Multicultural Lesson

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Multicultural Lesson Activity

1. Lesson Objectives: Art/Social Studies-6th grade

● Subject observable objective: SWBAT identify the different rasism and discrimination issues that
affect induviduals within different cultures, race, etnicithy, gender, etc.

● Multicultural goal: Combat racism, sexism, and other forms of prejudice and discrimination.
SWBAT choose illustartions and/or pictures to explain the impact of racism and discrimination
individulas experience and how can they create an idea to raise awareness for these issues.

2. All Lesson Materials : Internet access, colored sticky notes, computer, Jamboard, Google Docs,
YouTube, Mashable, Britannica- List of social movements

3. Instruction- learning Process: Create a detailed outline of the multicultural

activity following the teaching design below:

● Do First: 5 minutes- SW log into their computer and go to YouTube. SW watch the Race,
Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination- What are they? After students are finished watching the
video, they will discuss with two classmates what race and/or ethnicity they identify themselves

● Mini-lesson: 15 minutes- TW hold a class discussion with pictures to compare and contrast the
important and different movements throughout the years and present time. Teacher will also
show illustrations with dates of activists who were part of such historical events.
-What do you know about racism and discrimination?
-What would you like to learn from this lesson?
-Would you like to be treated differently for the color of your skin, race or ethnicity? Why?
-What should you do if you see someone being treated poorly because of their skin color, race,
gender or religion?

● Guided Practice: 15 minutes- Students will open a Google Doc and create a collage with
various pictures of important movements and activists discussed in the lesson. SW add a picture
of themselves in the collage. Teacher will walk around and review one of the questions from the
mini lesson ( What should you do if you see someone being treated poorly because of their skin
color, race, gender or religion) TW assist students to create an idea that can raise awareness to
stop these issues and write it at the bottom of their collage.

● Independent Practice: 10 min- SW research and complete the Activist Jamboard. Each student
will choose two or more activists that they learned about in the previous lesson and complete each
section individually. SW discuss and share at least one activist along with the movement and the
importance of the movement with a peer.

● Exit Slip: 5 minutes- SW write on a colored sticky note what have they learned or stuck with
them about the lesson today. On a different color sticky note students will write what they found
difficult or are unclear about the lesson. Additionally, students can ask the teacher any question
that was not answered within the lesson plan or came up while discussing ideas.
4. All Resources: List all resources used in the multicultural lesson plan in APA format.

● Google. (n.d.). Activist Jamboard. Google JAMBOARD: Collaborative digital

Whiteboard | Google workspace for Education | Google for education.
● YouTube. (n.d.). Race, Racism, Prejudice and Discrimination- What are they? Youtube.
● Neela-Stock, S. (2021, July 5). 13 memorable moments when people stood up for the
least powerful among us in 2021 (so far). Mashable.
● Encyclopædia Britannica, inc. (n.d.). List of social movements. Encyclopædia Britannica.

5. Reflection:
Evaluate your multicultural lesson activity.

What specific subject concepts, skills were taught.?

The specific subjects I feel were taught during these lessons were art along with social studies, reading
and writing . Students were able to identify what racism and discrimination mean and what ideas they can
use to bring awarneas and how to stand up against these social issues. Students were able to express and
use their critical thinking skills to answer essential questions about the lesson. Additionally, students were
able to conduct their own research and learn more about rasism and discrimination movements in history.

What specific multicultural knowledge, skills were achieved?

Students were able to define the terms racism, descrimination and prejudice. Also students were able to
share ideas and feelings about their own culture or race with others on how these issues affect them
directly. Furthermore students were able to analyze the different activists and movements that changed the
path of our future. Finally students were able to socialize, practice and prepare to value the differences of
their classmates and other individuals.

Evaluate the level of student engagement in the teaching-learning process.

As a formative assessment, listen to students’ partner- talk conversations. Assess the group’s learning
with the students' responses throughout the lesson and the exit ticket.

List the strengths and weaknesses of the lesson plan.

The strengths of this lesson are that students can relate and identify with the topics that were taught today.
Students were also able to express themselves through art and socializing. Additionally students were able
to utilize the information gained to think for themselves and create ideas that will benefit them in the
The weaknesses of this lesson plan are the few strategies implemented in this lesson plan. I believe that I
could utilize more learning strategies that adapt with each individual's learning style. As an educator, I
want to ensure my students are comprehending and demonstrating new skills and knowledge acquired.

Grading Rubric --Multicultural Lesson Activity Assignment

Multicultural lesson activity follows the required format 10
The lesson outline provides details for the entire teaching/learning 10
Subject concepts, skills, information, etc. identified in the observable 10
objective are effectively and actively taught.
Multicultural activity clearly and actively teaches the multicultural 10
goal and objective listed for the assignment.
The “Reflection” demonstrates the student’s detailed evaluation of 5
the lesson plan. Teaching effectiveness for both subject and
multicultural content, student engagement, and the lesson strength
and weaknesses.
Assignment is free from errors in language, paragraphing and 5
Written mechanics.

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