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Ethnocentrism in Balochistan, its Negative Impacts

and possible solutions
Yousaf Ali
University of Balochistan , Pakistan Study Centre
Ethnocentrism in Balochistan is the key point to be discussed here.
Further it will be reviewed that what are the impacts of ethnocentrism and
hurdles in the society specially in province of Balochistan. Here it will also be
elaborated that which solutions to be adopted to control the spread of
racialism or ethnocentrism in Balochistan.

Ethnocentrism means assuming ones values of culture, customs, language,
way of life and civilization superior to all others. Some peoples in the world are
vegetarians , some eat meat and some people eat every thing so these
behaviours are the mentality of assuming one’s own way the best it comes in
ethnocentrism. Dressing of peoples in the world are different but the one who
is adopting his own dressing he realizes his dressing way superior to others.
There are various things which are differ from the other ones but
ethnocentrism is that describing ones own things the best to that of others.
Ethnocentrism is the factor of division among peoples on the basis of
language, group, race and ethnicity. Peoples dislike other races, languages and
groups. They believe the other peoples are inferior to them. It is the main
reason of hatred, prejudice, sectarian, divisions in states etc. Even some times
it create dangerous shape among masses. Civil wars, terrorism, attacks are
“the views of things in which one’s group is the centre of every thing,
and other are scaled and rated with reference to it. Each group nourishes its
own pride and vanity, boasts itself superior, exalts its own divinities and
looks with contempt on outsiders.” Sumner
Hence the ethnocentrism is created in society by human beings
themselves. It has great impacts on the life of every person. As it moulds the

man according to self intentions. People become strange from one an other it
paves a way where people thinks for himself. No one could think vast because
of lack of cooperation in other groups and eventually those who air the
ethnocentrism remain inactive in the modern age. Ethnocentrism is a cancer
according to its bad effects in society. It can crush a society than any other
thing. People are divided in sects, groups, religion and language. They could
never amalgamate in one society because of love to their own values, cultures,
traditions, religion and language. This inner feeling hurdles them to accept the
existence of other peoples’ culture, religion, way of life and traditions and
consequentially a hatred feeling rises in the hearts of citizens. Now they can
fight on the base of nationality, tribalism, linguistic and on other social norms.
Even it is not only indecent in a single society , or not limited among a certain
group of peoples but it is a determent which shackle a state, country, province
or a whole regions peace. Technically speaking, it has very great side affects in
society and it could be enough to destroy a healthy society.(Gellner)

Negative Impacts of Ethnocentrism

 Social impacts
Ethnocentrism is an element which create divisions in society.
Every person believes that he is right in his observances and his thoughts
differs from others so they do not cooperate each other. Their mind set
is bound in their own views no one want to know that what is good or
bad in favour of society. There will be process of cooperation, help,
peace and love in society because every one will favour his own
traditions. No one respect rules and regulations in society. Fights
become common in such a society. The all evils in society have any
connection to ethnocentrism in any kind. People do not participate in
the welfare of society character building. They realize the only work is
responsibility of theirs which is their own home, cast, religion or
language problem. People of different races have different social
traditions. Living in a single and same society various customs are
applied in society so they could not tolerate one an others system of
weddings, ceremonies, mourning etc.
Social evils are also exist through ethnocentrism. For instance, a
person is indulged in a misconduct like drugs addicting, gambling,
drinking etc. No one can chasten him because his family members do

not want some one else to advise them. They realize advice from a
person belonging to other cast, a degrade state against their veneration.

 Linguistic problem
There are many problems of ethnocentrism one of among them is
linguistic issue. Various type of people belonging to different cast and nations
have their own language. They love their own language. They don’t want to
learn any other territorial larger language. Its best example is , after
independence of Pakistan a debacle was started on the issue of language.
However, there were many regional languages , Bengali in Bengal (East
Pakistan), Punjabi in Punjab, Pashto in KPK and Sindhi in Sindh and Balochi in
Balochistan, Urdu was the largest language among them. It was decided in pre-
partition that Urdu will be the only national language of country. But some
ethnic groups did not accept it and started a campaign in the country for the
nationality of regional languages. Bengalis were in fore front in this
propaganda and demanded the status of Bangla as national language on the
name of racialism. It is a ample example of linguistic ethnocentrism. This
brought countrywide strikes , demonstrations and very loses among masses
finally Bangla too was given the status of national language along with Urdu.
After it the all provinces started a campaign on the issue of national language.
Its main reason was that there were flourishing many languages in the country
in certain areas. The ethnic groups believe that assuming Urdu and Bengali
only national language is meant to curb other local languages in future. In
other words people believe that their native language may be merged into
Urdu and Bengali. Hence it was very pure example of linguistic ethnocentrism
and it may cause a biggest problem among the people of country.
 Xenophobia
Xenophobia is the combination of two Greek words xenos mean foreigner
and phobia mean afraid of. In the literary term xenophobia mean hostility
against non natives, races and nations. Ethnocentrism also can be seen in
some one’s xenophobic mental. These type of people fear from others, they
do not bear some one else in there home town , province and country. They
have objection that people could gain profit from them in any dealing so it
could be better to take a side from non native and make dealings with
natives and with their own country people.

Some people do not accept other ethnic embracing their nationality or

religion or they do not give permission others to inhabit in their lands. They
have preservations about their historical background they always want to
purify their image for upcoming generation so that they do not allow other
nationalities to enter in the boundaries of their territory, culture, religion
and civilization. These type of people also face economic crisis as they
rarely make agreement with other ethnic groups. They xenophobic people
love very much to their race even they neither get marry nor intrude in any
other ethnic. They make engagement among themselves.
 Conservative mentality
Conservatism can be defined as it describes the preservation of creed,
institutions which are their primary and traditional functions. Conservative
mean to abandon any change their style of life . Such a people do not
mould themselves in modern values. Even though many there are various
civilizations which changed their values time to time. But the ethnicities
dislike the changing in their culture values. This is called conservative
ethnicity. They believe extremely in traditional manners, primitive politics
and found in extremely nationalism. These ethnic conservative group
support the preservation of the heritage of one nation. Even though they
do not agree to finish the traditions which are against the nature i.e. “Sati”
is a primitive tradition in Hinduism in which woman also be burnt with her
demised husband. This is the very clear example of conservative mentality
in ethnocentrism. In conservative ethnocentrism people remain in shabby
status. Their way of life, standard of food, domestic facilities all remain
traditional and old. So therefore they can not compete with modern world.
Their children always feel strange, they do not be creative mind and do not
get interest in knowledge of science, information technology and believe in
primitive mythologies. Their children become dull and finally they become
dependent over developed nations.
 Hurdle to national integrity
Ethnocentrism is a great threat to the national integrity. A state is
mostly composed of its many units. These units are province have different
races, cultures ,language and religion. In ethnical views a person loves his
own culture , language and religion. He always believe in homogeneity
creed. He assumes himself superior than any thing even the state rules are
forbidden by them , if state’s laws collide with his creeds. He does not
accept any law which is conflicted to his culture or religion. So these type of

peoples never respect the law of state. So these are against the integrity of
a state. State take strict action such type ethnic or racial peoples. And there
would be many consequence after state and its components confrontation.
It is a great challenge for the national integrity.
Ethnocentrism in a state may strew the edifice of national integrity.
The racial groups demand any thing on the base of ethnicity hostility and it
may cause conflict between provinces or between province and centre.
There may be civil wars in the country. Some times provinces challenge the
sovereignty so state interrupting state’s external affairs. Or sometimes unit
of a centre demands more autonomous even sometimes units demand
completely independence from its centre on the base racial ethnocentrism
thus a hazardous conflict or civil war could be start just only the base of

Ethnic groups in Balochistan

Balochistan is a territory where various groups of ethnic and races of
people are inhabitant. However among them some are large and some are in
rare quantity. Baloch, Pashtun, Hazara, Sindhi and Saraiki are found in the
entire province. Baloch is the largest ethnic group in Balochistan, and Pashtun
is second major ethnic group in the province. The extreme change in the region
is the gradual increase in the population and this is happened during last two
to three decades. However Quetta city which is the most populated area of the
province, its population have increased alarmingly because of various ethnic
immigrant groups. Some of them are Afghan, Uzbek, Tajik and Turkmen as
well, which have been settled in Quetta and its adjacent areas. (Marri)

Balochistan have been facing severely, sectarian, racial, territorial and

social problems. On the other hand state war is also going on in the province.
These all problems are existed because of ethnocentrism and tribalism.
Government has been trying to maintain peace in region, hence it has opened
operation against extremists. These ethnic groups take law on their hands and
often fight each others on pity and tiny things. There have been killing of
minor communities in the province i.e. killing of Hazara peoples on behind
of religion or race. The killing of Punjabis were also common some years
ago. Then FC Frontier Corpse took the charge of the law and order in the
province. The conflicts between Baloch and Pashtun was also common
before FC. The other issue is tribal fights in the region as the entire province
is comprised.
The major ethnic groups in the province are Baloch 61% (including
Brahui) and Pashtun 30% of the total population of province respectively. The
remaining 9% of population comprises of Hazara, Sindhi, Punjabi, Uzbek, Tajik
and Turkmen. The name Balochistan means “the land of Baloch”. Balochistan is
noted for its extremely culture.

Population of Balochistan (2017 census)

S#no Ethnic group Population 2017 Population

1 Baloch 7530330 61%
2 Pashtun 3703441 30%
3 Hazara 493792 4%
4 Sindhi 370344 3%
5 Punjabi 98758 0.8
6 others 148137 1.2
7 Grand total 12344804 100%
Figure 1.1
(Balochistan statistics bureau census 2017 ).

Major ethnic groups in Balochistan

 Baloch
Baloch nation is not a new existed nation on the earth. But its
references are available in centuries primitive books. Baloch are very
different from other nations in their culture, dress, values and way of life.
Generally there are many books written on the history of Baloch. Baloch
basically were living in “Halep” valley in Syria Iranian border. There are
many differs about the origin of Baloch, some historians describes Baloch
the Turkmens. While some accepted Baloch as a tribe of Arab. Dr Blue
written the Baloch Rajput , Prof Kane relate them Tajik, Mocler has tried to
prove that they are the remnants of Mekran region. While Sardar
Mohammad khan Gishkori relates in his book that the Baloch are “Qadiani”
and “Babli” and the descendants of Nimrud. Arab calls it “Balosh” and
Iranians call and write it Baloch. But the people call it Baloch. There some
ancient sources poetry in Balochi literature in they describe themselves
they were in Halep area of Syria and further they had helped Hazrat Imam
Hussain R.A at the incident of Karbala. They migrated to Iran after the
martyrdom o Hazrat Imam Hussain R.A. Baloch remain on important seats
in Iranian court. But later on they become a threat for kingdom of Iran and
kings tried to subjugate them by force consequently Balochs had to leave
that area and were settled in Sistine and Mekran in Eastern mountains.
Baloch has migrated thrice in history. But in last migration the majority of
Baloch nation stepped on plains of Sindh and Punjab in Northern Sub-
continent. Then Balochs divided between two main wings. Now there are
Brahui in Kalat between Eastern and Western Balochs.
In 15 th century two major groups of Balochs “Rind ‫ ” رند‬and “Lashar
‫ ” الش ار‬advanced toward middle of Balochistan. Consequently the entire
Balochistan was captured under the leadership of Mir Chakar ‫ میر چاکر‬.now
then the settled there their own hold. Mir Chakar was agreat Baloch leader.
He was the descendant of Ameer Jalal Khan. He conquered Mula pass,
Bolan pass , dhadar, Kachii and Sibi. Sibi became the centre of Balochs.
After it a long conflict started between Rind and Lashar, which continued till
30 years. From then Balochs are settled in the areas of Balochistan,
Northern Sindh and Southern Punjab in Pakistan. In an estimation 70%
Baloch in the world are inhabit in Pakistan. More than 70% Balochs are
Sunni Muslims. The majority of Balochs in Pakistan are in Balochistan

province which is there native land. Baloch speak Balochi language there
two main dialect of Balochi, “Sulemani” and “Mekrani” dialect. A rare
population of Baloch speak “Brahui”, “Saraiki” and “Sindhi”. There many
Baloch living in Iran, Afghanistan, Oman ,U.A.E, India and Turkmenistan. The
speakers of Balochi are estimated 15 to 20 millions in the world but actually
the valid source is not available. The main tribes of speaker of Balochi
language are Mari, Bugti, Langau, Bizanjo, Mohammad hasni, Leghari,
Gorchani. Baloch which live in Dera Ghazi Khan and Raheem Yar Khan speak
Saraiki while Baloch living in Sindh speak Sindhi as well. Baloch either live
any where they did not changed their nationality. Specially in Balochistan
Baloch are very conservative. They are very extreme in their tribal and
cultural rules. Baloch never forgive their rival and enemy they believe in
revenge. If the enemy challenge any Baloch's entity he will try his best to
crush his enemy in any case. There have been many examples of revenge of
Baloch in history. Even in this modern age The Baloch nationalist are
fighting against the state for their liberty. Behind these all situations of
Baloch is its attitude of ethnocentrism. Ethnocentrism is common in
Balochistan specially in its tribes, every tribe considers his tribe superior.
Fights continue for years on the very smaller things. Balochistan is facing
the worst form of ethnocentrism. Baloch often indulge in fighting in its
territory. Baloch has damaged itself than any other nation. There are often
fights among Baloch and Pashtun. Baloch don’t like to see Balochistan
divided as some Pashtun want to make Pashtunistan province in
Balochistan so this statement often cause fight between the two ethnic
groups in the region.

 Pashtun
The history of Pashtun is very old. According to historians, this nation is
5000 old. While some historians say its history is 7000 years old. There are
different thoughts about the history of Pashtuns. Some historians realize it
Aryans and Greeks, some historians present the reference that they are the
descendant of Quasi Abdu Rasheed. But the third group relates it the
descendants of Bani Israelis.
A group of writers believe that when the king of Babel Baht e Nasr
attacked on Israelis and extremely suppressed them then many people
migrated to the mountains of Ghor and settled there permanently. From there

they prevailed different region of the adjoining areas of the territory. The last
king of Afghanistan Zahir Shah clearly acceded that they belong to the “Bani
Yameen” tribe of Israel. It is also said that Quasi Abdu Rasheed himself belong
to Bin Yameen. The historians say that Quasi was presented in service of Holy
prophet S.A.W and became Muslim. He along with his army fought with
enemies very bravely so there fore Holy prophet S.A.W gave him the title
“Bathan". Bathan means an strong wood which is used bottom boats. The
word changed into “Pathan” in sub-continent. Pashtuns are different from the
nations in their tribal culture, values, and way of living. There many
observances i.e. “Jirgah" which is used for jurisdictions. The decisions of
murder, theft, banish to criminals are taken in the Jirgah. And conflicts
between tribes and castes are solved in combined Jirgah. The are taken in
Jirgah with majority of consensus. Event decisions of the Jirgah are considered
valid in government courts. Ahmad Shah Abdali is the first King of Afghanistan
who was also elected by Jirga’s decision. Ahmad Shah Abdali gathered his all
tribesmen in one platform. It was Jirgah where the of Pashtun decided to join
Pakistan after partition of United India. The rules and regulations of Pashtun
nation is called “Pashtun Wali". Pashtuns are very hospitable. They respect
women and during war and other conflicts the wars are stopped on the call of
woman in the place of war. Honour killing is a cultural value of Pashtuns.
“Hajra" is place where all Male gathers to discuss on different events and
issues. The guests sit in “Hajra". Another thing is “Raqs" which is held for music
and songs. In Raqs a round dance of males is practiced , specially young men
participate in this dance. As Pashtun is an old ethnic group so its language is
old more than 7000 years. There native language is “Pashto ‫” پشتو‬. the word
Pashto is also written in Hindu's book “Rag ved”. The old one literature book of
Pashto language is “Ptah Khazana". Pashtuns are second largest tribe living in
Balochistan. Balochistan shares its longest border with Afghanistan therefore
Pashtun settled in the adjacent areas of Balochistan as well. Pashtun are also
extreme in their cultural values and customs. Therefore this ethnic group is
very conservative.

 Hazara
Before the partition of sub-continent the Hazara community was
living in the Banyan area of Afghanistan. They migrated to the capital of
Balochistan Quetta and a rare population also live in Loralai district. Though

the language of Hazara community is different but their living style, food,
dressing and culture has very similarity with Baloch and Pashtun. Even it is
considered that they had already settled in Pakistan before its creation. The
biggest migration of Hazara occurred during 10 years war between Ameer
Afghanistan King Abdu Rehman and British. During this war approximately
60% of Hazara population was killed in Hazaristan and Afghanistan. After
this brutal killings of Hazara their large population migrated to Quetta. Their
native language is “Hazargi" which is close to Persian and Balochi languages.
The females of Hazara are very cooperative with their males. The Hazara
like to live in mountains historically. Still they live in Quetta city’s
mountains. They always keep themselves their places neat and clean.
Hazara people like Kungfu, Marshall art and boxing. However they also take
part in international competitions in these fields and represent Pakistan in
the world.
The Hazara people live day to day under the threat of violence and
discrimination. Originally native to the mountains , they are considered
heretics by the extremist. By the years hundreds of thousands of Hazaras
have been hemmed into enclaves cordoned off by highway points and
armed forces are designed to protect them from violent militants. But the
security measures have not ended attacks. Over the past five years more
than 500 people of Hazaras have been killed in Balochistan. But, actually
Hazara themselves claim that they are being targeted mostly on the base of
ethnicity. Furthermore their point of view is that, there many other Shia
communities in Pakistan but why the extremists are killing only Hazara
Shias. This is the key point of ethnocentrism as other extremist groups want
to genocide Hazara peoples from Balochistan
 Sindhi
the origin of Sindhis is as old as the Indus civilisation is old. They
belong to Sindh. The “Moen jo Daro‫ ” موہن جو دوڑ‬in Sindh is considered the
foremost civilisation of Sindhis. Sindhi invented machine of cotton and
staple for clothing. That’s why Sindh is called Indus means first industrial
society. The scale instrument was also from Indus civilisation. The cart
vehicle is also from Indus civilisation.
Sindhi are settled mostly in Nasirabad division in Eastern Balochistan.
They were very famous in this area during the Calhora era. The Khan of
Kalat attacked to Calhoras and subjugated them. But now they are still
inhabit their for centuries. Some Sindhis are also called themselves Baloch

in this region. They have now amalgamated in Balochi culture and

civilisation. There fore they always stand shoulder to shoulder with
Balochs. The relationship between Sindhis and Balochs is not a new one.
Their relations are very old as the Talpur Baloch tribe has ruled over Sindh
region more than one hundred year. There fore there is any contrast
conflict between Sindhis and Balochs in Balochistan.
 Punjabi
Punjabis are the most populated people in Pakistan among 4 main
ethnic groups of Pakistan. And they are the least populated in Balochistan.
This ethnic group’s native region is Punjab. But they are in very rare
quantity in Balochistan because of some political and ethnical problems.
Punjab is the biggest province of Pakistan in respect of population. So it
holds more authorities of state in this modern democratic age. In 2004 an
operation was launched in Balochistan by government. But the Baloch
extremists targeted only Punjabis because they were the major ethnic
group in the whole Pakistan. A province wide mass killing of Punjabis was
started. Consequently hundreds of Punjabis were killed in each district of
province and thousands of them migrated to other provinces specially in
Punjab. Now the majority of this ethnic group in province live in provincial
capital Quetta. Where they found themselves in shelter.
 Other Ethnic groups
There are few other ethnic groups present in province as well.
Among them are Uzbek, Tajik, Turkmen and muhajirs. These are mostly
settled in Quetta and did amalgamate to other ethnics and races. They very
different for the province's other ethnics. They are also settled there for
many years. The increase in their population was rapidly increased during
Afghan Russia war. This number further increased during US Taliban war.
Pakistani people welcomed core heartedly.
Ethnolinguistic groups
2017 census report (Balochistan) Wikipedia

S#n Language percentage

1 Balochi 35%
2 Pashto 35%
3 Brahui 17%
4 Sindhi 4.6%

5 Saraiki 2.7%
6 Punjabi 1.1%
7 Urdu 0.8%
8 Others 2.9%

Ethnocentrism in Balochistan
 Baloch Pashtun relationships
Baloch and Pashtun are living in a mixed territory in Balochistan and
border of Afghanistan. However Pashtun are second largest ethnic group in
Balochistan. There relations in the history have been very cordial. Their
culture has many similarities. They now also inter marry in each others
community. They also participate in each other’s important events. Means
they are very close to each others in Balochistan. Above all these facts
there are some tussles between them. They have some political and
territorial confusions for past few years.
Tussles between Baloch and Pashtuns
There have been seen conflicts between Baloch and Pashtun in
past few years. There many factors behind their reluctance relations in
current scenario. Baloch people claim that the inflow of Afghan refugees in
Balochistan is a propaganda against Baloch , to convert Balochs into
minority in Balochistan. While Pashtun leaders allege that the refugees are
settling in Pashtun majority areas which is not a threat to Baloch
nationality. On the other hand Afghanistan claims the Pashtun areas part of
Afghanistan. Means to cut Balochistan areas . Afghanistan also used these
territories for terror means as well in Balochistan. The Pashtuns also
demand of separation of Balochistan making a new “Pashtunistan” province
for Pashtuns. There have been many target killings of Pashtuns. Baloch also
face dead bodies of their beloved by the state. Hence it is a warm situation
in Balochistan which must be curtailed immediately otherwise the
situations could be beyond the hands.

Killings of Hazara community

Hazara community has been targeted in the province in very
large quantity. The main reason behind this is the religious issue.
Hazaras are basically very believers of Shia thought of school. It is
claimed by security forces that the killing of Hazaras are on the

base of religion. But on the other side the Hazara nationalists

claim that they are not being killed only on the base of religion but
there is an other fact which is ethnocentrism. its mean they are
being targeted on the base of nationality. The other ethnic groups
see the Hazara community very strange. Even the Hazaras have
been living here before the partition of sub-continent. There is a
fact on the reality that Hazaras are belonging from a different race
but it does not mean that they should be eradicated from the land
of Balochistan on just the base of ethnicity. Actually Balochistan is
backward area and the extreme ethnic groups have always used
the land for their heinous interests. These extremist groups use
the people on slogan of race, religion and nationality to create bad
situations of law and order in the region.
Inter provincial confusions
There are living many ethnic groups in Balochistan and the
Balochistan province is the name of ethnic group “Baloch”, Balochistan
means the land of Balochs. Specially the Pashtun people have been
demanding to make a new province in Balochistan on the name of Pashtun
ethnic “Pashtunistan” means the land of Pashtuns. Broadly speaking, there
are ethnic groups very extreme even they like to rename their area names
according to their nationality and racial name. For this the ethnic groups
fight with one another on territorial base. Sometimes the foreign agencies
air these ethnic groups for division of provinces. There have been many
attempts in the province of Balochistan on the issue of new province. There
are some reasons of division of provinces i.e. administration issue,
population and area issue. But the confusion is that the people demand the
creation of new provinces demand on the base of ethnocentrism. Therefore
the government could not afford such many provinces’ expenditures.

Solutions to control ethnocentrism

 Education
Education is the solution of every problem of the world. Many social
evils get birth because of lack of education. Likewise the ethnocentrism is a
social evil which is begotten by lack of education. People don’t have
knowledge of side effects of ethnocentrism so they keep on ethnocentrism

in society. The education creates a sense of awareness among human

beings the system of cooperation, peace, brotherhood and fraternity in
society. With education every person knows the ways of life and he doesn’t
follow old traditions which are injurious to the society. Every individual
believe in justice. Those justice which are explained in educational
institutions. In Balochistan the literacy rate is very low and mostly the tribal
people are very ignorant they are very conservative and don’t like modern
education and other things. So these people involve in ethnicity and remain
indulge in division of castes. People often don’t want to get education to
their females in Balochistan. Those people who get teach their girls are
considered unabashed and these castes are considered low casts even they
are well educated. So education is very important need of human life if the
education spread all over the province then every person doesn’t involve in
ethnocentrism. The educated people don’t believe in castes and ethnicities
and work with unity for the progress and prosperity of province and
territory. With education people don’t involve in tribal wars as they know
the consequences of historical civil wars. The results of civil war are very
hazardous the uneducated people don’t know the results of civil war and
always fight to each other. Thus education completely opposes the system
of ethnocentrism.

 Law enforcement
Law in the constitution of any country is as important as a spirit for
a body. People do not have equivalent laws in society they follow the
primitive way of life in which there is a different law for rich and different
law for poor. The ethnic groups remain active because of lack of law in
society. The law issue is an other major element of spread of ethnocentrism
in Balochistan. The people take law in their hands and they fight
wholeheartedly. They have not fear of law. There should be deep concern
over the issue of ethnocentrism. Bills should be presented in the assemblies
for the deviation of ethnocentrism in the country and specially in
Balochistan peoples should be awarded to follow the laws of country. The
representatives must examine this issue in Balochistan and find out a
possible solution from upper level. First of all they should ban on the old
and primitive traditions which are going on in Balochistan in a high rate.
These primitive traditions air the ethnocentrism in the province. The main
traditions which are caused of extreme ethnocentrism in Balochistan are

traditional verdicts in jirgahs, the chief of tribes, involve of tribal leaders in

government affairs in tribal areas etc. There should be a process to
convince the tribal peoples of Balochistan to understand the laws of
constitution as in this modern era there are limits for every individual no
one is superior or inferior from others. The only laws and regulations could
restrict people from fighting over ethnicity. Now in this scenario the
western world are considered safe and flourish nations why because of
their strict laws. Their people obediently follow their laws of country that
why they live in peace with each other. On the other hand people of
Pakistan particularly Balochistan feel proud in irreverent from laws of
country. In Balochistan every person takes the law on his hands in his
standard base. Many people take their revenges themselves from their
opponents, they believe taking revenge by their own hands is the real
bravery and complaining or reporting FIR in police is cowardice. Hence the
ethnocentrism encourages the people not following the laws of country. If
the laws are empowered then there are much chances of controlling
ethnocentrism in Balochistan.
 Awareness among peoples
One of the biggest reason behind the spreading of ethnocentrism in
Balochistan is unawareness among people. People are unfamiliar to the
new trends of world. They don’t know that those who are living a
prosperous and happy life, believe in equality. Every man has equal rights in
their country and region there fore they never indulge on the base of
national alterations. If they have a problem to any one they enrol FIR and
compliant, now it is the responsibility of government to get revenge from
the accused person. This is the way of any prosecution in western countries.
On the other hand in Balochistan when a person commits a crime he along
with his family members is considered culprit for that crime. The opponents
take revenge from any member of that person’s family. Sometimes a single
person’s fight ignites the whole tribe into revenge therefore it becomes the
tribe's issue. One tribe fights to other showing that they are superior to
others and they will get retaliation in any way.
Awareness among masses in Balochistan could impressively bring
positive remarks in controlling ethnocentrism. People don’t know the
modern trends and mystery of development. If a campaign would be
started over the evils of old traditions. The parents should be guided to
regulate their children in school and participate in games. Cricket, hockey,

football and other games make physically and mentally fit a person. Playing
sports make man cooperative. Such activities bring equality and tolerance in
society. So that’ why government should take effective policy to bring
awareness among masses of Balochistan to eradicate the evil of
ethnocentrism from society.
 Modernization
In Balochistan people are following the old traditions of their culture.
In this way they like their culture, language, custom and civilisation in a high
tendency. So they do not like any alternate of these. They neither like to
inter marry nor intrude in any other culture or society. Therefore they
never become forward or straight in this modern age. They always adopting
modern things they would lose their traditions. This sense of thought create
ethnocentrism among them and they far from the values of modernisation.
In this modern age science has altered the entire world’s tone
bringing facilities and luxurious. Progression in a region benefits not only a
single community but it brings changes for all communities of a country or
state. In a modern and prosperous society all communities work together
for the development of their society so that they could spend a happy life. If
they indulge in partisans then the sense of ethnocentrism will groom in
their minds. They will not participate in one an others works so ultimately
the society will be prey of backwardness. Nonetheless, adopting modern
values in Balochistan is necessary. We have to adopt modern values of
living as we can not isolate ourselves from the world. In this modern world
there are possible solutions for every problem so we should concern with
them to resolve our daily life problem, avoiding revenge. There are
institutions which are always open to find out solutions of public problems.
The police, army, investigation agencies all are for public services. So need
to resolve our issues concerning with these institutions without taking
revenge ourselves as it causes acceleration ethnocentrism in society.
 Islamic ideology
Islam is a complete code of life hence there is solution of every
problem in the context of Islam. Basically Islam teaches us equality,
fraternity, brotherhood and justice in society. While on the other hand
ethnocentrism is based on separation of nations, peoples and societies.
Then they are opposite in there values thus we should follow Islam not our
values of culture which flourishes ethnocentrism means inequality, injustice
etc. There should be teachings of Islam and specially Islam has clarified all

the social issues and we should find solutions of our social problems in the
teachings of Islam. The clergies of Islam should teach the equality,
fraternity, tolerance and cooperation in their Friday sermons in mosques.
Like this the Ullemas play a vital role in controlling of ethnocentrism and
sectarian in the province. The people of Balochistan are also somewhat
religious. They respect the Ullemas and follow on their directions. So there
the Ullema obligate the responsibility of eliminating the ethnocentrism in
There are madrasas in large quantity in Balochistan. In which the
children of villages, colonies are getting Islam education. The Ullema should
feed in children’s mind that Islam is religion peace. It teaches us equality in
society and dislikes discrimination among Muslims. And ethnocentrism is
unlike of Islam. The citizens should follow Islam as it is our creed to obey
every value and term of Islam. We should mould our lives according to the
principles of Islam as we believe it is the comprehensive code of our life.
Ethnocentrism is almost found everywhere but in Balochistan it is in
very extreme form. There are many causes of ethnicity in Balochistan. But the
main reason are that there are a lot of nations, they follow old traditions, the
illiteracy and rule of law doesn’t exists in it’s real essence in the entire
province. These all are issues which not only create ethnocentrism but also
many social problems in province.
Baloch, Pashtun and Hazara are the big ethnic groups in the
province. Specially these ethnic groups in Balochistan are always found in
conflicts on the issue of nationality. The Pashtun demand the division of
Balochistan, to create a new province Pashtunistan on the basis of Pashtun
population in Balochistan. Baloch condemn this statement. Killing of Hazara
people in Balochistan is an other bulky issue. The Hazara people are being
killed on point of sectarian differences but Hazara people claim that they are
being killed on the basis of ethnicity.
Ethnicity is extremely tense problem as it can destroy the whole
system of a region if it could not eliminated from the society. Education,
rule of law, awareness among masses, modern values and the very
important thing principles of Islam are best ways to control ethnocentrism
in the province. Every person should follow these steps ultimately the
situations of racism and ethnicity will be eliminated from Balochistan.

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