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CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment


The CLAVIS hand held Belt Tension Meter (Type 4)


The industry standard meter now has an enhanced specification: -

• 30-600Hz Range
• Clavis Patented sensor
• 160 hour battery life
• Meter calibration checker
• Interchangeable sensors
• Carrying case
• Calibration Certificate

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The Clavis hand held beltmeter can be used for all belt tension gauging applications.
It produces readings which accurately reflect the tension in the belt, consistently and
without operator skill. CLAVIS tension meters were introduced in 1988.

The equipment consists of a small sensing head which is held a cross the belt to be
measured. The belt is then tapped to induce the belt to vib rate at its natural
frequency. The vibrations are detected and the frequency of vibration is then
displayed on the measuring unit.

The unit is suitable for measuring tension in all types of power transmission belts,
ranging from toothed timing belts, poly-vee belts, and simple vee belts. The
frequency measurement range is from 30Hz to 600Hz whi ch covers most automotive
applications. A general purpose head is supplied. A range of interchangeable
sensing heads with differing dimensions is available upon request.

A low frequency range Type 3 beltmeter is also available with a frequency

measurement range from 10Hz to 300Hz. This meter is useful for wide belts with
large spans. An optical sensor head (which only needs access to one side of the belt
from distances of up to 50mm) may be used with this meter to extend the frequency
range down to 4Hz.

Theory of operation

The Clavis belt tension meter measures the natural frequency of vibration of a belt
span. This frequency is directly related to the tension in the belt. As the tension in
the belt is increased the frequency of vibration also increases.

The relationship between the measured frequency and the tension of the belt should
be determined from a calibration test on the belt span. A Clavis calibration rig is
available for those users of this instrument who wish to perform their own
calibrations, or we can undertake your calibration in our laboratory. Alternatively the
relationship between belt tension (T) and frequency of vibration (f) may be
calculated from knowing the mass per unit length of the belt (m), and the belt span
(l), using the expression;
T = 4 m l2 f2

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Where T is in Newtons, F in Hertz, I in metres, and m in Kg/metre. However as the

belt does have some flexural stiffness the predicted tension for a given frequency
will be slightly greater than the actual tension. This is most noticeable on short belt
spans where the belt bending stiffness is the greatest. For belt spans greater than
250mm a calculation based on the above expression will provide results within 10%
of the actual values.

Operational Use

1. Connect the sensing head to the lower central socket, and turn on the unit by
pressing the ON/OFF button.

2. Hold the sensing head steady across the belt span.

3. Tap the belt gently near mid span using the handle of a small screwdriver or
similar, to cause the belt span to vibrate.

4. The meter will now display the frequency of vibration, and BLEEP to
indicate that a valid reading has been taken.

5. If a reading is not obtained check that the sensing head is not touching the
belt, and try again.

Rechargeable batteries provide 40 hours of operation (dry batteries provide 160

hours). The meter automatically switches off 10 minutes after the last reading is
taken, to prolong battery life. A 'LO BAT' indicator on the display shows when the
unit needs recharging. The charging socket is adjacent to the sensing head
connector. An overnight charge will fully restore the batteries. During charging the
'LO BAT' indicator will flash. The meter may be powered directly from the charger if

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Additional notes

The range of the meter is from 30 to 600Hz. Readings below 30Hz will cause the
display to flash '030' and then clear to '000'. Readings above 600Hz will cause the
display to flash '600' and likewise clear to '000'.

In most applications the meter is used to make comparative tension checks. Often
two or three spans may be available on which to take measurements. As the
frequency depends upon the span length, the span to be used for measurement
must be defined. Normally it is found that the longer spans are easier to vibrate than
the very short span lengths. If the belt tension adjuster is on the measurement
span, ensure that the variation in span length created by the adjuster will not be


The Clavis Belt Tension Meter is based upon a microprocessor using digital signal
processing techniques. A 8.0000 MHz quartz crystal provides the fundamental
frequency reference which should ensure, for the life of the instrument, an accuracy
+ or - 1 digit below 100Hz
+ or - 1% of reading above 100 Hz

A high precision steel resonator is supplied for an easy spot frequency check of
calibration. The resonator should be tapped on a hard surface and held steady
between the jaws of the sensor. The meter should read 250Hz with a to lerance of
+ or - 1%. It is important that both the sensor and the fork are held still, otherwise
doppler frequency change may occur due to relative motion.

However as with all gauging equipment a more comprehensive calibration check

should be made periodically. A Clavis Belt Tension Meter Calibrator is available for
this purpose, or the unit may be returned to the manufacturer for a calibration check
and the issue of a certificate of calibration.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The CLAVIS hand held Belt Tension Meter (Type 6)



The correct tension in a drive belt is essential to maximise the life of the belt and the
drive components. Slippage in timing belts due to the tension being too low can have
catastrophic consequences. The CLAVIS hand held Beltmeter introduced in 1988 is
a significant advance by applying acoustic principles to belt tension measurements.
The meter produces readings which accurately reflect the tension in the belt
consistently without any operator dependence. The device is in use throughout the
world, both as a production tool for accurate belt tension setting, and as a quality
Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment
control gauge. The CLAVIS belt tension meter is both approved and recommended
by all of the major manufacturers of drive belts. The sensor head is a CLAVIS
patented design and offers superior performance over any other meter of this type

Method of Use

The equipment consists of a small sensing head which is held across the belt to be
measured. The belt is then tapped to induce the belt to vibrate a t its natural
frequency. The unit is suitable for measuring tension in all types of power
transmission belts, ranging from toothed timing belts, poly-vee belts, and simple vee
belts. A general purpose sensor head is supplied, however a range of sensing hea ds
of differing dimensions are available upon request.

Newton Display Version

The TYPE 6 version of the meter has all the capability and functions of the Type 4
meter but with the following additional facilites.

The frequency range is from 10.Hz to 600Hz, which will cover virtually all belt
tension measuring applications.

The display may show the belt tension in Newton Force units of measurement.

This value is calculated from the belt span and belt mass data, which is entered into
the meter. Up to 3 sets of data may be stored in the meter for easy recall. The
display may be changed from a Hz to a Newton Force reading by the press of a
single key. Rechargeable batteries provide 30 hours of continuous operation.
Automatic power off occurs 2 minutes from the last use of the meter. A carrying case
and a mains supply charger is supplied with the meter.

(Alternatively the TYPE 5 meter is available which produces a kgF display)


Model No TYPE 6

Range 10.0 - 600Hz, 10 – 9999 Newtons

Accuracy +/- 1% (100 - 600Hz),

+/- 1 digit (10 - 100Hz)

Span Range 0.001 - 0.999m

Mass Range 0.001 - 0.999kg/m

Temperature -10 to 60 degree Celcius

Weight 280g

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Key Functions

This key is used to turn the meter on and off. Pressing the key
once switches the meter on, pressing this key a second time
switches the meter off. The meter will automatically switch off 10
minutes after the last reading has been taken.

This key is used to set the span when a result in Newtons is

required. The span key should be held down, and the UP or DOWN
keys used to set the span length in metres. Pressing the span
key alone, shows the current belt span.

This key is used to set the mass when a result in Newtons is

required. The mass key should be held down, and the UP or
DOWN keys used to set the mass of the belt in Kg/metre. Refer
to the table of Kg/metre values for further assistance for
determining this value. Pressing the mass key alone shows the
current belt mass.

This key has two functions. The first use is to increase either the
SPAN or MASS parameters when used in conjunction with these
keys. The second use is to switch back to the Hz measurement
mode, from the Newton mode. The meter always enters the Hz
measurement mode when switched on.

This key has two functions. The first use is to decrease either
the SPAN or MASS parameters when used in conjunction with these
keys. The second use is to switch to the Newton measurement
mode. For valid Newton results the SPAN and MASS parame ters of
the belt must be set. If a ‘000’ Newton reading is displayed
accompanied by 3 BEEPS’, this indicates that the Newton result
is out of range.

MEM1 to MEM3 provide 3 identical memory functions for saving

the parameters of 3 frequently used belt types. To save the
parameters of a belt, the SPAN and MASS must first be set by
using the above keys. After either the SPAN or MASS keys have
been used, the appropriate MEM key should be pressed. The MEM
key should be pressed before the SPAN or MASS value is cleared from the
display, which occurs after 3 seconds.To recall a saved entry, the appropriate
MEM key should be pressed. The recalled parameter can be displayed by
pressing the SPAN and MASS keys.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Definition of SPAN and MASS

SPAN: The span is measured from the point of contact on one pulley to the point of
contact on the other pulley. It is NOT the centre distance between pulleys.

MASS: The mass parameter is the mass per unit length of the belt measured in
kilograms per metre. It may be determined by weighing the belt in kg, and dividing
the result by the total length of the belt in metres. The table below details the MASS
for generic synchronous belts. (See also the table at the end of this document for
Gates belt data).


4T2 .004 25T5-DL .068 25AT5 .085

6T2 .007 16T10 .077 32AT5 .109

10T2 .011 25T10 .120 50AT5 .170

4M .005 32T10 .154 16AT10 .101

6M .007 50T10 .240 25AT10 .158

10M .012 75T10 .360 32AT10 .202

4T2.5 .006 100T10 .480 50AT10 .315

6T2.5 .009 32T10-DL .182 75AT10 .473

10T2.5 .015 50T10-DL .285 100AT10 .630

4T2.5-DL .006 16T10-DL .091 32AT20 .339

6T2.5-DL .010 25T10-DL .143 50AT20 .530

10T2.5-DL .016 32T20 .269 75AT20 .795

6T5 .014 50T20 .420

10T5 .024 75T20 .630

16T5 .038 100T20 .840

25T5 .060 32T20-DL .355

6T5-DL .016 50T20-DL .555

10T5-DL .027 10AT5 .034

16T5-DL .043 16AT5 .054

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment
RS232 Serial Port

The format of the RS232 serial output is as follows;

Data Bits: 8
Stop Bits: 1
Parity: NO
Baud Rate: 9,600

Each time a measurement is successfully taken, the meter after the 'BEEP',
transmits the ascii character string. The following are examples of transmitted output
for the alternative meter modes;

Hz Mode:

10.0 HZ
75.8 HZ
103 HZ

Kgf Mode (Type 5):

06.2 KGF
27.8 KGF
843 KGF

Newton Mode (Type 6):

0010 N
0287 N
6523 N

Between the numeric value and the units of measurement there is an ascii space
character (decimal 32). Each character string is terminated by an ascii 'Carriage
Return', (decimal 13)

When the meter is first switched on, an identifying message string is transmitted of
the following form;

CLAVIS TYPE 5 - REV 6.071294 or CLAVIS TYPE 6 - REV 7.010699


All Clavis Belt Tension Meters are supplied with a certification of calibration valid for
one year.

The meter is based upon a microprocessor using digital signal processing

techniques. A 8.0000 MHz quartz crystal provides the fundamental frequency
reference which should ensure, for the life of the instrument, an accuracy of;

+ or - 1 digit below 100Hz

+ or - 1% of reading above 100 Hz

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment
A high precision steel resonator is supplied for an easy spot frequency check of
calibration. The resonator should be tapped on a hard surface and held steady
between the jaws of the sensor. The meter should read 250Hz with a tolerance of
+ or - 1%. It is important that both the sensor and the fork are held still, otherwise
doppler frequency change may occur due to relative motion.

However as with all gauging equipment a more comprehensive calibration check

should be made periodically. A Clavis Belt Tension Meter Calibrator is available for
this purpose, or the unit may be returned to the manufacturer for a calibration check
and the issue of a certificate of calibration.

Standard Accessories supplied with the Type 6 Meter

Type 6 Meter
Universal Type 3 sensing head
Rechargeable Batteries
Battery Charger
Carrying Case
Calibration Resonator
Certificate of Calibration

Manufacture and Warranty

All CLAVIS belt tension measuring and setting equipment is designed and
manufactured in England by;

Integrated Display Systems Limited,

Maurice Road,
Tyne and Wear,
NE28 6BY.
Tel: +44 (0) 191 262769
Fax: +44 (0) 191 2620091

All of the handheld tension meters include a warranty for a period of 12 months from
the date of purchase.
Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The CLAVIS hand held Belt Tension Meter (Type 14)

The Type 14 meter is housed in a rugged ergonomic
housing which has been CNC machined from aluminium
billet. This meter is therefore an ideal tool for use on a
production line. The integral sensor head rotates so that
the display may always be in the field of view of the user,
irrespective of belt alignment. Any CLAVIS sensor may
be plugged into the base of the meter if access using the
integral sensor is difficult. The meter is powered by a
single 'AA' battery which will provide 40 hours of
continuous operation. The Type 14 meter may also be
supplied with a cylindrical sensor mounted on a flexible
gooseneck, in place of the rotating jaw sensor.

Method of use
The meter is held with the sensor head in position across
the belt. The belt is then tapped to induce the belt to
vibrate at its natural frequency, which is dependent on
the tension within the belt. The unit is suitable for
measuring tension in all types of power transmission
belts, ranging from toothed timing belts, poly-vee belts,
and simple vee belts.

Model No TYPE 14

Range 30.0 - 600Hz

Accuracy +/- 1% (100 - 600Hz),

+/- 1 digit (30 - 100Hz)

Features Integral Sensor, separate remote


Temperature -10 to 60 degree Celcius

Weight 500g

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The purpose of the sensor head is to

detect the natural frequency of vibration
of the belt. As the level of this acoustic
signal is very small special patented
techniques must be employed to recover
this signal from the often high levels of
ambient noise in a busy industrial
environment. The twin transducers of the
sensor head should be positioned in the
centre of the belt for optimum
performance. For belts up to 25mm wide
the standard type 3 sensor is suitable.
For wider belts a sensor with longer jaws
which enables the transducers to be
positioned over the centre of the belt is
more suitable. It is important that the belt
vibrates freely and does not come into
contact with the sensor head. Therefore
for belts with a heavy section the type 5
sensor is advised. On some applications
it may not be possible to gain access to
both sides of the belt. The type 10
cylindrical sensor is suitable in this case
Dimension indicator for Standard Type 3 as it needs only to be pointed towards
sensor with rear cable entry one face of the belt. However, its
performance in rejecting high levels of
background noise is poorer when
compared with the standard dual
transducer sensors, and therefore it may
not be suitable for some measurement

Type No. & Description -A- -B- -C- -D- -E- -F- Entry

2-Small- For small belts up to 10mm wide 9 22 34 15 13 16 Top

3-Standard- General purpose for all belts up

to 25 mm wide. Particularly suitable for
9 40 38 20 23 20 Rear
automotive belt drives.(Available until
stocks are exhausted)
3N-New Standard - A replacement for the Type 3
Sensor but with narrower body 10 36 40 18 22 16 Rear

5-Large - For wider synchronous and polyvee belts

12 52 50 25 34 20 Rear
up to 60mm wide, where good access is available

6-Top entry version of standard Type 3 sensor

10 35 42 22 22 20 Top

7-Top Entry - sensor for heavier section belts,

10 42 48 30 22 20 Top
giving good clearance between jaws

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

8-Long Reach - For wide belts up to 150mm wide.

12 105 50 25 80 20 Rear
May be used on all belts if positioned correctly

9-Medium Reach - Low profile sensor for wider

10 50 38 18 35 20 Rear
polyvee belts up to 75mm
10-Cylindrical - For all applications where only 18
single sided access is possible. Can be used on dia
belts of any width.
Also available in miniature form dia
11-Cylindrical Magnetic - For steel corded
synchronous belts or tension measurement in steel 80
12-Optical - High performance sensor for single
sided access applications. Particulary suitable for
miniature synchronous belts in printer 100
mechanisms. Can only be used with meters having
optical provision.

Type 2 Type 3 Type 5

Type 6 Type 7 Type 8

Type 9 Type 10 Type 11

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Your Design Here!

We regularly make sensor
heads to customer
specifications. Typical
turnaround from receipt of
drawing or sketch is 2 weeks.

Type 12 Type XX Custom sensor for DUCATI

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Examples for the conversion between Hz and Belt Tension in other Engineering Units

The relationship between Tension and Frequency is given by the following expression

T = 4 M L2 F 2
T = Tension in Newtons
L = Span Length in metres
F = Frequency in Hz (as measured on the CLAVIS meter)
M = Mass per unit length of the belt, in kg/metre

For a 4 rib alternator belt as fitted to CE-14 diesel, the weight of the belt is 0.103kg. The length of the
belt is 1.038m, therefore
M = 0.103/1.038
M = 0.1

For a 5 rib alternator belt as fitted to BE146, the weight of the belt is 0.096kg. The length of the belt
is 0.868m, therefore
M = 0.096/0.868
M = 0.11

Example 1 - BE146
Setting frequency is 220Hz. What is the tension in lbs?

Top span length is 0.17m (where the frequency measurement was taken).
Mass per unit length is 0.11 for a 5 rib belt

T = 4 x 0.11 x (0.17 x 0.17) x (220 x 220)

T = 610N

To produce results in kg force divide by 9.81

T = 610/9.81 = 62 Kgf

To produce results in pound force, convert the kgf reading by multiplying by 2.2

T = (610/9.81) x 2.2 = 136.4 lbs

Example 2 - BE146
Setting tension is 140lbs. What should the frequency be?

140 lbs = 140/2.2kg = 63.6kg

63.6kg = 63.6 x 9.81N = 624N
2 2

We know that the span length (ie. the distance between the point of contact on one pulley, to the point
of contact on the second pulley) is 0.17m, that the mass per unit length of a 5 rib belt is 0.11kg/m, and
the setting tension is 624N. Therefore:

624 = 4 x 0.11 x (0.17 x 0.17) x F2

F = 624/ (4 x 0.11 x 0.17 x 0.17)
F = 49,072
F = 221Hz

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment


Grams/metre length/millimetre width

PowerGrip timing belt Hi-Power belts

MXL (0.080”) - 1.3 Z - 70
XL (0.200”) - 2.4 A - 126
L (0.375”) - 3.2 B - 211
H (0.500”) - 3.9 C - 373
XH (0.875”) - 11.3 D - 721
XXH (1.25”) - 14.9 E - 1031
Twin Power XL - 1.9
Twin Power L - 3.2
Twin Power H - 4.6

PowerGrip HTD belts Hi-Power MN belts

3M (3mm) - 2.4 Z non cogged - 56
5M - 3.9 Z cogged - 51
8M - 6.2 A - 99
14M - 9.9 B - 156
20M - 12.8 C - 240
Twin Power 3M - 2.7
Twin Power 5M - 4.6 Super HC belts
Twin Power 8M - 7.2 SPZ - 75
Twin Power 14M - 12.3 SPA - 137
SPB - 227
PowerGrip GT2 belts SPC - 413
8MGT (8mm) - 5.8 8V - 616
14MGT (14mm) - 9.7

PowerGrip GT belts Super HC MN belts

2MR (2mm) - 1.4 SPZ - 62
3MR (3mm) - 2.8 SPA - 110
5MR (5mm) - 4.1 SPB - 184
SPC - 313.5
Poly Chain GT2v belts
8MGT (8mm) - 4.7 Quad-Power II belts
14MGT (14mm) - 7.9 XPZ - 69
XPA - 122
Polyflex V-belts (grams/m/belt or strand) XPB - 192
3M Single - 4.2 / belt XPC - 328.5
5M Single - 11.2 / belt
7M Single - 27.5 / belt PowerBand belts
11M Single - 56.1 / belt 9J - 107
5M-JB - 13.1 / strand 15J - 258
7M-JB - 34.3 / strand SPB - 284
11M-JB - 74.0 / strand SPC - 445
8V - 706
Micro V-belts (grams/m/ribs) 3VX-PB - 79
H section - 5.9 / rib 6VX-PB - 216
J section - 8.4 / rib
K section - 20.0 / rib Note – For Powerband figure given
L section - 30.9 / rib is grams/metre/strand
M section - 124.1 / rib

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The CLAVIS Sonic Calibrator

In many applications where the Clavis belt tension gauging equipment is employed it
is demanded by the Quality Assurance procedure that all the gauges used should
have a calibration check performed at periodic intervals. Although all Clavis
equipment may be returned to the manufacturer for the issue of a certificate of
calibration, many Q.A. procedures require that a daily or weekly check be made.

The Clavis calibrator is a portable unit which drives a vibrating transducer at precise
frequencies within the range of 30 to 600Hz. The transducer is inserted between the
sensing head of the belt tension meter and a comparison between the m easured
frequency and the driving frequency is made. The calibrator automatically steps
through the frequency range in 50Hz intervals. All Clavis calibrators are issued with
a certificate of calibration traceable to National standards.

The calibrator is equally suitable for both Clavis hand held belt tension meters and
Clavis production line belt tensioning equipment.

The calibrator and vibration transducer are supplied in a carrying case. The unit is
powered by 4 standard AA size alkaline batteries.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment


Model No Sonic Calibrator

Range Spot frequency generation at;

35 - 75 - 125 - 175 - 225 - 275 -
325 - 375 - 425 - 525 - 575 Hz

Accuracy > 1% error below 300Hz

> 0.2% error above 300Hz

Modes Automatic advance, manual hold

Auto Power Off

Temperature -10 to 60 degrees Celcius

Dimensions 180 x 95 x 45mm

Weight 280g

For accurately translating the applied load in Newtons to a frequency in Hz the

CLAVIS belt calibration apparatus my be used. Loads of up to 800 Newtons may be
applied to a belt in incremental stages and the frequency values recorded at each

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The CLAVIS handheld Belt Tension Sabre

The CLAVIS hand held Belt Tension Sabre is an optical tension meter with an
integral electromechanical hammer. It is designed for use on production lines where
the operator making the belt tension adjustment can measure tension easily and
accurately using a one handed instrument. It is ideal for use on automotive
production lines which have many engine variants with many belt layouts. Rather
than use a number of jig plates with multiple sensor heads, the operator simply
positions the 'Sabre' across each belt to be adjusted in turn. 4 tension readouts
disposed at 90 degrees around the circumference enables the Sabre to be used at
any orientation.

This is a robust tool designed and manufactured for continuous production use. It is
machined from aluminium. The tool is powered through a linking cable to a control

The measurement range is 30 - 400 Hz.

The sampling rate is typically 3 readings per second .

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

CLAVIS optical technology is used to detect

the belt vibration signal. This method is
immune to all environmental conditions

The Sabre is held easily in one hand and is

positioned so that the jaws are across the
belt. The upper jaw is for guidance only and
may be removed if required

With an update rate of 3 readings per second

the operator can easily adjust the belt using a
high speed power tools whilst observing the
belt tension reading on the Sabre

The tension value may be read at any

orientation as high Intensity LED numeric
displays are located on all faces of the tool

A DVD showing this tool in use with a high

volume Japanese automotive manufa cturer is
available upon request.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The display on the

control cabinet shows
the belt which is being
tensioned and the
target tension range.
Large LED red and
green lamps show the
state of the belt -
either slack, tight or
the correct tension.

The belt which is

being tensioned can
either be defined by a
selection switch on
the measurement
Sabre or by a PLC
input to the CLAVIS
control cabinet.

When the Sabre is not displaying a tension

measurement reading, the display indicates the
belt identification number. This number defines the
correct tension range for which the green 'Tension
O.K' lamp illuminates.

The control cabinet has full PLC and Serial Data I/O interface capabilities for
connection to any line side data collection and operation verification facility. The
Sabre is not suitable for fully closed loop operation as it is hand held by the operator
which allows for the possibility of the sensor to be incorrectly positioned.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Examples of Production Line Belt Tension Setting Systems

Engine Type: BMW 4 cylinder diesel

Belt Type: Polyvee for a/c drive
Adjuster: Pivoted plate, mechanically
swung into position

CLAVIS features: Lead screw system engages

with pivoted tensioner plate to provide tension
adjustement. The power tool which drives the lead
screw is used in a closed loop mode, to provide
fully automatic tension adjustment. The jig plate features and optical sensor and
electromechanical hammer. The power tool is used for other tightening operations
at the same station.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Engine Type: FIAT 4 cylinder petrol

Belt Type: Polyvee for PAS drive
Adjuster: PAS pump mechanically
swung into position

CLAVIS features: A pneumatic air cylinder

pushes the PAS pulley away from the crankshaft
pulley, therefore increasing belt tension. The air
feed to the cylinder is controlled by the tension
measurement system. Adjustment time is very
rapid (less than 3 seconds). The tool is used for
many variants of the same basic engine.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

On many automotive engine dress lines there is a requirement to tension a number

of belts on a range of differing engines at a single station. In these situations it is
not practicable to have a number of cable connected jig plates suspended above the
track, due to the confined working area.

The Clavis 'Radio plate' tensioning equipment has been designed specifically for
such situations, and is now in use in engine plants throughout the world.

In this system the operator places a small self contained battery powered jig plate
onto the front of the engine. The belt is excited into vibration by a solenoid driven
hammer, and the resulting frequency of vibration is transmitted back to the control
Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment
cabinet by a UHF radio link. An electric nut-runner tool is placed onto the screw type
belt tension adjuster, and adjustment is then performed automatically in a closed
loop operation. Up to 3 sensors may be fitted to a single jig plate, so that sequential
tension setting may be performed on Alternator, PAS, and Aircon belts, if all 3 are
fitted. Cycle times for 3 belt adjustment are in the order of 22 seconds.

A different jig plate is required for different types of engines due to the differing belt
layouts. On a typical engine dress line where the belt tensioning on a range of
engines is being performed at one station, the jig plates are kept on a tray to one
side of the track, just as any handtool would be treated. As the engine enters the
station, the operator picks up the jig plate appropriate to the engine type, places it
onto the engine, and then uses the common overhead electric power tool which is
connected to the control cabinet. Alternatively the jig plates may be suspended from

Illlustrated above is a radio plate for a high mount PAS belt

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Engine Type: FORD 4 cylinder diesel

Belt Type: Polyvee for PAS drive
and A/C and Alternator
Adjuster: Jack screw idler pulleys

CLAVIS features: 'Radio Plate' fitted with 2

sensor heads for differing combinations of
Alternator and A/C pump belt runs. Separate
jig plate for highmount PAS pump. Closed
loop, high precision adjustment. High throughput in excess of 80 engines per hour.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Engine Type: Ducati 2 Cylinder

Belt Type: 2 x Timing Belt
Adjuster: Manually adjusted
Idler pulleys

CLAVIS Features: Jig plate featuring 2

Optical sensors with electromechanical
hammers. Large display for the operator
who makes the tension adjustment.
Purpose designed units for 2 valve,
3 valve and 4 valve engine variants.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Engine Type: Land Rover 4 cylinder diesel

Belt Type: Timing Belt
Adjuster: Jack screw idler pulleys

CLAVIS features: Fully automatic timing belt adjustment station. CLAVIS unit
engages with front face of engine. Both sides of the timing belt are adjusted. Unique
detection system prevents idler pulley from tilting during the adjustment procedure.
Fast cycle time, less than 30 seconds.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Engine Type: Honda of America V6

Belt Type: PAS Belt
Adjuster: Jack screw on pivoted PAS pump

CLAVIS features: Lightweight jig plate locates easily on engine mount. Closed
loop adjustment system. Optical sensor with electromechanical hammer.

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

The CLAVIS G0 / NO GO System

CLAVIS features:

Universal measurement system with easy to follow GO/NO GO indication

Up to 16 belt specifications including descsription may be entered from a PC

Belt type may be selected externally by a remote PLC or from buttons on the sensor

A sensor head button may be used to signal the final set value after locking up for
logging purposes

Full PLC and serial I/O available

Optical sensor head in robust aluminium housing with armoured connecting cable.
Suitable for continuous 24 hour production use.

Sensor requires access to one side of the belt only and is simply 'beamed' on.
Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091
CLAVIS Belt Tension Gauging Equipment

Sensor head may be used with a 10 metre cable. Remote inidcator lamp outputs are
available if control cabinet cannot be positioned inview of the operator

Display may show description of belt to be measured, for example;

PAS - TOP SPAN 120-130HZ

Integrated Display Systems Ltd., England, Tel: +44 (0)191-2620091

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