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Anna Cairns

Jul 8, 2018

Telepathy 101–5 hints to take

back your natural ability

Virtual Mind on

Although humans interact on a face to face basis, we also connect telepathically,


It’s impossible not to.

Unconscious communication takes place all the time whether we know it or not. It
creates an undercurrent of emotion felt in small gatherings, large cities and even

It’s the stuff of world peace and of world war.

It’s the reason road rage has become so prevalent on today’s highways and
It’s the reason group meditations are the absolute best.

Telepathy is vital to our connection to each other, to the planet and all life on it, to
the universe, and to God. It’s a language we were all born with, hardwired into
the DNA of each cell. Without the ability to understand and interpret our
telepathic connection we could find ourselves adrift without a sense of purpose or
reason for life.

The good news is that it is never gone. It may go dormant, either asleep or in a

How much effort is required in recovering this first language depends on whether
you’ve maintained a conscious link through intuition. If you were taught telepathy
was wrong for whatever reason, it might take tremendous effort to regain your
mother tongue. But no matter what, the reintroduction into your life is worth it.

Over the past 45+ years, I’ve done readings for a few thousand people. I’ve also
successfully helped many of them recover their ability to translate their telepathic

If you’re actively telepathic, these hints can only enhance your ability. If you’ve let
your abilities slide into disuse, these hints will help you remember your real
mother tongue.

So what are they?
Photo by Gerd Altmann on Pixabay

1. Be honest and open then listen

Everything on the planet is connected. It’s against nature to separate. We are
meant to connect both verbally and non-verbally.

I used to think that telepathic communication was a violation of privacy. I did my

best not to look or pay attention to what people were thinking and feeling. This
was misguided and actually diminished me in so many ways.

Telepathic privacy is an illusion that creates separation from universal spirit /

God. The only possible reason to desire it is to hide behaviours that might be
deviant, harmful, or usury.

With that said, let’s be clear — I’m not talking about physical or societal privacy.
We all have the right to keep our bank accounts and homes free from prying
eyes. It’s nobody’s business what I had for supper or what type of toilet paper I
use. Not because such privacy is meaningful in any useful way, but because
generally those who want to know have an agenda that is solely in their best

Telepathic communication doesn’t give anyone the right to go around reading

other people’s minds! That’s not what it’s all about.

To be telepathic, to be honest and open, requires us to fully know each other’s

joys and pain. It allows us to go beyond the cerebral to find love and compassion
for each other.

Once on this path we awaken our true natures.

You might be sitting around and suddenly you get the thought, “I’m tired.” You do
a body check and notice, you’re not tired at all.

In such a situation, look around, someone in your general vicinity is the source.
Once, while travelling via public transit, I got the thought, “Richard Gere looks
old.” It was an odd thought but not very because “Chicago” aired the night before
and I watched it.

I could easily have believed that thought came from me except experience told
me it belonged to someone else.

I stopped reading my book and started a conversation with the lady across from
me, as an exercise in finding the source of thoughts. During that conversation
she said she’d watched Chicago the night before and didn’t I think Richard Gere
looked old?
The more honest and open we are the easier it is to hear thoughts that originate
outside ourselves. Be on the lookout for these. They may give the impression of
coming from you but they aren’t.

2. Genuine Interest
We are a part of everything. All energy, in the long run, is a part of itself. If we
weren’t a part of everything, we wouldn’t be here — simple really.

It’s important to have a genuine interest, a genuine desire to connect.

If you go around showing interest in and / or connecting with people, places,

things, etc., just to initiate interest in yourself, that’s not genuine it’s
disingenuous. You have a ‘profit’ agenda and don’t deserve to communicate

A genuine interest is asking, “How are you today?” Then waiting for the answer,
in it’s totality, without complaint if more than, “Fine,” comes your way.

A genuine interest means not mentally wandering away from the conversation,
thinking you should cut the grass before it rains.

A genuine interest is not interrupting to get a word in or to divert a conversation

to yourself. (A problem I admit to. I’m working on it.)

Years ago, when the internet was fairly new, a man called my home to promote a
free Healer’s Directory. He was quite personable and we chatted about different
metaphysical subjects.

He asked for my opinion on something and I refused to give it. It surprised him.
Throughout the conversation of this subject he repeatedly asked for my opinion
and I repeatedly refused. Finally, I relented and told him what I thought. He then
said, “Do you want to know what I think?” Without hesitation, I said, “No!”

Like a child he insisted that since he’d listened to my opinion I should listen to
his. I told him he asked for my opinion, I didn’t ask for his and furthermore, he
only wanted to know what I thought as a segway to his own thoughts. He got
angry and the conversation ended.

Having a genuine interest in life places you in the moment. Being in the moment
allows you to fully experience what’s going on at any given time. Fully
experiencing anything means catching the unspoken communication.

3. Pull Your Energy In

Let me say that again — Sigh!

Take a deep breath in (deeper) then sigh. If your shoulders drop and you feel like
you’ve settled down inside your physical body, then good. You did it right. If not,
try again! Sigh!

The majority of people today have so much to do. They energetically scatter
themselves to the 4 corners leaving only a tiny grip on their bodies. Their spirit is
spread too thin.

How is a person like that supposed to hear anything when one ear is in Boston
and the other’s in Tokyo?

You’ve got a body! Use it. Drop yourself in now and again. Go ahead and be “full
of yourself” instead of full of something else.

4. Meditation
Yes, of course, you knew this one was coming. Most people today meditate or at
least know what that entails.

So what does it mean?

Meditation is the space between 2 conscious thoughts. It doesn’t mean you don’t
think. It doesn’t mean you have no thoughts.

It means you don’t initiate thoughts. When one comes in you allow it space,
notice it and let it pass. You don’t engage and you don’t judge.

You can meditate when pulling your energy in — sigh, feel the energy flow back
into your body. Feel knots loosen. Sigh again. Stretch.

That took what? A minute? Excellent you just meditated for a minute.

You can meditate when you practice genuine interest. You listen to a voice. You
not only hear the words, you experience them. You rise and fall with the timber.
You watch how the mouth forms the words. You feel how the sound displaces
the air. Is there colour, music?

How long was that? Another minute? Congratulations again.

Once, I couldn’t stop myself from falling into a meditation during a fireside chat
given by my 2 spiritual teachers, Stuart Wilde and Khris Krepcik. No doubt it
looked like I’d fallen asleep.
Stuart was talking. I don’t remember what he was saying, but it doesn’t matter
because the energy in his story was the thing. Everything disappeared and his
voice turned into a golden musical scale with dancing gold blobs that wrote
themselves into a sonata. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever

Meditation can be done for a minute when you have time. (Make the time.) It can
be done eyes open, eyes shut, walking, sitting, singing, and on and on. There is
no need to put on special music, recite a mantra, burn incense, or perform any
other ritual. It can take 1 minute or it can go on for days.

It’s really nice to have a sacred space where you can grow peace and harmony
the way you grow tomatoes. But if you don’t have that space, recognize there is a
garden in your heart. Sit there.

Your telepathic abilities will grow and you will also become an oasis in the desert.

5. Trust Yourself
This is self-explanatory.

As you practice receiving thoughts on the air, trust what you get and for pity’s
sake, don’t justify yourself.

There are 3 possibilities. You’re right, you’re wrong, or you’re mistaken about the

In the beginning none of this matters. It’s practice after all. Nobody’s paying you
for the info and because you’re not running around justifying yourself, you should
be the only one who knows which of the 3 possibilities is in play.

The act of justification says you don’t trust yourself and need validation. It
diminishes what you’re doing.

If possible have a conversation with the likely source — be it a person, animal,

stone, whatever. See if validation appears. Let it come naturally. Don’t seek it

The last thing to remember is that location is not a factor with telepathy.
Information can come from anywhere.

This form of communication and connection is not dependent on physical

proximity. It is universal and enduring throughout time and space. As you are.

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