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AS Film Studies


By Nina Zabicka (103594)

Shot no. 1

Cinematography: Long Shot

Action: Establishment of the place. Statue of

liberty is a symbol of New York.

Mise-en-scene: The statue is placed on the side

of the frame. This refers to its loneliness and to
the loneliness of the characters.

Sound: diegetic, the sounds from the city

Duration: 5 seconds
Fades to Shot no. 2

Cinematography: Medium Long Shot. Camera

tracks alongside walking Mr. Rosser.

Action: Mr. Rosser is walking down the street

Mise-en-scene: Establishment of night,

Sound: diegetic, we can hear his steps

Duration: 3 seconds

Cut to Shot no. 3

Cinematography: Medium Shot

Action: Mr. Rosser stops for a second because he

reached his destination and he wants to check if
it’s the right place.

Mise-en-scene: Establishment of Mr. Rosser. Half

of him is in the light and half of him is in the
shadow. This shows that he might be two faced.

Sound: Non diegetic. Moody jazz begins with


Duration: 2 seconds

Cut to Shot no. 4

Cinematography: Close Up. Shot with a
‘steadicam’ camera.

Action: Mr. Rosser looks around to check if

anyone is around.

Mise-en-scene: This shows his paranoia that

someone could be stalking him.

Sound: Non diegetic. Jazz, moody develops.

Duration: 3 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 5

Cinematography: Still Long Shot

Action: We see Mr. Rosser coming to the doors

and knocking on them. He waits few seconds and
the doors are opening. We don’t see him coming

Mise-en-scene: No people around. Dark and

dangerous area.

Sound: Non diegetic. The same music keeps on


Duration: 5 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 6

Cinematography: Medium Close Up

Action: We are introduced to Mrs. Iver who is a

femme fatale.

Mise-en-scene: Lighting doesn’t show us her face.

This tells us that she is a bad character. Smoking a
cigarette from the holder establishes her sex

Sound: Non diegetic. Jazz music gets louder with

more instruments.

Duration: 3 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 7

Cinematography: Medium Close Up

Action: Mrs. Iver invites Mr. Rosser inside with a

slow movement of her head and a cigarette

Mise-en-scene: The fact that she doesn’t even

says a word shows that she expected his visit and
it also emphasis her power above Mr. Rosser.

Sound: Non diegetic. Violin takes the most part to

emphasis her beauty.

Duration: 2 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 8

Cinematography: Medium Close Up from slightly High Angle

Action: Mr. Rosser walks inside the house and

takes his hat off.

Mise-en-scene: High Angle makes him small

compared to Mrs. Iver. Taking the hat off also
shows respect to her.

Sound: Non diegetic. We can’t hear violins

anymore and the music fades out

Duration: 4 seconds
Fades out to Shot no. 9. a)

Cinematography: Extreme
Close Up

Action: Crime place. We can see the evidence


Sound: Diegetic sounds of the night.

Duration: 2 seconds
Shot no. 9. b)

Cinematography: Very
Long Shot

Action: Crime place. Mr. Rosser is there, looking

for something. Then he stands up, but the camera
is still.

Mise-en-scene: Mr. Rosser might be the truth


Sound: Diegetic sounds of the night.

Duration: 5 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 10. a)

Cinematography: Long

Action: Crime place. We can see drawn body with

the chalk. Mr. Rosser walks around.

Mise-en-scene: Now we know there was a

murder in this film.

Sound: Diegetic sounds of the night.

Duration: 3 seconds
Shot no. 10. b)

Cinematography: Long

Action: Crime place. Mr. Rosser keeps on looking

for something.

Sound: Diegetic sounds of the night.

Duration: 2 seconds
Shot no. 10. c)

Cinematography: Very
Long Shot

Action: Crime place. Mr. Rosser walks away.

Sound: Diegetic sounds of the night.

Duration: 5 seconds

Fades out to Shot no. 11.

Cinematography: Medium Shot. Two Shot/ Over

the shoulder Shot. The camera tracks behind

Action: We are back in Mrs. Iver’s house. Mr.

Rosser follows her.

Mise-en-scene: Mrs. Iver moves her hips and her

body in a very sexy way. This together with her
clothes shows her confidence.

Sound: Diegetic. We can hear their steps.

Duration: 4 seconds

Cut to Shot no. 12.

Cinematography: Medium Shot, Two Shot. Camera tracks in front of them.

Action: The same situation as above but this time shot from shot different perspective.

Mise-en-scene: Mrs. Iver is in the shadow because she is a bad character and Mr. Rosser is in light what
shows that he is a good character.

Sound: Diegetic. The same as above.

Duration: 3 seconds

Cut to Shot no. 13.

Cinematography: Big Close Up. Camera tracks in

front of her, when she is walking.

Action: We can finally see Mrs. Iver’s face.

Mise-en-scene: Her make up shows that she is a

flirty person.

Sound: Non Diegetic. Violin fades in.

Duration: 4 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 14.

Cinematography: Extreme Close Up

Action: The camera zooms in to Mrs. Iver’s eye.

Mise-en-scene: Zooming in her eye will show

something personal about her or her secret.

Sound: Non Diegetic. We can hear more violins

speeding up the tempo.

Duration: 3 seconds

Fades out to Shot no. 15.


Cinematography: Medium Two Shot

Action: Mrs. Iver meets unknown mysterious


Mise-en-scene: Both characters have got their

faces partly covered because they don’t want to
be recognized.

Sound: Non Diegetic. Now the leading

instrument is cello.

Duration: 3 seconds

Cut to Shot no. 16.


Cinematography: Big Close Up

Action: Mrs. Iver gives him an envelope.

Mise-en-scene: Music is suspectful*.

Sound: Non Diegetic. Cellos and violins get louder.

Duration: 3 seconds

* a. Apt to suspect or mistrust; full of suspicion;
suspicious; as, to be suspectful of the motive of others.
Cut to Shot no. 17.


Cinematography: Extreme Close Up

Action: Now we can see that the envelope is full

of money. The man counts the money and then he
puts them in his pocket

Mise-en-scene: Lighting is very dark

Sound: Non Diegetic. Cellos and violins stay on the

same level of loudness.

Duration: 6 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 18.


Cinematography: ‘Over the shoulder shot’ with Very Long Shot

Action: Mrs. Iver looks at the man walking away.

Mise-en-scene: Mrs. Iver doesn’t walk away yet. This shows that she is not confident with what she has done.
She had to stay a while to think.

Sound: Non Diegetic. Music calms down leaving Mrs. Iver a melancholy sound.

Duration: 6 seconds

Fades out to Shot no. 19.

Cinematography: Medium Long Shot with pan


Action: Mrs. Iver comes inside the room and by

moving her cigarette holder she points at the
chair, where Mr. Rosser sits down. Then she sits
down. She looks confident and sexy.

Mise-en-scene: Her performance shows her

power above Mr. Rosser.

Sound: Diegetic. Music fades away, so we can

hear their steps.

Duration: 10 seconds
Cut to Shot no. 20.

Cinematography: ‘Over the shoulder shot’ and then zoom in to Mr. Rosser’s face
to shot his reaction.

Action: Mrs. Iver smokes the cigarette. She is in

a shadow. We can see Mr. Rosser in the light.
Mrs. Iver asks him ‘Did you find out who killed
my husband, Mr. Rosser?’

Mise-en-scene: Camera made Mr. Rosser small

compared to Mrs. Iver.

Sound: Diegetic at the start. When Mrs. Iver asks

a question violin starts to play again.
Duration: 7 seconds

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