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POWER AMPLIFIERS mP-3500 S500 - S00 SA ON SERVICE MANU. i + F500 re P1500 CONTENTS SPECIFICATIONS. 2 DIMENSIONS 3 PANEL LAYOUT. 4 BLOCK OIAGRANA 5 GRCUTT BOARD LAYOUT & Wing 8 DISASSEMBLY PROCEDURE 8 IcBLocK DIAGRAM. 3 GRCUTT BOARDS 14 INSPECTIONS 2 ‘ADJUSTMENTS 28 CAUTION FOR SHEARER CONNECTION 2 PARTS LST Pa (017282) '3500/°2500/P1500 IMPORTANT NOTICE, “This manual as been provided forthe use of authorized Varaha Retalers and her service personnel. has been aisumed tht basis serice procedures Ierent tothe indus, and more specially Yama Product, ae aleady known and undestoed by be users, and have thewfore nt boon restated, WARNING: Falun folow appropriate service and eaetyprocecures when sorviing this product ‘ay result In posonal injury, destuston of expense components and fare of the product to perorm as spectiod. For these reasons, we adso ad Yamaha product Dynes tha al serve required shouldbe pertormed by an authorized Yamaha Retailer ‘ortho appointed service presenta. IMPORTANT: Tho presentation or slo ofthis manual to any individual or frm dss not constitute auharzaton,ceileaton, recognition of ary applicable tectrical capable, or establish ‘pip agotratonship of any for. ‘The data provided i bafoved to be accurate and applicable t the unis inccatd on th cover. The research, engineering, and orice departments of Yamana are contaatystivng to imgove Yamaha Products| Modiseatons are, harlore, neviale sh changes In specication are subject to chango tthout notice of obbgaton Yo revo. Shows ay decrepancy appear to wus, please contact the as tnutors Senes Divison, WARNING Stale discharges can destoy expensive components. Discharge any sta elctiy ‘your body may have accumulated by grounding your othe ground buss in the unt (avy gauge black wires connoctto is buss) IMPORTANT: Tur te unit OFF during desssembly and pars repiacament. Recheck all work boforo ‘you apply ower oth wt. WARNING: CHEMICAL CONTENT NOTICI “The solder use inthe production of his product contains LEAD. In zion, ether eocticallectonic Ander plate (where appleste)corgenents may as cortain races of choral found by tho Calfornia Heath and Welfare Agency (and possiiy other ones) to cause career andr bth dafects or other ‘productive harm 100 NOT PLACE SOLDER, ELECTRICAL/ELEGTRONIC OF PLASTIC COMPONENTS IN. YOUR MOUTH FOR ANY REASON WHAT SO EVER! ‘Avoid prolonged, unprotected contact between solder and your skin! When soldering, donot aha solder fumes oF expose eyes to soe vag! you come in contact wth solder or components feats Inside the enclosure ofthis product, wash your hands before handing food mt Wann Components hing epecal charters ae maried dh and must be roped wa pts hswng Sectenton egal are egal tae SPECIFICATIONS ai 2500 vaso | tsoo ‘POWER OUTPUT LEVEL {220-20 THOWN = 0.1% ‘STEREO Leg. ssowsasow | zsows2sow. | sows tsow ra stowssoow | ssowsssow | 2towszt0w prose Aaa ‘cow 70W ow {tbe THON < 0.1% pica STEREO Rigo seowesesw | zsswe2esw | row + 10W Ft, ecowsoaow | aaowsasow | 260Ws20W reat focowtcoow] asow-sasow | 220W 200 FREQUENCY RESPONSE PBA. Pont w (605,15 i o10 Hen BO WE POWER BANDWIDTH HALF POWER, THO-N 0.7% ae STEREO AL-80 "TOTAL HARMONIC DISTORTION (THO) {20 He-20 Ke, HALF POWER. STEREO ALB 005% Aro zoam panes ALO soars INTERMODULATION DISTORTION (ND) (na 7,43, HALF POWER STEREO” AL-B2 005% Foto soar eRe AL-ea soars ‘CHANNEL SEPARATION HALF POWER, RLx6 0, fie * ATTemaxmpweoomsnn | PH | RESIOUAL NOE OWAUDIO STB AT in ‘SIGNAL-TONOISE RATIO DN AUDIO, put 00.8 hot 10006 DAMPINGFACTOR ALOR. a) 100 70 ‘SLEW RATE @ FULL SWING ‘STEREO 4ovh ae — ‘SENSTIWITY (ATT rae) on ‘VOLTAGE GAN (ATT max) 80 Te 7 3908) ae | a INPUT NPEDANCE (ATT max) ISK [Balore/ noses) INDICATORS POWER STAND EY) Fea) PROTECTION (MUTE) (Bea) cur x2 (Feo) SIGNAL *2 (Green PROTECTION ‘Powe’ SW ONOFF mang Heatikierp 21006 i2F) FANGRGUIT Serene — won — Lowspees variable Hrapeed 3500/P2500/P1500 coumocs FRONT) POWER SW Rah ho ‘Sor fpr rd L crear) _ hon Sw sréneonnce “eT Powe REOURENENT UL rad Mtn 0 00Re Senos te Sita so TOWER CONDITION ‘eno vA wie vm Sonwino VA msoNS wane 4221403 x40) ea ae rn - ep Ss on a 8 wart 20 La om COMECTORS| eur RD ype de Pere aren <2 booms coureut Sty ote Scrap (048 «075 Vs, Half Power = 12 Powe Opt Level Rac Pore) * Using racine 2 speakers t igh power ves my ease oveeating, xcesive power consumption shown, Pease mete "at aw 2.0 the PC ter wll wok Bef wing? pales in el aplaon tte Ste comply fh 'P3500/°2500/P1500 PANEL LAYOUT ‘* Front Panel YAMAHA? SOO 3500/°2500/P1500 MN CIRCUIT BOARD LAYOUT & WIRING ‘+ P3600, P2500 'P2500/P2500/P1500 = P1500 on) AC cord ‘ANP acer (2) Nete?800 P2500: 2% AM Aasembiy AMP C2) PISO TRAMP Assam (AMP CB) 9.2) 3500/P2500/P1500 6 SUITCH Clout Boars 61, Remove thetap cover (Sea paced 3) 162. Remove theron pana (Se proce 5) 165. Remove the power suiteh kab (8) (64. Remove De wo (2) serene marked (54, th he 6) 71, Remove the lop cover (See procete *) 72. Remove the ont pal (Sea pore 5) 7. Remove the one (7) ste mers (SSA) ten the LEDY ora beara canbe omoved (6) 8, Leo? chet board 11, Remove the lop cover (Se rosa 1) 182, Remove the ent panel. (See pocedue 5) 183. Remove theo (2) sews more S65) then the {Eba eruttcara can be emved (98) 'P3500/P2500/P1500 8. vReKeul Boat 3, Remove the lop cover. (So proud 4) 82. Remove the et pael (S86 procedure 5) 553. Remove he tary knobs mare 3) (8) 94, Renee th 2) ra eng the vere ee) 102 Remove the top over (Se prooture 1) 10-2 Remove tent ana (Soe proce 8) 1305 Remove he fou (sone mares (82 hen he farcan be removed (8) [sekessandmcoen 68 70) eg. '3500/°2500/P1500 IC BLOCK DIAGRAM + M238P (KAOTSAOD) + TA7317P (16034800) ual Operational Ampiier Belay Driver ry mcincurr soanDs + A crt Board 900, Fst nen A o na ~ cou oy nt of sivas | (EP Se 7 = S| i cwaauue 2: mramenrs So) | Oo Scosacas = —— a : 1 ‘rewteess: Aue Fen pater UEVIIS fae GF aracnesererar) Remant NFM foo sa aieoorrey FO aaa AsTO ox) 1, Pete The a , Sanoieee 8 Ee em a Chi2a AF “rreovseraey pao fas GF tatiana esa. NEN xi (OTTO) om = Batceqouoray Poms Prehoasuere (beara 22 Memsine capace YP Ratoanare, 7 0 MA er Nopramm PR <7 uJ 7S) Simon: eewrowenman ocr —“* frah: —eLvanua pracy cane: "MO 470 (Fxe02960) aT “OF 6a0k tis 4 QaF7STeRO) |R34235 246,247, ane" Jesvees ouoraen 7 47, Temnat 2 Be SUES Eee eee RE cerca Ez, a fee . Sees Shue coe So swe ae St eanmmmgran —*S™ESinoren zeae Eine mounree, Be geitiees "SES em SE eee me ceeciee, os au sino guam SS" erpoam Ce ee Eee Sea eR eee = ae et BnF cromemcn ee Sanus a = a . Bad ser aroun Se cere emcee See SEES 2o oe = SSess BL. Paden a See a u Bree yeas 6 -P2500/°2500/P1500 3900/F2800/ 1500 ‘+ AMP Circuit Board (P1500) ‘orowencnsar foiNPut.owtea crane: TD POWER MOD cro: {OPOWER-Cwo4 enPUTCWO7 a 4 canon 10 Poet 19, ee 15 rose Mes Choa tant MP PsnOpORTEA UCN Reiner 20 uesqurmsam — "Rabb Saran, Fear Pesroweors wore 1 Tazo ent nen azo 14s qaso7an ‘aaer ae fax" prises ert Sam Tar a0 tov) i imix, Sha asa taro sono fom PriowaenarTs waonan Ghizeon, see Sh Tos yer 100 4s qora cnet ae 16 cat Be ae arson era) nena ‘Disa camo ntement pre) Eso: reo 2 oat ct "ote SE soo esque “azo cate Baseman fae Sonate Tar 00 25v x27 nbiae Se matures marae Shan Blam wer Frtian wary ocoe exo) Mie cape Rostes & Yocvwstrcisn 3 penzmo wspan079 Saar, 1 Trams 2 sae mn Seat Ses cate REGIST mamma, Veo rr foam us cunnen 04 Sse & Nac reaten rizzonete eee Ganon OHO pr faa 22cnrir ars) ‘onan Revive oF aoe ws mona. Si soar comma Sistemas ov crease Ream an a7 vaspoaorea, aatezieae, Seo wour «cose aan, SE oe snocsoerone) ——Rasezs20 Ste aso vara) ee So wagowr tov ree es, ‘Basse. 1 om 4 er casos Parone a. Se or noc soeroray Se ne 0 4709 Biz a4 2 cote Ter For se ran wey SBR AIEEE) , vinamen ‘psoaser on Se iets 6 foes Moise Sf dooctuliroeny —" Reena” Bion secon Poonse St mars recopens fitas Se Tonocuas erst ‘Bese, Seameer ‘2 Gear rena Goan Maso pe en lonoctas neat Se oe om su syocar9 Seer ico cas710 ior 1 Same 2. fea ripper retast, GE wo Sveoaor, pear, Sam enor so races, Fo ie vax v2r coum) 12 a Serene Sa iste xr) Reo eo’ "CF aw scorn obtgaaan, Bee aac yar pase 3 sear ro) psu psonrasnr so + inpUT cei Boar (P3500, P2500, P1500) a epoleye1e1o] : roy Sern — ‘oat ey ss : ae scot = ‘to VR-CNSOT == 10 AMPA | | i 3 eae 2 sal eel aw coun (NTO 10 Fan tet ese Nesom "Someta 1 oe scone 2 geen + Heed ‘own Te ce ence son2 ranasey ner Eriate ar za sav aca, Enensayta oe SN esas TRIG AP to eaveonar clan ™ Rea fond. xo, Sim | Ae vena 1B g oz sane eer ca Ere AF t000 avira, to Power Transformer 08 (NO8: Fon gk) 08 tFower (ont: to 02. CN2 a Components side ovation (Grouse: usar op a osteo Oh Me soc pore) (eros sro wetar ont pata i 04108 [eles teas 16 oan) og Ne zoe aaa) fetos wranes-e osu) slinsigie Me SeOeie ore) 8 et Suen ntr Bre Toto tu Siesta ce aro sce) ait aebapoxreest ousrien Mai Sg: BENTNTETA BOOT Bisse, 1 arama 200) arcs macuaseermay 9 ae air Se toned bts sns04, irene GF ‘suey crac Bose Ris” Ge eo tal urea 108 ag eros parr) ‘ize oF oa a rae tor saronsta Rizer2n, et nanan) {36 oF capo vesmerszi) Dhan ge isniag EF ‘nocnel peroran Bian sre parr) Rise Er Srocitaparoram —. Pe Roe GF Cacia) Fila wav powmsioyuev ‘so hanno 8 anak Betas” oars nour cur cays ere) sae Trt Soe ‘bie ay exon) 9 ‘+ POWER Circuit Board (P3500, P2500, P1500) [ALCHANNEL 81 erase Move " snioce sreneo et aac soo ere Pa ak a a so cram rome cfiswoe Poteat sn fatay Caries” ce 001 cov praca, Shot serscseor gouosian MODE see oar) Stor ne) Cur ae qatouan cH. A104 Cora cree ewe A282 Pitas mor anne '3500/°2500/01500 ‘* LED 1 Circuit Board (P3500, P2500, P1500) i) or) eee — | owen eam ee ener ee | Orv | ee SS EET epee ee cnsommion - — + LED 2cireit Board (P3500, P250, P1501 oes eevee wes a ys Bois stnswRnane sores cur eadane_ELSscab no ok aor SNA er) oro) soP2500/1500 ‘© VR Circuit Board (P3500, P2500, P1500) roINPuTeNt08 ‘Srakaoet Site faeopustase 8 Sirbe” cao aay rananey ‘Components side eaman Poem FE souaevoaoe yew a “esa aa He — e LCS cue loaner suey ie Beaten Tae cumate ‘eacee Me PESs: arom + SWITCH Circuit Board (P3500, P2500, P1500) Setters sre ran ten ue arsoe” coo ov rary yoann FZ rerzsvqouoasy ucy ag ER eS cu (oxi yew Cu (exten 5 te, cect cen EO HB Fidsas: aor woo te “reson surrey pisn pts 4699 Ye” ‘Salons. Sires isn pata 3 + See 00 any ery 5 RM onan rower Components side fs IE eawoez ue ae Sanaa cue exer usew Se Sasa 5 NN et Ke PRRs mortem 'P3s00/P2500/P1500, INSPECTIONS MEASUREMENT EQUIPMENT Oreoscopo, AC Vt Meter Lee Mater) Distorion Meter 'AC Volpe Les than 109% POWER OUTPUT LEVEL, DEL | NPUT ETHOS. TANOARD P3800 [ine Wave este THD. whet tpal ral el Las than 01% {ike 20 He, 20 He | aust tothe flowing To. CHAKNELAB'" [STEREO Sohm s202V (Gath chasis wor] STEREO 4 ohn: 44.73 BRIOGE MONO @ tm: 89.45 V ATT Moe [STEREO dob 4473 ATT Me. Piso Same PSD CHAANELA 8 (Gorn canna wot} ATT Ma MODEL [REUT METHOD. SGA P2500 | Sine Wave Measure THO wher Wp opie Wf Less than OF ‘ia 0, 404 | aura toe flaming. THO. STEREO 8 on 1751, (7-42) [BRIDGE MONO 8 om, 500, (825) AT-M STEREO om, 125,019) BRIDGE HON 8 fm, 380, (202) Ar se Pisa STEREO 8 tm, 75, 2450) BRIOGE MONO 8 oom. 2:0, 40.98) ATT Moe NoDEL [REUT ETHOS TANGA P3500] Sine Wave {eke 20H, 20 CHANNEL A 8 th chanel worn) este THO. wes Wit signl ohm Less han 005% ested tothe along 4 anm: Lene than 007 STEREO 8 tm, 37427 WWOND Les tan 067% STEREO 4 nm, 31 69 BRIDGE MONO 8 om 63264 ATT We BRIOGE ONO 8 om 52.2 ATT Mae STEREO «ohm. 2050, ‘BRIDGE MONO 6 om, 40.997 4 2s00/°2500/P1500 5 FREGUEICY RESPONSE NooeL | HPUT METHOD STANDARD Paso [See wane Pree | CHANNEL A, 8 aso | ra soit thee | rfronce wn 8 ohm los. 1 W (282), (Gon enamels werking) | and SOW ATT ae Frat messie sal les of 7 We fe + 05 eB ~-1 58 fre tan measize sgn! ve! of 10 Ha MoOEL [ ROUT. ENIOS aA vept wth 600 oben esute CRAY and CRIB) pal unde 20, 20 wr 6D eB ‘ee, 20%, 2016 | te frown ‘ee: e0a8 {Gb STEREO 8 anm, «75, 37420 Fat ip And measure 8, ton io 5] Same P3600 STEREO 8 om, 1251, 31.68 arr se Sere es PSESD. Dre ee [STEREO 8 om, 75 W, 2450 ‘ie: 20 ArT ax RESIQUA. NOISE METHOD STANDARD isan _| mau wit 00 an 2st0 | Shot messed Ch] 8 ohmoad. ATT Min, ON Aud Fite Mesaure up andar oe Moe !- 7565 78m ‘NOEL [REUT P3600 | Se Wave Tire tsa firm 600 anm Paseo | shor messirc ch np Weasure riod spit ard opal wit] ore tran 16035 ral under e oowing 4. nour sensiriviTy MODEL [REUT. METHOD SNA S500 SneWave | Mestre mp ave when suit of ied paws a+ 408m = 1a soo | tie tained unr ne flowing conn 800 Behm ioad ATT i 8 VOLTAGE GAIN MODEL [PUT ETHOS [STANDARD Pis00 "| Sne Wave [Mesut ated oat vl and pit evel onde 35 oB = 1205 sie thefllonng contr, ard calutevorage ae. Faso Sokmicas se = a 1800 faoap = 1208 soo/P2soorPrs00 MODEL | NOIGATOR[RBUT ETHOS SAAD] Pasao [POWER | POWER av ON | Contim ie ibiowng i wong OK oN aso ‘Aer uming POWER sw ON, he POWER] Pisa LED iat hous ight ON ‘PROTECTION | POWER sw ON | Cone he owing i working Ra NE ‘Maturing POWER ew ON, PROTEOTON LED ingeator should Sg (ON for 62 conde andthe eto sto o ox. oo She Wave [Conk enw wong aKa Ne eke ‘When inp sin! asta to pros] an equa or grater han 01 %6 THO on hm on, the CulP netsh be ‘SL | Bhe wave | Contr the owing i work. feKane ve nen an utpt ett W (2 V) on 4 ob] Tore ha SIGNAL LED nesta tou tl sea P3500 Measure otage opin | and ZT CNTOS and CNT, aor [48 P2800 ung POWER ON. When the unt tampa increases, Pi800 thevotage wit ineense to 1019. Conte owing wating, Idecomect M102 or CNG, he fon spend ic more ate ‘2 PROTECTION NOoEL [Put [METHOD. SrANARS| 2800 [Sine Wave | Conf to avrg wang, OK orn Paso) | tHe dBm Atar spaying Wout signa there shoud be a ne lag of 2 Pisa Seconds before the pecan ove stars workng. ‘Aor dsconnectng pu sgnal thar sous be 3 tn ag of 1] saconds bos the paso cul stops working. ADJUSTMENTS Belo pertrming the faving urban, eth unt a oon: 2 input trmia LR pn 2's HOT, pas ¥ ane ground 5 MODE etek: STERED 4 OUTPUT tama 4ohm load ADNISTMENT SPECIFICATIONS Before tering or apeaeatone son ACB votage ithe rated va 109%. Fret GROUND the INPUT trial ‘agustnent | Aast | Tet Rag Conatane Mose Tou | vRaor | Ter, Pa] SV = Sav | Wak 18 miner ar | P50 CURRENT ‘unig power on | 22500 VRaG | Tear, Tea] —Temv= Sav] Wat 18 mints star] Prs00 ‘uring pow on VRaGE | TPR TED | FETT | Wak 16 mints afar 0 uTeUT v= aEv Paso onset orm Paso “ermial& VR TP ana TP aeacsed ov the AMP ove boars oF PISH0 PSTD “= VR20% URDN, TPH, P42, TP2T ane TPZ2 se load on ne AMP et Boars of PIED = Pas00/P2500/P1500 mm CAUTION FOR SPEAKER CONNECTION 1. Ten offi FOWER swish, 2 Renave te coner tchneat en) deme tectve coe om the speaker terials "RUS. ofl 8 tbe Canaan PISOD do at have pret coners 1. Aferrnningspprox1Ommofiulain fom tbecnssof the speaker eb, pa he bar eu ofthe speaker wie ‘heap oleate cmesponging seer ein and ‘ihe th eis scaly clamp he wie. < ap) Autistic sett bare endo ospeatercales ‘oeotext mie eminalsinsckavay a ey uch tectal, 4 Reach potest cover ovr sper eal Speaker fe ‘Te outpt capacity of your ampli is very highs 305350 (8a) 000W 8A) nmomraloe the Psa 250Ws280W (8) nse and OW (a ‘bau nth P2800, S0W+ 1500 (8) in seo and ‘AAWGOnmonnunlontePISIN Benton paler ‘ye hte ifiet pet apacy. Me ncaa of our seal ysis ower an the fod upto the power ampli you can rot You tpakentyconmncinga esr ween apeakeand pers town ow stern — ‘Use the following fons o dtemin he ase capacity secreting oth pear ipa pa root Speke cotuasinputcapty sew RMS) RUG]: Speakers nominal pecons TAL: Regie fis capaci x) Speke’ contin apt apy: 100W ‘Spele'impdance 8.2 Bass lnthisevampl, he require fe capaciy scaled a3 ta, Speaker cable [yovuneslongspeakercable eat ickacales posible teen deeratin a te damping actor ope as Inet ale en the hh cable ca De ed fr the ‘peer terminal of his ni rom co7P2s00/P1500 POWER AMPLIFIERS P3500 H-2]as500 —-15S>00 PARTS LIST ELECTRICAL PARTS OVERALL ASSEMBLY (PSSOO2500) OVERALL ASSEMBLY (P1500) o Pasoo/P2500/P1600 ELECTRICAL PARTS iow Parts CRAB) 2500/°2500/P1500 x : ior Parte (READ) 2 BSc te vise sri” Seaicos ee HE Ss a Buss |ressiaea|corante lest ser sows e942 ceny [rxsnzae| le Paroue ooov 2 |E3a% (PT! Reozaro[etceroistie canny [ay tooco ev [BPS Say Siooeiona-t eee Fy ecw (Eles* (RBIS ie Paris (HH) '3500/P2500/P1500 aa oo ma oe —— ) SEs ie Bee ey | RBI Epmame OPS leche, REE Ses Bi33 (aaa SrrrRTy feremes eas Sra oe BE era chet, 235 ch lesosesezi0 :} _ fausleis tat gree ns|edzge=t |i atte ce | emae i eae 4[__ Jens ests mas vara vn|ad opr fmm ae arene or [eee sf eee Beast tey [F222 laa 3] | stersia aa awew ES EES yz seen |] JBBSSIESE ES [ee tsavaeor [253277 " lssansonior or Parte (REA) Pavan ants 3500/%2500/P1500 a]stetes| face wae Ee EI EEE: Peat (REESE FL so RRL3 oR E ioe Beets ORT Tamm ony 500/P2500/61500 '3500/P2500/P1500 OVERALL ASSEMBLY (P3500/P2500) az Beebe u a a by ne “or Parte (AEA) Tae or 8 3500/°2500/°1500 wae | ae ey FESR Jetieasoes anes [+42 FREE Esse Set See Ba EES S TORS 2] $7 fae SSE von ofa 8 ier Farts A) Fae ons 8 500125001500 3600/P2500/P1500 OVERALL ASSEMBLY (P1500) s00/P2s00/P1500 wet [ra Bescipeion wae tare] suere fee Fee Lee ELS eae a 3F = emote -_ ia a | KER: "men i Seah z pasa [AER vo> + [Ee Hise, fics a ets Elise PvE sii te Zt BE eas Passeren oy 12 Gs Soma esa aa he ONE Wana only \ws a | 8 _c > | P3500, P2500 OVERALL CIRCUIT DIAGRAM CHANNEL A) (BRIDGE) CHANNEL &

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