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the amazing spider-man 2



Bob Garlen| Pitch | 07/23/2021

To the Readers
To be noted, I am a fan of both of The Amazing Spider-Man films, I loved the
first one and appreciate the second. Each Film has many things to love about them. I am
not here to say that I in any way, shape, form, function, or spirit am a better or more
intelligent screenwriter than any of the listed screenwriters on The Amazing Spider-Man
2. I do not claim to have a full idea of what was expected of the film or the intent of the
cast, crew, or producers. This version comes complete with 2 benefits: time and
hindsight. This document is not in any way a knock on the crew involved with the film.
This a labor of love, especially for Andrew Garfield’s performance as Peter
Parker/Spider-Man, and Marc Webb’s stylistic and visionary directing.

That being said, I have my version of this movie, I have my version of this
cinematic universe. This is a loose document meant to outline the film, go through certain
differences, and build what I feel would have been a more coherent film and pitch my
overall take on the cinematic universe. This document includes a treatment (that can be
attached with a written draft of the script based on this document and outline). I also
include Character and Casting notes, and a sample pitch of where I would take a
hypothetical Third and Fourth film (being that it is believed that Sony intended two
additional Amazing Spider-Man films, along a Sinister Six film.) This document also
includes a Sinister Six film pitch, a Venom Pitch, and a detailed outline of where to go
from there, including a launching point with a Phase Two Film. This is my
comprehensive take on the original plans for the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel
Characters (shortened for SPUoMC, SMU).

If you love The Amazing Spider-Man 2, I hope you don’t find this to be a
disrespectful exercise, if you are ambivalent or dislike the film, I hope you look at my
overall take and consider it to be an improvement over what was given in the established
film. Like many I am a massive Spider-Man fan, and initially had no intention in this
project, but as I began to think about it more and more, it began to form into a rewrite of
the film and as I began to write it and began to see the intentions of Sony Pictures in their
attempt to create a Spider-Man epic.

It is imperative that when you rewrite a movie that you take certain measures to
honor what the creative team and the studio wished. Reflecting the point and the status
quo of the original film while re-working what made the film into an improved work. So,
with respect to studio, and producer intentions, there will be some rules that are needed to
continue my version of the film and to give my overall pitch.

The actors in the film are all Amazing, pardon the pun, and work extremely well.
Everyone in the film is supposed to be there and needs to be there. Now their characters
don’t but that doesn’t mean I’m removing anyone from the cast, on the contrary I’m
keeping them and adjusting their roles. In fact, I would seek to add in characters
previously deleted from the film (I.E. Mary Jane Watson, and her father Philip). So this
means that Dane Dehaan is still in the film, he’s just not Harry Osborn. This also includes
expanded roles for characters who previously only appeared in either single, or minimal
scenes (i.e. B.J. Novak and Chris Cooper).

In October of 2016, Actor Michael Massee passed away from Stomach Cancer,
being that his character in this version becomes intricate to the overall plan, his role
would be recast due to Massee only appearing in Shadows in both films Massee would
appears in. The casting in this instance would be his ‘The Crow’ co-star Michael Wincott,
due to them having similar voices, looks, as well as being the same height. This remains
the only instance in which a character would be re-cast, this is due to the passing of
Michael Massee.


In the film Gwen Stacy Dies, we have (or are going to have) a Green Goblin, The
Man in the Hat is revealed by name, Peter doubts his role of being Spider-Man but
continues. These are all story elements that were to be continued and thus will be
continued in this version. This is very much a “seed” movie, meant to grow an ever-
expanding epic to influence and develop the greater Sony Universe. While this is
certainly a seed movie, that will not and should not stop the film from being a meaningful
and important.

This is a film meant to feel deeply impactful not just for the future but for Spider-Man
and how Spider-Man will grow. This series is of films about Peter Parker and his
evolution into the role of Spider-Man and how he grows as a character. It’s imperative
that every film continue his growing as an individual and development into the role of


It is a seed movie, we’re planting threads and there’s many ways to do that and
the way I’m going about it allows us to set up: Symbiotes: Venom and Carnage, Green
Goblin, Doctor Octopus, the Jackal, and the Rhino for future appearances. Carnage’s set
up will be the most subtle but will still play an integral role in the future of these movies.

Despite being arguably the biggest star in the cast, netting Jamie Foxx for a
Spider-Man villain is, indeed, a big get. Jamie is a fantastic actor, and the idea is to keep
him as Electro. The studio marketed the film heavily, to the point it wasn’t until later
trailers released shortly before release that it was believed he was the main antagonist. I
can imagine that the studio would want to keep Foxx’s Electro, the character won’t fall to
the same issues he fell to in the theatrical cut of the film. The Costume he wears, post
transformation, will still be the same (to be fair, it looked cool, and with the blue skin he
stood out against Spider-Man.)


The idea is to keep all the behind-the-scenes crew, this is just an alternate draft.
Part of that includes Hans Zimmer’s score, which for the most part would be unchanged.
But being that I have a different main villain in mind I would alter the concept of his
Electro Score, using voices in the song to equate the mental state of the villain, and use it
for the main villain. In tone the main villain’s theme would be similar to Zimmer’s
Goblin theme but being that this film omits Harry Osborn and the Green Goblin I wanted
to alter the score to fit the new main villain: Eddie Brock.


The first film built heavily upon the concept of what Peter Parker’s parents were
involved in before their deaths. The mystery is a key part of the theatrical film, the
promise of it being solved was an important element of the film and it will be an
important element in this version, going as far as having a direct tie to the villain of this
film but plant seeds extending to the bigger whole of the Sony’s plans.


The Amazing Spider-Man 2 is 141 minutes, including credits and an after-credit
scene. The movie is long for a reason, and as long as it may seem, I find it necessary to
alter the excessive runtime for the film so the story can be told naturally. As there’s a lot
of story to be told, whether it was a seed film or not the runtime is still fluid. This is all in
keeping of building Sony’s Spider-Man Saga. So as far as the runtime goes, it stays
because it’s simply needed.

While the film has a duty to set up a great many things, the story itself is self-
contained, with a beginning, middle, and end. The point is to tell a story in the life of
Peter Parker, while this story does leave threads, it is not to the degree where another film
would be necessary to “finish” the story.

Originally it was a controversial matter, as the redesign for Spider-Man seemed
radical and was unpopular by many. It did eventually grow on numerous fans and I must
admit, the suit from the first film is my favorite between the two films. In this version he
retains his suit from the first movie for the majority of the film, being that this is a sequel
and merchandising is too important, the second movie suit would be introduced in this
version as well, but much close to the end of the film, here it would symbolize Peter
evolving from being a teenager to being a responsible adult, and the explanation would
be that the suit would be made by and a gift from Gwen Stacy, this is so we can get an
onscreen explanation for the suit, instead of it just appearing with no explanation.
Although the first and second movie suits will not be the only ones to appear in this
version, but they do bookend the film nicely.


One of the overt and honest criticisms from the first film was its scale and plot. It felt
essentially like a “Peril of the city” plot where, should Spider-Man fail, the whole city
would become a battleground from some revolutionary change that would no doubt lead
to an apocalypse. In the theatrical version the idea is teased, as Electro seeks to gain god
like abilities to control New York’s power. This plot does not feel right for this Spider-
Man. Instead the stakes are smaller, only a handful of characters can be impacted should
Spider-Man fail, and it is all directly tied to him. While things were suitably tied to him
in the first film, its stakes and plot overtook that personal notion. In this version of the
film, the stakes are dire and personal to Peter, in a manner of speaking if Spider-Man fails
it will feel to him as he’s lost his soul or it will be his death – neither being optimal
outcomes for the hero. It is a film about responsibility and whether that responsibility is
Spider-Man or something else, or if it’s both and it plays a heavy factor into the film and
into Peter’s choices.

As previously mentioned in the rules, I’m not removing any actor from the cast
and in certain areas I’m restoring cast members and making additions. The bigger
changes come from a more story directed position, where several characters, both
supporting and main, are changed to characters more suitable for the story, the overall
plans, and fitting more appropriate roles. This will also dissect some of the rough
character arcs that will persist in the second film.


Returning from the first film, Andrew Garfield was fantastic as Peter Parker and
Spider-Man. He was a modernized version of the character and it fit what Webb was
doing. In this film Andrew would take Peter through a journey where he tests himself to
see if he can give the world something other than Spider-Man, honoring Uncle Ben. This
story would deal with Peter succumbing to rage, feeling life is unfair and feeling that
maybe the responsibility of Spider-Man isn’t fair and it would be manifested in the
appearance of Venom, who feeds off of that rage. This allows Andrew to bring his
considerable range and play Spider-Man in a way no one has been able to really handle.


While he was originally Harry Osborn in The Amazing Spider-Man 2, the role of
Eddie Brock Jr. is more fitting of Dane Dehaan’s talent. He’s shown extraordinary talent
playing characters trapped in their own tragedy and rage. He’s played resourceful and
intelligent characters and fitting the Ultimate Version of Eddie Brock. He’s got a natural
charm but a sense of unease to him that would make Eddie relatable but threatening. He’s
got the look, the presence, and the talent to play this role and make it work. There’s no
doubt this version of Eddie is a radical reinvention of the character, applying a good story
as well as Dane’s strong performance to it, this would stand out as a fantastic version of
Eddie Brock and would justify the reinvention adapting the Ultimate Comics version of
the character. His arc in the film deals with his desperation to figure out what happened,
trying to recover from the trauma brought by his upbringing. Allowing him to come into
contact with the Symbiote and become Venom would allow Dane to Mo-Cap and have
fun in the role and unleash his ability to really harness rage and show intimidation. It is a
pitch perfect role for Dane to take and would certainly show Dane for the amazing
performer he is.


Emma is a wonderful actress she was a perfect and defining choice for the role of
Gwen Stacy. The theatrical version of the film dealt with a character who was moving on
and trying to live her life and met an untimely end. This version would show her dealing
with her own internal struggle whether she can accept the baggage of Peter has, and
whether she can change Peter’s mind about being with her and being Spider-Man. She is
entirely supportive of Peter’s efforts as Spider-Man. This allows her to explore the fall of
their relationship and having to decide whether she loves Peter Parker or if she just loves
the idea of Spider-Man.


In the original film, Max was an overly obsessed Spider-Man fan, bordering on
being delusional and possibly psychotic. This version of the character is less a fan, less
idyllic, and more vicious. This version being a P.I. working for Norman Osborn to find
Peter, he’s offered a chance at real power after Spider-Man wears the Symbiote and
becomes a threat to Osborn’s survival. He’s turned into Electro to capture Spider-Man
and keep Venom in line. Jamie is no doubt a fantastic actor and perfect for the role. This
version allows him to really lean into the villainous side of the role. Electro here is the
people of New York in that he’s struggling to pay his debts and lives at the end of a rope.
His upbringing taught him to avoid hope, seeing it as a fool’s luxury and rely only on


Chris Cooper is an exceptional actor, and his casting as Norman Osborn was a
universal win. He is one of few actors that is held a name that guaranteed a deep, layered,
dramatic performance. Unfortunately, the film under-utilized Cooper, relegating him to a
single scene and some background footage for Oscorp to play in memorial. In this
version he lives, suffering from Ewing Sarcoma – Bone Cancer, instead of Retroviral
Hypodysplasia, and plays a much more significant role in the story. This will be a man
desperate to stay alive, while also keeping his arrogance and his dignity. The film will
end with him being cured of Cancer and deciding to test Oscorps new Performance
Enhancers – Project Oz – to become the best version of himself, leading to his
appearance as the true Green Goblin, albeit one more reflective of the Ultimate Spider-
Man version.


Originally cast in the film and initially playing a large and important role in the
story of the film – representing New York’s reaction to Spider-Man. In this version she
represents a sense of rebellion that Gwen takes too as she goes through her character arc.
Mary Jane comes from a troubled childhood, having lost her mother at a young age, and
her father has become reclusive since an incident a year prior, though Mary Jane does her
best to get him to open up about the incident. She cares for her father and they even have
a matching Father/Daughter tattoo. Shaileen, best known at the time for Secret Life of an
American Teenager, is a terrific actress and for me it was easy to see why Webb brought
her onto the film. She plays an important role in this version, not conflicting the story
with a love triangle, instead representing a sense of rebellion that both her and Gwen
need to really become the best versions of themselves. She suffers a lot by the end of the
film and builds a natural connection between her and Peter, leading to what would be the
iconic Mary Jane/Peter Parker relationship.


Originally in the bit role of Dr. Alistair Smythe, Novak was underutilized in a role
that failed to allow him to give his best performance, lacking time and impact. In this
version he plays Mac Gargan, the head of Norman Osborn’s personal security. Building
him up for a more sinister role as Scorpion in the future films. Gargan’s natural charisma
and attitude is an entirely fitting role for an actor like Novak, playing to his smart-aleck
charm and his scheming charisma and set him up for an iconic appearance as Scorpion,
being someone who is believed to need a metallic suit to be a threat for Spider-Man.


Largely playing the same character, the bigger difference I’d like to see is him in
the suit for the duration of his appearances in the film. Taking the character and putting
him in the suit and adding a Napoleonic complex. This would be a more insecure
character and make for more of a reason to be in that suit, giving him an addiction to the


Continuing in her role as a motherly figure, Sally is incredible in the role and it
works to keep her and to make her play the central paternal role, not only for Peter, but
for Gwen and Eddie as well. She’s connected to them in the same capacity as Peter is –
she’s maintained her motherly essence and certainly comes off as a community mother
more in this version.


Returning to the film, Leif’s appearance will reveal that the Burglar who shot
Uncle Ben was Philip Watson, Mary Jane’s father, now suffering from P.T.S.D. from the
incident and chronically worried his Daughter will find him out for the monster he is.
There is a confrontation between Peter (bonded to Venom) and Philip where Mary Jane
begs for his life and causing Peter to destroy Venom as it tries to turn him into a creature
of vengeance. After the revelation Philip gives himself up to earn back his soul and try to
gain his daughter’s forgiveness – creating a tragedy that binds Mary Jane and Peter.


When I originally saw the film and saw Marton Csokas appear on screen I
instantly thought to my self “this is a wonderful choice for Doc Ock” and that moment
was ruined when he introduced himself as Dr. Kafka. There was a lot of potential for
Marton in the film and the best possibility would have seen him as Otto. In this version
he will be Otto Octavius, who uses his tentacles in his experiments with the patients of
Ravencroft. He will play an instrumental part in turning Max into Electro, resulting in an
explosion of Electro’s abilities that welds the tentacles to Octavius’ body – creating a
new origin for Doc Ock and opening the door for a central appearance in a third and/or
fourth film. Marton would have been an excellent Doctor Octopus and my version will
set that up.



Appearing in the film in two voiceless cameos, in this here his cameo would see
him appearing as Peter’s conscience helping him kill Venom internally and unbind.


Felicity Jones appeared as Felisha in the film and really it gave no indication as to
what her future was, nothing was set up to indicate she was going to be Black Cat, which
made her appearance feel less impactful and more of an attempt to be fan service. This
would set Jones up as Jessica Drew, who’s appointed to be a lab assistant on Project
Venom – intended to report progress directly to Norman Osborn. She is set to become
Spider-Woman, with a power set more like Peter’s and less like her comic counterpart.
This use of Jones felt like a more genuine and impressionable appearance for her.


While he didn’t appear in the film in any capacity, Zylka is a great Flash and
bringing him back here he really needs to play a role of being Peter’s friend and
representing New York’s real opinion on Spider-Man. Throwing him into a humorous
situation of trying to get Gwen and Peter back together gives him a clear role to play.


A large part of the film was answering the mystery behind Richard’s
disappearance and what he was working on. This version leans much closer to the
Ultimate Universe version where he was working on Venom. His death is caused by the
Airplane being sabotaged by a hitman working for Oscorp, losing Oscorp’s only sample
of Venom.


Her role in the Mystery was relatively unknown, making it appear that she was at
best a co-conspirator but also just Peter’s mother. This version rectifies that action by
revealing her to be a lawyer that was working to dissolve the Oscorp contract Richard
and Edward. Being that she was a legal scholar she had a way of being able to manipulate
the contract allowing them to bring Venom to the life foundation.


Best known for his role as Johnny Lawrence in the Karate Kid, Zabka is still a
hell of an actor and has that natural charisma and salesmen-ship that fits Edward Sr. In
the film Edward was a scientist working on Project Venom and discovers what Oscorp’s
head Justin Shaw intends to do with it. He recruits Richard to help him get their work
away from Oscorp to The Life Foundation.


A wonderful and warming actress, Shue is best known for appearances in

critically acclaimed films like: Back to the Future Part 2 & 3, and The Karate Kid. She’s
talented and has a natural air to her that suggest she would be a wonderful motherly
figure for Eddie. Here Jamie is a journalist who assists Edward and Richard in a planned
campaign to air the dirty laundry of then Oscorp Vice President Justin Shaw.


While this is spiritually the same character Colm played in the film, there are
numerous differences between Justin Shaw and Donald Menken, the number one being
that Shaw is a sociopath and gets his hands much dirtier than Menken. Shaw is
responsible for the plane crash that killed the Parkers, more worried about making sure
Norman Osborn died so he could take over the company.



The man in the shadows will be Dr. Miles Warren – The Jackal. He manipulated
the events that lead to Shaw killing The Parkers and the Brocks as revenge for their
inability to use Project Venom to save his wife. He manipulates Shaw and Osborn setting
them against each other and weaponizing Mutated Humans to gain power in Oscorp and
gain unlimited funding through all Oscorp contracts so he can finish his cloning research
and clone his late wife. – Massee only appears as Miles Warren through the shadows in
The Amazing Spider-Man 1 and 2.


Picking up the role from Michael Massee (due to Massee’s untimely demise in
2016) and brining the character back in The Sinister Six as a leading Government
scientist who manipulate the government organization “The Ultimates” to assemble a
group of Supervillains to hunt Spider-Man. Wincott is a strong and versatile actor who
would certainly be able to bring the Jackal’s story to an appropriate close.

Peter Parker’s Spider-Man costume goes through a significant amount of change
through the film. The suit transitions along Peter’s character arc, almost forcing him to
go through change just by the interaction of one suit and how it challenges him. We’re
going to go over the suits and what they mean symbolically for the story and for Peter.
These three suits will be labeled: The Promise (The Amazing Spider-Man Suit), The
Venom Suit (Comic Book Style Black Suit), The Vow/Hero (The Amazing Spider-Man 2
Suit). We’ll go over the thematic threads behind the suits (pardon the pun.) How they
evolve Peter’s character, in a way subconsciously drive his choices and ultimately make
him the best version of Spider-Man he can be.

This will also cover Eddie Brock’s Costume as Venom, Dr. Octavius’ Tentacles,
Electro’s Containment Suit, and Rhino’s combat suit. This will cover the thematic and
story-based elements that go into their costumes. Eddie’s suit will be called Venom, based
on both Peter’s Black suit and the protoplasmic Venom. Max’s suit is considered a
Containment Suit meant to keep him together through the surge of power. Otto simply
has Tentacles, which complete a multitude of different tasks while preserving his safety.
Rhino’s suit is more android-like as a combat mech suit. These costumes are meant to be
as much a part of their characters as their actions, choices, and tastes. This gives a greater
Idea to what this version looks like in greater detail and greater depth.

Continuing using the first, true Spider-Man suit
he’s made, Peter has been Spider-Man a year, and every
time he sees the mask he’s reminded by the promises he
made, to Uncle Ben and to Captain Stacy. It causes him a
great deal of struggle, trying to live up to the expectations
he’s set on himself to honor Uncle Ben and Cpt. Stacy.
This suit comes to represent a burden to Peter as the story
goes on and he begins to lose the meaning behind Spider-
Man and searches for validation that he’s suppose to give
the world something other than Spider-Man. This leads to
him working for Norman Osborn, trying to save his life
and prove to himself that Uncle Ben wanted Peter to use
the gifts he holds intellectually and not be tied to a life of


Initially made by his father and
Edward Brock Sr. The Venom Suit
was a bioengineered protoplasmic suit
meant to use the natural antibodies
found in a person and weaponize them
against stronger diseases like cancer
and Alzheimer’s. Peter is able to get
the suit working by injecting it with
Genetically Enhanced Spider-Venom.
He bonds to the suit and once he does
he begins exhibiting increased
Strength, Speed, and Enhanced Spider-
Sense. He becomes a more powerful
Spider-Man, but the longer the
exposure to the suit he begins exhibiting aggressive tendencies. It begins manipulating
him, causing him to do things normally thought immoral and reprehensible. He begins to
feel more owed by the world for his services as Spider-Man until he’s pushed to his limits
and the Suit takes full control. This scares Peter and forces him to rethink what he’s done
and destroy the Venom Suit.

Made as a gift by Gwen Stacy, with
a letter imploring Peter to vow to not give
up Spider-Man and to learn to not worry
about those he loves so much. It’s the suit
of a rejuvenated Peter Parker who accepts
that Spider-Man is his responsibility, but
it doesn’t mean he can’t have his own life
while carrying his responsibility. When
he finally wears this suit, it’s after the
death of Gwen and he wears it with a
sense of pride, honor, love, and
remembrance for Gwen. He finishes the
film in this suit as it allows him to stand
with pride, having grown and even though
he has suffered he’s learned that his
responsibility is also a gift.


Venom is a protoplasmic suit
meant to enhance basic elements of the
body to help them fight off disease. It
has the side effects of enhanced
strength, speed, as well as altering and
manipulating the individuals
psychological state – causing anger,
aggression, dependency, depression.
The suit emits psychopathic tendencies
as it is in an imperfect state causing
when bonded to Eddie causing the
need to feed on others to survive. The
suit is a Black/Purple Tar-like
substance that grows several teeth and
legions around it such as teeth
protruding from tendrils, shoulders,
elongated claw-like fingernails. The
suit affect’s Eddie’s insecurities,
feeding his paranoia, and causing him to lash out at Peter and attack others in a fit of

A harness controlling four-mechanical arms,
with a myriad of various gadgets – the
harness enables Dr. Octavius to complete a
multitude of tasks both by himself and at the
same time. The harness effectively allows
him to operate a lab with what feels like a
full workforce all by himself. It’s believed
Otto created the harness for increased safety
in his increasingly dangerous experiments.
Otto fears attachment, so much so he even
built these arms to give him a physical
distance he maintains emotionally, due to a
cruel childhood. The harness becomes fused
to him after the incident that turns Max Dillon into Electro goes haywire. The incident
will force Octavius, in the future, to deal with something he’s longed feared – attachment.
Otto seeks revenge for this incident, causing him to target Norman Osborn.

After Max provides evidence of Spider-Man using the
Venom suit, Norman becomes enraged and feels betrayed
by Peter and Eddie’s failure to live up to their end of the
deal. As a final strike against them, he offers Max the
change to gain “Real – Life changing Power.” Max is
taken to Ravencroft, a Secret Oscorp Lab meant for illegal
experiments. Max is experimented on by Dr. Otto
Octavius resulting in his transformation into Electro. The
suit is what he’s put in before the experiment, it’s meant
to act as a conduit to contain Electro’s power. Several
Electrodes are attached to the suit to allow Electro to
channel his energy into the suit without fear of scattering
on a molecular level. Max is a scattered individual who
uses the guidance of his job to keep him focused and to
channel his energy. The suit is designed to his taste,
something he requested. With his new Powerset, he’s
more vulnerable to being outside of the suit than he is too
water, as the source of his transformation was electric
eels, and when put together Electro’s skin is the same
texture as an Eel’s skin.

Robotic Heuristic Interactive Navigable Operative
– Also known as The R.H.I.N.O. is a combat mech
suit devised by the Military to put an active soldier
in a drone-like weapon. It was modified to add a
certain flair, including the dual horns atop the head
of the suit. It is seized by the Russian Mob and
used by Gangster Aleksei Sytsevich, who suffers
from a Napoleon Complex. He wears the Mech,
using it to become the new muscle of the Russian
Mob, deciding to test his new “toy” by robbing a
Bank. The suit is entirely mechanical and has
unknown strength and the speed of a sports car. It
has a face designed to look human to cause enemy
combatants to be afraid and flee. It is the perfect
tool for someone who wishes they were bigger and
stronger than they really are. It is a bipedal suit,
operated on the inside through a jet pilot-like cockpit.

His Greatest Battle Begins.

Norman Osborn is dying, His final chance to live rests in the mind and the past of
Peter Parker. Norman offers Peter a chance at saving a life causing Peter to battle with his
responsibility as Spider-Man and struggle with an opportunity to save a life and prove he
is worth more than Spider-Man. Meanwhile he deals with the re-emergence of his
childhood best friend Eddie Brock and new threats emerging in the form of Venom and

Richard and Edward Brock Sr. break into Oscorp intending to steal Project
‘Venom’ to prevent it from getting in the wrong hands. As insurance they each hide their
own samples. Edward is shot in the escape leaving Richard as the sole survivor of the
heist, he leaves everything in place for their children to continue their work. A plane
crashes kills them while a car wreck kills Edward’s wife – Jamie Brock. 2014, Spider-
Man battles the Rhino during a bank robbery, apprehending him through a massive battle
in Manhattan. Gwen goes to visit Peter but finds him resigned to his guilt, where he
argues with her fearing, he can’t be Peter Parker and Spider-Man.

Gwen storms off and begins hanging out with Peter’s neighbor Mary Jane
Watson. Meanwhile Peter ventures into New York, trying to escape his emotions.
Norman Osborn is reclusive to his home where he is threatened by Justin Shaw, Oscorp’s
CFO. This spurs Norman to move forward with resurrecting Project Venom. Peter
discovers he is being followed by Max Dillon, who intercepts Peter and informs him that
Norman Osborn wants to meet with him. Peter goes to meet Norman and is reunited with
his childhood best friend Eddie Brock Jr.

Norman commissions the young scientist to finish Project Venom, what their
fathers were working on. Norman hopes they can unlock the key to finishing their
father’s work, which could save his life. They begin working in Oscorp, aided by Dr.
Jessica Drew, and discover Project Venom lacks three final stage enhancements:
Genetically Enhanced Spider-Venom, Human DNA, and the Zero Zero Decay Rate
Algorithm. They find a challenge in obtaining the Venom, they discover vials of Venom
and a dormant sample of Project Venom at a Oscorp base called “Roosevelt.” They
implement the Decay Rate Algorithm, and the venom to get a working sample. They
begin small testing on cancer ridden cells, compared to healthy human cells.

Their test become extensive, Peter sneaks out a sample of Venom to do

independent testing and Question Dr. Connors about it. Connors warns Peter to get rid of

it, saying his father knew it couldn’t be controlled, not the way Oscorp wants to use it.
Peter drops the sample on his hand, it overtakes him, and he becomes encased in the
Protoplasmic suit. He’s able to mentally alter the suit to add a white spider, keeping the
Spider-Man flair. He fights crime and becomes more aggressive.

He interrupts a Party at Mary Jane’s house after he mistakes Flash comforting

Gwen for Flash flirting with her. Norman discovers Spider-Man using the venom suit and
commissions Max Dillon to undergo an experiment to give him the power to keep the suit
inline. Norman opens private server and finds their findings saying electricity harms the
molecular structure of the suit. Max is sent to Ravencraft to be experimented on by Dr.
Otto Octavius – Turning Max into Electro. Peter leaves and uses the suit on his patrol and
encounters a robber trying to escape, he follows the Robber to Mary Jane’s house and
confronts him discovering that the Robber is Mary Jane’s father and Uncle Ben’s killer.
Peter loses control of the suit and must fight it off before it kills Mary Jane’s father.

Electro battles Spider-Man while he tries to fight off the suit. Electro gets
knocked down but fries the suit off Peter, he escapes in the confusion. The Police show
up and Electro makes a quick exit. Fearing the power of the suit is too much for one
person, Peter destroys the sample at Oscorp, confronting Eddie and telling him there must
be another way. Eddie fights back but Peter stops him easily and Eddie realizes Peter is
Spider-Man. Peter leaves and destroys the sample, but Eddie feeling humiliated and lied
too breaks into the web farm and steals samples of Venom.

He injects the last remaining sample and making contact, turning into Venom. As
Venom he attacks two guards and Gwen Stacy, feeding off all three of them as he
escapes. He leaves Oscorp to find and confront Norman Osborn at his home. He uses the
Suit to bond to Norman and gains his memories revealing Norman tried to stop Justin
Shaw from killing his parents. Eddie leaves and Norman finds himself cured. Peter visits
Norman to tell him he destroyed the sample and Norman reveals he was healed by Eddie
using of the suit.

Norman reveals Eddie is hunting Justin Shaw. Peter asks where Shaw is, Norman
tells him Shaw should be at an airport on a return trip from San Francisco. Norman sends
Electro to go with him to stop Eddie. Peter gets a call from Dr. Drew who reveals Gwen
Stacy was killed, drained by the suit. Enraged Peter Rushes off to stop Eddie. Eddie calls
the lab and gets Shaw’s location. He heads to the airport. Spider-Man confronts Shaw
about his and Eddie’s parents.

Shaw reveals he had them killed because they got too close to saving Norman. In
the distance they hear Venom screaming. Spider-Man fights Venom, Electro stays back
to “Watch” Shaw. Electro touches Shaw’s chest and shocks his pacemaker – Killing him.
Electro joins the battle and Venom overpowers them. Spider-Man attempts to talk to
Eddie, but to no avail.

Spider-Man comes up with another plan, he begins to talk to the Suit, convincing
it to “come back” to him, it begins to leave Eddie. The strain knocking Eddie out. Spider-
Man bonds to the symbiot and has Electro “Kill” the suit with a large blast. Knocking
them both out. Spider-Man awakes with Electro gone. He finds Eddie and webs him to
the roof keeping him there till the cops show up. He returns home and breaks down in
tears, opening a letter and a gift from Gwen – a new Spider-Man Suit. He mourns Gwen
and decides to continue on as Spider-Man.

A Mid-Credit scene showcases The Man in Shadows, revealed to be Miles

Warren, assisting Norman, injecting him with Oscorp’s Performance Enhancers “Oz” as
Norman declares “I’m going to become the ultimate Norman Osborn.” – Credits.

This is Phase One of an overall Spider-Verse. This is all set to Culminate in The
Amazing Spider-Man 4. These films will help expend the overall Sony Spider-Man
Universe, branching a multi-phase cinematic universe. This universe is designed to be it
is own massive Cinematic Universe. With several films and multiple new characters to
branch off of. This overall plan includes: The Amazing Spider-Man 3, The Sinister Six,
Venom, The Amazing Spider-Man 4.

This will also set up sequels to Venom, and a new Spin-Off Film: The
Spectacular Spider-Woman. This will help kick off a “Phase Two” and redirect the Sony
Spider-Man Universe. This is done in a way that allows for Three Primary Protagonist:
Spider-Man, Venom, Spider-Woman. This outline will suggest a loose story to guide
phase two, new characters to introduce, a new villain and suggestions on how to carry
forward with the universe. This will be entirely dedicated to the universe established in
the first Amazing Film. This is the rough future for the Sony Spider-Man Universe, 2014-


Months after Gwen Stacy has died, Peter is dating Mary Jane and continues a
lavish career as Spider-Man. He’s at peace with his role as Spider-Man knowing he’s
fulfilling his responsibility, but he hasn’t ignored his life as Peter Parker. Things begin to
change as a new threat Emerges from the Shadows in the form of the Green Goblin, a
monster hell bent on destroying the world around Peter Parker. Things are only further
complicated as Dr. Otto Octavius has escaped from Ravencroft, reborn as Doctor
Octopus and intent on seeking revenge on Norman Osborn for the explosion that caused
his Octavius Harness to be fused to his body. With to power villains terrorizing the City
Peter has to fight harder than before to keep his loved ones safe and try to stop the
dangerous war that will rage between these two frightening Supervillains.

After Eddie Brock’s Rampage and the battle between the Goblin, Doc Ock, and
Spider-Man a lab reading Spider-Man’s blood reveals unstable traces of Project Venom.
Silver Sablinova, head of the government agency known as “The Ultimates” captures the
six deadliest Supervillains known: The Goblin, Doctor Octopus, The Scorpion, The
Rhino, Electro, and The Sandman to kill Spider-Man before the unstable particles of
Project Venom create an entirely new and more powerful monster. Aided by a captured
Eddie Brock, hunting Spider-Man, the Sinister Six will stop at nothing to see Spider-Man
dead before the remains of Venom take over and wreaks Carnage on New York.

Having gained control of Venom, after absorbing Carnage from Spider-Man’s

blood, Eddie Brock escaped the Sinister Six, looking to live a normal life in San
Francisco. After an incident that forced Eddie to use the suit gets the attention of the Life
Foundation, Eddie becomes embroiled in a conspiracy behind his Father’s deal with
them. Eddie seeks the help from former Empire State Graduate and Journalist Anne
Weying to help him investigate his father’s connection with the Life Foundation while
evading a menace trying to capture the Suit from Eddie, known as The Beetle.


With Norman Osborn in prison for his actions as The Goblin, Oscorp has been
turned over to the control of Dr. Miles Warren, meanwhile numerous murders have been
taking place across the city pointing to Spider-Man as the Culprit. With Spider-Man on
the run, investigating the murders he begins to unravel a clone conspiracy as all traces
lead back to Miles Warren, who seeks to clone his dead wife, waits to strike against
Spider-Man. Warren stops at nothing as he begins to attack Peter’s friends and family –
striking at them like The Jackal he is.


After the closing of The Amazing Spider-Man 4 we close the first Phase of the
Sony Marvel Universe. It saw Peter facing the biggest challenges of growing as a man.
He has faced versions of himself that struggle with the elements of Responsibility,
Power, Choice. This goes to show how Peter is unique among his different versions. He
finds growth in these battles, especially as he battles a near perfect clone in Ben Reilly,
and his most ugly qualities in Kaine. Both Clones survive leaving open possibilities for
the characters, opening more spin-offs films for the universe.

Phase Two will be a longer phase comprised of several films, kicking off with a
Spider-Woman Movie. It will also {potentially} include: Venom 2, The Amazing Spider-
Man 5, Silver Sable, The Amazing Spider-Man 6. Phase Two would culminate in
Spider-Man 6 serving as it’s big finale. Spider-Man 5 would be based the comic book ark
“The Other” while Spider-Man 6 would be a Death of Spider-Man Film to drive the sense
of finality home. In a grand fashion the sixth film would feature Spider-Man and the
“Web Warriors” (Ben Reilly, Venom, Spider-Woman) battle Morlun. The final film of
our Phase Two would see the death of Peter Parker, but leave the door open for Andrew
Garfield in the forms of: Ben Reilly and Kaine Parker.

Following the death of Andrew’s Peter Parker, he will have the option of
returning in future Spider-Man films and Spin Off films appearing as Ben Reilly. This
allows Andrew to return to the Spider-Man Universe with a new character and a fresh
approach. His death will be the primary catalyst to set up a New Spider-Man in Phase
Three. The villain of Phase Two is Morlun. His appearance and threat are signaled by
appearance of Madam Web who sets up Spider-Woman. Madame Web and Spider-
Woman will be responsible for assembling Web Warriors to battle Morlun. Morlun
threatens to use her to find the “Spider-Totem” of the Multi-Verse.

After the experiments of the Jackal has altered her genetics, scientist Jessica Drew
goes on a journey to fix herself. Her world changes as she’s called upon a mystic known
as Madam Web who unlocks Jessica’s dormant abilities and unleashes her on a
conspiracy of a vast mystical universe. Jessica is forced to battle a dangerous mystic
known as Mordred, and his apprentice Kashmir Vennema, for the fate of reality and
accept the mantle of: Spider-Woman.

Eddie Brock goes on a journey in search of a purpose with the Suit, leading him
to joining the Ultimates as Agent Venom. Sent to investigate a series of technology-based
terror attacks in the heart of San Francisco, Eddie finds himself battling for his life
against a group of Hi-Tech Mercenaries known as The Jury, led by rogue Army General
Orwell Taylor. Eddie seeks the help of Anne Weying as they begin to investigate the
source of the Jury unraveling a dangerous conspiracy teasing Taylor’s involvement
creating cybernetic super soldiers. Taylor seeks revenge on Eddie for his rampage in New
York causing the death of his son. Eddie will go on a journey of salvation and looks to
find his place as Agent Venom and learn to become the Lethal Protector.

Silver Sable
The director of the Ultimates burned by the government. Released from her duties
to the World Governments, Silver Sable goes on a secret mission, leading to her re-
assembling her team of dangerous mercenaries known as the Wild Pack. searching for
answers from the international terrorist known as the Beetle and how he connects to the
death of her father. Unraveling an international conspiracy dating back to World War 2,
Silver Sable will battle the forces behind the Beetle and return home to her war torn
country of Symkaria.

The Amazing Spider-Man 5

Based on the Other, seeing Peter face an existential threat as he’s called upon
Madam Web to find a man known as Ezekial, an Old Mystic of the Multi-verse trapped
in New York. Battling the urgency of finding Ezekial and a new threat facing his family
in the form of a dangerous new enemy known as Morlun. Spider-Man will battle and be
reborn as he takes his place as the Spider-Totem and gain a new Power Set (I.E. Organic
Webbing, Wrist Stingers).

The Amazing Spider-Man 6

Morlun assembles the Sinister Six again, intent on killing the Spider-Totem and
dethrone Madam Web to control the multi-Verse. The new forces gather to kill Spider-
Man ready to get their revenge on the wall crawler. Madam Web Intent on stopping
Morlun from gaining the power of the last Spider-Totem, Madam Web must assemble the
friends of Peter Parker, including: Ben Reilly – The Scarlet Spider, Eddie Brock –
Venom, and Jessica Drew – Spider-Woman to stop Morlun. In the greatest battle of his
life Peter will fight to save everything he loves from the threat of Morlun.

phase three
Phase Three stands to be a spiritual reboot, keeping the continuity but now
focusing on the new Spider-Man – Miles Morales. This new line of Spider-Man films
starring Miles would be called “Ultimate Spider-Man”. This is a series that focuses on a
New Spider-Man. This would be a new series Spider-Man films. The first film could see
Miles mentored by Ben Reilly, leading to both an Ultimate Spider-Man 2 and a Scarlet
Spider film, a Spectacular Spider-Woman 2, Silver Sable 2, and a Venom 3. This is the
set up for Multiple Phases.

The Venom films will effectively take San Francisco. Silver Sable would be a
globetrotting spy film taking place all over the planet. Scarlet Spider will take place in
Los Angeles inviting a new setting to explore in the movies. Spider-Woman would be
based in Chicago after a Multi-Verse debut. This is designed to leave Miles’ Spider-Man
as the protector of New York. With Miles the only Web Warrior in New York it invites
more growth for the character.

Starting with Phase Three brand new characters can be introduced to focus new
films and new franchises within the cinematic universe. Other characters that could be
explored in this phase for a spin off to be set in this universe could include: Kraven The
Hunter, Morbius The Living Vampire, Spider-Man 2099, and Black Cat. This invites new
types of films to be explored. Kraven can be an assassin-based thriller. Morbius could be
a Dark Horror Film. Spider-Man 2099 can be a fun futuristic Adventure. Black Cat could
be a fun female led action-heist movie. Possibly villains for this Phase could include: The
Goblin, Doctor Octopus, Hobgoblin, The Prowler, and the Smythe Family.

This is a multi-phase plan to establishing a strong and constructive cinematic
universe revolving around Spider-Man. We get a full three-act structure focusing on the
life and death of Peter Parker, then continuing those adventures with the people he’s
inspired and enemies he’s made amends with. The Idea is to set up a cinematic universe
that could compete with Marvel, and with few suggestions this is a rough start. We have a
focal point, and if any deal with Marvel would be made during this time, this would allow
this Spider-Man to carry over into the Marvel Cinematic Universe, while keeping our
tight and established series. This allows Andrew to appear in MCU films as well as his
own and stand out as the quintessential Spider-Man of this Generation. This takes him
through the path of being an experienced Spider-Man and give the character an
appropriate end while establishing a flourishing cinematic universe that is slowly built
open and deeply layered.

This is my plan for the Sony Pictures Universe of Marvel Characters. With an
option left open to join the grander MCU without having to change any specific details or
recasting any of the primary players of this Universe. There is plenty of room to expand
the universe and develop new cinematic Icons without needlessly and endlessly rebooting
the series. With a story that tells the beginning and ending for Peter Parker as well as
Characters like Jessica Drew and Eddie Brock. This not only tells the story of Peter
Parker but sets up a new theatrical Spider-Man and lead to a new iteration of the
franchise as well as Numerous other Franchises that can become house hold names. This
is something that could rival every other attempt at a Cinematic Universe and tell it with
fun and enjoyable characters that become endearing to the fans.


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