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1. GEOGRAPHY - Geographical proximity to facilities - Because of the geographical
has a strong influence on the use of situation, some populations are more
health care systems. Health service vulnerable to pathogens. Some
usage are more accessible to rural populations, for example, are situated
areas as it has more resources. Thus, in swampy areas, which may be more
urban areas would have more likely to vulnerable to diseases, especially
easier to cure diseases and disabilities. during heavy rains. They are affected
Moreover, rural areas are more by floods that could contribute to
accessible to healthy foods and are diseases such as malaria, dengue, and
more exposed to land use planning diarrhea.
and influences on socio-demographic
variation in physical activity. - Parasitic and infectious diseases are
a leading community health concern in
- In temperate climate, there are fewer tropical countries where mild, humid
parasitic and infectious diseases and a temperatures and rain prevail
more adequate food supply. throughout the year. Survival from
these illnesses is made more difficult
in many tropical countries because
weak soil conditions result in
insufficient food quality and
malnutrition. Obesity and heart
disease are significant population and
public health issues in temperate
climates with less parasitic and viral
infections and a more than ample
supply of food.

-Given the growing return to size,

providing the same quality of hospital
services to rural areas as in urban
areas is becoming more expensive.
Therefore, rural areas do not safeguard
the economies of scale gained in urban
areas, and additional funding may be
provided to continue offering a
standard level of treatment.

- Rural communities may have a lower

quality of treatment than their urban
counterparts, may have to drive farther
in order to secure certain services, or
may obtain health care in a particular
way (for example through greater use
of telemedicine). The dilemma of
rurality exemplifies the trade-off that
occurs in the distribution of health
care services between equity and
efficacy. In addition, significant area-
wide cultural effects on the use of
health care could still occur that may,
for example, impact a level of ill
health at which people tend not to
pursue medical attention.
2. COMMUNITY SIZE - Larger community has more - The larger the community, the
equipment for medical intervention; greater its range of health problems
thus, it is easier to treat people with and the greater its number of health
diseases and for further health resources. Foods in larger community
researches. Since there are more are less healthy because of
health practitioners and improved urbanization. Thus, factories distribute
health services in bigger cities than in foods that can be easily consumed by
smaller communities. These resources the population such as foods with
are needed to prevent communicable preservatives. They have also more
diseases to spread quickly. expose to sugary foods and beverages
that leads to many diseases like
- High population density is conducive diabetes.
to the development of healthy
lifestyles such as more physical - Proper waste disposal would hardly
activities and lower rates of car use, be maintained on these areas which
which could reduce the risk of being could lead to water contamination and
overweight. certain diseases. Communicable
diseases are also more likely to spread
-Smaller community has lesser range more quickly because of easier
of health problems since they are transmission of pathogens specially to
more exposed to physical activity such crowded areas.
as farming. They are also more
accessible to healthy foods and - High population density is normally
healthy environment than in associated with poor sanitation,
communities with high population shortage in public facilities and
density. services, and environmental
degradation. The population is more
exposed to more polluted water
supplies and unhealthy air to breathe
brought by vehicular transportations.
3. INDUSTRIAL - Industrial development provides a - Industrially developing populations
DEVELOPMENT community with added resources for are more likely to be affected by
community health programs; that is various diseases due to the leakage of
why industrially developed areas are hazardous waste products from the
most likely to have more facilities for factories into water sources and the
treating people with diseases and environment and due to settlement
disabilities. Moreover, industrial pollution leading to slum growth.
development also gives the Moreover, air pollutions, water
community of new tools and poisoning, and workplace injuries and
equipment for healthcare services and illnesses are also most likely to be
community health programs for better caused by industrial development.
health of its population.
- Moreover, people who have more
control over their living and working
conditions are generally found to be
healthier. Which is a disadvantage for
those who are less fortunate since they
have lesser resources for medical

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