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Woodruff Church of God e-Edition Newsletter

March 29, 2011

Pastor’s Notes

There were many of our people

gone Sunday because of Spring
Break. But the Lord was with us in an awesome
way!!! I was so blessed by the number of people
in the altar on Sunday Morning, telling the Lord
they are still hungry and available to the Holy
Ghost. I still believe in the power of Pentecost
and I still believe that the last day move of God will be one of accented and driven by
Pentecostal Power. When Peter & John approached the temple, there was a man begging
alms at the gate. Peter didn’t give the man what he wanted….he gave him what he had.
What did he have? He had a renewed commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ and he had a
fresh power & authority that came through the person of the Holy Ghost. Peter, without
hesitation, used the name of Jesus Christ and took him by the right hand and commanded
him to get up and walk. WOW!!!! Pentecostal power makes a difference. My message
Sunday Morning was that we need a REVIVAL OF THE HOLY GHOST. We need the
Holy Ghost: 1) Conviction, 2) Boldness, 3) Power & Authority, 4) Signs & Wonders. I
want God to move in me and my church. I willing for God to move through me and my
church! Are you available to the Lord and the person of the Holy Ghost?

We would like to extend a great big WELCOME to our

newest members: Wayne, Patsy and Patrick Brown, as
well as Carol Hopson. We are so thankful that they
have joined our family of believers and look forward to
worshipping and serving the Lord together for years to
come. Please make them feel welcome!!!!!

If you were involved in any way helping with TEAM IMPACT,

thank you so much. Your participation helped to make a great
impact in our community and helped us partner with area churches
to help spread the gospel. Hopefully, you were able to make new
friends and co-laborers for the cause of Christ! Thanks again!
Our church is down to work the Soup Kitchen on Tuesday evening, April 5th. We need to
be there between 5:00 and 5:30 as they start serving at 5:30. We had great support and
turn out during Christmas. Please make your plans to help us again! What a great
ministry and show of the Love of Christ! Can I count on you? Call the church office and
leave your name if you would like to help!

Habitat For Humanity is holding their annual golf tournament at Three Pines on
Thursday, April 21. This is their only fundraiser and they depend on community support
to help fund their ministry. If you would like to play, the cost is $50 per single player. If
you would like to play, see Pastor Terry or Jason Hayes to secure a registration form.

This coming Sunday, we will begin an Easter Sermon Series entitled “WORTHY”. Each
week I’ll describe how or why Jesus was worthy. This series will conclude on Easter
Sunday Morning as Spirit of Praise Music Ministries and I work together to bring a power
packed Celebration of the Risen Savior. Please tell your family and friends about this and
invite them to be with us each week. Especially do all you can to get everyone to be here
on Easter Sunday morning. We want to PACK THE HOUSE!!!!!!!

Please note on the picture above two very special things planned on Easter.
1) SUNRISE SERVICE to be held on our new property. This will be held at 7:00 AM.
Please bring your own lawn chair. We’ll be facing the crosses and altar and should have
a most beautiful sight of the sun rising.
2) COMMUNION & FOOTWASHING SERVICE - This will be on Sunday Evening
at 6:00 PM. We will all start in the sanctuary for a time of worship and focus on what
Christ did for us. We will partake of communion together. We will then separate and go
to different parts of the building for the foot washing service. We were overwhelmed last
year at the participation and were not adequately prepared. WE WILL BE PREPARED
this year. We will use different areas as well has have more basins with which to wash.
*If you have never been involved in this or have never seen this, consider coming to see.
It is a most humbling and powerful experience. Make your plans now to join us!

Please don’t forget the Re-Organization meeting of the Men’s Ministry to be held on
April 7th. Be looking and listening for more details. WE ARE EXCITED ABOUT
THIS…’s going to be great!!!!!!

PRAYER LIST: Larry Trotter, Carol Richards, Linda Johnson, Larry Laster, Houston &
Brenda Cobb, Mike Cobb, Dennis Crocker, William Goen, Ed Shealy, Terry Simmons,
Hack Roddy, Bruce Bennett, Tina Mauldin, Keith Littlefield, James Crouch, Nicholas
Cobb, Jessy Rutters, Etta Mitchell, John & Mandy Mitchell, Nathalee Teague, Amanda
Rothisberger, Connie Foster, Noah Holcomb, Chad Holcomb, Lorrana Newton, Patty
Husky, Shut Ins and Those in Nursing Homes


It’s a Girl! Please Join us next Sunday, April 3rd , from 3-5 pm
in the CLC for a shower in honor of Laura & Mark Ballard.
Registered at Babies R Us & BuyBuy Baby.

Congratulations to our Clerk and his wife, Ryan and Carrie

Ballard, on the birth of their new son, Owen Luke Ballard.
He was born on Thursday, March 24, 2011 weighing in at
7 lbs 1 ounce and 19.5 inches long.

Special choir rehearsals for Easter will be held on Sunday April 3rd at 5:00
and Sunday April 17th at 5:00 in the chapel. ALL choir members need to
be at these special rehearsals! These are in addition to our very important
Wednesday night rehearsals at 6:30 each week! Also, dress rehearsal will
be Saturday, April 23rd. Time will be announced.
The F.R.E.E.D. 12-Step Support Groups will hold their monthly
meeting on Tues, April 5th, in the Youth Building with
snacks/beverages served at 6pm; meeting at 6:30pm. Lisa Terry
will provide special music. The topic for this open meeting will
be Addiction: "A Family in Crisis." Many people today have
experienced the devastation of addiction in their families but do
not know which way to turn. If you have been addicted or
someone close to you is an addict, we invite you to attend this meeting. There is help
available! 2If you have any questions, please contact John/Jeanne Nemitz at 476-2819


State Senior Adult Retreat, May 27-28

Last call: The number attending along with names and money must be in the State Office
this week. If you haven't signed up or if you have signed up and decided not to attend,
please see Wanda Shealy or call her at 676-9549 no later than this Wednesday, PM,
March 30.

Ladies Ministries News:

1. Purple Hearts (Phyllis Arnold's group) recently served a
"Comforting Hearts Meal". If you give money toward these
meals, please turn it in to the LM office.

2. Dishes are still being returned from the meal served in

January, you can pick these up in the CLC.

3. Dishes will no longer be placed in the church cloak room. Dishes will be returned and
collected in the CLC.

4.WE NEED Old High Heeled Shoes for our upcoming Ladies Banquet. The Banquet
"Stepping Out--Walking With Christ" will be May 10.

5. Ladies get ready to pose again this year. For our banquet, we will be putting together
another video of our own church ladies. This year we will be in the lobby taking pictures
of your SHOES. We also will ask you to describe the feeling those shoes give you.
AGES Sunday April 3,2011!

Thank all of you so much for supporting our fundraiser on Saturday. We raised $1000.00!

Boys Club Camping Retreat will be this Friday and Saturday, Boys will need to be at the
church at 9:30am on Friday April 01. Boys will received permission slips and supply list
on Wednesday night. If you have any question please see Garren Burdette.

All Children Workers and Teachers Meeting on April 3 at 5:00 pm in CLC.

Make your plans now to be at our Extreme Kidz Easter Party on Saturday, April 23 rd at
11:00 AM! See you there!

Jamaican Mission Trip Fundraiser - We will be selling tickets for family portraits. The
portraits will be taken on March 31, April 1 and April 2. The cost of the package will be
$25. Included in the package is 1-8x10, 2-5x7, and 8 wallets. This is a one pose package.
Additional sheets may be purchased for $10. We will have a live bunny in one of the
scenes for Easter Portraits. Please see one of the individuals going on the mission trip for
details and tickets. You can also see Jason Fowler and Steve Collins for details. There
will be a table set up Sunday Morning and Sunday Evening for you to purchase tickets.

Teen Talent is April 15th & 16 th at the Church of God Campground!

Youth Prayer- Monday April 4th at 7:00 PM

Spotlights: Happy Birthday to Brother and Sister

Anthony McAlister and Ashley Oglesby
Love, Mama and Rick
 Greeters - Todd & Karen Rhodes
 Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan
 CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg
 Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown
 Finance Committee- Ryan Ballard and Danny Knight
 Usher Team # 2 - Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett,
John Nemitz, Paul Lundberg, Phillip Pruitt
 Van Drivers - (Wednesday only) - Garren Burdette and Clint Letoureau
Kathy Arellano and Carylon Everette
 Nursery - Wednesday - Pam Strickland
Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Faith Burdette
P.M. - Jessica Murphy
 Kiddie Church - Watson and Lori Crocker
 Music - Sunday A.M. - Amy Arnold
P.M. - Jeanne Nemitz
 Praise Team - Maroon

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