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Ares(2020)1267092 - 28/02/2020

In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management Strategy for

Existing and Future NPPs

IVMR – Grant Agreement 662157

D3.17. Final report on the large scale cold-

crucible experiment

Authors I. Poznyak, J. Hrbek, M. Marecek, B. Mészáros,

M. Paukov
Research Centre Rez (CVR) Husinec – Rez c.p., 250 68 Rez, Czech

Period covered: June 2015-June 2019 Delivery date: 18/12/2019

Start date of IVMR project: June 1, 2015 Duration: 4.5 years

WP N°3.6. WP leader: S. Bechta, X. Gaus-Liu His organization name: CVR, KIT

Project co-funded by the European Commission within the H2020 Programme

Dissemination Level
PU Public

RE Restricted to a group specified by the IVMR Consortium

CO Confidential, only for IVMR partners X

CR Confidential, only for IVMR partners working on the same subject
In-Vessel Melt Retention Severe Accident Management
Strategy for Existing and Future NPPs

EC project officer: Dr. Roberto Passalacqua

Work package N°: 3.6 Task N°: 16, 17

IVMR Identification: D3.16., D3.17. Revision: 2

Short description of revision:

Summary: This report describes the contribution of CVR to the Work package 3.6 of the IVMR
project. The study results of heat flux from the molten oxide prototype material and corium to
stainless steel calorimeter as a model of nuclear reactor vessel wall are presented.

Report title: Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment

Issued by: CVR

Internal reference by editing


Status: Final

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This publication is a Technical report issued within the project IVMR (In-Vessel Melt
Retention). It aims to provide evidence-based scientific support to the European policy-
making process. The scientific output expressed does not imply a policy position of the
European Commission. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on
behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of this

IVMR project website:

Horizon 2020
Call: NFRP-2014-2015
Topic: NFRP-01-2014
Type of action: RIA
Proposal number: 662157
Proposal acronym: IVMR
© European Union, 2015

Reproduction is authorised provided the source is acknowledged.

All images © IVMR partners

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Table of Contents

1. Study methods and description of the facilities used 7
1.1. Cold crucible facilities 7
2. Specification of powder used in tests 11
3. Tests approach 12
3.1. Tests matrix 13
4. Numerical calculation of the thermal flux from melt to calorimeter 15
5. Measure the thermal conductivity of the crust between oxide and metal phase 18
6. Test IVMR 7 20
6.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of laboratory facility 20
6.2. Description of the test IVMR 7 21
6.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 7 25
7. Test IVMR 8 26
7.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of laboratory facility 26
7.2. Description of the test IVMR 8 27
7.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 8 31
8 Test IVMR 10 32
8.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of laboratory facility 32
8.2. Description of the test IVMR 10 36
8.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 10 48
9. Test IVMR 11 50
9.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of laboratory facility 50
9.2. Description of the test IVMR 11 55
9.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 11 67
10. Test IVMR 12 69
10.1. Characteristics of study corium and parameters of laboratory facility 69
10.2. Description of the test IVMR 12 73
10.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 12 82
References 84

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Executive Summary

Report presents study results of heat fluxes from the molten steel to stainless
steel calorimeter and from corium to stainless steel calorimeter as a
contribution to the WP3.6 of the IVMR Project: The study results of heat flux
from the molten oxide prototype material and corium to stainless steel
calorimeter as a model of nuclear reactor vessel wall. The research was based
on physical experiments using corium melting technology in induction furnace
with cold crucible. Physical experiments on the study of heat flux from steel
melt into the calorimeter wall were carried out in induction furnace with
graphite crucible. Matrix of the tests includes oxide model material and corium
C100. Composition of the model material was chosen to simulate comparable
physical properties of corium C100 like emissivity, melt temperature and heat
flux from the melt to cold crucible wall. Together with this model material has
to have minimum aerosols release to have possibility measure melt surface
temperature without additional units to avoid aerosols.

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List of acronyms

SS Stainless steel
RC Research Centre
IFCC Induction furnace with cold crucible
IMCC Induction melting in cold crucible
CC Cold crucible
EMF Electromagnetic field
SEM Scanning electron microscope
EDX Energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
WDX Wave dispersive X-ray spectroscopy
CCL Cold crucible laboratory
DAS Data acquisition system
PC Personal computer
ADC Analog-digital converter
IS-1 Induction system 1
IS-2 Induction system 2
FIB Focused Ion Beam
GIS Gas Injection System

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It was realized already projects for study prevention of consequences of the

accident at the nuclear power plant including research for finding optimal
solutions for localization and reduced activity of the infected areas. However,
even today, questions remain related to understanding of behavior of the
active zone is still actual. In order to establish control of severe accident
especially at in-vessel phase of severe accident as in-vessel melt retention
(IVMR) of molten zone it takes to know characteristics the corium melt like
heat fluxes from molten zone to vessel wall of reactor.
Severe accident at Fukushima nuclear power station in Japan on 11 March 2011
is one of the most serious in commercial nuclear power plant operating
history [1]. Within eight years after the severe accident, continuously worked
on prevention of consequences of the accident at the nuclear plant including
research for finding optimal solutions for localization and reduced activity of
the infected areas [2-5]. However, even now, questions remain related
retention of molten active zone in the nuclear reactor vessel is still actual. In
order to establish control of this accident it is important to know characteristics
and behavior of the corium. In this regard, the main objective of this work is to
study heat fluxes from molten corium to the vessel wall under various
conditions of the melt. Modeling and study of the system for corium retention
inside the reactor vessel was carried out on the basis of physical experiments
using technology of induction melting of oxides (including radioactive) in cold
crucible and melting od steel in induction furnace with graphite crucible.

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1. Study methods and description of the facilities used

1.1. Cold crucible facilities

Study of molten corium properties with overheating above melt temperature

up to 1000°C was realized on the base of induction melting in cold crucible
technology [6]. For this purpose were used IS-1 and IS-2 facilities [7] at cold
crucible laboratory, which were constructed for powder oxide materials
melting with melt temperatures up to 3200°C. Melting of oxide materials is
realized at induction furnace with cold crucible and melting of electrical low
conductive materials like metals is realized at induction furnace with graphite
crucible. Those facilities were adopted for operation with low level radioactive
materials (in particular with UO2) and intended for simulating corium melts.
The cold crucible has an experimental capacity of about 10 kg of initial corium
batch (1000 cm3 volume of melt). Power supply of IS-1 facility is high-frequency
generator which provides output power up to 160 kW with current frequency
1.7 MHz. Power supply of IS-2 facility is high-frequency generator which
provides output power up to 230 kW with current frequency 1.2 MHz. Common
view of IS-1 facility and induction furnace with cold crucible is shown at Fig. 1.1
and Fig. 1.2. Induction furnace with graphite crucible view of IS-2 facility is
shown at Fig. 1.3. Characteristics of induction furnaces are presented at
Table 1.1.

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Fig. 1.1. Common view of IS-1 facility

Pyrometer (3000C)

IR camera (3000C)


Oxygen sensor

Vacuum system

Moving unit

a b
Fig. 1.2. IS-1 facility (a – vacuum chamber, b – induction furnace with cold

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Fig. 1.3. Common view of IS-2 facility (induction furnace with graphite crucible)

Table 1.1. Characteristics of induction furnaces used at the tests

Characteristics Induction furnace with Induction furnace

cold crucible with graphite crucible
Internal diameter, mm 110 75

Height of the melt 100 100

Power in the melt, kW 80 80

Mass of molten 10 8
corium/metal, kg

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Facility IS-1 and IS-2 are equipped by full computer control and measurement
evaluation. Technological scheme of IS-1 IS-2and for research of properties of
high temperature oxide melts, including sensors and data acquisition system is
shown in Fig. 1.4.

Ventilation system
Filter Cyclone
Sampler TV
Delivery system of argon Vacuum
F8 chamber ADC1 ADC2 ADC3

Ar Ar Tr2
R1 R3

Tr1 Voltage
Flowmeters Tr3
F1 F 2 F3 F 4 Current sensor HFG -160 /1,8
Induction furnace Thermometers
with cold crucible
T1 Bottom
V3 T5
T2 M Moving T6
V4 F5
T3 T0
V1 T7 F6
T4 V2 Closed water cooling system V5
Water Water pump

Fig. 1.4. Technological scheme of facility for research of properties of high-

temperature oxide melts
V1 – V5 – valves of the cooling system of the stand elements; T0 – T7 –
thermocouples; F1 – F7 – water flowmeters; F8 – Ar flowmeter; ADC1 – ADC3 –
analog-to-digital converters; DT - current sensor; PC – personal computer; TV –
camera; DU – voltage sensor; PI frequency sensor; R1 – R3 – resistance; Тr1 – Тr3
- transformers

The system allows online fix electrical (voltage at inductor, current frequency,
voltage at anode of the tube and anode current of the tube), heat losses in the
crucible and inductor, temperature on the melt surface. Video recording of the
melt surface also.

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2. Specification of powder used in tests

In this study, physicochemical properties of the melt of fully oxidized corium

with the composition in weight percent wt.80%UO2 + 20%ZrO2 was used.
As initial materials (powder) used uranium oxide UO2 (depleted in U235, the
main substance of 99 %), zirconium oxide kind “Pure” (hereinafter, wt. %). The
experiments were carried out in air atmosphere. Characteristics of powder
which was used at all tests is shown at Table 2.1.
Table 2.1. Characteristics of powder
Material Kind of purity Particle size (D50),
ZrO2 99,95% min. average 5 μm
UO2 Not specified <100 μm 98.9%
(Uranium 238 - 99.734%,
20-40 μm 80%
Uranium 235 - 0.256%)
Fe2O3 99,5% 40-200 μm
Starting material is Zr (pure)

As a material for manufacture of calorimeter was used steel 316L with

composition which a presented at Table 2.2.

Table 2.2. Composition of steel 316L

Element Value, wt%
Fe 63 to 66
Cr 16.0 to 18.0
Ni 10.0 to 14.0
Mo 2.00 to 3.00
Mn 2.0 max
Si 1.0 max
Ti 0.5 max
P 0.045 max
C 0.03 max
S 0.03 max

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3. Tests approach

Approach of the tests for study heat flux from molten corium to vessel wall is
based on measure of thermal loss at calorimeter with is take pleased in to pool
with molted corium. Mostly interesting and important case is study heat flux to
vessel wall from two phase oxide-metal melt. From the other hand it is not so
easy to make measure heat flux form oxide part and metal one to the
calorimeter. Therefore, for the first step it will be measure heat flux from oxide
melt to calorimeter and the second step will be measure heat flux from metal
melt to calorimeter. Scheme of the tests is shown at Fig. 3.1. Melting of the
oxide corium part will be done at induction furnace with cold crucible. Follow
of the corium composition and its electrical resistivity which is 0.1 Ohm*cm the
optimal frequency of generator is 1.7 MHz. Internal diameter of the cold
crucible is 11 cm.

Fig. 3.1. Scheme of the tests (thermal conductivity estimation, heat flux

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3.1. Tests matrix

Table 3.1. contents tests matrix which was realized in frame of the project. It
was done three kinds of tests - melting steel in graphite crucible, melting of
model material in cold crucible and melting of corium in cold crucible. Tests
IVMR 1-6 and 9 were implemented to verify method of melting metal in
graphite crucible and melting model oxide material to obtain required power in
the melt. Since the purpose of these tests was to configure the equipment to
obtain the required melting parameters, the description of these tests is not
included in this report.
The main purpose of melting the model material is to check the performance of
the induction system when the oxide melt interacts with the calorimeter wall.
At the same time, the model material composition was selected in such way as
to approximate the conditions of the melt temperature and heat flow into the
calorimeter wall as much as possible to corium melt properties. However, the
model composition did not produced large amount of aerosols and it was
possible to measure temperature of the melt surface with well accuracy.

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Table 3.1. Test matrix
Test Date Facility Melt material Kind of Melt
crucible temperature,
IVMR-7 18.01.2019 IS-2 Steel Graphite 1700

IVMR-8 12.04.2019 IS-2 Steel Graphite 1950

IVMR-10 06.06.2019 IS-1 wt 50% ZrO2+ CC 2150

IVMR-11 23.07.2019 IS-1 wt 50% ZrO2+ CC 2250
IVMR-12 30.07.2019 IS-1 Corium CC 2400
wt 80%UO2+

4. Numerical calculation of the thermal flux from melt to calorimeter

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Purpose of the calculation is definition of geometry parameters of calorimeter
for further tests with high temperature melts and definition of thickness of
calorimeter wall where material of calorimeter will not melt during its
interaction with oxide and melt melts.

For calculation was used mathematical model of thermal field described by

heat transfer equation (1).

−𝑑𝑖𝑣 (𝜆 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑇) + 𝜌𝑐𝑝 (𝒗 · 𝑔𝑟𝑎𝑑 𝑇) = 𝑄, (1)

where Q = 0, v = 0, λ is generally nonlinear parameter, the problem was
simplified to 2D axisymmetric model. Geometry of calculation area is shown in
Fig. 4.1.

Fig. 4.1. Geometry of calculation area

Thickness δ and radius difference Δr2 are variable, but inner radius of
calorimeter is fixed r1 = 1 cm. The problem with melted calorimeter generally
requires solving temperature field and hydrodynamics as coupled task. In our
case coupled problem was simplified with using thin layer where was
considered higher thermal conductivity then calorimeter. This is caused by
particle diffusion heat transfer, the thermal conductivity of liquid phase λeff
consists of solid state thermal conductivity and thermal conductivity given by
material flow.
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For the solution was used nonlinear thermal conductivity of stainless steel [8],
used dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature is shown on Fig. 4.2.
The dependence was used for stainless steel W (Fe, (15-17.5) Cr, (6-7.5) Ni,
(0.4-1.2) Ti, 0.08 C max, 0.4 Al max, 1 Si max, 0.04 P max, 0.03 S max (wt%);
annealed; UNS S17600).

Fig. 4.2. Dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature for stainless steel


This problem was solved by steady state analysis with Dirichlet and Neumann
boundary conditions. Neumann boundary condition = 0 was used to the

horizontal boundary. Dirichlet boundary condition in form 𝑇𝛤1 = 80 °C was

applied inside the calorimeter and 𝑇𝛤2 = 1550 °C in the melt asmelting point
of steel. For different thickness of thin layer δ was searched thickness solid
state calorimeter Δr2. The aim of calculation was to find specific heat flux p2 for
different Δr2. Following of calculations heat flux passing through calorimeter
wall via Δr2 is shown at Fig. 4.3.
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Fig. 4.3. Specific heat flux passing through calorimeter wall via Δr2

On the base of numerical calculation it was designed calorimeter with thikness

of the wall as 16 mm and out diameter 48 mm. Drawings of calorimeter are
shown at Annex. Reason of chosen calorimeter thickness wall as 16 mm was
definition of wall thickness at physical tests with partial melting of calorimeter
material. Following of calculation results even for heat flux up to 3MW/m2
thickness of calorimeter wall has to be about 1 cm.

If consider heat flux up to 3MW/m2 for immersion depth of the calorimeter to

melt about 4 cm, the estimated power at calorimeter has to be about 26 kW.

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5. Measure the thermal conductivity of the crust between oxide and metal

Measure of thermal conductivity of crust between molten corium and steel is

based on solution of thermal problem relative thermal conductivity coefficient.
Input data for mathematical model get from physical test. Corium is melting at
cold crucible induction furnace where inside of the melt is take placed water
cooled calorimeter. Structure of the layers including calorimeter wall, crust and
melt and power balance and temperature distribution at the area of
calorimeter is shown at Fig. 5.1.

Стенка Ст3 Зазор Гарнисаж, Расплав
l=3.5 W/(m• C)

T гр1 =100оС T гр2 =164.3оС T g=1153оС T гр3 =1464оС T гр4 =1520оС

Температура, оС


q=100.9 W/cm2



1,7 мм

6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Текущий радиус, мм

Fig. 5.1. Structure of the layers including calorimeter wall, crust and melt
(a). Calculated temperature distribution at the area of calorimeter (b)
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Mathematical model for calculation of thermal conductivity coefficient is the

 T 1   v  T
Cv = x l 
 t x v  x   x 

T0 = f ( x),
T1 = Twt ,
T2 = Tmelt ,
Input data for the mathematical model is power flux to calorimeter, thickness
of the calorimeter wall and crust.

This approach for measure of thermal conductivity was planned to use in frame
of the project for study of crust property. Despite the fact that this method was
not used to determine the thermal conductivity of corium at temperatures
close to the melting point, using preliminary calculations, it was shown that an
air gap is appearing between crust layer and water-cooled calorimeter (steel
wall), which greatly increases the thermal resistance of the material layer
between the melt and the calorimeter wall (wall of the reactor with external
water cooling). This fact helped to further interpret the results of physical tests
to determine heat fluxes from high-temperature oxide melt into the wall of the

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6. Test IVMR 7

Purpose of the experiment is measuring the heat flux from molten stainless
steel to calorimeter with melt temperature 1800C.

6.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of laboratory


For realization of the test, it is necessary to melt steel and overheat it to

required temperature. To implement this test, induction furnace with graphite
crucible was designed and manufactured. Physical characteristics of the
graphite crucible make it possible to use an existing high-frequency heating
system with power supply frequency of 1.2 MHz (IS-2 facility). Heating of metal
is carried out by indirect method, it does not occur the interaction of molten
steel with the material of the crucible. The main characteristics of the induction
furnace are shown in Table 6.1. View of induction furnace with graphite
crucible before melt is shown at Fig. 6.1.

Table 6.1 Characteristics of the induction system

Inner diameter cm d1 21
Loop number W 3
Height cm a1 13
Graphite crucible:
Inner diameter cm d3 7.5
Height cm a3 13
Wall thickness cm h3 1.5
Composition of graphite crucible:
Natural graphite % 35-40
SiO2 + Al2O3 % >50
Fe2O3 , CaO, MgO % <1
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a b

Fig. 6.1. View of induction furnace with graphite crucible before melt
(a - furnace under preparation, b – calorimeter and load (stainless still
prepared for test).

6.2. Description of the test IVMR 7

Before turning on the heating, calorimeter was placed in the crucible and
1400 g of stainless steel (SUS 304) was loaded too. Calorimeter was placed in
the working position. The amount of steel loaded into the graphite crucible was
calculated to ensure that the calorimeter is immersed in the melt by 4 cm.
After switching on the generator, the crucible was heated for 3540 seconds
with a smooth increase in power. The slow heating of the crucible ensured that
the temperature in it was equalized and that it did not crack. The test was
performed in air, for which the graphite crucible was as isolated as possible

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from the effects of oxygen in the environment. Several preliminary tests were
conducted for heating graphite in inert atmosphere (Ar), but each time there
were electrical arcs between coils of inductor and crucible following the
ionization of Ar at high frequency. Electrical arcs did not allow continue of
crucible heating, and therefore, it was necessary to abandon the tests in the Ar
environment and conduct tests in air, but with maximum protection of the
crucible from oxidation.
After heating the metal to temperature 1700C, the heating mode was stabilized
to obtain stationary heat flux to calorimeter. Within 300 seconds, the
stationary heating mode was fixed and the losses in the calorimeter were
measured. After that, the heating was turned off. Fig. 6.2. presents view of
induction furnace with graphite crucible after melt. Calorimeter with solidified
steel was cut to determine geometry of interaction between melt and
calorimeter wall. Fig. 6.3. shows calorimeter before and after the test. Based on
the obtained sample, it was determined that the depth of the calorimeter
submerged in the melt was 34 mm and the interaction surface of the
calorimeter wall with the melt was 69.4 cm2.
Fig. 6.4. shows power in the calorimeter and Fig. 6.5. shows heat fluxes to the

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Fig. 6.2. View of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt (IVMR 7)

Fig. 6.3. View of calorimeter before and after test

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8 Measure
Form melt pool (=3540s) heat flux

7 Air Calorimeter is lowered

into the melt for 3.4 cm
Power losses in the calorimeter, kW

Melt temperature 1800C


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time, s

Fig. 6.4. Power in the calorimeter

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1,2 Measure
Form melt pool (=3540s) heat flux

Air Calorimeter is lowered

1 into the melt for 3.4 cm
Melt temperature 1800C
Heat flux to calorimeter, MW/m2






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
Time, s

Fig. 6.5. Heat flux to the calorimeter

6.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 7

Based on the analysis of the test results, the following conclusions can be done:

 The surface temperature of the melt reached 1700C.

 Following of reached power in the calorimeter as 5.8 kW and interaction
surface between calorimeter walls as 69.4 cm2 the heat flux reached
0.83 MW/m2 for melt temperature 1700C.

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7. Test IVMR 8

Purpose of the experiment is measuring the heat flux from molten stainless
steel to calorimeter with melt temperature 2000C.

7.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of laboratory


For realization of the test it was used the same induction furnace with graphite
crucible such as at test IVMR-7 at facility IS-1. The main characteristics of
induction furnace are shown in table 7.1. View of induction furnace with
graphite crucible before melt is shown at Fig. 7.1.

Table 7.1 Characteristics of the induction system

Inner diameter cm d1 21
Loop number W 3
Height cm a1 13
Graphite crucible:
Inner diameter cm d3 7.5
Height cm a3 13
Wall thickness cm h3 1.5
Composition of graphite crucible:
Natural graphite % 35-40
SiO2 + Al2O3 % >50
Fe2O3 , CaO, MgO % <1

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a b

Fig. 7.1. View of induction furnace with graphite crucible before melt
(a - furnace under preparation, b – calorimeter and load (stainless still prepared
for test).

7.2. Description of the test IVMR 8

Before turning on the heating, calorimeter was placed in the crucible and
1500 g of stainless steel (SUS 304) (nuts) was loaded too. Calorimeter was
placed in the working position. The amount of steel loaded into the graphite
crucible was calculated to ensure that the calorimeter is immersed in the melt
by 4 cm.
After switching on the generator, the crucible was heated for 6190 seconds
with a smooth increase in power. The slow heating of the crucible ensured that
the temperature in it was equalized and that it did not crack. The test was

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performed in air, for which the graphite crucible was as isolated as possible
from the effects of oxygen in the environment.
After heating the metal to temperature 2010C, the heating mode was stabilized
to obtain stationary heat flux to calorimeter. Within 1260 seconds, the
stationary heating mode was fixed and the losses in the calorimeter were
measured. After that, the heating was turned off. Fig. 7.2. presents of
calorimeter inside of the crucible. Calorimeter with solidified steel was cut to
determine geometry of interaction between melt and calorimeter wall. Fig. 7.3.
shows calorimeter before and after the test. Based on the obtained sample, it
was determined that the depth of the calorimeter submerged in the melt was
35 mm and the interaction surface of the calorimeter wall with the melt was
70.9 cm2.
Fig. 7.4. shows power in the calorimeter and Fig. 7.5. shows heat fluxes to the

Fig. 7.2. View of calorimeter inside of the crucible (IVMR 8)

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Fig. 7.3. View of calorimeter before and after test

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8 Measure
Form melt pool (=225s) heat flux

7 Air
Power losses in the calorimeter, kW

Calorimeter is lowered
into the melt for 3.5 cm


0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time, s

Fig. 7.4. Power in the calorimeter

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1,2 Measure
Form melt pool (=225s) heat flux

1,0 Calorimeter is lowered
Heat flux to calorimeter, MW/m2

into the melt for 3.5 cm






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time, s

Fig. 7.5. Heat flux to the calorimeter

7.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 8

Based on the analysis of the test results, the following conclusions can be done:

 The surface temperature of the melt reached 1950C.

 Following of reached power in the calorimeter as 6.7 kW and interaction
surface between calorimeter walls as 70.9 cm2 the heat flux reached
0.95 MW/m2 for melt temperature 1950C. At the same time, material of
calorimeter wall was not melted. If recalculate heat flux for temperature
2400C for and for existing geometry of the calorimeter, it will be heat flux
value 1.2 MW/m2. However, there is possibility for melting of the
calorimeter wall material, so if the wall thickness will be 1 cm, the heat flux
will be 1.8 MW/m2.

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8. Test IVMR 10

Purpose of the experiment is measuring the heat flux of the model material
melt throw calorimeter with melt temperature 2200C .

8.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of facility

Table 8.1. data on the composition and weight ratio of the components. As
model nonradioactive material was chosen powder wt.50% ZrO2 + wt 50%
Fe2O3 due to similar properties of corium such as emissivity, thermal flux to
cold crucible wall and working temperature of melt around 2400C. As starting
material was used Fe3O4. Table 8.2. presents characteristics of the induction
system. Fig. 8.1. presents schematic view of induction furnace with a cold

Table 8.1. Composition of powder 50% ZrO2 + wt 50% Fe2O3 (IVMR 10)

Material weight,
N Material Weight % Comments

1. ZrO2 1750.00 50.00

2. Fe2O3 1750.00 50.00

Total (without
3500.00 100.00
starting material)

Fe3O4 (starting
material) 11.00

Total 3511.00 material

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 32/87

Table 8.2 Characteristics of the induction system
Inductor number # 5
Inner diameter cm d1 16
Loop number W 3
Height cm a1 8
Inductor pipe diameter cm h1 1.0
Cold crucible:
Inner diameter cm d3 11.0
Height of work part cm a3 20
Number of sections Ns3 18
Crucible pipe diameter cm dp2 1.0
Cold crucible bottom height cm hb3 10



a3 W a1


dp2 d3

Fig. 8.1. Schematic view of induction furnace with a cold crucible

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 33/87

Fig. 8.2. View of induction furnace with cold crucible before melt (IVMR 10)

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 34/87

Fig. 8.3. View of the generator, data acquisition system, measurement of
temperature and screens with video of melt during the test IVMR 10

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 35/87

8.2. Description of the test IVMR 10

For the evaluation of electromagnetic losses in the elements of the induction

furnace and the load, the circuit was measured idling by calorimetry these
The experiment was conducted in air. Starting position of the crucible was
133.3 mm down to zero position (Fig.8.2.).

Before the test started, the crucible was filled with the full amount of powder
3500.0 g. On top of the powder was added starting material, Fe3O4, total 11.0 g.
After switching on the heating, the starting material was heated up and melted,
then the generator was switched off, because of the changing of pyrometer set
up. After that, the starting material was put away and on the top of the powder
was added new starting material Fe3O4. The generator was switched on and
starting material was heated up and it was created a small volume of the melt
during 180 s. After forming the melt pool, the crucible was moved up to keep
melt in the level of inductor for the better connection between melt and
electromagnetic field. During moving of the crucible the melt sputtered
through the walls of the crucible, probably due to low melt viscosity. In that
case, the power was decreased and the skull was formed on the wall of the
crucible. After that, the melt sputtering was stopped. Crucible was moved to
zero position during 3180 s after starting the test and the full melt pool was
formed. During moving of the crucible the crust was made above the melt
about 30 mm. Crust prevented spilling of the melt from the crucible. After
forming of the full melt pool, the crust was broken by moving off the
calorimeter down and melted in the melt. The calorimeter was moved up to
the starting position. Then the temperature of the melt was stabilized for

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 36/87

2220 s (5160 s after the starting of the test) at the temperature 2150 °C. After
stabilization of melt temperature, it was started moving down with calorimeter
to position 35 mm up to the melt, the power loses in the calorimeter was
stabilized for 1260 s. After the stabilization of the power loses it was moved
with calorimeter to position 25 mm up of the melt pool and power loses in the
calorimeter was stabilized for 420 s. After the stabilization of the power loses it
was started moving with calorimeter by steps from 2 to 5 mm once per
approximately 180 s for stabilization of the parameters (Table 8.3.).
Calorimeter touched the melt after 7620 s after the start of the test in the
position of the calorimeter 0 mm. The finishing position of the calorimeter was
-49 mm relative to fixer and -58.3 mm relative to the level of the melt and it
was reached 13380 s after the starting of the test. After that, calorimeter was
moved up to the starting position and generator was switched off. On the
calorimeter, the crust remained, but after cooling of the calorimeter it felt
down to the crucible. The crust shattered and remained on the ingot surface.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 37/87

Table 8.3. Calorimeter moving during the test
Time Time from Moved by step The position The position
(h:mm) the start (mm) relative to the relative to the
(s) fixer (mm) level of melt
12:18 5400 - 33 33
12:39 6660 10 23 23
12:46 7080 15 8 8
12:50 7320 5 3 3
12:55 7620 3 0 0
12:58 7800 2 -2 -2,4
13:01 7980 2 -4 -4,8
13:04 8160 1 -5 -6,0
13:09 8460 4 -9 -10,7
13:18 9000 2 -11 -13,1
13:20 9120 4 -15 -17,9
13:22 9240 2 -17 -20,2
13:25 9420 2 -19 -22,6
13:32 9840 2,5 -21,5 -25,6
13:37 10140 2,5 -24 -28,6
13:41 10380 2,5 -26,5 -31,5
13:48 10800 2,5 -29 -34,5
13:51 10980 2,5 -31,5 -37,5
13:56 11280 2,5 -34 -40,5
14:01 11580 2,5 -36,5 -43,5
14:06 11880 2,5 -39 -46,4
14:12 12240 2,5 -41,5 -49,4
14:19 12660 2,5 -44 -52,4
14:25 13020 2,5 -46,5 -55,4
14:31 13380 2,5 -49 -58,3

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 38/87

During the test, the electrical characteristics of the high-frequency generator
and induction furnace were measured. Power losses at inductor and the cold
crucible are measured by the calorimetric way - a difference of water
temperature from the input of the measured part and the output of the
measured part and flow rate through the part. During steady state, power
losses measured at cold crucible equals to Pccm and from the known power
losses at cold crucible without melt, it is possible to calculate the power in the
melt (Pm). Fig. 8.3. shows wiew of the generator, data acquisition system,
measurement of temperature and screens with video of melt during the test.
Fig. 8.4. presents view of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt.
Fig. 8.5. show calorimeter before and after test. Fig. 8.6 shows melt surface
temperature (Tm) during the test. Fig. 8.7. shows position of the cold crucible
during test. Fig. 8.8. shows anodic current (Ia), grid current (Ig) and anodic
voltage (Ua). Fig. 8.9. shows the changing of inductor current (Iind) and the
voltage at inductor (Uind) during the test. Fig. 8.10. shows frequency of voltage
at inductor. Fig. 8.11. shows position of the calorimeter and power in the
calorimeter. Fig. 8.12. shows heat fluxes to the calorimeter (heat flus to lower
part of the calorimeter and heat flux to cylindrical vertical part of the

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 39/87

Fig. 8.4. View of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt (IVMR 10)

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 40/87

Fig. 8.5. View of calorimeter before and after test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 41/87

Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s)

2400 Air


Melt surface temperature, C






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time, s

Fig. 8.6. The temperature of the melt during the test.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 42/87

Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s)

20 Air
Cold crucible position, mm

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000







Time, s

Fig. 8.7. Position of the cold crucible during test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 43/87

14 Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s)
Form melt pool (=4080s)

Ia 8

Anodic voltage, kV
Tube current, A


4 Ig


0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time, s

Fig. 8.8. Anodic current (Ia), grid current (Ig) and anodic voltage (Ua)

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 44/87

800 8

700 Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s) 7
600 6

Inductor voltage, kV
Inductor current, A

500 Uind 5

400 4

300 3

200 2

100 1

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time, s

Fig. 8.9. Inductor current (Iind) and voltage (Uind) during the test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 45/87

Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s)


Frequency, MHz





0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Time, s

Fig. 8.10. Frequency of voltage at inductor

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 46/87

10 Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s) 100

8 80

Position of the calorimeter, mm

Power in the calorimeter, kW

6 60

4 40
2 20
Touchig point of the
melt by calotimeter
Level of the melt
0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000

-2 -20

-4 -40
Time, s

Fig. 8.11. Position of the calorimeter and power in the calorimeter

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 47/87

250 100
Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s)

Heat transfer to the
200 calorimeter by radiation 80
Heat flux to the calorimeter, W/cm2

Heat transfer to the

Position of the calorimeter, mm

calorimeter through crust
150 60
100 40

50 hcal 20
Touchig point of the
melt by calotimeter

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000

-50 -20

-100 -40
Time, s

Fig. 8.12. Position of the calorimeter and heat flux to the calorimeter

8.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 10

Based on the analysis of the test results, the following conclusions can be done:

 The surface temperature of the corium melt reached 2175C.

 At the first stage of measuring the heat flux, the heat transfer from the melt
to the calorimeter was increased up to 4.0 kW. In this moment calorimeter
was stay closely to melt surface without touching of the melt. Energy from
the melt to the calorimeter was transmitted mainly by radiation. Heat flux
to the lower side of the calorimeter reached 2.25 MW/m2. In this mode, no
melting of the calorimeter was observed.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 48/87

 At the second stage of heat flux measurement calorimeter touched the
melt and in this moment power in the calorimeter was decreased. Heat flux
started to decrease from maximum 2.25 MW/m2. Energy from the melt to
the calorimeter was transmitted through crust.
 Further immersion of the calorimeter to the melt provided decrease of heat
flux till stabilized value 0.75 MW/m2. At the same time, the melting of the
lower part of the calorimeter after 100 minutes of exposure not occurred.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 49/87

9. Test IVMR 11

Purpose of the experiment is measuring the heat flux of the model material
melt throw calorimeter with melt temperature above 2200C (up to 2400C) .

9.1. Characteristics of study model material and parameters of facility

Table 9.1. presents data on the composition and weight ratio of the
components. As starting material was used metal Fe3O4. Table 9.2. presents
characteristics of the induction system. Fig. 9.1. presents schematic view of
induction furnace with a cold crucible. Characteristics of the induction system

Table 9.1. Composition of powder 50% ZrO2 + wt 50% Fe2O3 (IVMR 11)

N Material Material weight, g Weight % Comments

1. ZrO2 1800.00 50.00

2. Fe2O3 1800.00 50.00

Total (without
3600.00 100.00
starting material)

3. Fe3O4 (starting m.) 8.00

Total 3608.00 material

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 50/87

Table 9.2 Characteristics of the induction system
Inductor number # 5
Inner diameter cm d1 16
Loop number W 3
Height cm a1 8
Inductor pipe diameter cm h1 1.0
Cold crucible:
Inner diameter cm d3 11.0
Height of work part cm a3 20
Number of sections Ns3 18
Crucible pipe diameter cm dp2 1.0
Cold crucible bottom height cm hb3 10

Additional equipment
Lower valve Yes

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 51/87



a3 W a1


dp2 d3

Fig. 9.1. Schematic view of induction furnace with a cold crucible

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 52/87

Fig. 9.2. View of induction furnace with cold crucible before melt (IVMR 11).

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 53/87

Fig. 9.3. View of the generator, data acquisition system, measurement of
temperature and screens with video of melt during the test IVMR 11

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 54/87

9.2. Description of the test IVMR 11

For the evaluation of electromagnetic losses in the elements of the induction

furnace and the load, the circuit was measured idling by calorimetry these
The experiment was conducted in air. Starting position of the crucible was
121.6 mm down to zero position (Fig.9.2.).

Before the test started, the crucible was filled with the full amount of powder
3600.0 g. On top of the powder was added starting material Fe3O4 in total 8.0 g.
The generator was switched on and starting material was heated up and it was
created a small volume of the melt during 180 s. After forming the melt pool,
the crucible was moved up to keep melt in the level of inductor for the better
connection between melt and electromagnetic field. Crucible was moved to
zero position during 1620 s after starting the test and the full melt pool was
formed. During moving of the crucible the crust was made above the melt.
Crust prevented spilling of the melt from the crucible. After forming of the full
melt pool, there were several tries to break the crust by moving of the
calorimeter. However, all crust was successfully broken on the third try,
because the crust was large and it held well on the sides of the crucible. After
breaking of the crust, it was melted in the melt. The calorimeter was moved up
to the starting position. Then the temperature of the melt was stabilized for
1500 s (6660 s after the starting of the test) at the temperature 2230 °C. During
the stabilization of the melt, the temperature was measured without a glass
window. The temperature hasn't changed. After stabilization of melt
temperature, it was started moving down with calorimeter to the level of the
top of the crucible, the power loses in the calorimeter was stabilized for 1260 s.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 55/87

After the stabilization of the power loses it was moved with calorimeter to
position 60 mm up of the melt pool and power loses in the calorimeter was
stabilized for 180 s. After the stabilization of the power loses it was moved with
calorimeter to position 40 mm up of the melt pool and power loses in the
calorimeter was stabilized for 240 s. After the stabilization of the power loses it
was moved with calorimeter to position 20 mm up of the melt pool and power
loses in the calorimeter was stabilized for 240 s. Then it was moved with
calorimeter up, calorimeter was checked, and moved back to the same position
and power loses in the calorimeter was stabilized for 120 s. After the
stabilization of the power loses it was moved with calorimeter to position 5
mm up of the melt pool and power loses in the calorimeter was stabilized for
360 s. After the stabilization of the power loses it was moved with calorimeter
to position 2 mm up of the melt pool and power loses in the calorimeter was
stabilized for 120 s. On the bottom of the calorimeter was created crust by melt
sputtering 8880 s after the start of the test. The crust felt down from the
calorimeter and it was melted 9960 s after the test started. After the
stabilization of the power loses it was moved with calorimeter to the level of
the melt pool, calorimeter touched the melt and power loses in the calorimeter
was stabilized for 120 s. After the stabilization of the power loses it was started
moving with calorimeter by steps from 2 to 5 mm once per approximately 180 s
for stabilization of the parameters (Table 9.3.). The finishing position of the
calorimeter was -65 mm relative to fixer and -80.0 mm relative to the level of
the melt and it was reached 13380 s after the starting of the test. After that,
Calorimeter was moved up to the starting position and generator was switched
off. On the calorimeter, the crust remained, the height of the crust on the
calorimeter was 77.4 mm. After the cooling of the calorimeter, the crust was
put down.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 56/87

Table 9.3. Calorimeter moving during the test
Time Time from Moved by step The position The position
(hh:mm) the start (mm) relative to the relative to the
(s) fixer (mm) level of melt
17:59 10260 22 0 0
18:01 10380 5 -22 -26,2
18:03 10500 5 -27 -32,1
18:10 10920 3 -32 -38,1
18:15 11220 2 -35 -41,7
18:17 11340 7 -37 -44,0
18:19 11460 2,5 -30 -35,7
18:21 11580 2,5 -32,5 -38,7
18:24 11760 2,5 -35 -41,7
18:30 12120 2,5 -37,5 -44,6
18:32 12240 2,5 -40 -47,6
18:34 12360 2,5 -42,5 -50,6
18:37 12540 5 -45 -53,6
18:43 12900 2,5 -50 -59,5
18:50 13320 2,5 -52,5 -62,5
18:53 13500 2,5 -55 -65,5
18:57 13740 2,5 -57,5 -68,4
19:01 13980 5 -60 -71,4
19:10 14520 2,5 -65 -77,4

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 57/87

During the test, the electrical characteristics of the high-frequency generator
and induction furnace were measured. Power losses at inductor and the cold
crucible are measured by the calorimetric way - a difference of water
temperature from the input of the measured part and the output of the
measured part and flow rate through the part. During steady state, power
losses measured at cold crucible equals to Pccm and from the known power
losses at cold crucible without melt, it is possible to calculate the power in the
melt (Pm). Fig. 9.3. shows view of the generator, data acquisition system,
measurement of temperature and screens with video of melt during the test.
Fig. 9.4. presents view of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt.
Fig. 9.5. show calorimeter before and after test. Fig. 9.6. shows melt surface
temperature (Tm) during the test. Fig. 9.7. shows position of the cold crucible
during test. Fig. 9.8. shows anodic current (Ia), grid current (Ig) and anodic
voltage (Ua). Fig. 9.9. shows the changing of inductor current (Iind) and the
voltage at inductor (Uind) during the test. Fig. 9.10. shows frequency of voltage
at inductor. Fig. 9.11. shows Position of the calorimeter and power in the
calorimeter. Fig. 9.12. shows heat fluxes to the calorimeter (heat flus to lower
part of the calorimeter and heat flux to cylindrical vertical part of the

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 58/87

Fig. 9.4. View of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt (IVMR 11)

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 59/87

Fig. 9.5. View of calorimeter before and after test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 60/87

Form melt pool (=3460s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9700s)

2400 Air

Melt surface temperature, C






0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time, s

Fig. 9.6. The temperature of the melt during the test.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 61/87

Form melt pool (=3460s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9700s)
Cold crucible position, mm

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000







Time, s

Fig. 9.7. Position of the cold crucible during test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 62/87

16 12
Form melt pool (=3460s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9700s)

14 Air
12 Ia

Anodic voltage, kV
Tube current, A


8 6


0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time, s

Fig. 9.8. Anodic current (Ia), grid current (Ig) and anodic voltage (Ua)

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 63/87

800 8

700 Form melt pool (=3460s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9700s) 7
600 6

Inductor voltage, kV
Inductor current, A

500 5

400 Iind 4

300 3

200 2

100 1

0 0
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time, s

Fig. 9.9. Inductor current (Iind) and voltage (Uind) during the test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 64/87

Form melt pool (=3460s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9700s)

Frequency, MHz







0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
Time, s

Fig. 9.10. Frequency of voltage at inductor

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 65/87

14 150
Form melt pool (=3460s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9700s)
12 130

Position of the calorimeter, mm

Power in the calorimeter, kW

10 110

8 pcal 90

6 70
4 50

2 Touchig point of the 30

melt by calotimeter
Level of the melt

0 10
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
-2 -10

-4 -30
Time, s

Fig. 9.11. Position of the calorimeter and power in the calorimeter

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 66/87

350 150

Form melt pool (=4080s) Immersion of the calorimeter into the melt (=9920s)
300 130
Heat flux to the calorimeter, W/cm2

Heat transfer to the

250 110

Position of the calorimeter, mm

calorimeter by radiation Heat transfer to the
calorimeter through crust
200 90
150 hcal 70

100 50

50 Touchig point of the 30

melt by calotimeter

0 10
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000
-50 -10

-100 -30
Time, s

Fig. 9.12. Position of the calorimeter and heat flux to the calorimeter

9.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 11

Based on the analysis of the test results, the following conclusions can be done:

 The surface temperature of the corium melt reached 2210C.

 At the first stage of measuring the heat flux, the heat transfer from the
melt to the calorimeter was increased up to 5.7 kW. In this moment
calorimeter was stay closely to melt surface without touching of the
melt. Energy from the melt to the calorimeter was transmitted mainly by
radiation. Heat flux to the lower side of the calorimeter reached
3.1 MW/m2. In this mode, melting of the calorimeter was observed.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 67/87

 At the second stage of heat flux measurement calorimeter touched the
melt and in this moment power in the calorimeter was decreased. Heat
flux started to decrease from maximum 3.1 MW/m2. Energy from the
melt to the calorimeter was transmitted through crust.
 Further immersion of the calorimeter to the melt provided decrease of
heat flux till stabilized value 0.75 MW/m2. At the same time, the melting
of the lower part of the calorimeter after 70 minutes of exposure not

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 68/87

10. Test IVMR 12

Purpose of the experiment is measuring the heat flux of the melt throw

10.1. Characteristics of study corium and parameters of laboratory facility

Table 10.1. and Table 10.2. presents data on the composition and weight ratio
of the components. As starting material was used metal Zr. Fig. 10.1. presents
schematic view of induction furnace with a cold crucible. Characteristics of the
induction system.

Table 10.1. Composition of powder (IVMR 12) 80% UO2 + wt 20% ZrO2

N Material Material weight, g Weight % Comments

1. UO2 4320.00 80.00

2. ZrO2 1080.00 20.00

Total (without starting

5400.00 100.00

3. Zr (starting m.) 5.00

Total 5405.00 material

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 69/87

Table 10.2. Characteristics of the induction system
Inductor number # 5
Inner diameter cm d1 16
Loop number W 3
Height cm a1 8
Inductor pipe diameter cm h1 1.0
Cold crucible:
Inner diameter cm d3 11.0
Height of work part cm a3 20
Number of sections Ns3 18
Crucible pipe diameter cm dp2 1.0
Cold crucible bottom height cm hb3 10
Additional equipment
Lower valve Yes

Fig. 10.1. Shows schematic view of induction furnace with a cold crucible.
Fig. 10.2. Presents view of induction furnace with cold crucible before melt
before test with installed calorimeter. Fig. 10.3. Presents view of the generator,
data acquisition system, measurement of temperature and screens with video
of melt during the test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 70/87



a3 W a1


dp2 d3

Fig. 10.1. Schematic view of induction furnace with a cold crucible

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 71/87

Fig. 10.2. View of induction furnace with cold crucible before melt

Fig. 10.3. View of the generator, data acquisition system, measurement of

temperature and screens with video of melt during the test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 72/87

10.2. Description of the test IVMR 12

For the evaluation of electromagnetic losses in the elements of the induction

furnace and the load, the circuit was measured idling by calorimetry these
The experiment was conducted in air. Starting position of the crucible was
160.0 mm down to zero position.

Before the test started, the crucible was filled with the full amount of powder
5400.0 g (Fig. 10.4.). On top of the powder was added starting material, Zr,
total 5.0 g. The generator was switched on and starting material was heated up
and it was created a small volume of the melt during 240 s. After forming the
melt pool, the crust was made above the melt, the crucible was moved up to
keep melt in the level of inductor for the better connection between melt and
electromagnetic field. Crust prevented spilling of the melt from the crucible.
Crucible was moved to zero position during 3000 s after starting the test and
the full melt pool was formed. During moving of the crucible the part of the
crust felt down to the melt. The rest of the crust was put down by moving of
the calorimeter. The calorimeter was moved up to the starting position. Then
the temperature of the melt was stabilized for 1320 s (4320 s after the starting
of the test) at the temperature 2400 °C. After stabilization of melt temperature,
the calorimeter was moved to the level of the melt and it was made crust on it.
After that, the calorimeter was moved up to the starting position. It was started
moving down with calorimeter to 7 cm above the melt, then the automatic
program for moving with calorimeter was started. The program consists of two
stages. The first stage was moving with speed 10 mm per minute for 7 minutes
and the second stage was moving with speed 1 mm per minute. The second

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 73/87

stage of the program was started 5700 s after the start of the test. After 180 s
of the second stage of the program the calorimeter was 2 cm above the melt
and speed was changed to speed 4 mm per minute. After 120 s of changing of
the speed was calorimeter moved up to check the calorimeter. Then it was
moved back and the program was run again. 6300 s after the starting of the
experiment the calorimeter was moved up. The lower side of the calorimeter
was melted. It was not possible to continue and the generator was
switched off.

During the test, the electrical characteristics of the high-frequency generator

and induction furnace were measured. Power losses at inductor and the cold
crucible are measured by the calorimetric way - a difference of water
temperature from the input of the measured part and the output of the
measured part and flow rate through the part. During steady state, power
losses measured at cold crucible equals to Pccm and from the known power
losses at cold crucible without melt, it is possible to calculate the power in the
melt (Pm). Fig. 10.5. presents view of moving system of calorimeter. Fig. 10.6.
presents view of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt. Fig. 10.7. show
calorimeter before and after test. Fig. 10.8. shows melt surface temperature
(Tm) during the test. Fig. 10.9. shows changing of power losses at cold crucible
with melt (Pccm), power in the melt (Pm), power losses at inductor (Pind loss) and
power losses at cold crucible (Pcc) during the test. Fig. 10.10. shows the
changing of inductor current (Iind) and the voltage at inductor (Uind) during the
test. Fig. 10.11. shows temperatures inside of the calorimeter. Fig. 10.12.
shows power losses in the calorimeter. Fig. 10.13. shows heat fluxes to the
calorimeter (heat flus to lower part of the calorimeter and heat flux to
cylindrical vertical part of the calorimeter).

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 74/87

Fig. 10.4. Material inside of cold crucible Fig. 10.5. View of moving system of
before melt calorimeter

Fig. 10.6. View of induction furnace with cold crucible after melt

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 75/87

Fig. 10.7. View of calorimeter after test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 76/87

Melt homogenization
Form melt pool (=2770s) Measure heat flux (=2450s)

2400 Air

Melt surface temperature, C






0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time, s

Fig. 10.8. Temperature of the melt during the test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 77/87

Melt homogenization
Form melt pool (=2770s) Measure heat flux (=2450s)


Power losses, kW




10 IVMR-12_Exp_01-08-2019_Corium-C100 Pcc

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time, s

Fig. 10.9. Power losses at cold crucible with melt (Pccm), power in the melt (Pm),
power losses at cold crucible (Pcc), power losses at inductor (Pind l) during the

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 78/87

800 8
Melt homogenization
Form melt pool (=2770s) Measure heat flux (=2450s)

700 Air 7

600 6

Inductor voltage, kV
Inductor current, A

500 Uind 5

400 4
300 3

200 2

100 1

0 0
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time, s

Fig. 10.10. Inductor current (Iind) and voltage (Uind) during the test

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 79/87

Melt homogenization
Form melt pool (=2770s) Measure heat flux (=2450s)

Air Distance from lower side of =218s

calorimeter to the
100 melt surface 1 mm

Distance from lower side of

Temperature inside calorimeter, C

calorimeter to the
melt surface 10 mm


T1 - Distance from lower side of calorimeter
to thermocouple 50 mm T2
T2 - Distance from lower side of calorimeter
to thermocouple 80 mm

Distance from calorimeter to
the melt surface 110 mm

0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time, s

Fig. 10.11. Temperatures inside of the calorimeter

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 80/87

Melt homogenization
Form melt pool (=2770s) Measure heat flux (=2450s)

Air Distance from lower side of =218s

6 calorimeter to the
Power losses in the calorimeter, kW

melt surface 1 mm

5 Distance from lower side of

calorimeter to the
melt surface 10 mm

4 Distance from calorimeter to

the melt surface 110 mm


0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time, s

Fig. 10.12. Power losses in the calorimeter

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 81/87

Melt homogenization
Form melt pool (=2770s) Measure heat flux (=2450s)

Air Distance from lower side of =218s

3 calorimeter to the
melt surface 1 mm
Heat flux to calorimeter, MW/m2

2,5 Distance from lower side of

calorimeter to the
melt surface 10 mm

2 Distance from lower side of

calorimeter to the
melt surface 110 mm
HF1 - Heat flux to the lower side
1,5 of calorimeter
HF2 - Heat flux to the cilindrical side
of calorimeter



0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6000 7000
Time, s

Fig. 10.13. Heat flux to the calorimeter

10.3. Analysis of the test results IVMR 12

Based on the analysis of the test results, the following conclusions can be done:

 The surface temperature of the corium melt reached 2400C.

 At the first stage of measuring the heat flux, the heat transfer capacity
from the melt to the calorimeter was 4.2 kW. The distance from the melt
to the lower side of the calorimeter was 10 mm. Energy from the melt to
the calorimeter was transmitted mainly by radiation. Heat flux to the
lower side of the calorimeter reached 2.2 MW/m2. In this mode, no
melting of the calorimeter was observed.

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 82/87

 At the second stage of heat flux measurement, the heat transfer from
the melt to the calorimeter was 5.5 kW. The distance from the melt to
the bottom of the calorimeter was 1 mm. Energy from the melt to the
calorimeter was also transmitted mainly by radiation. Heat flux to the
lower side of the calorimeter reached 2.7 MW/m2. At the same time, the
melting of the lower part of the calorimeter after 218 seconds of
exposure occurred. It was molten 3.5mm thickness of the lower part of
the calorimeter, with the thickness of the calorimeter reached 12.5 mm,
on average. This thickness was enough to perceive heat flux of 2.7
MW/m2 in steady state mode without further melting of the calorimeter

IVMR-D.317 Final report on the large scale cold-crucible experiment 83/87



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Drawings of calorimeter

IVMR-D3.6. 85/87
IVMR-D3.6. 86/87

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