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Nama : Agnes Sarchan Indrawan

Kelas/no absen : IX F / 3

Timun Mas
Once upon a time in a little village lived an old widow named Mbok Rondho. She really
dreamt to have a child. Oneday, she met Buto Ijo to ask a child. Buto Ijo gives her cucumber
seed. Buto ijo said,
“if the cucumber seed was planted it will grow to be a big cucumber. In there was baby, but I
want to take her when she 17 years old!.”
She planted the seed in front of her house. In the next day she found a big cucumber in her
yard, and when she opened that cucumber there was a beautiful baby named Timun Emas. She
was 17 years old. One day her mom said,
"Timun Emas, you must go. Buto Ijo want to take you! Bring this some salt, chili, sharp spines,
cucumber seeds, terasi and go quickly!"
“What happend mom? I don't know, please tell me."
Mbok Rondho explained her meeting with Buto Ijo, Timun Emas said "Ok mom, don't worry! I'll
go quickly!"
In the next day, Timun emas went to the jungle. She didn't forget to bring some salt, chili,
sharp spines, cucumber seeds, terasi.
Buto Ijo searched her. "Timun Emas, Timun Emas! Where are you?"
So when Buto Ijo found her, she threw her salt at him. It became a sea. next, she threw chili,
the jungle does not block buto ijo. Timun mas threw the sharp spines to Buto Ijo. next, she
threw cucumber seed to him and he starts falling down.
She threw terasi at him and the terasi turned into a big swamp. But he was too tired and
finally Buto Ijo died there. Timun Emas came back to her house and lived happiness with her

Moral message :
Don't ever promise people if you can't keep the promise and also we must not threaten and do evil
to others because we will get the right punishment.

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