BC July 2021 Alumni Newsletter Final

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BC Alumni Newsletter

July 2021
Rising Alumni If you need a song to play in the car that your
friends will actually like, Grace Yurchuk is an artist
Grace Yurchuk ‘20 to watch. So far with two singles out, she hasn’t
missed. Following the rise in feel good music, these
bedroom pop tracks are a good addition to playlists
We are with similar artists such as Beach Bunny, Mitski,
excited to Phoebe Bridgers, and girl in red.
share an
that ap- While it’s not unusual for a young musician to re-
peared in lease a song, this effort was unique. When faced
NYS Mu- with the grim prospect of social isolation, online
sic about classes, and staying healthy, Grace turned to her
rising music as a creative outlet. “Need Me” was a solo
alumni effort—written, recorded, mixed, mastered, and
Grace released from her dorm room without assistance
Yurchuk. from other artists or a professional studio. The sec-
Grace ond single Grace released on May 21, titled “Good
shared a bit about how BC shaped the person she is. Be Together,” has careful thought put into everything
sure to download Grace’s music! from backing vocals to synth, which were still hand
-picked, mastered, and everything in between by
Grace herself. If you thought “Need Me” was good,
“Going to Burke was such a great experience for me. I wait until you hear “Good Together.” The progress
was constantly encouraged by my teachers (music or made in between songs can be heard and it is a
not!) to go after what I want and work hard to achieve pleasure to know this is only the start.
my goals. Whether it was singing at school mass, con-
certs, or in drama club productions, I was never denied
the opportunity to perform! At Burke I became comfort- “I think I had a lot of time, more time than usual–
able in my own skin, and because of the confidence the I’m sure everybody did because of the pandemic–
BC family had in me, Burke is where I became certain to do different projects. The way that the first sin-
that I wanted to pursue a career in music. I’m so blessed gle happened ‘Need Me,’ it came to me kind of sud-
to have had the chance to walk the halls of Burke Catho- denly when I was out and about. When it became
lic, and know that it will always be a place that I can call something I couldn’t put down and I spent all that
home.” time on it, I was just like you know what I worked
really hard, this one feels ready. I felt it, I kinda
___________________________________________________ knew.” Both singles that have been released so far
deal with interpersonal relationships, released at a
NYS Music—June 29, 2021 time when those were hard to find and maintain
for everyone. “I’m from a really small town and the
Bedroom Pop Artist on the Rise: Meet Grace Yurchuck city was different, it was jumping into a totally
By Page Kuhlman different experience especially in the middle of a
pandemic, and all of my online classes,” Grace ex-
plained. “Making new friends was a struggle at first,
all I wanted was to make something that was long
Warwick native and 18-year-old college freshman, Grace lasting, meaningful, and making friends that would
Yurchuk, released two singles from her dorm room at matter to me.”
NYU during the Spring semester. Written, recorded, and
produced all from within the confines of the Covid quar- When times were particularly tough for the college
antine. first year, she turned to music.

“I’ve always fallen back on recording, that’s why

A student of the Vocal Performance program at NYU I’ve done it for so long. I could always depend on it,
Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human so when it came down to that– in Manhattan living
Development, she recently received The Josh Goldfaden alone, I was like ‘This is it. This is what I do,’ I did
Award for writing from NYU College of Arts & Sciences what I know.”
and expects to make the Dean’s List this year.
Rising Alumni
Grace Yurchuck ‘20
A self-proclaimed Swift-
ie, Grace draws her in-
spiration from her pop
idol. “I like different art-
ists for different reasons
and I like [Taylor Swift]
because she has the
ability to tell a story that
I really admire, like with
her lyrics. But then I
also like bands like
Beach Fossils, I like the
atmosphere they create.
Other than that I like
As for future plans, “First thing, I just want to go
Ariana Grande because
out with all of my friends, I want to get a couple of
who doesn’t like insane
gigs book. Everyone else has been not performing
vocals like that. There
for a year but I am really desperate to get back in
are so many different factors that make a band or an art-
there. As long as I’m out and about and getting to
ist great and for me whenever I make music I just want
live life again. Everywhere you look in the city
to tell a story somehow with the instrumentation or with
there’s going to be something to do and I want to
the vocal, with the lyrics.”
do everything.”

Look out for Grace Yurchuk and her debut EP be-

But more important is the driving force that kept her
fore the summer is over. “I’m looking forward to
going, and got her start, for all these years. “I record and
getting the EP out because I think it tells a really
I write alone, but the fact of the matter is, nobody ever
cool story.”
does anything really alone. My parents have always
pushed me to do this. They’ve never once told me to
The two released tracks are available on all major
think about it, they’re always like, ‘No, this is your
platforms including Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon
dream, go for it.’ All of my teachers along the way, I’ve
Music, YouTube Music, Pandora, TikTok, and Tid-
played piano forever and my piano teacher was a big
al. The song, entitled “Need Me,” has already been
propelling force in that too. My sisters too. I say that I’m
streamed thousands of times since its debut on
the big sister but I look up to both of them, more than
April 16.
they probably look up to me. They’re incredible and I
play all of my music for them first. I love them.”

When times were particularly tough for the college first

year, she turned to music.

For her dream lineup to perform with, she chose Taylor

Swift, obviously, and her new college friends. “I don’t
want to sound cheesy but the first people I want to per-
form with are the people I met at school. Because I know
I’ll get to see them again and they’re so insanely talent-
ed. As soon as I can go back to any New York venue I’ll
want to perform with the people I’ve met and have en-
couraged me to do this too.”
Alumni Spotlight
Erin Feeney McGovern ‘83
I had the opportuni-
I don’t
ty to walk the halls
of John S. Burke re-
it’s an
cently and was over-
whelmed with the
thing to
memories of the
time spent there 38
years ago.
one who
I certainly didn’t hasn’t experienced it for themselves. We
know, all those years have gone on to have careers and fami-
ago, that those halls would shape the rest of lies, and suffer losses and celebrate
my life. It was the start of life long friend- achievements and they all started there,
ships and a sense of belonging to a close knit in those halls. We have remained, even if
community of people that would stand the we traveled thousands of miles away, for-
test of time. ever a part of a shared experience that
only we “Burkies” know.
I will be forever grateful to those halls
and the time spent there… They are
stitched into the very fabric of who I am.
Voice of Eagles Past
Some of my fondest memories
Audrey Clark of my time at Burke Catholic
involved working with students
BC Guidance Department Chair while they volunteered in vari-
2003-2013 ous capacities throughout our
community and even in coun-
tries abroad. In 2006, I had the
Only God knows what is in store for each of us as we travel life’s path. After opportunity to bring a group of
spending eighteen years at home raising our four sons, I decided to go our students and medical personnel on the first of four medi-
back to school to earn my Masters Degree in School Counseling. While cal missions to the Dominican Republic. The opportunity
attending my graduate program in the evenings, the administration of Burke arose through my college roommate, Kelli Nelson, who as a
Catholic HS was kind enough to allow me to volunteer in their Learning nurse, along with her husband, established both stationary
Center as a tutor and mentor. I loved my time with the students and it con- and mobile medical clinics in some of the poorest areas of
firmed my decision to work with young people as a school counselor. At Sosua in the Dominican Republic.
that time, I had know idea how that decision would enrich my life in ways I Over an eight year period, Burke Catholic students raised
couldn’t have imagined. over $20,000 to support Island Impact Ministries’ endeavors
to feed, educate and provide healthcare to the people in the
As a parent of two current Burke Catholic students, I was already aware of surrounding area. The students also collected thousands of
the wonderful educational opportunities, the exceptional faculty, and the pounds of medicine, medical equipment, toiletries, school
family friendly atmosphere. So, when offered the opportunity to apply for a supplies, and beanie babies that were transported in huge
position in the Guidance Department of Burke Catholic, I submitted my re- suitcases into the thankful arms of the people they served.
sume and began my professional career at BC in September 2003.
Our students made me so proud as they participated in
A school counselor is often described as the “Jack of all trades” in educa- medical clinics, painted and poured cement at schools and
tion. You never know what each day will bring. I may have had a whole day hospitals, played with neighborhood children, organized and
scheduled to meet with students for counseling or advisement and a sud- counseled elementary students at a summer camp, and
den incident or emergency could occur before school began and the whole participated in a day program for at-risk young women to
day could be totally spent on that one circumstance. I certainly honed my encourage them to stay in school and realize their dreams.
ability to think on my feet and at times made decisions, with the help of my The students learned so much during their mission trips
colleagues and administration, that could impact a student in either a posi- thanks to the wonderful medical professionals and adult
tive or negative way for a long time. No decision was ever made without volunteers that took their time (many used personal vaca-
deliberate and thoughtful consideration. tion ) to mentor and teach those students as they provided
services to people who lacked basic care. Our students
Throughout history, adults have uttered phrases like, “Kids today have no acted as pharmacists, medical technicians, caregivers and
respect”, “I am afraid for our future if this generation is in charge”, and observed procedures such as tooth extraction, wound and
“These young people are snowflakes... irresponsible, selfish and lazy” diabetes care, prenatal, maternal and infant care, and
along with many other negative stereotypes. Well, my years of working with much, much
teenagers, especially from Burke Catholic, gave me confidence in knowing more.
that our future is in good hands. Yes, I have worked with students that were
difficult and uninspired, but the overwhelming majority of kids were good, I keep in touch
kind and motivated with many of my
to do the right students who
thing. Some young have continued
people have to their life of ser-
face so much cha- vice as nurses,
os and adversity doctors, occupa-
before the school tional, speech
day even begins and physical ther-
that I often mar- apists, teachers and Peace Corp volunteers to name a few.
veled that they The medical missions to the DR continued after I left Burke
were able to get Catholic thanks to the efforts of Dr. John Juliano and a num-
out of bed at all. ber of the nurses who helped to establish the program. The
They just need the lives of thousands of Dominican Republic citizens have
right people in been touched and enriched by the dedication of Burke Cath-
their lives to support them through their journey growing up, whether it is a olic students and community. I am forever grateful for my
family member, a teacher, a counselor, a school nurse, a cafeteria worker time at BC. I learned so much and I was so blessed by each
or one of the maintenance staff, you never know the impact you can have student, their families, and my colleagues
on a student’s life.
Words of Wisdom
Some advice from the Class of 2020 to the Class of 2021 as they
head off to college...

“You can't plan for everything.

But you can try your best.” “Don’t buy your textbooks early. Wait
until the first day of class and ask the “Do not to be afraid
Matthew Chapman
professor which books you will need for of new classes. I
the course. You will save money!” know it’s intimidat-
“Pack light, avoid 8am classes, Annie Dwyer ing with upper class-
make sure you have good men and you’re gon-
snacks, and don’t sweat the na feel like all eyes
small stuff.” Thomas Leo are on you but
“Always get your work done they’re not. Every-
ASAP, because it will give one’s truly just doing
“Alarm clocks might seem old school, at least you more free time, make their own thing and
that’s what I thought heading to college last sure to have an extra comfy it’s totally ok to be
September, however my phone alarm didn’t mattress topper because on a different level
exactly do the trick for those 8am classes—I the beds are not comforta- and ask for help if
had to get a regular alarm clock and move it ble, and if you don’t know needed.”
away from my bed so I do not turn it off and how to do laundry, make
Liz Magnussen
sleep in and miss my class!” sure you learn before you
go” Kieran DeHaan
Christopher Shust

“Burke does a really great job of pre-

paring you for college. Focus on the
positives, spend free time making
new friends and find extra curricular
activities you enjoy.”
Brendan Lahiff

“Eat well and get a good

night’s sleep as much as
possible. To err is human.
Don’t forget your tooth-
brush and toothpaste.”
Holden Lee
“Don’t be afraid to go
to office hours and
ask for help.”
Julius Radakovits

:”Make sure you get a plan-

ner so that you have a well
organized schedule. It also
“Keep your room orga-
shows a level of productivi-
nized and call your
“Embrace meeting new people! Eve- mom.” Brendan Douthit
ryone is in the same situation as you Ashleigh Whyte
are, so introduce yourself and you
will find how easy it is to meet new
“Definitely try to join
people. Managing your time is so im-
clubs that you are in- “Don’t beafraid to try new things
portant and getting ahead of your
terested in and get and meet new people. Now is
work makes it much less stressful. My
leadership experience your chance to make incredible
first year went so quickly, so enjoy
early on! Also try to memories- if the world gives you
every moment.” Noelle Burlew
meet as many people an opportunity, go for it!”
as possible!”
Grace Yurchuk
Maggie Feng

“Good luck in college Class of 2021!

Make new friends but also keep in- “Be confident in who you are as a person. Stay
touch with your old ones back home. true to yourself, your morals and your beliefs.
Remember that although you are in Know that Burke has prepared you for your
different schools, you all experiencing next chapter in life. Don’t take anything for
freshmen year somewhere, together. granted, especially given the times that we’re
Study hard, but its ok to have some living in. Work hard and you can do anything
fun too! :)” Jess Compito you put your mind too!” Emily Egan
A Treasured BC Tradition
BCSH Alumni presenting diplomas to their 2021 graduates...

Eugene Heppes ‘71 and Sean Heppes

Helen Sullivan Peters ‘84 and Rose Peters

Tara Fury McCartney ‘ 89 and Aaron McCartney

Attention Class of ‘04, ‘05 & ‘06
Who doesn’t love a challenge...

To make a donation to Professor Gilmore’s challenge visit www.burkecatholic.com

or contact Karen at kdwyer@burkecatholic.org

Burke Catholic Athletic Dept: Coaches Needed:
Hiring for the following positions JV Volleyball,
Cross-Country and Girls Swimming. Positions for
the Fall Sports season scheduled to start August 23.
Interested candidates can apply at:

Ellen Roesch (BC Class of ’78) – CEO of Ellen

Roesch Your College Coach. Let Ellen simplify the
college process for you. She offers full service college
selection and application coaching. Ellen is experi-
enced and knowledgeable in selection criteria, appli-
cation success & how to write a great essay. You will
get personal one-on-on attention from beginning to
end. Priced to fit all budgets and needs. Learn more
at yourcollegecoach.org. You can reach Ellen at
taxlawyer20@gmail. Elizabeth DeFazio,
BC 2021 on earned the Girl Scout Gold Award
Jeanine Grillo (BC Class of ‘12) - Jeanine is gradu-
Over the past year I completed my Girl Scout Gold
ate of St. Thomas Aquinas (2016) and works as a Award. I created a memorial at my church for people
Senior Associated for Innovation & Enterprise Solu- in my parish who died during the height of the Coro-
tions at KPMG. She has been working with students navirus Pandemic. My time at Burke helped influence
through KPMG’s University and Internship Program my project. It showed me how my actions can affect
and also offers services independently. Jeanine is others in my community in a positive way. That
ready to help young professionals navigate the job something that was just supposed to be something for
market and coach them early on in their careers. me to get an award became so much more than that.
Contact Jeanine at jgrillo@kpmg.com It became something that now means a lot to me and
means even more to the families of the people who’s
names are on the memorial.
Elizabeth Brady (BC Class of ‘98) -Plexus offers
Bioavailable clean supplements and an incredible
compensation plan. If helping people with wellness
and contributing financially to your family is some-
thing that motivates you please reach out to me . Fa-
cebook : Elizabeth Megan or IG: beth_megan11

Camden Olivero (BC Class of ‘18)- sign up to be a

ClothesLyner. Must live in Orange County NY. Visit
www.clotheslyne.com for information/application.
A Celebration...
12 editions of the BC Newsletter are in the books!

Thank you to all the amazing alumni who have taken the time to share
their stories with us. It is wonderful to reconnect with old friends and
read about all the contributions our BC Alumni are making in the world.
Non Vox Sed Votum
Burke Catholic Golf Outing

Burke Catholic Hall of Fame
BC Alumni Newsletter
2020- 2021

ReVitalize, ReEngage, ReConnect

Office of Alumni and Advancement

Your gift will have an immediate impact on all BCHS students.

Light the way for today’s students, so that they can find their way to impact
the world.

To make your gift today, please visit


To double the impact of your donation check to see if your company participates in a matching
gift program - please visit

If you would like to be in-
cluded in the next news-
letter or have a Milestone
or story you would like to
share, contact Karen Dwyer:

Contact Information
John S. Burke Catholic High School
Office of Admissions, Alumni and Advancement
80 Fletcher St, Goshen, NY 10924
(845) 294-5481 ext 132


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