SUGAR-2-Cognitive and Behavioural Effects of Sugar Consumption in Rodents. A Review

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Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

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j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s e v i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / a p p e t

Research review

Cognitive and behavioural effects of sugar consumption in rodents.

A review ☆
Michael D. Kendig *
School of Psychology (A18), University of Sydney, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia


Article history: The pronounced global rise in sugar consumption in recent years has been driven largely by increased
Received 2 December 2013 consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages. Although high sugar intakes are recognised to increase the
Received in revised form 13 April 2014 risk of obesity and related metabolic disturbances, less is known about how sugar might also impair cog-
Accepted 30 April 2014
nition and learned behaviour. This review considers the effects of sugar in rodents on measures of learn-
Available online 6 May 2014
ing and memory, reward processing, anxiety and mood. The parallels between sugar consumption and
addictive behaviours are also discussed. The available evidence clearly indicates that sugar consump-
tion can induce cognitive dysfunction. Deficits have been found most consistently on tasks measuring
Learning spatial learning and memory. Younger animals appear to be particularly sensitive to the effects of sugar
Memory on reward processing, yet results vary according to what reward-related behaviour is assessed. Sugar does
Cognition not appear to produce long-term effects on anxiety or mood. Importantly, cognitive impairments have
Reward been found when intake approximates levels of sugar consumption in people and without changes to
weight gain. There remain several caveats when extrapolating from animal models to putative effects of
sugar on cognitive function in people. These issues are discussed in conjunction with potential under-
lying neural mechanisms and directions for future research.
© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Introduction 13% of the American population (Marriott, Olsho, Hadden, & Connor,
2010) and above 20% for many adolescents (Krebs-Smith, 2001).
A significant change to human diet composition in recent cen- Consuming too much sugar is increasingly viewed as a risk factor
turies has been the increase in intake of sugars, with an estimated for many chronic diseases and not simply obesity and dental caries
rise in per capita consumption from 5 kg to 70 kg per year from 1800 (Schmidt, 2014). Meta-analyses have found higher levels of sugar
to 2006 (Tappy, 2012). Rising sugar consumption is no longer unique intake to be associated not only with weight gain (Te Morenga,
to North America and now affects the majority of the developed and Mallard, & Mann, 2013) but also with metabolic syndrome and type-2
developing world (Basu, McKee, Galea, & Stuckler, 2013; Lustig, diabetes (Malik & Hu, 2012) and cardiovascular disease incidence
Schmidt, & Brindis, 2012). This increase is largely attributable to rising and mortality (Malik et al., 2010; Yang et al., 2014). Additionally, in-
consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), which contrib- tervention studies have reported SSB-induced metabolic damage in
uted to 80% of the increase in added sugar consumption during the the absence of total body weight change or total energy intake
period 1962–2000 in the USA (Popkin & Nielsen, 2003) and which (Aeberli et al., 2011; Maersk et al., 2012). In light of this research,
today are easily the largest single source of added sugar consump- calls for public health interventions targeted at reducing the disease
tion (Yang et al., 2014). The percent contribution of SSBs to total burden associated with sugar (e.g. Brownell et al., 2009; Lustig et al.,
caloric intake has also increased for both adults (Duffey & Popkin, 2012) have been followed by changes to public policy. A well-
2007) and children and adolescents (Wang, Bleich, & Gortmaker, documented example is the introduction of taxes on SSBs by several
2008). Today most individuals draw between 5% and 20% of total governments in recent years, with a recent meta-analysis suggest-
calories from added sugar, although this proportion is over 25% for ing that this approach is effective (Escobar, Veerman, Tollman,
Bertram, & Hofman, 2013). Additionally, the World Health Organ-
ization’s current draft guidelines on sugar now advise that sugar
comprise <5% of total energy intake, beyond the stated upper limit

of 10% introduced in the 2003 guidelines (World Health Organization,
Acknowledgements: The author is supported by an Australian Postgraduate Award 2014). Lastly, some epidemiological studies (Bray, Nielsen & Popkin,
scholarship and is grateful to Laura Corbit and Robert Boakes for insightful com-
ments on drafts of the manuscript. An earlier draft of this manuscript formed the
2004) and studies in animals (e.g. Thresher, Podolin, Wei, Mazzeo,
introduction to the author’s Master of Science research thesis. & Pagliassotti, 2000) have suggested that the harmful metabolic
* E-mail address: effects of sugar are primarily attributable to the monosaccharide fruc-
0195-6663/© 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
42 M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

tose, which, together with glucose, form one-half of sucrose. hypoglycaemia following ingestion, and reduced intake of essen-
However, others contend that the experimental conditions used to tial micronutrients – were not supported in literature.
elicit these effects are not representative of fructose consumption Thus, there does not appear to be a causal relationship between
in the human diet, and that the effects of fructose are often equiv- sugar consumption and hyperactive, aggressive or antisocial
ocal when consumed at more moderate levels (Tappy & Mittendorfer, behaviours. Although this is inconsistent with the positive corre-
2012; White, 2013). lations found in some cross-sectional, population-based studies, it
Animal models, which allow for stricter control over diet and ex- has been suggested that the latter effects are explained by reverse
traneous variables than studies in people, have found that rodents causation, such that children who are hyperactive or who have
given free access to highly concentrated sugar solutions (above 30% behavioural difficulties are more inclined to consume greater levels
w/vol) commonly show accelerated body weight gain and adipos- of sugar (Bellisle, 2004; Benton, 2008). As outlined in this review,
ity amongst other metabolic impairments (Chen et al., 2011; Kanarek however, increasing evidence from animal models indicates that
& Orthen-Gambill, 1982; Kawasaki et al., 2005; Lindqvist, Baelemans, other aspects of behaviour and cognition can be affected in animals
& Erlanson-Albertsson, 2008; Sclafani, 1987), and can also develop fed a diet supplemented with sugar.
metabolic impairments without changes to body weight gain (Soares
et al., 2013). Rodents fed lower concentrations comparable with those Sugar, reward and addiction
of SSBs, such as 10% sucrose solution, can also develop metabolic
damage, although weight gain is normally unchanged as animals As a highly palatable and calorie-dense food, sugar activates brain
compensate for the calories in solution by reducing their consump- regions involved in reward processing as well as energy regula-
tion of solid chow (e.g. Avena, Bocarsly, & Hoebel, 2012; Sheludiakova, tion (Kenny, 2011). Indeed, the activation of brain reward circuitry
Rooney, & Boakes, 2012), with some exceptions (e.g. Chan, Kendig, by palatable foods is thought to override homeostatic signals and
Boakes, & Rooney, 2013; Kendig, Rooney, Corbit & Boakes, 2014b). stimulate unnecessary eating to promote obesity development
Feeding sugar as part of a solid diet can induce metabolic distur- (Volkow & Wise, 2005). When lever-pressing for sucrose, rats show
bances, reduce reproductive success and lower lifespan in rodents enhanced c-fos protein activation in limbic brain regions involved
(Chicco et al., 2003; Hulman & Falkner, 1994; Preuss et al., 1991; Ruff in reward as well as in hypothalamic areas involved in feeding
et al., 2013), but this method is less reliably associated with hyper- behaviour (Figlewicz, Bennett-Jay, Kittleson, Sipols, & Zavosh, 2011).
phagia and obesity (Sclafani, 1987). Furthermore, consumption of a sucrose solution triggers opioid and
dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens, with downstream
Sugar and behaviour effects on other limbic and forebrain regions (Pomonis et al., 2000)
and dopamine and opioid antagonists can selectively block the re-
In contrast to extensive research on the physical health effects inforcing properties of sucrose (for review, see Levine, Kotz, & Gosnell,
of sugar consumption, less is known about how sugar affects 2003). Additionally, the hedonic properties of sweet tastes may out-
behaviour and cognition. A popular and persisting theory is that sugar compete those of drugs of abuse. A frequently cited example is the
fosters hyperactive or aggressive behaviour, particularly in chil- finding that in a two-lever choice task, an overwhelming majority
dren. This view was informed by early studies reporting positive as- of rats (94%) preferred to lever-press for sucrose and saccharin so-
sociations between sugar consumption and levels of restless and lutions than for intravenous cocaine (Lenoir, Serre, Cantin, & Ahmed,
“destructive–aggressive” behaviours in children (e.g. Prinz, Roberts, 2007).
& Hantman, 1980), and that removing sugar from the diet im- Much has been made of observations that similar neural circuit-
proved the behaviour of juvenile prison inmates (Schoenthaler, 1983) ry is activated by food and drug rewards. This has prompted con-
and hyperactive children (Crook, 1974). A more recent cross- sideration of the parallels between obesity and drug addiction,
sectional study of adolescents found that the odds ratios for mental although this comparison has received criticism (see Ziauddeen,
difficulties (encompassing measures of mental distress, hyperac- Farooqi, & Fletcher, 2012). Arguably a more pertinent question is to
tivity and conduct problems) were highest in those reporting the consider whether palatable foods themselves, such as sugar, can
greatest levels of SSB consumption (~800 ml or more/day; Lien, Lien, come to elicit addiction-like behaviours. To this end, Hoebel and col-
Heyerdahl, Thoresen, & Bjertness, 2006). However, in a sample of leagues developed an animal model in which rats are maintained
Korean fifth-grade children, Kim and Chang (2011) found no rela- on a cycle involving 12 h access to a sucrose or glucose solution and
tionship between consumption of simple sugars and the develop- chow (commencing 4 h into the dark cycle) followed by a 12 h period
ment of ADHD. of food and sugar deprivation. Consumption of the sugar solution
The relationship between sugar and hyperactivity/aggression seen increases over days and is defined as “bingeing”, as rats with inter-
in some correlational studies contrasts the results of the bulk of ex- mittent access come to consume large amounts within the first hour
perimental studies, which have found no effect of sucrose on of access and consume as much sugar in 12-h as rats given ad-
behaviour and cognition. A meta-analysis of 23 double-blind inter- libitum access do in 24-h (Avena, Rada, & Hoebel, 2008b). Animals
vention studies found no significant effects of sugar on 14 behavioural exposed to this intermittent access protocol demonstrate behavioural
measures (Wolraich, Wilson, & White, 1995). Null effects of sugar and neurochemical withdrawal symptoms (e.g. elevated plus-
ingestion have been reported in laboratory-based studies of “sugar- maze anxiety and teeth chattering; dopamine/acetylcholine imbal-
responsive” children (e.g. Kruesi, Rapoport, Cummings, & Berg, 1987) ance; Avena, Bocarsly, Rada, Kim, & Hoebel, 2008a; Colantuoni et al.,
and in children diagnosed with ADHD as well as age-matched chil- 2002); cross-sensitisation to amphetamine (Avena & Hoebel, 2003);
dren without ADHD (Wender & Solanto, 1991). Studies conducted craving for sucrose (responding at a greater rate to obtain it) and
over the longer term and in the home environment report similar sensitisation of opioid and dopamine receptors in the striatum, hip-
results; for example, a home-based dietary intervention study where pocampus, and other midbrain areas (Colantuoni et al., 2001).
“sugar-sensitive” children were fed sucrose-, aspartame- or saccharin- While these findings are suggestive of an addiction-like profile
sweetened diets for 3-week periods found no differences on 31 cog- induced by sucrose consumption, an important point is that since
nitive and behavioural outcomes measured weekly (Wolraich et al., rats fed sucrose continuously do not show this phenotype, it appears
1994). A review by Benton (2008) concluded that there was no ev- to be driven not by the consumption of sucrose per se, but rather
idence for any negative effects of sugar on behaviour, and re- by the intermittent access conditions under which it is presented
ported that three putative mechanisms by which sugar is thought (Corsica & Pelchat, 2010; Corwin & Grigson, 2009). Benton (2010)
to cause behavioural problems – intolerance to sugar, reactive considered data from the Avena/Hoebel model to evaluate evi-
M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54 43

dence for sugar addiction and its contribution to obesity and binge over repeated training sessions – i.e. performance improves – and
eating disorders in people. The predictions derived from the animal a slower or nonexistent decrease reflects impaired spatial learn-
model examined in this review were not supported in human lit- ing. The most common form of test for spatial memory involves re-
erature. There is thus ongoing debate about the existence of sugar moving the platform for a brief probe trial where the accuracy of
addiction on conceptual and empirical grounds. Whether or not this search behaviour is measured (e.g. number of entries into and time
profile can be conceptualised as an addiction to sugar, these pro- spent in the area near the platform). Intact hippocampal function
nounced behavioural and neurochemical effects of intermittent sugar is required for spatial learning and memory in the MWM, al-
consumption may nonetheless provide insights into aspects of though lesions to several other brain regions such as the cerebel-
human eating behaviour. lum and striatum have also been found to impair aspects of MWM
performance (D’Hooge & De Deyn, 2001).
Animal studies of sugar consumption on cognition and Jurdak, Lichtenstein, and Kanarek (2008) found that after 5 weeks
behaviour free access to 32% sucrose solution, vegetable fat or chow only,
sucrose- but not fat-fed young male rats showed impaired spatial
Research on sugar addiction necessarily involves studying learning and memory in the Morris Water Maze (MWM). Both
behaviours related to seeking, working for, or not having sugar. In sucrose- and fat-fed rats gained more weight and deposited more
contrast, the effects of sugar on other reward-related behaviours are epididymal fat than controls, but only the sucrose group showed
less well understood. More broadly, little is known about how long- elevated fasting blood glucose and higher serum triglyceride levels.
term consumption of sugar affects learning and memory (as dis- Soares et al. (2013) found that adult rats fed 35% sucrose solution
tinct from the documented short-term effects of glucose on memory, for 9 weeks showed impaired spatial memory in the MWM. These
cf. Messier, 2004) or other cognitive processes not related to ob- deficits emerged in the absence of body weight change, but were
taining or processing rewards. Thus, this review systematically accompanied by insulin resistance and glucose intolerance. Defi-
reviews the long-term behavioural and cognitive effects of sugar con- cits in spatial learning and memory in the MWM have also been
sumption as examined in animal research. In most instances, the shown after 25 weeks of consumption of 10% sucrose solution in
animals used in the studies reviewed were laboratory rats (see transgenic mice susceptible to Alzheimer’s disease (Cao, Lu, Lewis,
Table 1). There is evidence from research in people to suggest that & Li, 2007). A study from our laboratory found that 28 days of 2-h
differences in diet composition affect cognitive function. For example, access to 10% sucrose solution in adolescent and young adult hooded
Francis and Stevenson (2011) found that in undergraduate stu- Wistar rats produced deficits in spatial memory (but not learning)
dents, higher self-reported intakes of saturated fat and refined sugars in the MWM that were still evident 7 weeks after rats last con-
were associated with poorer performance on hippocampal- sumed sucrose (Kendig, Boakes, Rooney, & Corbit, 2013). In con-
dependent memory tasks, poorer recollection of a recent meal and trast, in singly housed adult albino Wistar rats we recently found
insensitivity to satiety signals. However, it is difficult in people to that learning and memory in the MWM was unaffected by 9 weeks
isolate the specific effects of sugar on cognition from those of other of access to 10% sucrose or 10.4% maltodextrin solution for 2-h/
dietary elements, and to rule out potentially confounding lifestyle day or 24-h/day (Kendig, Lin, Beilharz, Rooney, & Boakes, 2014a).
factors such as physical activity and socio-economic status. Animal Similarly, Jurdak (2009, unpublished thesis) found no differences in
models can provide a greater level of control over these environ- MWM acquisition performance in rats fed 32% sucrose solution ad
mental factors while systematically manipulating aspects of the diet. libitum for 48 days in an experiment where the protein content of
Experiments were found through literature searches on PubMed, the solid diet was also manipulated.
Google Scholar, Web of Science, Ovid SP and the grey literature da-
tabase Combinations of the keywords Land-based memory tasks
“sucrose”, “sugar”, “glucose” or “fructose” were entered with
“behavio[/u]r”, “cognition”, “memory”, “learning” or “reward”. Only Sugar-induced memory deficits have also been reported in studies
experiments that systematically manipulated exposure to sugar and using land-based spatial tasks. Agrawal and Gomez-Pinilla (2012)
that included a behavioural or cognitive outcome measure were in- tested whether the effects of 6 weeks of consumption of 15% fruc-
cluded. When sugar was administered as part of a high-fat, high- tose solution on spatial memory, peripheral and in-brain insulin re-
sugar diet, (alternatively termed “junk-food”, “western” or “cafeteria” sistance in rats could be ameliorated by concurrent access to an n-3
diets), studies were included only if the design allowed specific effects fatty acid (docosahexaenoic acid; DHA). After the diet interven-
of sugar to be identified. The term “sugar” here refers to those that tion, rats fed fructose showed poorer long-term spatial memory on
contribute to the majority of added sugar consumption in people; the Barnes Maze by exhibiting longer latency times to escape the
that is, the disaccharide sucrose; either of the monosaccharides maze. Fructose-fed rats also showed peripheral metabolic dysfunc-
glucose or fructose; or any fructose/glucose mixture. Studies are tion (elevated serum glucose, insulin and triglycerides) and altered
grouped according to the type of outcome measure assessed and in-brain insulin signalling and synaptic plasticity. Importantly, the
summarised results are presented in Table 1. While the sugar pro- degree of memory impairment on the Barnes maze was positively
tocol is described explicitly for each experiment in the text below, correlated with plasma triglyceride levels and insulin resistance,
access to chow was ad-libitum unless stated otherwise. which itself was negatively correlated with tyrosine phosphoryla-
tion in hippocampal insulin receptors. These relationships suggest
Learning and memory that insulin function may mediate sugar-induced cognitive impair-
ment. Interestingly, DHA supplementation buffered against the
Morris water maze fructose-induced deficits on cognitive, metabolic and neural
A number of studies have examined the effects of sugar diets on Soares et al. (2013) found that rats fed 35% sucrose solution for
spatial learning and memory in the Morris Water Maze (MWM). In 9 weeks demonstrated poorer short-term memory on a modified
this behavioural assay rats are placed into a large circular pool con- Y-maze task by making fewer entries into, and spending a lower pro-
taining a small platform submerged below the surface of the water portion of time in, a novel arm of the maze revealed at test. Anal-
(made opaque with skim-milk or paint polymer), which the rats learn ysis of the hippocampus indicated that relative to controls, sugar-
to locate using large visual cues located around the perimeter of the fed rats exhibited a decreased density of insulin and glucocorticoid
maze (Morris, 1984). The latency to locate the platform decreases receptors, and alterations to some glutamatergic receptors; however,
Table 1.
Summary of studies on cognitive and behavioural effects of high-sugar diets, grouped according to type of measure assessed.

Domain Authors Sugar protocol % calories as sugara Animals/age at Behavioural test/s and result Metabolic/neurobiological effects
sugar treatment

Learning and Agrawal and 15% fructose solution ad-libitum for 6 Details not Male adult Barnes maze: Impaired spatial memory ↑ insulin resistance, fasting insulin and
memory Gomez-Pinilla weeks, with or without n-3 fatty acid supplied Sprague-Dawley (latency to escape) in fructose-fed rats; triglycerides, disrupted hippocampal
(2012) in solid diet rats no differences during training insulin signalling in fructose rats
Beilharz et al. 10% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 45.1% for suc + Male adult Object and place recognition tests: No effect of suc alone on body weight
(2013) 21 days, with or without a high-fat/ chow rats; 2.3% Sprague-Dawley sucrose-fed rats, with or without high- gain, white adipose tissue, plasma
high-sugar solid diet (e.g. cakes, from suc solution rats energy solid diet, were impaired on leptin. ↑ hippocampal TNF-α/IL-1β in
biscuits) in HFHS+ suc rats place but not object recognition tasks suc-fed rats (trend)
after 5 days on diet.
Cao et al. (2007) 10% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 25 43% Male APP/PS1 mice Morris water maze: Impaired spatial ↑ body weight, fasting insulin and
weeks (transgenic model learning (latency to platform) and triglycerides, glucose intolerance in
of Alzheimer memory (# platform crossovers) in suc-fed mice
disease) suc-fed rats.
Chepulis et al. 7.9% sucrose, 10% honey or no sugar in 7.9% Male 8-week-old Y-maze: Suc-fed rats performed most ↑ body weight and fat content in suc-

M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

(2009) ad-libitum solid diet for 1 year Sprague-Dawley poorly (recognition of novel arm) fed rats
rats Object recognition: no suc effects
Hendley et al. Amstar sucrose pellets ad-libitum in 36–39% (chronic); Male/Female 7- to Electrified plus maze (correct ↑ plasma glucose and insulin in suc-fed
(1987) home cage for 15–18 days or overnight. 30–36% (overnight) 78-week-old avoidance of shocked arm in maze): no rats
Wistar–Kyoto rats effect of sucrose
Jurdak (2009; 32% sucrose solution ad-libitum in a 25.65%, 19.46% for Male 8-week-old Morris water maze: no differences in No effect of suc on body weight or
unpublished high- or low-protein diet for 10 weeks high-, low-protein Long Evans rats latency over 3 days acquisition. glucose tolerance
thesis) groups
Jurdak et al. (2008) 32% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 6 56.3% Male ~6-week-old Morris water maze: Impaired learning ↑ body weight, fasting glucose and
weeks Long-Evans rats (latency to platform) and memory triglycerides, epididymal fat, glucose
(time in target quadrant) in suc-fed intolerance in suc-fed rats
Jurdak and Kanarek 32% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 8 43.8% Male 6-week-old Novel object recognition: lower % ↑ body weight, fasting glucose and
(2009) weeks Long-Evans rats exploration of novel object in suc-fed epididymal fat, glucose intolerance in
rats suc-fed rats
Kendig et al. 10% sucrose or 10.4% maltodextrin For Exp. 1/2/3, Suc Male adult Wistar Morris water maze: no effect of ↑ body weight and retroperitoneal fat
(2014a) solutions 2-h/day for 11 weeks (Exp. 1), rats: 5.5/38.8/ rats sucrose or malto in Exp. 1 or Exp. 2. in suc- and malto-fed rats in Exps. 2
ad-libitum for 11 weeks (Exp. 2) or ad- 35.5%; Malto rats: Object and place recognition tests: and 3 but not Exp. 1. No differences in
libitum for 17–18 days (Exp. 3) 7.1/46.5/36.7% both sucrose- and maltodextrin-fed fasting glucose in Exp. 2
rats were impaired on place but not
object recognition tasks after 17 days
on diet.
Kendig et al. (2013) 10% sucrose solution, 2-h/day for 4 11.8% for Male 4- or 8-week- Morris water maze: impaired memory ↑ fasting blood glucose in suc-fed rats
weeks adolescents, 12.6% old kooded Wistar (distance from/time in target region) in
for adults rats suc-fed rats
Soares et al. (2013) 35% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 9 69.2% Male 4-month-old Modified Y-maze task: impaired ↑ fasting insulin and triglycerides,
weeks Wistar rats memory (less % time in novel arm) in altered hippocampal insulin function
suc-fed rats in suc-fed rats. Fasting BGL, body
Morris water maze: Impaired memory weight unaffected
(time in and latency to cross target
area) in suc-fed rats.
Table (continued)

Domain Authors Sugar protocol % calories as sugara Animals/age at Behavioural test/s and result Metabolic/neurobiological effects
sugar treatment

Instrumental Messier et al. 15% fructose solution ad-libitum for Intake not Male 3-month-old Operant bar-pressing task: improved No effect of fructose on body weight or
learning (2007) 3 months (with or without high-fat measured C57BL/6 mice learning in fructose-only group (more glucose tolerance
diet) lever-presses for pasta reward on days
4–5 of training using an FR-1 schedule
Kanoski et al. 22% sucrose or 22% glucose high-fat 220.5 g sucrose or Male 90-day-old Reversal learning: no group Only free access to glucose/high-fat
(2007) powdered diet ad-libitum or restricted glucose per kg Sprague-Dawley differences. Latent reversal task: no diet reduced BDNF in hippocampus
(85%) for 90 days solid diet rats differences between suc-fed and and frontal cortex
control rats; glucose-fed rats impaired
Kendig et al. 10% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 41.4% Male 3-month-old Reversal learning: no effect of sucrose ↑ retroperitoneal and epididymal fat
(2014b; 8 weeks Wistar rats after 6-week food restriction in suc-fed
Experiment 2) rats. Fasting BGL, body weight
Reward Cottone et al. 50% sucrose in solid diet, 2 days/week 50% Male 6- to 7-week- Progressive ratio task: ↓ breakpoint for No effect of suc on weight gain
processing (2008) for 5 weeks old Wistar rats a less-preferred but palatable diet, ↓
Rft earned, ↑ latency to earn Rft in suc-
fed rats when suc diet unavailable

M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

Frazier et al. (2008) Sucrose pellets ad-libitum in home Details not Male/Female Progressive ratio task: ↓ breakpoint for No effect of suc exposure on fasting
cage for 4 or 7 weeks supplied C57BL/6 mice; suc pellets in suc-fed mice glucose or glucose tolerance. Suc-fed
sucrose access 3–7 Concurrent choice task: suc-fed mice mice gained more weight when
or 3–10 weeks of preferred to eat freely available chow exposed to a high-fat, high-sugar diet
age than press for suc pellets as adults
Sucrose preference: reduced in suc-fed

Iemolo et al. (2012) 50% sucrose in solid diet, 2 days/week 50% Male 6- to 7-week- Intracranial self-stimulation threshold: No effect of suc on weight gain
for 7 weeks old Wistar rats no suc effects
Kendig et al. 10% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 36.3% for albino Male 4-month-old Outcome devaluation: no effect of ↑ BGL, insulin resistance,
(2014b; 8 weeks rats, 53.1% for albino and hooded sucrose on habit formation; suc-fed retroperitoneal fat in suc-fed rats. ↑
Experiment 1) hooded rats Wistar rats albino rats showed insensitivity to weight gain in suc-fed albinos only
motivational shift
Kendig et al. (2013) 10% sucrose solution, 2-h/day for 11.8% for Male 4- or 8-week- Outcome devaluation: adult suc-fed ↑ fasting blood glucose in suc-fed rats
28 days adolescents, 12.6% old hooded Wistar rats showed accelerated habit
for adults rats formation; adolescent suc-fed rats did
not show sensitivity to devaluation.
Martin and 10% sucrose intermittently 4 days/ 25.7%, 46.1% for 2-h Male Sprague- 12 h preference test (10% suc vs. ↓ stress-induced activation of lateral
Timofeeva (2010) week, 2- or 24-h/day, or ad-libitum, for and 24-h/day Dawley rats (200– water): sustained elevation in licks for septum in intermittent suc-fed rats.
6 weeks, with or without restraint intermittent 225 g) sucrose in rats with history of Suc access buffered against stress-
stress groups; 53.95% for intermittent suc access induced weight loss
ad-libitum rats
Pian et al. (2009) 10% sucrose solution with or without Details not Male adolescent Ethanol consumption: ↑ intake of suc- No effect of suc on weight gain
milk, 1-h/day, 5-day/week for 3 weeks supplied Wistar rats (suc in sweetened ethanol in suc-fed rats
PND29–51) Consumption and preference: ↑
consumption of sucrose, milk and
sucrose-milk in suc-fed rats
Sato et al. (1991) 10% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 3 36.5% Male adolescent Suc preference: ↑ preference for 30% ↑ weight gain in suc-fed rats. ↑
weeks rats (suc in PND- suc versus water in later life dopaminergic metabolism in
21–42) hypothalamus in suc-fed rats
(continued on next page)

Table (continued)

Domain Authors Sugar protocol % calories as sugara Animals/age at Behavioural test/s and result Metabolic/neurobiological effects
sugar treatment

Vendruscolo et al. 5% sucrose solution ad-libitum (with or Details not Male adolescent Preference tests: ↓ saccharin No effect of suc on weight gain
(2010a) without 5% ethanol) for 16 days supplied Wistar rats (suc in consumption, ↓ ethanol preference in
PND30–46) suc-fed rats
Intravenous self-admin: lower
responding for saccharin in suc-fed
rats, no differences for ethanol
Vendruscolo et al. 5% sucrose solution ad-libitum (with or 20.6% Male adolescent Progressive ratio test: lower breakpoint No effect of suc on weight gain
(2010b) without 5% ethanol) for 16 days (suc in PND30–46) for saccharin and maltodextrin, not
or adult (suc in cocaine, in adolescent suc-fed rats
PND60–76) Wistar Concentration-response test: lower
rats response rates for saccharin, not
maltodextrin or cocaine, in adolescent
suc-fed rats
Wurtman and 0%, 12% or 48% sucrose in solid diet ad- 12% or 48% Male adolescent Diet during PND16-30 did not affect None reported
Wurtman (1979) libitum for 14 days Sprague-Dawley diet choice in PND30-63, when all
rats (suc in PND16– three diets were freely available

M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

Anxiety Cao et al. (2007) 10% sucrose solution ad-libitum for 25 43% Male APP/PS1 mice Elevated plus maze, open field, T-maze ↑ body weight, fasting insulin and
weeks (transgenic model tests: no suc effects triglycerides, glucose intolerance in
of Alzheimer suc-fed mice
Chepulis et al. 7.9% sucrose, 10% honey or no sugar in 7.9% Male 8-week-old Elevated plus maze: no suc effects; ↑ body weight and fat content in suc-
(2009) ad-libitum solid diet for 1 year Sprague-Dawley reduced anxiety in honey-fed rats fed rats
Hendley et al. Amstar sucrose pellets ad-libitum in 36–39% (chronic); Male/female 7- to Spontaneous activity: no suc effects ↑ plasma glucose and insulin in suc-fed
(1987) home cage for 15–18 days or overnight 30–36% (overnight) 78-week-old Habituation to novel cage: impaired in rats
Wistar–Kyoto rats female hyperactive strain given
overnight suc access
Distractibility: female hyperactive
strain fed chronic sucrose did not
habituate to context when internal
stimuli changed
Mood effects when Avena et al. 10% sucrose solution, 12-h/day for Details not Male Sprague- Elevated plus maze: ↑ anxiety in sugar- No effect of suc on body weight gain
sugar is (2008b) 28 days (coincides with chow access) supplied Dawley rats fed rats after 36-h fast
withdrawn Cottone et al. 50% sucrose in solid diet, 2 days/week 50% Female adolescent Elevated plus maze: ↑ anxiety in suc- ↑ body weight gain and adiposity,
(2009) for 8–9 weeks (6–7 weeks old) fed rats, restored when diet available some inflammatory markers ↑ in suc-
Wistar rats Defensive withdrawal test: ↑ hide time fed rats
in suc-fed rats, restored when diet
Iemolo et al. (2012) 50% sucrose in solid diet, 2 days/week 50% Male adolescent Forced swim test: ↑ immobility in suc- No effect of suc on body weight gain
for 7 weeks (6–7 weeks old) fed rats, restored when suc diet
Wistar rats available
Sucrose preference: ↓ in suc-fed rats,
restored when suc diet available
Maracle (2012; 10% sucrose solution, 12-h/day or ad- Details not Male Long-Evans Conditioned suppression: only No effect of suc on body weight gain
unpublished libitum for 28 days, supplied rats intermittent suc-fed rats did not
thesis) suppress lever-pressing during shock-
paired CS after 1 and 28 days
abstinence from suc.
a Where this information was not provided it was calculated, where possible, using information in the text and a caloric density of sucrose of 3.94 kcal/g unless otherwise stated.
M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54 47

no effects were found on measures of oxidative stress and inflam- ognition memory relative to control rats after a retention interval
matory markers. A long-term study by Chepulis, Starkey, Waas, and of 1-h. The performance of a group given vegetable fat in addition
Molan (2009) maintained rats on solid diets containing 7.9% sucrose, to chow was intermediate and did not differ significantly from control
10% honey or no sugar for 1 year, and measured spatial memory in or sucrose-fed rats. Fasting blood glucose levels were significantly
a Y-maze task at 3-month intervals. Analysis suggested that per- elevated in sucrose- and fat-fed rats, and were negatively corre-
formance over the repeated tests was best in the honey-fed rats, lated with the proportion of exploration time on the novel object
poorest in sugar-fed rats, and intermediate in the sugar-free control for these groups (but not controls). Thus, sucrose can impair object
groups. Another experiment measured spatial memory in rats in a recognition memory when tested at longer retention intervals which
plus maze using a shock-avoidance paradigm, and found that prior require intact hippocampal function (Hammond et al., 2004).
access to sucrose pellets in the home cage for 15–18 days (in addi- Together, this research provides strong evidence that sugar
tion to chow) had no effect on performance (Hendley, Conti, Wessel, impairs spatial memory via damage to the hippocampus, a region
Horton, & Musty, 1987). known to be integral to spatial learning and memory (e.g. O’Keefe
The effects of sugar on memory have also been studied using the & Nadel, 1979). Several have suggested that sugar-induced cogni-
novel object location and novel object recognition tests, which tive effects are primarily mediated by changes to insulin function,
measure spatial and non-spatial short-term memory, respectively. such that the insulin resistance produced by sugar consumption in
These tests rely on rats’ innate preference to explore objects that peripheral tissue may also develop in the hippocampus, which is
are unfamiliar or in a new location, and do not require food depri- densely populated with insulin receptors, to alter cognitive func-
vation or other prior learning (Dix & Aggleton, 1999). In the stan- tion (Agrawal & Gomez-Pinilla, 2012; Jurdak et al., 2008; Soares et al.,
dard version of this task the rat is placed into an arena and its 2013). Indeed, two studies reviewed above found that sugar-fed
exploration of two identical objects is measured during a 5-min ex- animals exhibited changes to several aspects of insulin signalling
posure phase. Next, the rat is removed for a 5-min retention inter- in the hippocampus and that these changes appeared to correlate
val and then replaced in the arena for a 3-min test phase. In the novel with the severity of cognitive impairments and indices of periph-
object recognition test one new and one familiar object are pre- eral metabolic damage (Agrawal & Gomez-Pinilla, 2012; Soares et al.,
sented; for the novel object location test two familiar objects are 2013). Direct links between fructose-induced insulin resistance in
presented but one is now moved to a new location (Dix & Aggleton, peripheral tissue and changes in insulin signalling pathways in the
1999). Intact memory is reflected by an increased proportion of ex- brain have been reported previously (Mielke et al., 2005). However,
ploration time allocated to the novel object, or object in a novel lo- changes to glutamatergic and glucocorticoid receptor function in the
cation, during the test phase. Equal exploration of the two objects hippocampus have been shown and are also likely to contribute
at test is thought to indicate memory impairments. At retention in- to cognitive deficits (Soares et al., 2013). Sugar may also impair
tervals of 5-min, rats with hippocampal lesions show impaired lo- hippocampal function by increasing oxidative stress and
cation recognition memory but intact object recognition memory neuroinflammation, but here there are mixed results: while Soares
(Mumby, Gaskin, Glenn, Schramek, & Lehmann, 2002) while rats with et al. (2013) reported no effect of sugar on the inflammatory marker
lesions to the peri/post-rhinal cortex show deficits in object recog- TNF-α in rats, another study found trends towards increased levels
nition memory but intact location recognition memory (Winters, of TNF-α and IL-1β in sugar-fed rats, with levels of the former cor-
Forwood, Cowell, Saksida, & Bussey, 2004). However, damage to the relating strongly with spatial memory impairments (Beilharz et al.,
hippocampus can also impair object recognition memory at longer 2013). The fact that Beilharz et al. (2013) observed an increase in
retention intervals of 24-h (Hammond, Tull, & Stackman, 2004). white adipose tissue mass and a slight increase in body weight gain
Beilharz, Maniam and Morris (2013; Experiment 2) tested in sucrose-fed rats, while Soares et al. (2013) found no changes
memory on the object location and object recognition tasks in rats to body weight, might suggest that the inflammatory response in
given ad-libitum access to 10% sucrose solution with or without a hippocampal tissue observed by Beilharz et al. (2013) was a sec-
high-energy “cafeteria” solid diet. The retention interval in this study ondary consequence of obesity.
was 5-min. Sucrose-fed rats showed impaired object location
memory, but not object recognition memory after only 5 days on Instrumental and Pavlovian conditioning
the diet. Interestingly, this study also found that after 27–29 days
on the diets, sucrose-fed rats showed trends towards elevated hip- In contrast to the many studies of sugar on memory, there are
pocampal inflammation and oxidative stress markers, levels of which few reports of effects of long-term sugar consumption on condi-
correlated negatively with performance on the object location task. tioned behaviour. Two studies have examined the effects of sugar
Using an identical test procedure, we recently replicated this result consumption on discrimination reversal learning. During the first
and found that adult rats fed 10% sucrose or 10.4% maltodextrin so- acquisition phase of this paradigm, animals are given intermixed
lutions ad-libitum had impaired object location but intact object rec- presentations of one stimulus that is paired with reward (S+ stim-
ognition memory after 18 days on the diets (Kendig, Lin, Beilharz, ulus, e.g. tone) and another stimulus not paired with reward (S− stim-
Rooney, & Boakes, 2014a; Experiment 3). However, unlike Beilharz ulus, e.g. light). After rats meet some performance criteria (e.g.
et al. (2013), deficits on object location memory in our study were correctly responding on a majority of S+ trials and correctly with-
not evident at an early test held after 8–9 days on the diets. The holding responses on a majority of S− trials), in the second rever-
earlier onset of object location memory impairments observed by sal phase these contingencies are reversed such that the former S+
Beilharz et al. (2013) may be explained by the added sugar and fat is now the S− and the former S− is the new S+. Notably, the hippo-
content provided in the cafeteria diet available to half of the rats campus is integral for new learning during this reversal phase, as
in this study. Using a retention interval of 3-min, Chepulis et al. shown in both lesion studies (e.g. Winocur & Olds, 1978) and EEG
(2009) also found no differences in object recognition memory in studies in rats (Sakimoto, Takeda, Okada, Hattori, & Sakata, 2013).
rats fed sugar, honey or sugar-free diets for 1 year. As described It is thus of great interest to examine the effects of sugar consump-
earlier, sugar-fed rats in this study appeared to have the poorest tion on this non-spatial hippocampal task, in light of the effects of
spatial memory in a Y-maze. sugar on other spatial hippocampal tasks discussed above.
The above three studies reported impairments in spatial but not Kanoski, Meisel, Mullins, and Davidson (2007) gave adult rats free
non-spatial memory in sucrose-fed animals. However, one study by or restricted access to high-fat powdered diets formulated with either
Jurdak and Kanarek (2009) found that young male rats given 8 weeks 22% glucose or 22% sucrose (by weight) as the primary carbohy-
of free access to a 32% sucrose solution showed poorer object rec- drate source for 90 days. Next, the rats were food-restricted and un-
48 M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

derwent Pavlovian training for a discrimination reversal learning task, White, & Luciana, 2010), several studies have examined the effects
where all groups learned to discriminate between the S+ and S− of sugar consumption during this developmental window.
stimuli equally. During reversal sessions, no groups showed signif- Vendruscolo, Gueye, Darnaudery, Ahmed, and Cador (2010a) ad-
icant discrimination between the new S+ and new S−; however, group ministered a 16-day period of free access to 5% sucrose solution (or
differences were observed in a subsequent “latent reversal” test water only) to adolescent and adult rats, and subsequently mea-
where neither stimulus was reinforced. In this extinction test, rats sured motivation to lever-press for saccharin, maltodextrin and
formerly given free access to the high-fat/glucose diet failed to dis- cocaine. Only rats exposed to sucrose during adolescence (during
criminate between the new S+ and S−, showing equally low re- postnatal day [PND] 30–46) showed reduced motivation to respond
sponding to both stimuli. In contrast, the high-fat/sucrose and control for maltodextrin and saccharin in adulthood. In contrast, exposure
groups showed an appropriate discrimination, and did not differ from to sucrose in adolescence or adulthood did not influence motiva-
each other. Consistent with the behavioural results, the high-fat/ tion to self-administer cocaine. A separate experiment by this group
glucose but not the high-fat/sucrose group showed decreased BDNF replicated this result, with rats exposed to 5% sucrose with or without
levels in the ventral hippocampus and prefrontal cortex. The authors 5% ethanol for 16 days during adolescence showing reduced con-
speculated that the differential effects of glucose and sucrose on hip- sumption of saccharin, and reduced preference for ethanol when
pocampal BDNF might relate to the higher glycaemic index of the tested as adults (Vendruscolo et al., 2010b). However, adolescent
glucose diet, in conjunction with the extended period of food re- sucrose treatment did not alter ethanol intake when animals could
striction introduced prior to behavioural testing. self-administer intravenously. The lack of effect of sucrose expo-
A recent study from our laboratory also tested the effects of sure on intravenous cocaine or ethanol self-administration in these
sucrose on discrimination reversal learning. The design was broadly studies parallels a study in rats by Iemolo et al. (2012) in which in-
similar to the study of Kanoski et al. (2007), consisting of an 8-week termittent exposure to a high-sucrose solid diet (2 days/week for
diet intervention involving free access to 10% sucrose solution (or 5 weeks) did not alter reward threshold obtained using an intra-
water only) and ad-libitum chow, followed by a behavioural testing cranial self-stimulation procedure. These results suggest that any
phase where rats were food restricted and without access to sucrose overlap between drug- and food-reward processing networks is
(Kendig, Rooney, Corbit & Boakes, 2014b; Experiment 2). However, incomplete.
our discrimination reversal task, which was based on the proce- Frazier, Mason, Zhuang, and Beeler (2008) administered young
dure of Sakimoto et al. (2013), included an instrumental compo- C57BL/6 mice 4 or 7 weeks of unlimited access to sucrose pellets
nent whereby a single lever press was required during the S+ in the home cage, and measured body weight, food intake and mo-
presentation for delivery of a food reward. This contrasts the Pav- tivation towards food rewards in adulthood. Corroborating the results
lovian procedure used by Kanoski et al. (2007) in which reward was of Vendruscolo et al. (2010a, 2010b), sucrose-fed mice showed
always delivered to the magazine after the presentation of the S+. reduced motivation to work for sucrose in later life, as indicated by
Despite this, and other minor procedural differences, we similarly a lower breakpoint for sucrose pellets in a progressive ratio task.
found that rats previously fed sugar learned the initial contingen- Sucrose-fed mice also showed a preference to eat freely available
cies equivalently to controls, and that there were no group differ- solid chow rather than lever-press for sucrose in a concurrent choice
ences in performance during the discrimination reversal phase or task, and reduced preference for sucrose solution in the home cage.
in subsequent extinction tests (Kendig et al., 2014b). It is thus in- Although sucrose-fed mice did not gain any excess weight during
teresting that these two experiments found no effect of sucrose on sucrose exposure, they rapidly gained excess weight when given free
discrimination reversal learning, non-spatial hippocampal-based access to a high-fat, high-sugar diet in later life, suggesting a latent
tasks, in contrast to the majority of studies reporting sugar-induced vulnerability to obesity conferred by early life sucrose consump-
impairments on spatial hippocampal-based tasks. tion. Intermittent exposure to a high-sugar diet exposure has also
A third study on the long-term effects of sugar consumption on been found to reduce the rewarding properties of other foods:
instrumental behaviour found that relative to a chow-only control Cottone, Sabino, Steardo, and Zorrilla (2008) fed adult rats a high-
group, mice that had been fed 15% fructose solution for 3 months, sucrose diet (50% kcal as sucrose) for 2 days/week for 5 weeks, and
following termination of this diet intervention and now food- found that these rats exhibited reduced motivation to lever-press
deprived, made more lever-presses for a pasta food reward on the for a moderately palatable diet that was itself preferred to regular
fourth and fifth days of operant training (Messier, Whately, Liang, chow.
Du, & Puissant, 2007). This effect could not be related to differ- The behavioural profile observed in sucrose-fed rats in the above
ences in glucose tolerance or GLUT5 transporter content, since experiments – a reduced breakpoint for food rewards and a pref-
fructose-fed and control mice did not differ on these measures. There erence to eat less palatable, freely available food – is analogous to
were no differences in responding between the high-fructose group the effects of dopamine antagonists on feeding behaviour (Salamone
and two other groups fed high-fat or combined high-fat, high- et al., 1991). These behavioural effects might appear counterintuitive
fructose diets. Although this was interpreted as a positive effect of to the idea that sugar consumption drives unnecessary and exces-
fructose on learning and memory, it is not immediately clear how sive food consumption. However, if extended sugar consumption
this operant task involved memory processes. Together, these studies downregulates the dopamine system, a consequence might be that
indicate that while deficits in spatial learning and memory have been only very intense rewards such as palatable foods activate this
found consistently following sucrose consumption, reliable effects network sufficiently to drive behaviour (as is observed after expo-
on simple measures of instrumental behaviour may be more diffi- sure to drugs such as cocaine). Thus, although some of these
cult to detect. behavioural effects manifest as the inhibition of food-seeking
behaviours, they may still have important implications for how sugar
Reward processing might predispose individuals to poor dietary choices and obesity
over the long term.
Effects of sugar consumption on reward-related behaviours might Experiments on the effect of sugar exposure on other measures
be expected to manifest as heightened food-seeking and ingestive of dietary behaviour report different results. An early experiment
behaviours, when considering the ways sugar has been shown to by Wurtman and Wurtman (1979) found that feeding adolescent
alter brain reward networks. In contrast, animal studies suggest a rats diets containing 0%, 12% or 48% sucrose from PND16-30 did not
more complicated relationship. Since the dopaminergic reward affect subsequent consumption of these three diets when each were
network is temporarily upregulated during adolescence (Wahlstrom, freely available from PND30-63. A key difference in procedure in this
M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54 49

study was that rats could not choose to consume sucrose, as expo- to devaluation at the first test. Adolescent rats can show sensitiv-
sure was given in a single solid diet. This suggests that as well as ity to devaluation with no diet or other manipulation (Naneix,
the timing of access to sugar, providing a choice between sugary and Marchand, Di Scala, Pape, & Coutureau, 2012); thus, our result might
sugar-free diets may be necessary to produce effects on reward pro- suggest that repeated intermittent exposures to any sweet taste
cessing in later life. This could be achieved either by presenting a during adolescence (caloric or not) alters the ways that rewards are
liquid solution or sucrose pellets separately, or by alternating periods appraised in adulthood. This would be generally consistent with the
of access to sugar-rich and sugar-free diets. aforementioned studies that provided sweet solutions ad-libitum
In contrast to the results of the above experiments is the finding during adolescence (Frazier et al., 2008; Vendruscolo et al., 2010a,
that rats receiving 1-h/day (5 days/week) access to 10% sucrose with 2010b).
or without milk during adolescence showed increased consump- The second experiment to assess the effects of sugar on habit for-
tion of sucrose or sucrose-milk solutions when tested in adult- mation gave adult male albino and hooded Wistar rats 8 weeks of
hood (Pian, Criado, Walker, & Ehlers, 2009). The fact that access to free access to 10% sucrose solution or water only, with behavioural
sucrose was restricted in this experiment, rather than ad libitum in testing conducted after sucrose exposure when rats were food de-
most of the previous studies, may explain the elevation in sucrose prived (Kendig et al., 2014b; Experiment 1). Unlike our earlier study,
preference. This is supported by a study in which adult rats main- sucrose did not accelerate habit formation and all rats remained sen-
tained on restricted access to 10% sucrose for 4 days per week for sitive to outcome devaluation over time. The fact that sucrose was
6 weeks made more licks for sucrose solution (indicative of greater provided ad-libitum and not intermittently in this study may explain
sucrose preference) during a 12-h test, relative to rats fed sucrose why no effect on habit formation was observed. This interpreta-
ad libitum (Martin & Timofeeva, 2010). Stronger preferences fol- tion is supported by recent data showing that habitual control over
lowing intermittent access to sugar is also commensurate with re- behaviour is accelerated by intermittent but not continuous access
search showing that a sugar-dependent state in rats emerges when to sweetened-condensed milk (Furlong, Jayaweera, Balleine, & Corbit,
access is restricted and not continuous (e.g. Avena et al., 2008b). 2014). Despite no loss of sensitivity to outcome devaluation, in our
However, continuous access in early life may increase later prefer- study we found that the pre-feeding treatment had the smallest effect
ence for sucrose under some conditions. One study in Wistar rats on instrumental performance in sucrose-fed albino rats, such that
found that ad-libitum access to 30% sucrose solution for 3 weeks this group continued to lever-press at a greater rate during extinc-
during adolescence produced elevated preference for 30% sucrose tion tests relative to other groups. We interpreted this as insensi-
over water in adulthood (Sato et al., 1991). Although this experi- tivity to the shift in motivation produced by the pre-feeding
ment did not assess the effects of intermittent access to sugar (control devaluation treatment, an effect which may be explained by the
rats drank water only), results nonetheless suggest that at high con- excess weight gain in these sugar-fed albino rats.
centrations, it may not be necessary to provide sugar intermit- The neural mechanisms underpinning these behavioural effects
tently to increase sucrose preference. are largely unclear. When considering that dopaminergic and
As well as considering how sugar can alter preferences for, and opioidergic receptor signalling is altered in sugar-dependent rats
consumption of foods, it is pertinent to examine whether sugar (Colantuoni et al., 2001, 2002), changes to these neurochemical
affects the flexibility of an animal’s food-seeking behaviours. The systems may also underlie behavioural deficits in sugar-fed rats that
outcome devaluation paradigm is a behavioural assay that exam- are not sugar dependent. Respectively, dopamine and opioid trans-
ines how an animal’s instrumental responding for an outcome mission are thought to regulate incentive motivation towards, and
(usually a food reward, e.g. pellets) is sensitive to changes in the value the hedonic appraisal of, rewards (Kenny, 2011). It follows that the
of that reward (Adams & Dickinson, 1981). This is achieved by de- behavioural effects in sugar-fed rats reported above might be at-
valuing the outcome – either by feeding it to satiety or by pairing tributable to changes in these two distinct systems. As a brief
it with illness using lithium chloride – before testing the magni- example, a reduced breakpoint to lever-press for food rewards in
tude of the instrumental response in an extinction test (Adams, 1982). sucrose-fed rats might be explained by changes to dopamine trans-
Behaviour is considered to be goal-directed if responding is reduced mission (e.g. by the blunted dopamine response and consequent re-
following outcome devaluation. Conversely, continued respond- duction in incentive motivation to respond); opioid transmission (e.g.
ing following outcome devaluation is indicative of habitual behaviour diminishing the hedonic value of the food reward) or interactions
that is less sensitive to changes in outcome value (Dickinson, 1985). between these systems. Performance on behavioural tasks may of
Control rats typically show goal-directed responding after limited course also be modulated by other physiological systems, such as
training, and progress to habitual responding after extended train- the release of satiety peptides during feeding, that may interact with
ing (Adams, 1982) and drugs such as amphetamine can accelerate brain reward processing. There is thus clear scope to improve un-
this loss of goal-directed control over behaviour (Nelson & Killcross, derstanding of how sugar consumption alters reward-related
2006). behaviour. In particular, it will be important to examine how sugar
We have examined the effects of sucrose on habit formation using affects the functioning of these reward systems in paradigms that
the outcome devaluation paradigm in two experiments. In the first do not induce sugar dependency.
(Kendig et al., 2013), rats were given 28 days of restricted access (2- The following conclusions can be drawn from the research re-
h/day) to 10% sucrose or 0.1% saccharin solutions. After removing viewed in this section. Providing animals with either continuous or
access to sweet solutions and introducing food restriction, rats restricted access to sugar during adolescence can reduce the mo-
learned to lever-press for pellets in twice-daily training sessions. tivation to work for food rewards later, a result which in some in-
Outcome devaluation tests were held at repeated intervals through- stances is coupled with overconsumption of freely available, palatable
out this instrumental training to assess changes in the sensitivity food. Sugar consumption in adolescence or adulthood does not
to devaluation over time. Sucrose-fed rats lost sensitivity to deval- appear to alter drug self-administration or cranial self-stimulation.
uation treatment more quickly, since at the third set of tests test Although much of this research has focused on younger animals,
lever pressing was equivalent in devalued and nondevalued tests the extent to which effects of sugar on reward-related behaviours
for sucrose-fed rats, whereas controls still showed sensitivity by are specific to adolescence (e.g. Vendruscolo et al., 2010a), or simply
making fewer presses after reinforcer devaluation. This is sugges- differ between adolescent and adult animals (e.g. Kendig et al., 2013)
tive of an accelerated shift from goal-directed to habitual respond- remains largely unclear. This calls for further investigation of the
ing in sucrose-fed rats. Interestingly, in this study rats given sucrose effects of sugar consumption across the life span. Both continuous
or saccharin solutions during adolescence did not show sensitivity and intermittent access to sugar can alter reward-related behaviour;
50 M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54

however, these two forms of access have rarely been directly tal and Pavlovian conditioning have not found robust effects. Sugar
compared. consumption can alter brain reward circuitry to change the way in
which animals earn, consume, and prefer different foods, and these
Anxiety and depression-like behaviour effects may be heightened when sugar is provided during adoles-
cence. Sugar consumption does not appear to produce lasting changes
Long-term effects on anxiety to anxiety or mood, except for circumstances where access to sugar
is abruptly withdrawn.
Cao et al. (2007) reported that in a mouse model of Alzheim-
er’s disease, 25 weeks of exposure to 10% sucrose had no detect- When does sugar intake become harmful?
able effect on anxious behaviour as measured in the Elevated Plus
Maze, Open Field, and T-maze tests. Hendley et al. (1987) found that It is important to move beyond the general conclusion that sugar
spontaneous activity in a brightly-lit, novel cage was not altered by can impair behaviour and cognition to form directions for future re-
overnight or chronic (14–18 days) access to sucrose pellets in ad- search. Amongst these, a priority is to establish at what level of intake
dition to chow. However, in female spontaneously hyperactive and under what circumstances sugar consumption becomes harmful.
Wistar–Kyoto rats, overnight feeding of sugar pellets disrupted ha- While this is currently unknown, aspects of the studies reviewed
bituation to a novel cage on the next day, while chronic sugar feeding here provide some insights. An initial observation is that impair-
rendered rats more sensitive to changes in colour and illumina- ments have been found using experimental methods that vary widely
tion in an open field, suggestive of greater distractibility. After a in terms of how, how much, and for how long sugar is provided to
1-year diet intervention with 7.9% sucrose, 10% honey or no sugar animals. Importantly, effects on cognition and behaviour do not
mixed into the solid diet, Chepulis et al. (2009) found that honey- appear to be driven by any one of these measures; that is, the con-
fed rats showed reduced anxiety in the Elevated Plus Maze rela- centration of sugar solution; the total duration of access; or whether
tive to sucrose-fed rats, which did not differ from controls. Metabolic access is continuous or restricted. It is noteworthy that effects on
data at cull, published separately by Chepulis and Starkey (2008), behavioural and cognitive measures do not appear to depend on the
showed that as well as reduced weight gain, honey-fed rats had lower latter factor, since it is an integral determinant of whether sugar ex-
percent body fat and blood sugars, and higher HDL cholesterol levels posure elicits a dependent state in rats (Avena et al., 2008b). This
than sucrose-fed rats. Rats fed sucrose gained more weight and de- directs future research to examine whether “sugar-dependent” rats
posited more body fat than honey-fed and control groups. show long-term changes to other cognitive processes.
Although this review is concerned with evidence for lasting effects Population data on human dietary patterns commonly express
of sugar on behaviour and cognition, it is important to note that acute sugar consumption in terms of the total proportion of total energy
withdrawal from diets high in sucrose can induce acute anxiety and consumed as sugar. Recent data indicate that for a majority of Ameri-
depression-like behaviours. For example, rats given 12-h intermit- cans, added sugar contributes between 5% and 20% of total energy,
tent access to 10% sucrose solution for 28 days exhibited height- while 12.5% draw 25% or more calories from sugar and for 5.9% of
ened anxiety on the Elevated Plus Maze (EPM) after a 36-h fast the population this proportion is above 30% (Marriott et al., 2010).
(Avena et al., 2008a). Rats given this intermittent access schedule Calculating this measure in experiments using animals provides a
for 28 days also show reduced conditioned suppression after 1 and basis on which to compare with human data, albeit on a crude level
28 days of abstinence, as indexed by a failure to significantly reduce that overlooks physiological and metabolic differences between
lever-pressing for sucrose solution during the presence of a tone people and animals. As can be seen in Table 1 (see “percent kcal from
stimulus paired with shock (Maracle, 2012, unpublished thesis). Other sugar” column), sugar contributed anywhere from ~5% to ~70% of
groups have reported similar results using longer cycling periods. total energy in these animal studies reviewed here (with the largest
For example, rats given intermittent access to a high-sucrose diet determinants of this proportion being the concentration of sugar
(2 consecutive days per week; 50% kcal in solid diet) showed in- solution and whether access was restricted or ad-libitum). Impor-
creased anxiety in the EPM and defensive withdrawal tests after 8 tantly, the available data do not suggest that there is a threshold of
and 9 weeks on the diet cycle, respectively (Cottone, Sabino, Steardo, sugar intake above which behaviour or cognition is impaired. Indeed,
& Zorrilla, 2009). Iemolo et al. (2012) found that rats given the same experiments have found sugar-induced behavioural impairments at
high-sugar/chow diet cycle for 7 weeks showed greater immobili- levels of intake that are comparable to those in people (e.g. 7.9%,
ty on the Forced Swim Test (suggestive of a depressive phenotype) Chepulis et al., 2009; ~12%, Kendig et al., 2013; ~21%, Vendruscolo
and decreased preference for 0.8% sucrose (suggestive of anhedo- et al., 2010b).
nia) relative to chow-fed controls, when testing while sugar rats did In summary, it does not appear possible on the basis of exist-
not have access to sugar. There was no effect of diet when testing ing evidence to identify a single “safe” level of sugar consumption.
while the high-sugar diet was available, confirming that this effect Rather it is likely that effects on behavioural measures depend on
was an acute one of withdrawal rather than a lasting behavioural interactions between the amount of sugar ingested, rat strain and
deficit. In summary, the available research indicates that, except in age, and other procedural factors. Furthermore, since sugar con-
genetically vulnerable strains or under conditions of acute with- sumption may impair aspects of cognition and behaviour via nu-
drawal, consuming sugar does not lead to lasting alterations in merous mechanisms, any threshold levels for consumption are likely
anxious or depressive behaviour. to vary according to which aspect of cognition is being consid-
ered. Nonetheless, parametric studies manipulating the propor-
Summary and future directions tion of sugar in the diet and the duration of access could help clarify
how much sugar an animal can ingest (and for how long) before
Current evidence indicates that sugar consumption can induce aspects of behaviour or cognition are compromised.
lasting changes on a range of behavioural and cognitive measures.
A clear majority of studies have found that animals fed sugar perform Relationship between cognitive and metabolic effects
more poorly on behavioural and cognitive tasks than control animals
not fed sugar. However, these effects do appear to vary according It is also relevant to consider the degree to which cognitive effects
to the nature of the task. Spatial learning and memory have been of sugar can be related to or separated from peripheral metabolic
most consistently impaired following consumption of sugar solu- ones. Since metabolic studies in rats have shown that the propor-
tions, while the few studies to test other measures of instrumen- tion of sugar in the diet directly predicts the time of onset of met-
M.D. Kendig/Appetite 80 (2014) 41–54 51

abolic impairment (Pagliassotti & Prach, 1995; Pagliassotti, Prach, It is also important to acknowledge that in most of these studies
Koppenhafer, & Pan, 1996), it is highly relevant to examine whether sugar represents the only palatable food item in a diet that con-
cognitive and behavioural deficits are predictable in similar ways. sists otherwise of chow and water. This is in contrast to a majority
Arguably the most important metabolic change that can obscure the of the human population who have abundant access to a wide range
interpretation of results is whether or not sugar has accelerated of palatable foods high in sugar, fat, or both. Two questions that
weight gain. This has important implications for whether any follow from this observation are (a) whether sugar would exert
behavioural and cognitive effects can be attributed to the diet di- similar cognitive effects in instances where it was not the only pal-
rectly or to secondary consequences of obesity. Several of the studies atable option in an animal’s diet, and (b) whether other palatable
reviewed here show effects of sugar in the absence of changes to foods or solutions might produce similar changes in behaviour. Es-
total energy intake and body weight. Additionally, impairments have tablishing the specific nature of any cognitive effects of sugar in
been found to persist long after access to sugar is withdrawn and people would be difficult since these would likely co-occur to a high
when metabolic damage in sugar-fed rats has resolved (e.g. Kendig degree with cognitive problems resulting from obesity (Smith, Hay,
et al., 2013). However, it is not yet clear whether sugar can Campbell, & Trollor, 2011). Delineating the effects of sucrose from
alter behaviour or cognition if metabolic function is never other dietary components would be important, since other animal
compromised. data show pronounced behavioural effects following restricted access
Whether or not sugar consumption has caused metabolic changes to high-fat, or combined high-fat/high-sugar foods (Corwin, Avena,
may have implications for the mechanisms underlying sugar- & Boggiano, 2011).
induced cognitive changes. For example, the onset of obesity may Another important question for future research is to examine
also alter levels of satiety peptides such as leptin, ghrelin, and neu- which forms of sugar carry the greatest risk of harm. Clarifying the
ropeptide Y (Lindqvist et al., 2008; Lindqvist, de la Cour, Stegmark, role of fructose seems particularly important, since some evi-
Hakanson, & Erlanson-Albertsson, 2005), which may in turn alter dence suggests fructose poses particular risk to metabolic health
how food rewards are appraised. Studying the effects of sugar on (Aeberli et al., 2011; Kanarek & Orthen-Gambill, 1982; Lustig, 2013)
the functioning of these homeostatic systems – with or without yet others claim these effects are overstated (Tappy & Mittendorfer,
obesity – will be important in understanding what underlies effects 2012; White, 2013). Further, animal literature on the cognitive effects
on behavioural tasks that use food reinforcers. The onset of obesity of fructose shows mixed results ranging from detrimental (Agrawal
can also present procedural problems. To take an extreme example, & Gomez-Pinilla, 2012) to neutral (Kanoski et al., 2007) or appar-
in one long-term study, an unintended confound produced by excess ently positive (Messier et al., 2007). Since recent work suggests that
weight gain in sugar-fed rats was that data from an Elevated Plus both fructose-containing (sucrose) and fructose-free (maltodextrin)
Maze test after 12 months on the diet had to be discarded due to sugar solutions can produce memory impairments in rats (Kendig
the inability of many rats to turn around in the closed arms of the et al., 2014a), further comparisons between different monosaccha-
maze (Chepulis et al., 2009). rides and other caloric solutions on behavioural and cognitive tasks
are needed.
Finally, since sugar contains both calories and a sweet, pleasur-
Implications for human diets able taste, future studies could delineate the effects of these
components by comparing the behavioural effects of consuming a
Inferring putative effects of sugar on behaviour and cognition in non-sweet caloric solution versus a non-caloric sweet solution.
people is complicated by the several ways in which the experi- Indeed, the taste alone of sucrose solution can stimulate dopa-
ence of animals consuming sugar differs from the human condi- mine release in the nucleus accumbens, as shown using sham-
tion. First, the proportion of energy derived from sugar in the present feeding procedures (Avena, Rada, Moise, & Hoebel, 2006).
animal studies in many cases exceeds average levels of consump- Comparisons of the cognitive effects of nutritive versus non-
tion in people. However, another important point is that very few nutritive sweeteners would complement existing data on the met-
of the animal studies reviewed here examined the effects of sugar abolic effects of artificial sweeteners. For example, one theory
over a truly “long-term” period. For most people sugar consump- (Swithers, 2013) proposes that excessive consumption of non-
tion begins in early life and continues (with variability across time nutritive sweeteners increases the risk of weight gain by disrupt-
and between individuals) over a lifetime. In contrast, animal studies ing a pre-existing association between sweet tastes and calories.
commonly cease access to sugar after a period of weeks or months In conclusion, the implications of the present experiments
– an incomparable period of time even when considering the shorter are of concern in light of the continuing global increase in
lifespan of rodents. (An exception to this is the study of Chepulis sugar consumption that is driven largely by rising intakes of
et al., 2009 in which rats remained on test diets for a year.) Thus, sugar drinks. There is still considerable work needed to better un-
the higher proportion of energy provided by sugar in some animal derstand the physiological and neural mechanisms that underlie
studies is counteracted by the shorter window of time in which sugar sugar-induced impairment of these processes, and the interac-
is available. Even studies that provide a greater-than-average pro- tions between them. As well as continued study of the experimen-
portion of calories through sugar are still likely to capture a subset tal conditions that produce effects, identifying interventions to restore
of the human population with high levels of consumption. or prevent sugar-induced behavioural and cognitive impairments
A related concern is that appetitive paradigms using food rewards will be equally important. Nonetheless, the research reviewed here
often involve ceasing the diet manipulation in order to induce the provides support for the notion that consumption of sugar drinks
mild hunger necessary for rats to perform behavioural tasks ade- should be limited to protect against cognitive as well as metabolic
quately. While this approach reduces the possibility that acute sugar harm.
consumption might alter performance in the task (e.g. by chang-
ing the palatability of another food reinforcer), and taste prefer- References
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