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- Your next vacation is going to be in New York. Look for information about that city and based on that
information make up your plans. (150 words)

Next August will be my vacation and I plan to visit New York City and recommend these places:
1.Visit the New York Stock Exchange on Wall St
And start thinking about the amount of money that moves behind that facade and of course, the economic
debacles to which it has led us on many occasions. To see it in all its splendor, the best thing is that you visit it
on a weekday to see the executives and broker the sea of stressed out.
Despite the years, the New York Stock Exchange continues to be the largest stock market in the world and the
epicenter of the world economy, a situation very different from its origin, when in 1792, 24 investors met under
a tree to carry out transactions.
By the way, this is where the well-known sculpture in a defiant attitude of the "girl without fear" and that
denounces gender inequality is currently located.
2. And on the way the Federal Hall
Without a doubt, one of the most historic places in the country.
Admission is free!
3. Surprise yourself with the cemetery between skyscrapers
Because the least you can expect is a cemetery in the heart of the financial district and surrounded by
It is the Trinity Church cemetery, one of the richest churches in the world because it continues to be, by
agreements from centuries ago, the owner of some of the surrounding land.
4. Touch the eggs to the Bull of Wall St
Yes, literally. Tourist to the song, but as they say that economic fortune will appear in your life, because we go
through the hoop.
Joking aside, the bull represents the aggressiveness and courage of stockbrokers and the American population.
5. Visit the Oculus
Work of the controversial Santiago Calatrava and located in the World Trade Center, it has the "privilege" of
being the most expensive subway station in the world, with a cost of almost 4,000 million dollars, double the
6. Pay tribute to the 9/11 Memorial
Without a doubt, it is one of the most emotional and symbolic corners of the city.

A monument of 2 huge 30-meter waterfalls that fall over the gaps left by the towers on that fateful September
11, 2001.
At the edge of the waterfalls, the names of each of the more than 2,600 people who died in the attack. If there is
something that impresses, it is the white roses, placed without interruption on the name of that person who would
have had a birthday.

7. Visit the 9/11 Museum

Having seen the memorial, you should not miss the opportunity to visit the museum, in which you can see objects
of the victims, materials that were recovered from the towers, parts of the planes and testimonies of the survivors.

8. Go up to the One World Observatory

Since that fateful September 11, 2001, New York has been orphaned of its two most iconic towers.

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