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3 State yerbs

These verbs are nearll. all'ar.s use; ::. .. ,

1 Present simpte tense. They are mosrly abour thou:l:. :=.
... tlnt qtccitil CD you Tttsnt to.(er. {nor
EE verulverh + -s Sh¿ *orls in l-t¡nd.,,n. \bu don't dcsctt,c to hcur ir. (nor l-+.----+-
ffi du / aors nor +verb He doesn,t work in London. 'l'hc foilrlving aru somc irnporr:r::: srrrr \.
ffi d, ,dorr... + verb? Vlcre ilo you u,orkt
a thoughts: beliet,e, kno*,, tttetut, rt-'.:.. -..
We use the present simple: wttlnstantl, feal (= believe), rhir:i. i= 3= .

. to say rvhen things happen if rhey take r to talk ahout habits and horv often thev
I thinh you'rc u,rong.
place regular'ly: l{c feel tlis lattcr shotútl l¡c char.:,,:
'l'ltt'r eat lun¿.h hap¡;cn:
ü fito o'clotli. Yort buy nt,u' clotltt's t,t'cry.Saittrtlal.. A ,¡ ,r,¡ ancl rhi rl,, ilrc nor Sr¡rL, r t.: : :
o to talk about permanent I'n thinkirg abottt nry.holida,,.
situations: . to dcscribc thc plots olbooks and films: lVe're J'eelíng cttld.
I uorl¡ i¡t lnndo¡t.
i¡t S¡tuin. .lltc
'l'l¡c str¡ry'bcgins ttrrd ¿tttls
. to statc general truths: ttur is 19.i7.
r l'cclings: ttdore, tlislikc,, ]:;;:.

'l'hcv'tlespisc tntt betuusc oJ'rht, .,t t;.. . ,

l'{)pLilur (_/)s .sc// rt:ullv litst.
'l'ht ntrso¡.t to"s ,,,t,tu[ r
r'ltt, ettrilt. lre lolrr.ting: lr¿,i,,n.(, llt¿r,t, fi,rr, ¡: = -

Ir belongs to my J'ather.
7-lrt' »r,rrrtr.qi.r hus tlte üiq3,,.r ,, ,.:, ..
2 Fresent continuous h, I{ayc can bc continuous rr hiil i: _: -,

Stc.t'a's having a tlifJicub tin* a¡ ct,,.. _. :'

am / is / are + yerb + -ing IIe's urrking in London this tye clt. (.'trt I plt,,nt'vou badi luttr) ll ,'re huti,:.
am / is / are not + verb + -í¿g I'm not t orking in Lt¡rulon this tyeeb.

ffi am / ís / are ... + verb + -ing! Are yorL n orling in l.ondon tli-s .t:ttl;:, a senses: sntell, taste, hear, see:
7 /ri' sa¿¿¿r' rasres ¿/ir'(¿r.lin-g.
We use the present continuous: I hear u'lrtLt you're sayitg tct nrc, htt: I . -.
r to talk about the present moment: r for changing or developing situations:
Do tt¡tL see onJ'thing ),oL{"n)ont ro l¡r... ) . -.
I'm we«ring u puir of dLl .icturs, 'l'luu gror.qt's \\'c trse can lr,'ith these 'n.erbs to shrr,,, .. .
I'm l¡¡ohin! (tt tllur CD rí,;itt ttori,.
becomíng nire tt,cl! ,t¡nrtvt.¡..
'l'lt eartlt's t('ntpLtr(Lntre is risilg. I c«n see the posnnan at tl-Le gotc.
. to sllggest that an action is t.rrrporur¡ o rr.ith a rvord like always or cotttínttallt,, if we
I can hear ionteone in the neri root.-,.
often with words like n61¡t, o.t tie moÁent, lvant to criticise or complaitr:
tt l'aste and snrell can be cor-rtintrorl. -. ..
at present or iust:
YotL're aht,ays bttying nc*, cktilres! (= y.otr
I'm tasting the sauce.
'fltr:fre e«ting lunch ut i1e
moment. br.r1'too mar-rr') See can be continuous rüen it means ....::
I'nt uorleitg itt Lonjr¡n thís tt:eel¿. (= I clon,r I'm alwal,sforgetting peopiels nanrr:.s. (= i¡,5 Are yotL seeing Tom totlal.?
rrir¡;rl]) \\'i,rl iri Luntl,,¡) vcrr ir-ritrrirrg)
. for an action around the time of speaking,
Á, I-istcn to, utatch and loole r¿, are nr-: : :.

¡ rvith ahvays when something unexpected I'm listening to nnLsic and DicLne rs- ¡¿,a¡cl
'lvhich has begr.rn but is nor finishéd: '
happens several times:
l' m ttaing n:,,. ho ni a u,r.t rk. I' m alwcT s ni e edn¡; n t y. t r t, i gl ti x t i r rti ut
r other state verb-s: contaín, descrt,e,.ñ,. .,.-
['m looltittg rounLl ilte sho¡rs. (\{illic isn't tt «tr th e stut i o tt. .I grre.s.s h e t r ¡ rli.s
J rueiglt:
looliing rounrl at rhis rnonrenr - she has L, s r.¡ n e u.,1,, t r e 'l'his mctltinc
neOr t'lterc.
contaíns rtspírítt.
stoppccl to tulk to I_i,sa - ¡¡¡ shc plans to N[arlt ueíghs 70 hilos.
cor.lriuuc looking rouncl larcr) Á, h'eigh can be continuous n.hcr.r i- :..,..
'[iv sltop a.ssls¡anr's weighing tlte c]-,, ...
3 State verbs J
These verbs are nearl¡'alrsavs used in a simple rather than a continuous J
tense. They are mostly about thoughts, feelings, belonging ancl the scnses:
... tliat spt:cid CD you urant to ger. (not1atrttrrtt, J
|ou don't tlesett,e to heor ít. (not pr+++en+<Ja,st+r,*r"ero) J
'i'he fbllorving are some importirnt state r-crbs:
e thor"rghts: bcliete, lenot, meut, realise, recognise, rententber, sl¿ppos?,
t¡xlerstan(l, feel (= 6.1¡"r,.r, rhi¡t (= believe):
I thinh you'rc *,rong.
We fecl tltis lut¡ shoútl bc chan,qcd.
A ltcel a,cl rhinl¿ ¿rrc not statc verbs *'hcn thcl nrca'the action: J
I'm thínhing til),tttt tnt lt,lidq..
ll'c're feeling cold.
r f'cclings: utbre, tlíslil;c,, hute, liht:, ktve, rlurit, u,ish, prcJ'ar: C
'l'hav'clespisc nt l;etuttse
of the u'ut. l'rn livirrg. J
o lrelonging: bel,tn{,
Ir belongs ro nv

/ lyn,e got (= posscss), olr?t. l)os.\^rss: C
,l ht' lllrOlLl.lft'r hus tlLt 1riq1,,sr rr,rrrT.rtrrr.r t.rtt ü
L f{uvc can bc continuous lvhcir it cloes not me an ,1-rossess,:
Stc.t'c's hating a tlifJ'inú time ut collcge thís tenn. C
Cttrt I plrone you back luter? l{c,re having lttnch right not,.
.t scnses: smell, taste, hear, see:
/ lti.. s¿¿ilr'¿' rasres c/igrriling.
I hear wluu you're sal.irtg to tnc, httt I tlon,t ugree. J
Do ,trttr see an'thing lou tL)unt

\\ic trse c«n lvith these verbs to shorv

to bLt1, hcre'?
I can see the
rr-e are talkin( aboLrt this
prtsttnan at the gutc.
I can hear ir¡nte one in tlw ne roorn. t e
&, 'l'aste and smell can be conti¡ruous
Itm tasting the sottce.
be continuous rvhen it means ,meet,:
t.hen thev mc¿rn the action:
See can
Are you seeíng Tont toclay?
Listen to, tuatch and lool¿ r¿, are not srate
I'm listening to music oncl Dione is uatching 'erbs
ancl can bc continurus:
o tideo rt¡tsttiit-s. U
e otl-rerstateverbs: contain,descn'e,,fit,seem, look (=seen-r), looklíhe,ntct¡ter. U
I hi' mcLliínc con¡ains rtspiritr.

lvlurk ueíghs 70 kíkts.

A Weigh can be continuor¡s l'he n it nreans thc ¿rcrion:
'fiu: shop ri.s-si.5¡¿¿¡r¡5 rueighing tlrc cht,cst:,

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