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Block Street Business Association

116 N. Block Street ~ Fayetteville, AR

(479) 527-0622 ~


City of Fayetteville
Parking Management Division
113 W. Mountain Street
Fayetteville, AR 72701

Dearest City of Fayetteville,

The permit request enclosed represents the collective work of the Block Street
Business Association, an organization of almost 30 local businesses, all of which are
located on and around Block Street. Along with around 30 other groups in the
community (many of them non-profits), we would like to promote the downtown area of
Fayetteville by throwing a Block Party, Sunday, May 22nd, which will feature a large
variety of booths, activities and live music hosted by both established and growing
entrepreneurs in the city.

We feel that Block Street is one of the city's most unique and appealing business
avenues, with everything from great dining, to diverse retailers, to expert financial and
legal services. It is especially rare to find so many interesting, diverse, and progressive
businesses in such a small area in a city the size of Fayetteville. We want to celebrate this
collection of community leaders, in addition to the recently beautified Block Street
District (which represents a significant investment by the City of Fayetteville). Here are
some, though not all, of the preparations we have made to insure that this event is both
organized and safe.

- Wft have arranged for a $2 million, l-day liability insurance policy through McNair
& Associates, which will cover any unforeseen emergencies related to the event
- We will reserve an access lane for emergency vehicles, at least 20 feet wide,
which is free of vendors and which services the entire event area
- At least 20 participating businesses on and around Block Street will provide
public restroom facilities to attendees; portable restrooms have been considered
as an option, but ultimately will not be as convenient or space-efficient as using
the pre-existing facilities
- We are in the process of acquiring temporary picnic permits for two alcoholic
beverage area; (beer gardens), which will include security as per ABCregulations

We are excited about this opportunity, as we feel it is mutually beneficial to

Fayetteville's citizens, City Council, and local businesses. Thank you for your
Print Form

City of Fayetteville, Arkansas
Event Permit Application
Section I

Any individual or organization planning to host or produce a festival or event which will be held on City of
Fayetteville property or utilize City resources must complete this application and return it with the appropriate fees
to the City of Fayetteville Parking Management Division for approval. Any misrepresentation in this application or
deviation from the final approved specifications and activities described herein may result in the immediate
revocation of the approved permit. No application will be processed without the Hold Harmless Clause being
signed. Please do not write on the back side of any page of this form.

Event Name:
Event Date(s):
Event Producer:

Primary Contact: . ,-" f1Le

Primary contact is the person who is to be contacted regarding the application or event

Address: 13
City: State: ~ Zip: ~7~10 I
Phone: ay: )~7-0b2Z Night: ;"ffI- 'I31b
Cell: --.t:!lf\ Fax: NJA
Emai1: JillkbC(MCO (~c ~oJL60-.(...;.;0'--;.;:--"-''----

Secondary Contact: __ S~';1j..:.:i\...:...c=-e:::::..·+-~~~:::::.=~----:::::.t...U~::::::::""'!.L.L..l=--...lL...!.:::::'::"'l..!...\L..1&-_---i

Phone: Day: t" q - Y l{ >- z~Za
Night: _
Cell: lJl1q- LfWrrbq?i'l Fax: __ .......,- _
Email: 1clt\.( @c(lJ){.ller _

11 Not for Profit CI Wedding Ceremony D WalkIRun Footrace

D For Profit D Wedding Reception 0 Competition
'Z" Public D MeetinglDinner 1 Parade
D Private 0 Press Conference D Rally Demonstration
Ja' Concert 0 Auction K Festival
0 Trade ShowlExpo 0 Block Party 0 Other

Page 1 Section I Event Permit Application

Event Description:
8ltJejC S-t/LUT BLOtt;..,fAil 'i
Event Duration: Hours of Operation: Start End

Starting Date: $/1-2-/11 Day 1 I PM 2PM

Day 2
Ending Date 51z In
Z Day 3

Site Preparation: Starting Date: 5/Z2- Time: 'SAM

Dismantle/Cleann p: Ending Date: S/zZ Time: 10 fA

Total Attendance: j- ~OOO Peak Attendance: Ti~e:
l l'1 (l'> I tn' uu FrL -fAif /1 I)
Event Featnres: Check all that apply
Alcoholic Beverages Served "~
Security Required- fcC- f?ft'g..,.
ii' Alcoholic Beverages Sold ~ Street Closings
Carnival Rides Temporary Electrical Service
D Crowd Control Required Temporary Restrooms
rsi" Elevated Noise Levels (Section III required) D Tents
Emergency Medical Services Required ii' Vendor Booths

:=i Parade/March
Fireworks Prohibited by City Code 94,05
~ Vendor Food

[fyou have checked any ofthe features above, please continue with Section n- Major Event
Permit Application.
Hold Harmless Clause:

The City shall not be liable to user's employees, agents, invitees, licensee, visitors, or to any other
person, for injury to person or damage to property on or about the leased premises caused by the
negligence or misconduct of user, its agents, servant or employees, or of any other person entering upon
the leased premises under express or implied invitation by user, or caused by the building improvements
located on the leased premises becoming out of repair, or caused by leakage of gas, oil, water, smoke, or
steam or by electricity emanating from the leased premises, The event producer agrees to indemnify
and hold harmless the City from any loss, attorney's fees, and expenses or claims arising out of any
such damage or injury, The City reserves the right to revoke this application at any time,
The applicant ensures compliance with the following:
• The observance of applicable laws and ordinances;
• Any stipulations or restrictions of the perm it;
• Any stipulations or rules outlined in the Event Permit Application Instructions/Rules;
• • The applicant ssumes all liabilities that may arise by street closing and related activity.
Permit applied for stipulation agreed to by:

Signature: Date:
--~~~~~~~~~---------------- 3jJ0/11
Page 2 Section I Event Permit Application
t Print form l

Major Event Permit Application

Event Name:

Event Date(s):
f!!JfJ:uf BbL &4;=--
Site Map Requirement:
Major events require a site map (you may acquire a map from the Parking Management Office). Indicate
on map the exact placement ofthe following ite
> Gate(s)/Official Entrance(s)
estroo able Toilets.---/
> Vendor Booths/Tents .'
> Money Rooms
-- > Security Tent(s)
> Performance Areas/Lighting ~ > Fencing ~anner Plac~}
Dumpsters & Trash Containers ~~.r:.ea~-'-'j ~eet closuresisarricadV
> Event Headquarters > AICOhO~) > Communication Center
Street Closure: Reopen:
Date: 5}ZZ Time: 5:----AA\ Date:
List streets to be closed (provide map):
8/&cI...-- 9tut- fiUJ/IIl DICit YJN /7) cr 1J78tL .; 1;0CL-i)i/Jb
aIT -ro 1'& k~
--uu-a OIl lVLef00cJ) eAST 5/1Jt.. tbCL levA?- r;AflbeN
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It is the responsibility of an event producer to provide adequate security for an event, and to ensure that an
adequate number of security personnel are present to manage the expected size of the event's crowd.
Security must include proper crowd control. Security personnel must meet the requirements of the
Fayetteville Police Department.

Number of off-duty police or private security personnel being provided: !.

Organization providing off-duty or private security: IAt')\,Q.':) ,- AUL I

·J~Sr TM..J&flJ.;Ali
Contact: I!:.ilMYfJW, 1~\JA1Jt 06LL Phone:
Type of Security Number of Personnel Check if not Needed
Gate Security 1!([
Alcohol Sales Security 2-- I} PU- /3eUl/;AA D. [Pit! D
Money Handling Security 1l(
Stage/Artists Security '1il'
Parking Lot Security '1ilf.
Overnight Security (outside of event hours) E

Page 1 Section /I Major Event Permit Application

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Emergency ResponselFire Team:
Special emergency response team required?
Type of response unit required:
Yes 0 NO-¥-
Fee: $
------------------------- ----
List types of vendor booths (food, clothing, crafts, etc.):

«oUI) ,. c (~o1JjzN6 ,/ tt1irrtS, A c:.l\ \I \ '1\QS

Alcoholic Beverages:
Alcoholic Beverage Vendor(s): MAXirvts ; .:rg.I.s U&JjTB()L-BjJAJJlreKA./~.)/'1BLtSt ~
ABC License Number: 03171

Electrical Service:
How will electrical service be supplied: Public Utilities D Generator 0
~~IEk~c~:~_' -_~M_M~~~~~~~(~,~~U~(~~
Business Phone: y<1Z ~ '87~ Emergency Phone (during event): '3'Y 1- 93 07

Restroom Facilities:
Number of permanent facilities: 2.f) Number of portable facilities:
Company Supplying Portables:
Contact: Phone:
--------------------------------- -------------
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Page 2 Section II Major Event Permit Application

Trash, Recycling, and Clean Up Plans/Procedures:
Please contact the Solid Waste & Recycling Division for all your events refuse and recycling needs at 479-

Name of trash and recycling coordinator:

Name of clean up coordinator:
Number of people on clean-up crew:
Number and Size of Dumpsters: Type of Dumpsters:
--~r----- ---------------
Number of times to be serviced: .1.
Briefly describe plan for trash and recycle removal (how will trash be collected and disposed of?):
vJiLl uS;: of Cit.vN

Briefly describe plan for clean up after event is concluded:

Uk fe OLtt ss of
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VOLV tJTeQd -- G aMp&- fD e." WA-NUP RflfPO('(

Clean Up Deposit Required: $500.00

This fee is payable in advance to the City of Fayetteville for clean up and removal of debris. An
inspection of the event location will be performed by City personnel within 24 hours after the ending date
and time of the event as established in this permit. Upon establishment ofa satisfactory inspection of the
site of the clean up performed by the event producer, the clean up deposit will be refunded within thirty
(30) days of the inspection. If said clean up was not totally successful, then all or a portion of the deposit
may be forfeited to the City in order to pay for the appropriate clean up efforts, Clean up tasks performed
by the City are charged out at $50.00 per hour. If cleanup efforts performed by the City exceed $50<100,
the event producer will be billed the additional cost.

Clean Up Deposit Received:

--------- Amount: --------- Check #: ---------------
Refundable to: Name:
City, sr, Zip:
Telephone No.:

Page 3 Section II Major Event Permit Application

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