Candidate Questionnaire

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Candidate Questionnaire

Candidate Name: Yunas ahamad

Hiring Division:

Documentary Trade operator

Role Applied for:


Please answer the following questions according to the best of your knowledge and belief. In the event more than one connection per category is to be disclosed, please provide all
such information.

Relationship to Deutsche Bank Employees

(1) How did you first learn of this opportunity? Rangam infotech pvt ltd

(2) Were you referred* to this opportunity by a Deutsche Bank employee(s)?

*Referred means you were approached by an Employee of Deutsche Bank Group for the purpose of applying to this position.
This excludes discussion with our HR teams, networking or job fair attendance.

( ) Yes (ü ) No

If yes, please provide the following details for each such referral:

a) Employee(s) Name (first & last name):

b) Employee(s) Job/Corporate Title:
c) Employee(s) Business Division:
d) Employee(s) business email address:
e) Relationship to the employee(s):
(3) Do you have any family or personal relationship1 to any Deutsche Bank employee(s)?

( ) Yes (ü ) No

If yes, please provide the following details for each such relationship:

a) Employee(s) Name (first & last name):

b) Employee(s) Job/Corporate Title:
c) Employee(s) Business Division:
d) Employee(s) business email address:
e) Relationship to the employee(s):

For internal use only

Relationship to Deutsche Bank
(4) Are you, or is your immediate relative/family member2, a previous (within the last two years), a current or proposed client of Deutsche
Bank? ( ) Yes (ü ) No

(a) Deutsche Bank business area3:

i. Retail banking / Postbank4 ii.

Asset Management/ DWS
iii. Corporate Bank iv.
Investment Bank

If your selection includes business area(s) other than retail banking/Postbank please provide the following details:

(b) Brief description of the products or services:

(c) Deutsche Bank Entity/Branch:
(d) Country:
(e) Please describe how this relationship impacted your decision to apply to DB (if applicable):

1 A “Personal Relationship” is defined as

• a spouse, civil partner, domestic partner, children or stepchildren, parent or parent-in-law, sibling or sibling-in-law, grandparent, aunt, uncle,
nephew or niece, or first cousin;
• someone who you are financially dependent upon or is financially dependent upon you;
• someone you have an outside business or financial relationship with including a shared private co-investment; and
• any other relationship not listed above, that could reasonably give rise to actual or perceived conflicts of interest in your or the Bank’s dealings
with the client.
2 A spouse, civil or domestic partner, children, parent or parent-in-law, sibling or sibling-in-law, grandparent, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, first cousin and
anyone else who provides material support.
3 Business areas include: Retail bank/Postbank, Investment Bank, Corporate Bank, and Asset Management/DWS.
4 Retail banking / Postbank is a business area that covers the following products and services: student/savings/current account, credit card, fixed deposits,
home mortgage, car loans, retail pension plan products, German capital formation payments (vermögenswirksame Leistungen), DWS investment fund
products for retail clients distributed via Deutsche Bank, DWS Direct or any other financial institution etc.
Relationship to a Deutsche Bank Client or Business Partner 1

(5) To the best of your knowledge and belief, do you have any family, personal, employment or shareholder relationship(s) to any individual or entity which is:

• A business partner of Deutsche Bank; or

Including but not limited to a business development consultant, consultants, referral agent, agent, brokers, finder, joint venture, Joint Ventures’ Business Partners investment vehicle partner, vendor, service

For internal use only

• A previous client of Deutsche Bank within the last two years; or
• An existing client of Deutsche Bank; or
• A prospective client of Deutsche Bank.

( ) Yes (ü ) No

If yes, please provide the following details for each client or business partner:

(a) Name of individual or entity:

(b) Job/corporate title of individual:
(c) Nature of your relationship to the individual or entity:
(d) Nature of the individual or entity’s connection (or potential connection) to Deutsche Bank:
(e) Please describe how your relationship to the client or business partner impacted your decision to apply to DB (if applicable):

(6) If you answered ‘Yes’ to question (6) above, to the best of your knowledge, are you aware of any new products or pending business between the individual or entity and
Deutsche Bank?

( ) Yes ( ü) No

If yes, please provide the following details for each pending or prospective product or business:

(a) Brief description of the product(s) or service(s):

(b) Deutsche Bank entity or branch, country, and business division:

Relationship to a Public Official6

(7) Are you a former or current Public Official?

( ) Yes ( ü) No

If yes, please provide the following details:

(a) Title/position as Public Official and department/entity work(ed) for:

(b) Nature of responsibilities as a Public Official:
(c) Nature of connection as a Public Official to Deutsche Bank (if any):
(d) Please describe how your status as a Public Official impacted your decision to apply to DB (if applicable):

(8) To the best of your knowledge and belief, do you have any family, personal, or employment relationship to any Public Official, or any person who has been a Public Official
within the past 5 years?

If the position of the Public Official falls within the following categories, please respond ‘No’ to the question around public official affiliation.

(a) Practicing teacher/lecturer/education personnel at government-owned educational institution; (b) Practicing medical professional/emergency services
atgovernment-owned medical facility/service; (c) Administrative/Clerks/Office Assistant/Technician.

In the event the Public Official is acting in a high-ranking position and/or has the ability to influence business decisions, please respond ‘Yes’.

( ) Yes (ü ) No

If you answered ‘Yes’ to question (8) above, please provide the following details for each such relationship:

(a) Name of Public Official:

(b) Title/position of Public Official and department/entity they work(ed) for:
(c) Nature of the Public Official’s responsibilities:

Public Official includes anyone:
• working in a legislative, administrative, or judicial position;
• who is a member of, or working for, or on behalf of royal families;
• working in government-owned or controlled entities or agencies, political parties, unions;
• who is a political candidate or union official;
• working for a Quango (‘quasi autonomous non-governmental organisation);
• working for a Public International Organization; or
• any other person or entity defined as a public official by local law.
This definition includes consultants who hold government positions, employees of companies owned or controlled by governments, political party officials,
privately funded and government regulatory agencies, standard setting organizations and self-regulatory organisations and others, or employees retained
by government agencies. This term also covers immediate family members (parent, spouse, child, in-law, sibling) and anyone else to whom the Public
Official provides material support.
(d) Current/former nature of your relationship to the public official:
(e) Nature of Public Official’s connection to Deutsche Bank (if any):
(f) Please describe how your relationship to the Public Official impacted your decision to apply to DB (if applicable):

Candidate Attestation

I,yunas ahamad, confirm that the above answers are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Signed ........ .............................................................


For internal use only


What is the Candidate Questionnaire?

To ensure that robust, merit-based hiring processes are applied across Deutsche Bank, the bank has introduced certain
mandatory measures to provide further transparency in its hiring process.

In order for DB to proceed with the hiring process, all candidates are required to complete this questionnaire. Your recruiter
will contact you if the bank requires further information or elaboration in relation to any of your responses.

HR Contingent Workers managed by an MSP or temp desk must also complete this questionniare.

What are you, the candidate, being asked to certify in the Questionnaire?

In completing the questionnaire and signing the attestation, you are identifying, among other things, whether you have any
relationships to DB employees, DB clients or business partners, and/or relationships to Public Officials. The candidate
questionnaire also seeks to identify the nature of the relationship between you and the person who referred you for this
position at DB if you have been referred.

Please be assured that any positive response to the questionnaire, (for example, disclosure of a connection to a DB employee,
DB Business partner, client, or a Public Official) will not necessarily impact your application negatively. Rather, it will allow the
bank to process your application with full knowledge of all relevant background facts.

It is essential that the Bank is able to identify actual, potential and perceived conflicts of interest and manage them fairly and
appropriately. One such conflict of interest may arise where you have a relationship with a client or potential client of the
Bank that you are working with or providing services to (including and not limited to working on transactions for that client,
or acting in a coverage or relationship role for that client) and your relationship may be able to influence or may be perceived
to be able to influence the award of business to the Bank.

The attestation and any resulting disclosure you make will therefore assist the Bank in identifying and managing these
conflicts of interest.

Why are you being asked to certify?

A position of employment is a “Thing of Value” under applicable Bribery and Corruption Laws. The act of making an offer of
employment in return for a business opportunity or improper advantage is deemed to be a potential risk that might require
additional screening. As a result, DB is required to take particular care in hiring candidates who are themselves, or are
connected to, current or prospective DB clients; DB business partners (including vendors, consultants, business development
consultants); and Public Officials.
Your completion of the questionnaire will ensure all relevant facts and background information are provided to DB so any
potential offer of employment can proceed on its merits. If you have any questions or require further clarification regarding
the above, please contact your DB recruiter.

For internal use only


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