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Late one night you are driving home in a bad rainstorm.

A drunk reel out in front of your

car and you try to stop but hit him. Nobody sees you. The guy looks and smells as if he
is homeless. You check to see how badly he is hurt and realize he is dead. You have
never even had a speeding ticket and are an upright, professional, with a family and are
well-known and respected in your community. What will you do?

Step One:Describe the problem.

This case study demonstrates an ethical dilemma faced by a driver(me) when I was driving the
car during a bad rainstorm.Suddenly a drunk man came in front of a car from nowhere and he
was badly hit by my car.I realised he was dead and no was around the area.
Step Two:Determine whether there is an ethical dilemma.
This was an ethical dilemma to me because I could either run away because nobody was there
and I didn't do it unintentionally or I could either call the police and take the blame for taking his
life accidentally.
Step Three:Identify and rank the fundamental values and principles.
It was during a bad rainstorm and the man I hit looked homeless.I have never received a
speeding ticket and I come from a well know family where am so respected in my community
this was the reason that why I took responsibility to call the police and thought about where I
come from.If I ran away I would have kept my profession at stake as well as my family.
Step Four:Gather your information
Facts that I could used during the investigation:
I am aware that I might be charged for hitting the guy with my car.During the investigation I
might be declared innocent because it was raining and i didnt hit the drunk man intentionally.
Step Five:Review any applicable code of ethics
I am a professional,respected member of my community who has never received a speeding
ticket before and I was sober when I was driving the car.
Step Six:Determine the option
As the driver i had many option to do:
1.​Calling the police and explaining the situation at hand
2.Asking help from someone or called the ambulance.
3.I could run away and escape the crime view
Step Seven:Select the course of action
I will call the police and explain the situation at hand
Step Eight:Put your action into plan
I would first call the police and the ambulance along the way.I will wait for them to arrive and
give my statement to the police.The post mortem during the investigation will enable the police
to know the deceased died when he was drunk.This will give evidence to the police for whatever
i was saying wa true.
Step Nine:Evaluate the result
I know I will have to go through procedures from the court and pay a fine because the man I hit
is already dead.But my honesty from the crime scene will still uphold my respect from the
community and my family.

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