation

33. Sequencing of genomic DNA is included under

(A) Structural genomics
(B) Functional genomics
(C) Proteomics
(D) Transgenesis

34. Gene expression, regulation and phenotype production are studied

in second phase of genome analysis called ( A) Structural genomics
(B) Functional genomics
(C) Proteomics
(D) Transmeiosis

35. A flowering plant lily have ______ more DNA than humans
(A) 10 times
(B) 15 times ( C) 18 times
( D) 13 times


36. In forensic science which of the following is used?
(A) Bacterial cloning
(B) DNA foot printing Answer:
(C) DNA fingerprinting
(D) DNA cloning
Answer: (B)
37. DNA fingerprinting is based on (A) Occurance of (A)
VNTR’s Answer:
(B) Knowledge of human karyotype Answer: (C)

(C) Cloned DNA (D)

(D) Recombinant DNA (C)

38. VNTRs represents(A) New terminal regions in DNA

(B) Functional genes in the DNA
(C) Split genes in the sample DNA
(D) Specific non-coding sequences with unique tandem repeats

39. Which ones produce androgenic haploids in anther cultures?

(A) Anther wall Answer:

(B) Tapetal layer of anther wall (D)

(C) Connective tissue Answer:

(D) Young pollengrains (C)

40. Variations observed during tissue culture of some plants are known (D)
(A) Clonal variations Answer:
(B) Somatic variations (B)
(C) Somaclonal variations
(D) Tissue culture variations

41. Virus free plants can be obtained through

(A) Anitibiotic treatment
(B) Bordeaux micture
(C) Root tip culture
(D) Shoot tip culture

42. To raising of plants from a small tissue in culture is known as
(A) Macroproduction
(B) Micropropagation
(C) Tissue culture
(D) Mass production
43. Callus is
(A) Tissue that forms embryo
(B) an insoluble carbohydrate
(C) Unorganised actively dividing mass of cells maintained in culture
(D) Tissue that growth to form embryoid

44. Biopatents are ______.

(A) Right to use invention
(B) Right to use biological entities
(C) Right to use products
(D) Right to use process

45. African plant Pentadiplandra is used as______.

(A) Low calories sweetner
(B) 2000 times sweeter agent
(C) Sweetner for diabetic patients
(D) All of these

46. Which organism was used as bioweapon derived from______.

(A) Clostridium
(B) Yerstsinia pestis
(C) Fusarium species
(D) Green algae

47. A set standards used to regulate own or community activity in

relation to biological world is ( A) Biopotency
( B) Biopiracy (
C) Biowar
( D) Bioethics


48. Biopiracy means Answer:
(A) Use of biopatents (D)
(B) Thefts of plants and animals
(C) Stealing of bioresources
(D) Exploitation of bioresources without authentic permission
49. Bioethcs is related to Answer:
(A) Preventing biopiracy Answer:
(B) Regulation of unethical activities likegene cloning in animals (D)
(C) Preventing theft of living materials (B)
(D) Moral guidance to the problems in biology

50. Three dimensional shape of tRNA is

(A) L-shaped
(A )
(B) Clover leaf-like
(C) X-shaped
(D) Y-shaped

51. A DNA nucleotide chain has AGCTTCGA sequence of Answer: (a)

other chain would be ( a) TCGAAGCT

52. A nucleoside is formed of

(a) Pentose sugar, phosphate and nitrogen base
(b) phosphate and nitrogen base
(c) Pentose sugar and phosphate
(d) Pentose sugar and nitrogen base

53. A nucleotide is formed of

(a) Purine, Pyrimidine and phosphate
(b) Purine, Sugar and phosphate
(c) Nitrogen base, Sugar and phosphate

Answer: (d)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (d)

(d) Pyrimidine, Sugar and phosphate Answer: (d)

54. A riboside is
(a) Base + phosphate
(b) Ribose + phosphate
(c) Ribose + phosphate + base
(d) Ribose + base

55. A segment of DNA has 120 adenine and 120 cytosine bases. The
total number of nucleotides present in the segment is
(a) 120

(b) 240 (
c) 60
( d ) 480
Answer: (b)
56. A Strand of DNA has base sequence CATGACTAG. The base
Answer: (a)
sequence on the other strand would be
(a) CAT TAG GAC Answer: (a)

57. A totipotent cell means

(a) An undifferentiated cell capable of developing into a
system or entire plant
(b) An undifferentiated cell capable of developing into an
organ (c) An undifferentiated cell capable of developing into
complete embryo
(d) Cell which lacks the capability differentiate into an organ or

58. Adenine is
(a) Purine
(b) Pyrimidine
(c) Nucleoside
(d) Nucleotide

Answer: (d)
59. Amino acid binding site of tRNA is
(a) 5’end Answer: (a)
(b) Anticodon loop
(c) DHU loop
(d) -CCA 3’end

60. Anticodon occurs in

(a) tRNA
(b) mRNA

(c) mtRNA
(d) rRNA
61. Bacterial plasmid contains
(a) RNA
(b) RNA + protein
Answer: (c)
(c) DNA
(d) Photosynthetic structures Answer: ( c )

Answer: (d)
62. Base pairs present in one turn of DNA are
(a) 12 Answer: (d)
(b) 11 Answer: (a)
(c) 10
Answer: (b)
(d) 9

63. Best method to determine paternity is

(a) Protein analysis
(b) Chromosome counting
(c) Gene counting
(d) DNA finger printing

64. Callus is
(a) Tissue that forms embryo
(b) An insoluble carbohdrate
(c) Tissue that grows to form embryoid
(d) Unorganised actively dividing mass of cells maintained in

65. Chemical Knives/ molecular scissors of DNA are

(a) Restriction endonucleases
(b) Polymerases
(c) Ligases
( d)Transcriptases

66. Chemofusion and electrofusion are employed in

(a) Eugenics

(b) Protoplast fusion
(c) Cloning
(d) Mutations

67. Choose the correct statement Answer: (c)

(a) DNA is hereditary material
(b) RNA is hereditary material
(c) DNA is hereditary material but where it is absent RNA can
function as hereditary material
(d) Both DNA and RNA are hereditary materials

68. Development of shoot and root in tissue culture is determined by Answer: (a)
(a) Cytokinin and auxin ratio Answer: (d)
(b) Enzymes
(c) Temperature
(d) Plant nutrients

69. Distance between two base pairs of DNA is

(a) 34 nm
(b) 3.4 nm
(c) 0.68 nm
(d) 0.34 nm

70. Distance between two strands of DNA is

(a) 34 Å Answer: (b)

(b) 20 Å Answer: (b)

(c) 3.4 Å
Answer: (c)
(d) 340 Å
Answer: (a)
71. Distance between two successive nitrogenous bases or base pairs
of DNA is ( a) 34 Å
(b) 3.4 Å
(c) 10 Å
(d) 5 Å

72. DNA and RNA are similar in having
(a) Similar nucleotides
(b) Similar pyrimidines
(c) Similar purines
(d) Similar sugars

73. DNA and RNA show similarity in having

(a) Polymers of nucleotides
(b) Similar pyrimidines

(c) Double strands
(d) Similar sugars

74. DNA does not occur in Answer: (b)

(a) Nucleus
(b) Ribosomes
(c) Mitochondria
(d) Plastids

75. DNA duplex shows

(a) Right handed coiling and parallel
Answer: (b)
(b) Right handed coiling and antiparallel
(c) Left handed coiling and antiparallel Answer: (d)
(d) Left handed coiling and parallel
Answer: (b)

Answer: (c)
76. DNA is composed of repeating units of
(a) Ribonucleosides Answer: (a)
(b) Deoxyribonucleosides
(c) Ribonucleotides
(d) Deoxyribonucleotides

77. DNA replication in eucaryotes commences

(a) From both ends of a chromosome simultaneously
(b) Several sites along DNA of a chromosome simultaneously
(c) From centromere to either end
(d) From one end of chromosome to the other

78. DNA replication is

(a) Conservative and discontinuous
(b) Semiconservative and semidiscontinuous
(c) Semiconservative and discontinuous
(d) Conservative

79. DNA resembles RNA as both have

(a) Polymers of nucleotides
(b) Similar sugars
(c) Similar pyrimidine bases
(d) Ability to replicate
80. DNA sequence is ATG. What would be the sequence of bases in Answer: (b)
anticodon of tRNA
(a) ATG
(b) AUG
(c) UAC
(d) TAC

81. DNA sequence is TAG. What shall be the sequence in anticodon of

tRNA ( a) UAG
( b) ATC (
c) ATG
( d) UAC

82. DNA sequence of ATTCGATG is transcribed as


83. DNA strand with nitrogen base sequence ATTGCC will have
sequence in mRNA

84. Double chained DNA strand is made radioactive in both its chains.
It is allowed to replicate twice in non-radioactive medium. The
result would be
(a) All strands have radioactivity
(b) Half the strands have radioactivity
(c) Three strands have radioactivity

Answer: (a)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (a)

(d) Radioactivity is absent in all strands Answer: (b)

Answer: (c)
85. Double helical structure of DNA was proposed by
(a) Kornberg
(b) Nirenberg
(c) Watson and Crick
(d) Wilkins and Franklin

86. Functional unit of gene that specifies synthesis of one polypeptide Answer: (b)
(a) Codon
(b) Cistron
(c) Recon
(d) Muton

87. Gene is segment of

(a) RNA
(b) DNA
(c) RNA or DNA
(d) Both DNA and RNA

88. Genetically engineered bacteria are being used in commercial

production of ( a) Melatonin
(b) Testoteron
(c) Human insuline
(d) Thyroxine

89. Haploid plant cultures are got from

(a) Leaves
(b) Root tip
(c) Pollen grain
(d) Buds

90. Hydrogen bonds present between cytosine and guanosine are

(a) 2

Answer: (b)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (c)

Answer: (b)
(b) 3
(c) 1 Answer: (a)
(d) 4

91. In a DNA molecule cytosine is 18%. Percentage of adenine would

(a) 32%
(b) 64%
(c) 36%

(d) 18%

92. In AGCT of DNA hydrogen bonds and base pairings occur between
(a) A-U, C-G Answer: (d)
(b) A-C, G-T
Answer: (b)
(c) A-G,C-T
(d) A-T,C-G

93. In callus culture, roots can be induced by the supply of

(a) Auxin and no cytokinin
(b) Higher concentration of auxin and lower concentration of
(c) Higher concentration of cytokinin and lower concentration of
(d) Both auxin and cytokinin in equal proportions.

94. In DNA, adenine pairs with

(a) Guanine
Answer: (b)
(b) Thymine
(c) Cytosine Answer: (b)
(d) Uracil
Answer: (a)

95. In DNA, guanine lies opposite Answer: (d)

(a) Uracil
(b) Cytosine
(c) Adenine
(d) thymine

96. In double helix of DNA, the two DNA strands are

(a) Coiled around a common axis
(b) coiled around each other
(c) coiled differently
(d) Colied over protein sheath

97. In RNA, thymine is replaced by

(a) Adenine
(b) Guanine
(c) Cytosine
(d) Uracil

98. In tissue / bacterial culture glassware and nutrients are sterilized Answer: (d)
(a) Water bath at 200° C
(b) Dry air oven at 200° C
(c) Dehumidifire
(d) Autoclave

99. In tissue culture, callus can be induced to form shoot or root by

altering the ratio of ( Answer: (a)
a) Auxin to cytokinin
(b) Cytokinin to ethylene Answer: (d)
(c) Auxin to gibberellin Answer: (b)
(d) Gibberellin to cytokinin
Answer: (a)

100. Initiation codon of protein synthesis (in eucaryotes) is Answer: (b)

(a) GUA
(b) GCA
(c) CCA
(d) AUG

101. Introduction of foreign genes for improving genotype is

( a) Tissue culture (
b) Immunisation
(c) Biotechnology
(d) Genetic engineering

102. It is now possible to breed plants and animals with desired

characters through
(a) Genetic engineering
(b) Chromosome engineering

(c) Ikebana technique
(d) Bonsia technique

103. Most abundant RNA of the cell of

(a) tRNA
(b) rRNA
(c) mRNA
(d) tRNA

104. Nitrogen bases of DNA are

(a) ATUC Answer: (c)
(b) UTGC Answer: (a)
(c) ATGC
(d) AUGC

105. Nonsense codon takes part in

(a) Terminating message of gene controlled protein synthesis
(b) Formation of unspecified amino acids
(c) Conversion of sense DNA into non-sense one
(d) Releasing tRNA from polypeptide chain

106. Nucleosides are

Answer: (d)
(a) Sugar + Phosphoric acid
(b) Purine / Pyrimidine + Sugar + Phosphate Answer: (c)
(c) Purine / Pyrimidine + Phosphoric acid
Answer: (c)
(d) Purine / Pyrimidine + Sugar
Answer: (a)

107. Nucleotides present in one turn of DNA helix

(a) 4
(b) 8
(c) 10
(d) 9

108. Okazaki segments are formed during

(a) Transduction
(b) Transcription
(c) Replication
(d) Translation

109. Plants developed in vitro culture from pollen grains are

(a) Androgenic plants
(b) Pollen plants
(c) Male plants
(d) Sterile plants

110. Plasmids are vectors for gene cloning because they
(a) Self replicate in bacterial cells
(b) Replicate freely outside bacterial cells Answer: (a)
(c) Can be multiplied in culture
Answer: (b)
(d) Can be multiplied in laboratories using enzymes
Answer: (a)
111. Pomato is somatic Answer: (a)
(a) Poppy and Potato
(b) Potato and tomato Answer: (a)

(c) Poppy and tamarind Answer: (b)

(d) Poppy and Tomato

112. Preserving germplasm in frozen state is

(a) Cryopreservation
(b) Cold storage
(c) In situ preservation
(d) Vernalisation

113. Protein helping in opening of DNA double helix in front of

replication fork is (
a) DNA gyrase
(b) DNA Polymerase I
(c) DNA ligase
(d) DNA topoisomerase

114. Pyrimidine base present in RNA in place of thymine of DNA is

(a) Uracil
(b) Adenine (
c) Cytosine
( d) Guanine

115. Restriction endonuclease is employed for cutting

(a) A single stranded DNA
(b) Double stranded DNA
(c) RNA fragment

(d) mRNA

116. Restriction endonucleases are Answer: (d)

(a) Used in genetic engineering for uniting two DNA molecules
(b) Used for in vitro DNA synthesis
(c) Present in mammalian cells for degeneration of DNA of dead
(d) Synthesised by bacteria for their defence

117. Restriction enzymes are used in genetic engineering because they

Answer: (b)
(a) Can join DNA fragment
(b) Cut DNA at specific base sequence Answer: (d)
(c) Cut DNA at variable sites
(d) Are proteolytic enzymes which degrade harmful proteins

118. Reverse transcriptase is

(a) RNA dependent RNA polymerase
(b) DNA dependent RNA polymerase (
c) DNA dependent DNA polymerase
( d) RNA dependent DNA polymerase

119. RNA contains

(a) Hexose
(b) Ribose
(c) Fructose
(d) Glucose

120. RNA does not possess

(a) Uracil
(b) Thymine
(c) Adenine
(d) Cytosine

121. RNA that picks up specific amino acid from amino acid pool of
cytoplasm to carry it to ribosome during protein synthesis is

Answer: (b)

Answer: (b)

Answer: (a)

(a) tRNA Answer: (c)

(b) mRNA
(c) rRNA
(d) gRNA

122. Semiconservative DNA / Chromosome replication using 14N was

demonstrated by ( a) Messelson
(b) Tylor
(c) Messelson and stahl
(d) Hershey and Chase

Answer: (d)
123. Similarity between DNA and RNA is that both have
(a) Similar sugars Answer: (c)

(b) Similar mode of replication Answer: (b)

(c) Similar pyrimidines
(d) Polymers of nucleotides Answer: (b)

Answer: (d)
124. Structure of DNA was given by
Answer: (a)
(a) Kornberg
(b) Nirenberg
(c) Watson and Crick
(d) Holley and Nirenberg

125. Successive nucleotides are covalently linked through

(a) Glycosidic bonds
(b) Phosphodiester bonds
(c) Hydrogen bonds
(d) Nitrogen bonds

126. Termination of polypeptide chain is brought about by

( a) UUG, UAG and UCG (
b) UAA, UAG and UGA
(c) UUG, UGC and UCA
(d) UCG, GCG and ACC

127. The basic unit of a nucleic acid is
(a) Pentose sugar
(b) Nucleoid
(c) Nucleoside
(d) Nucleotide

128. The codon for anticodon 3’ UUUA - 5’ is

(a) 5’ AAAU- 3 ’
(b) 5’ UUUA- 3 ’
(c) 3’ UAAD- 5 ’

(d) 3’ AUUU- 5 ’

129. The common feature amongst nucleus, chloroplast and mitochondria Answer: (b)
(a) Lamellae
(b) DNA
(c) Cristae
(d) All the above

130. The enzyme taking part in joining two ends of DNA is Answer: (a)
(a) Ligase
(b) Polymerase
(c) Gyrase
(d) Helicase


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