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Contents Review
Students’ names:
1. Finish the sentence with a clause in the correct conditional. Explain, why did
you choose to use that particular conditional?

 If I were the Prime Minister …

 If I weren’t studying English …
 If I go out tonight …
 If I were on holiday today …
 If I had listened to my mother …
 If you mix water and electricity …

2. Complete the sentences with either the gerund or infinitive form of the verbs in

 I am learning ______________ (speak) English.

 You should stop _____________ (smoke), it’s not good for your health.
 It was a long and exhausting road trip. Eventually, we stopped _________ (smoke)
in order to stay awake.
 He decided ______________ (study) Biology.
 I dislike ______________ (wait).
 I’d love ______________ (come) with you.

3. Change the direct speech into indirect (reported) speech. Use say, tell or ask as

 “I would have visited the hospital, if I had known you were sick”
She ______________________________________________________________
 “I’ll come and help you on Saturday”
She ______________________________________________________________
 “Could you give me the glass on the table, please?”
She ______________________________________________________________
 “Are you working tonight?”
She ______________________________________________________________
 “What are you doing tomorrow?”
She ______________________________________________________________

Rodrigo Torres A. B1.2 Youth Intensive

4. Complete the following conversation with the correct use of ‘like’: would like,
feel like, like.

A: Hi, Will. Are you hungry? __________ to go somewhere for dinner?

B: Of course! Where do you __________ like going?
A: _________ Asian food?
B: I don’t, to be honest. I think I’d _________ to go to an Italian restaurant instead.
I really _________ like having pasta tonight!
A: That sounds _________ a great idea! What about Luigi’s then?
B: I’ve never been to that place before. What is the pasta _________ there?
A: It’s certainly delicious! But I had pasta last week, so tonight I think I _________
to have pizza.
B: Great, let’s go!

5. Imagine that you are a police officer who is in charge of writing the final report
for Elisa Lam’s case. If you don’t really know what happened to her, all you
got left is your point of view. Speculate possible theories for this case using
appropriate grammar forms. [Write your report in about 75 words]

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Rodrigo Torres A. B1.2 Youth Intensive


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