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Because some drinking companions requested it;
I— the drinker—Jig’drèl Yeshé Dorje,
sang this spontaneously:

Within the supreme self-existing skull cup of happiness, are swirling oceans of shining essence thig-
lés. Above – the five seed syllables appear and become the yab-yum Buddhas of the five elements. A
flood of blessings flows from their ecstatic union. They move in great joy—melt in light—and
dissolve into the spatial essence.

A’a: Hung:
The three syllables rain from the dimension of space, and the precipitation manifests as düdtsi – a
treasury of desirable qualities whose colour, taste, and fragrance are powerful.

A’a: Hung: Ha Ho Hri:

Offerings multiply. Happiness arises on perceiving the wondrous unsurpassed düdtsi of the heroes
and heroines of the world. I offer this to: the pervading Masters – my most kind Lamas; the Holders
of the Six Lineages; the Three Jewels; the Three Spheres of Being; the Peaceful, Joyous and
Wrathful yidams; Mamos and Dakinis; Protectors of the Inner Tantras; gTérma Protectors; Protectors
of the Treasuries of Phenomena; Protectors of the Ground of Being; the sang-gyé kyil’khor of my
body; duality and non-duality; and, to the infinite purity of the phenomenal world.

A Ho:
Wonderful: In this way – nobody becomes unhappy when drinking.

A La La Ho:

Shè su sol:
Please drink:

The rTsa-sum and Buddhas drink in the space of existence. Chö-kyong and Srungma drink with
awareness. Lamas drink on their thrones. Dharma friends drink sitting in rows. Monastics drink
secretly. The gö kar chang lo’i dé drink openly.

Old men drink proudly. Old ladies drink smilingly. Men drink noisily. Women drink swayingly.
Youths drink playfully. Girls drink laughingly. I—the tantrika—drink happily.

We drink happily—without reference points to cause dissatisfaction. Because this apparitional

banquet—free of referentiality—is offered to the illusory body, what we drink is a sacred feast.

Anxiety is therefore unnecessary, and we remain relaxed.

Because appearances are infinitely pure – discrimination is unnecessary, and we remain serene.

Because self-existent wisdom is total – effort is unnecessary, and we rest with cheerful minds.

The path of happiness we follow arises due to the kindness of the Lamas.

A La La Ho: Kalpa Zang:

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