Practice Test 2 Summer 2021

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Practice Test 2

1. The regression equation measures ______.

a. how far the sample mean deviates from the population mean
b. how far each data point deviates from the line that most closely fits the data
c. how significant mean differences are between groups
d. how often scores regress from deviations in the data

2. A researcher reports the following regression equation for two variables, X and Y:
Y^ =5.10 X+ 1.50. If X = 2.30, then what is the value of Y^ ?
a. 10.23
b. 11.73
c. 13.23
d. None of the above

3. A researcher reports the following equation for a best-fitting straight line to a set of data
points: Y^ =– 1.01 X +3.24. Which value is the y-intercept?
a. Y^
b. X
c. –1.01
d. 3.24

4. A researcher measures the extent to which years of marriage predict perceptions of

forgiveness. Which factor is the criterion variable in this example?
a. Years of marriage
b. Perceptions of forgiveness
c. Both years of marriage and perceptions of forgiveness
d. None of these

5. Linear regression describes the extent to which ______ predicts ______.

a. X; Y
a. the predictor variable; the criterion variable
b. the known variable; the to-be-predicted variable
c. all of these

6. The most common measure of effect size for the correlation coefficient is called ______.
a. the correlation coefficient
b. the coefficient of determination
c. estimated Cohen’s d

d. the test statistic

7. The correlation coefficient ranges from –1.0 to +1.0, with values closer to ±1.0 indicating
a. a less positive relationship between two factors
b. a stronger relationship between two factors
c. that two factors are less likely to be related
d. that the correlation is due to outliers

8. Which of the following indicates the strongest correlation?

a. r = –0.57
b. r = +0.78
c. r = –0.90
d. r = +0.88

9. A technique for the simultaneous organization of two variables into a table is known as

a. frequency distribution.
b. bivariate analysis.
c. central tendency.
d. cross-tabulation.
e. none of the above.

10. In a bivariate table, the row and column totals are called

a. data.
b. marginals.
c. cells.
d. variables.
e. none of the above.

11. A __________ is a way to array categorical variables for analysis.

a. cross tabulation
b. gamma coefficient
c. measure of association
d. comparison test
e. none of the above

12. A negative value for a correlation indicates ____________.

a. a much stronger relationship than if the correlation were positive

b. a much weaker relationship than if the correlation were positive
c. decreases in X tend to be accompanied by decreases in Y
d. decreases in X tend to be accompanied by increases in Y
e. none of the above

13. A scatterplot show a set of data points that are clustered close to a line that slopes down to the
right. Which of the following values would be closest to the correlation for these data?

a. 0.80
b. 0.25
c. –0.25
d. –0.80

14. A college professor reports that students who finish exams early tend to get better grades than
students who hold on to exams until the last possible moment. The correlation between exam
score and amount of time spent before submitting the exam is an example of ___________.

a. a positive correlation
b. a negative correlation
c. a correlation near 0
d. a correlation near 1
e. none of the above

15. Which of the following pairs of variables should produce a negative relationship?

a. Model year [2003, 2004, 2005] and price for a used car
b. Driving distance from college and weekly cost of gas for commuting college students
c. Number of hours studying and number of errors on a math test
d. IQ and weight for a group of third grade students
e. None of the above

16. Are teen’s attitudes toward trying cocaine dependent on their GPA? Using the data in the
table below, answer the following questions:
Attitude toward trying cocaine GPA≤2.0 2.1<GPA≤3 3.1<GPA≤4 Total
.0 .0
Don’t disapprove 28 63 59 150
Disapprove 27 89 100 216
Strongly disapprove 76 388 565 1,028
Total 131 540 723 1,394

a. What percentage of teens “don’t disapprove” of trying cocaine?

b. What percentage of the sample has a GPA between 2.1<GPA≤3.0?
c. Percentage the table according to the following hypothesis: A teen’s GPA will affect
his/her attitude toward trying cocaine.
d. Is there a relationship between GPA and attitude toward trying cocaine? Explain your
answer using percentages.

17. As a researcher you are examining county data in your state to find out if the rate of deaths from
traffic accidents may be the result of the percentage of the population of that county that is male
and aged 16 to 21. The following table displays the data from a sample of 15 counties across
your state.

Table 1: Rate of deaths due to traffic accidents and percent of the population that consists
of males ages 16 to 25

County Rate of Traffic Deaths % of Population Young

Jefferson 15 4
Lincoln 16 5
Franklin 22 10
Fayette 23 9
Washington 20 8
Lewis 25 11
Cole 18 2
Cheyenne 15 6
Adams 19 12
Banks 10 3
Charles 9 2
Frederick 18 15
Warren 15 9
Harding 24 16
Poland 9 3

a. A researcher speculates that localities with high percentages of young male drivers would
have more traffic related fatalities. Test the relationship between traffic deaths and
percentage of population that is young and male. Identify the independent and dependent
variables. Draw a scatterplot.

b. What is the least squares regression line for these data? Interpret the slope coefficient.
(You will need to enter the data into SPSS as two variables.)

c. Identify the value of the correlation coefficient for these two variables. Discuss the
strength and direction of the relationship

d. Find the coefficient of determination and explain what it means.

e. What is the predicted rate of traffic deaths from a county where 15% of the population is
young males? What is the observed rate of traffic deaths for a county with 15% of the
population as young males? What is the residual?

18. Use the GSS2010 data set to analyze the relationship between age [AGE] and self-
reported health [HEALTH]. Please recode AGE into four categories, separating them at
quartiles (25%, 50%, and 75%). Interpret using percentages and the appropriate PRE.

19. Use the GSS2010 data set to examine the relationship between years of education and number of
children. Hypothesize that the higher the level of education, the fewer children one might have.
The variables you will use are EDUC and CHILDS. Interpret your findings by citing the all
appropriate statistics.

Age_recoded * Condition of health Crosstabulation

Condition of health

0 1 2

Age_recoded 1.00 Count 1 117 77 155

Expected Count .3 137.1 62.9 138.7

% within Age_recoded 0.2% 28.4% 18.7% 37.6%

% within Condition of health 100.0% 23.4% 33.6% 30.7%

% of Total 0.1% 7.8% 5.1% 10.3%

2.00 Count 0 103 60 118

Expected Count .2 116.1 53.3 117.5

% within Age_recoded 0.0% 29.5% 17.2% 33.8%

% within Condition of health 0.0% 20.6% 26.2% 23.4%

% of Total 0.0% 6.9% 4.0% 7.9%

3.00 Count 0 151 46 118

Expected Count .3 126.7 58.2 128.3

% within Age_recoded 0.0% 39.6% 12.1% 31.0%

% within Condition of health 0.0% 30.3% 20.1% 23.4%

% of Total 0.0% 10.1% 3.1% 7.9%

4.00 Count 0 128 46 114

Expected Count .2 119.1 54.7 120.5

% within Age_recoded 0.0% 35.8% 12.8% 31.8%

% within Condition of health 0.0% 25.7% 20.1% 22.6%

% of Total 0.0% 8.5% 3.1% 7.6%


Total Count 1 499 229 505

Expected Count 1.0 499.0 229.0 505.0

% within Age_recoded 0.1% 33.3% 15.3% 33.7%

% within Condition of health 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%

% of Total 0.1% 33.3% 15.3% 33.7%

Chi-Square Tests

Asymp. Sig. (2-

Value df sided)
Pearson Chi-Square 31.310 18 .027
Likelihood Ratio 32.083 18 .021
N of Valid Cases 1500

a. 8 cells (28.6%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum

expected count is .23.

Symmetric Measuresa


N of Valid Cases 1500

a. Correlation statistics are

available for numeric data only.

Case Processing Summary


Valid Missing Total

N Percent N Percent N Percent

Age_recoded * Condition of
1500 100.0% 0 0.0% 1500 100.0%


Model Summaryb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the

Model R R Square Square Estimate
1 .211 .044 .044 1.655

a. Predictors: (Constant), Highest year of school completed

b. Dependent Variable: Number of children


Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

1 Regression 190.550 1 190.550 69.552 .000b

Residual 4093.083 1494 2.740

Total 4283.634 1495

a. Dependent Variable: Number of children

b. Predictors: (Constant), Highest year of school completed


Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients 95.0%

Model B Std. Error Beta t Sig. Lower

1 (Constant) 3.475 .198 17.545 .000

Highest year of school

-.118 .014 -.211 -8.340 .000

a. Dependent Variable: Number of children

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