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Chapter 1


Background of the Study

Many medicines are derived from herbs and plants. It comes from the natural substances of the

part which is really capable to be the source of drugs for the cure of many diseases.

Human nowadays, tend to discover hidden benefits that can cure major problems. Diseases

became more infectious. The answer for this can be found in our environment especially in the

cultivated areas where plants are abundant and have beneficial effect. Since our country is located in the

tropical region we are blessed with thousands of different plants. Communities from the different areas

in the Philippines need the help of nature.

Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from

defects in insulin secretion, insulin action, or both. The chronic hyperglycemia of diabetes is associated

with long-term damage, dysfunction, and failure of various organs, especially the eyes, kidneys, nerves,

heart, and blood vessels.(WHO, 1999)

The Mast tree (Polyalthialongifolia)is a member of the Anonaceae family of plants. The

namepolyalthia comes from the Greek meaning ‘many cures’ while longifolia means long leaved,

and pendulous, hanging.The trees in this family typically contain acetogenins which may have anti-

cancer and anti-HIV activities.It is also used for skin diseases, inflammation, diabetes and to lower high

blood pressure. Ithas been the subject of quite a few research studies and has been shown to have

antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It is though that it is the alkaloids found in the stem bark that are

responsible for these properties.Once again it would seem that ancient remedies for diseases often have a

sound basis in medical science.(


Statement of the Problem

This study determines the reducing effect of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark to the

blood sugar level of the test organism.

1. What are the bioactive components present in Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark that may

reduce the blood sugar level of the White Mice (Musmusculus)?

2. What level of concentration Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract is effective in

reducing the bloodsugar level of the White Mice (Musmusculus)?

3. Is there a significant difference between Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract and

control set-up in reducing the bloodsugar level of the White Mice (Musmusculus)?

Objectives of the Study

1. Identify the bioactive components present in Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark that may

reduce the blood sugar level of the White Mice (Musmusculus).

2. Determine the level of concentration if Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract is effective

in reducing the blood sugar level of the White Mice (Musmusculus).

3. Compare the significant difference of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract and control

set-up in reducing the blood sugar level of the White Mice (Musmusculus).

Theoretical/Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Control Set-up

Without “Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia)

Bark” extract Reducing effects of “Mast
Tree (Polyalthia
longifolia) Bark” extract
Blood of Mice
to the blood sugar level in
terms of Fasting Blood
Sugar Method

Experimental Set-up

“Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia)Bark”






The bark extract of Mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) is assumed to lower the blood sugar levels

that inhibit the increase of blood sugar.


Based on the foregoing research problems, the researchers formulated the following hypothesis:

H1: There is a significant difference of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract before and

after treatment in reducing the blood sugar level of the Musmusculus.

Ho: There is no significant difference of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract before

and after treatment in reducing the blood sugar level of the Musmusculus.

Significance of the Study

The bark of the Mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) is used to bring down the temperature of

the body during fevers.It is also useful as medications that have facilitated the cure of diabetes mellitus.

Due to high prices of medical drugs, people suffer from complicated effects of diabetes mellitus without

undergoing treatment. Therefore, we need to find other means of curing infections, like alternative

medicine. This study aims to test the use of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark as a medical

substance in reducing the blood sugar level of the organism. If proven to be effective, Mast Tree

(Polyalthialongifolia)bark can be used as alternative medicine.

Scope and Limitation of the Study

The study entitled focuses on the extraction of blood sugar level reducing substances from the

bark of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) plant.

The blood sugar level reducing effects of the extracted substance from the plant’s bark based on

the fasting blood sugar count will be used as Statistical Data in determining the reducing effect on the

blood sugar level of Musmusculus. The conduct of the experimental design was limited only on the

decoction of reducing effects of the bark extract of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia).

Definition of Terms

Alkaloids – is a naturally-occurring amine produced by a plant.

Anthaquinone (9 10- dioxoanthracene) – is an aromatic organic compound. It is a derivative of


Blood Sugar Level – the amount of glucose in the blood.

Cyanogenic glycosides – are widely distributed on over 80 different families. They are usually found in

plants together with hydrolytic enzymes.

Fasting Blood Sugar (FBS) – method use in measuring the blood sugar level.

Flavonoids - are most commonly known for their antioxidant activity. Flavonoids are also commonly

referred to as bioflavonoids in the media.

Hyperglycemia – an abnormally high level of sugar in the blood.

Insulin – is a peptide hormone produced by the pancreas that controls the amount and absorption of

glucose in the bloodstream. When the body malfunctions and does not produce enough insulin, a

condition known as diabetes mellitus arises and patients must be treated with insulin from an external

source to insure normal metabolism. Insulin is manufactured from beef or pork pancreas glands, and is

available as an injection for diabetes patients.

Musmusculus– the most widely used laboratory mammal in biomedical research.

Pathogen Free – free from microorganisms.

Reducing Substance –a chemical substance that reduces.

Saponins – are glycosides with a distinctive foaming characteristic.

Steroid – is a terpenoidlipid characterized by a carbon skeleton with four fused rings.

Tanins– are astringent, bitter –tasting plant polyphenols that bind and precipitate proteins.

Review of Related Literature

The Specimen

The Mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) and the variant pendula are native to the Indian subcontinent, and

are easy to spot because of their elegant erect appearance. They have long, lance-like glossy pale to dark green

leaves, depending on their maturity, and look as though they could walk. They are usually planted as screens and

it is a wonderful sight to see them in a line. They can give shade, so are welcome in hot climates. The mast tree is

also known as the False Ashoka as people frequently mistake this tree for the Ashoka tree, which is not related.

The trees in this family typically contain acetogenins which may have anti-cancer and anti-HIV activities.


The Mast tree is evergreen, with the new leaves being a coppery brown, although they soon turn

glossy pale green which darken as they mature. The pale star-shaped green flowers grow on the small

branches in clusters but are difficult to spot as they blend in with the leaves so well. They blossom in

spring and are followed by small fruit which contain a single seed. The trees can grow up to 12 meters

tall and are easy to see on the landscape. The name polyalthia comes from the Greek meaning ‘many

cures’ while longifolia means long leaved, and pendulous, hanging.

  In Ayurvedic medicine the bark is used to bring down the temperatureof the body during fevers.

It is also used for skin diseases, inflammation, and diabetes and to lower high blood pressure. In

traditional medicine the seeds are also used to lower the temperature in fevers. Ithas been the subject of

quite a few research studies and has been shown to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. It is

though that it is the alkaloids found in the stem bark that are responsible for these properties.


Diabetes mellitus (commonly referred to as diabetes) is a disease of the pancreas, an organ

behind your stomach that produces the hormone insulin. Insulin helps the body use food for energy.

When a person has diabetes, the pancreas either cannot produce enough insulin, uses the insulin

incorrectly, or both. Insulin works together with glucose (sugar) in the bloodstream to help it enter the

body's cells to be burned for energy. If the insulin isn't functioning properly, glucose cannot enter the

cells. This causes glucose levels in the blood to rise, creating a condition of high blood sugar or diabetes,

and leaving the cells without fuel. Diabetes is a disease in which the body is unable to properly use and

store glucose (a form of sugar). Glucose backs up in the bloodstream — causing one’s blood glucose

(sometimes referred to as blood sugar) to rise too high.

There are two major types of diabetes. In type 1 (formally called juvenile-onset or insulin-

dependent) diabetes, the body completely stops producing any insulin, a hormone that enables the body

to use glucose found in foods for energy. People with type 1 diabetes must take daily insulin injections

to survive. This form of diabetes usually develops in children or young adults, but can occur at any age.

Type 2 (formerly called adult-onset or non-insulin-dependent) diabetes results when the body doesn’t

produce enough insulin and/or is unable to use insulin properly (insulin resistance). This form of

diabetes usually occurs in people who are over 40, overweight, and have a family history of diabetes,

although today it is increasingly occurring in younger people, particularly adolescents.

Test Organism

Musmusculuslinn the common house mouse has

been a member of man's immediate environment for many

centuries. Along with other members of the order

Rodentia, rats and mice constituting the family Muridae spread with man and his commerce from their

origin in Asia to all parts of the world. A thorough account of the antiquity of the fancy mouse and its

interactions with the human species is given by Clyde E. Keeler (1931).The conversion of the mouse

from pest to pet to productive element of the scientific community took place slowly. During the 19th

century a number of European zoologists bred fancy mice to investigate varietal characters and tried to

interpret the results by Galton's law of ancestral inheritance. The valuable information thus acquired,

however, could not be correctly interpreted until the rediscovery of Mendel's work in 1900. The

problems of inbreeding, selection, decrease in fertility, appearance of abnormalities, and increased

susceptibility to disease noted by earlier workers were attacked from a new viewpoint in the light of

Mendel's findings. Cuénot's 1902 papers in Archives de Zoologie Expérimentaleet Générale seem to be

the first to apply Mendelian principles to animals (Bateson, 1903). William E. Castle working

with Drosophila, Sewell Wright with guinea pigs, and S. Hatai and Helen Dean King with rats provided

early examples ofthe new scientific breeding of animal forms ( Castle et al., 1906; Wright, 1922; King,


Chapter II


Materials Needed:

Mast Tree Bark

Distilled Water

Tap Water

Equipment Needed:

Fine strainer Clean cloth

Ethyl alcohol Lab gown

Beaker Mask

Cork Evaporating dish

Erlenmeyer flask Stirring rod

Restraining device Syringe (without needle)

Funnel Test tubes

Gloves Laboratory Scissor

Glucometer Weighing scale

Glucose Strips

Specimen plant:

Mast Tree (Polyalthialongifolia )bark

Test Organism:

12 pathogen free mice (Musmusculus)


Preparation for Different Concentration of Treatments

The 1000g of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark was used in the experiment. It was collected

fromBrgy. Washington Peñeranda Street Surigao City and at SNNHS Special Science Building. The

barks were weighed using a triple beam balance and were washed thoroughly with water. For the

decoction process, thebarks were placed in the potto be boiled for 15-20 minutes. The extract was got

after the decoction is 225 mL. That 225 mL extract were divided into three different concentrations as


100% = 100 mL pure extract

75% = 100 mL pure extract x .75 `

75 mL pure extract + 25 ml distilled water

50% = 10 mL pure extract x .50

50 mL pure extract + 50 ml distilled water

Preparation for the Pathogen Free Cage

Four pathogen free cages were preparedmeasuring 6 x 9’ x 12’. Each cage contains three mice

that were used for the different concentration of extract: one for 100% labeled Cage A, one for 75%

labeled Cage B, one for 50% labeled Cage C and one for Control set-up labeled Cage D.

Selection of Pathogen Free Tested Organism

Twelve pathogen free identical mice were bought from Columbia Pet Shop, Sarvida Street,

Surigao City. The researchers considered the following variables: size, sex and weight should be the

same and the amount of the food and water given to ensure the risk of error are reduced.

Application of different levels of concentration

The study utilizes twelve (12) mice as experimental subjects. They were placed in pathogen free

cages. Each cage contains three mice and labeled A, B and C to avoid confusion in reading the blood

sugar level.

The mice were given the extract orally using the syringe (without needle) with different levels of

concentration accordingly. Three mice for 100% pure extract, three for 75% pure extract and another

three for the 50% pure extract. Three mice were not given the extract for they served as the control set-


The extract was given to each mice in different cages was 0.5 mL every six hours within one

week or seven days after breakfast, lunch and dinner respectively except only in the control set-up.

Collection of blood sugar before and after treatment

Standard Procedures in Tail Cutting

Hold the upper neck part of the mice to keep its safety and to decrease the chances of getting

hurt. Massage its tail downward and rub an alcohol at the tip of it. Then cut a 1mm part of the tail. Use

clean cotton to remove the first release of the blood. Again, massage the tail downward and put the

released blood from the tail in the glucose test strips. Apply hydrogen peroxide in the tail to stop the


Analysis of blood sugar level

The first step in the process of running a blood glucose test in the laboratory was taking blood

from the subject and place on a special strip. The blood stayed 30 seconds and the excess blood was

wiped away on the strip. The strip was inserted in a blood glucose machine or glucometer for 10 seconds

then the result was known. The result was recorded, tabulated and compared.

Decontamination of Waste disposal

After the experiment, all materials like glassware were sterilized at 100°C for 20 minutes. After

the allotted time of decontamination, these materials were allowed to cool, washed with liquid detergent,

Clorox and distilled water. The glucose strips were tightly sealed in a plastic bag and placed in a trash

can. The mice were distributed among the members where they’re going to keep it.

Data Gathering Technique

After performing thoroughly the procedures, careful observations was made on the reducing

effect of the bark extract of Mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) plant on the blood sugar level of

Musmusculus. Data was gathered by measuring the difference of blood sugar level before and after

treatment. T-test was employed in order to determine significant differences between the reducing effect

ofMast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) plant bark extract and control set-up.

Flow Chart

Gathering of Mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark


Dissolution (Levels of Concentration)

Treatment to the subject

Assay (fasting blood sugar)

Research Design

Experimental Set-up Treatment FBS Count (mg/dl)

Tested Organism Concentration (mL) Before After

Cage A A2 100%
Cage B B2 75%
Cage C C2 50%
Control Set-up
D1 Without Mast tree (Polyalthia
Cage D D2
D3 longifolia) bark extract

Chapter III


Substances that are actively present in mast tree bark

The results below proved that the Mast Tree bark contained, Anthraquinones, Tannins, Saponins

and high amount of Alkaloids. It also showed that it doesn’t contain any Flavonoids, Cyanogenic

Glycosides which is Toxic and Steroids.

The table showed the analysis of the results.

Table1. Phytochemical Analysis of Mast tree bark Extract

Sample Alkaloids Anthraquinones Flavonoids Saponins Steroids Tannins

Mast Tree
+++  + - -   ++ -   +

Table 2.Results of the Total Blood Glucose Count after one week given with high carbohydrate foods
and chocolates. Another one week for the treatment using the different level of concentrations of Mast
Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) barks extract.

FBS Count
Experimental set-up Treatment
Tested (mg/dl) Differenc
Organism Afte e
Concentration (mL) Before
A1 182 147 35
Cage A A2 100% 179 133 46
A3 130 100 30
B1 130 110 20
Cage B B2 75% 137 115 22
B3 135 113 22
C1 164 151 13
Cage C C2 50% 133 115 18
C3 131 120 11
Control Set-up
D1 132 140 -8
Without Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia)
Cage D D2 137 147 -10
bark Extract
D3 145 151 -6

Table 3.Comparison between the reducing effects on the twelve test organisms using different
concentrations of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) barks extract with the control set-up.

FBS Count
Experimental set-up Treatment
Tested (mg/dl)
Organism Befor
Concentration (mL) After
e Average
A1 182 147 35
Cage A A2 100% 179 133 46
A3 130 100 30 37
B1 130 110 20
Cage B B2 75% 137 115 22
B3 135 113 22 21
C1 164 151 13
Cage C C2 50% 133 115 18
C3 131 120 11 14
Control Set-up
D1 132 140 -8
Without Mast Tree
Cage D D2 137 147 -10
(Polyalthialongifolia) bark Extract
D3 145 151 -6

The results indicated that the plant extract has a reducing effect on the total blood sugar level on

the test organisms.Results revealed that the concentration of mast tree (Polyalthialongifolia) bark extract

has the reducing effect on the total blood sugar level of Musmusculus.It can be inferred that 100% level

of concentration has the lower total blood sugar level effect on the albino mice.

ANALYSIS: It revealed that the 100% mast tree (Polyalthialongifolia) bark extract had thehighest

decrease of total blood sugar level on the test organisms compared to 75% and 50%mast tree

(Polyalthialongifolia) bark extract.

Column Chart:

FBS Count Before and After Treatment of the Tested Organism





0 Blood Glucose Reading Before (mg/dl)

Blood Glucose Reading After (mg/dl)

Data Analysis, Interpretation and Discussion

The graph showed the reducing effect of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract on the

blood sugar level of the test organisms. The 100% concentration decreases the blood sugar level with the

average of 22. 67%. At 75%level of concentration, 15.91% was the average decreased and at 50%

concentration, 9.95% decreased. At the control set-up which is water, it showed the increasing effect on

the total blood sugar level.

Column Chart:

Average Decreased in Blood Sugar Level of the Tested Organism



Average Decrease



T-test was further performed to ascertain the differences of the different treatments among the

test organism. Results revealed that the before and after the treatment result have a difference from each

other. The table below presents the result of the T-test.

Table 4. Comparison of Blood Sugar Level of Three Mice before and After Treatment of 100%


t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  Before After
Mean 163.6666667 126.6666667
Variance 852.3333333 582.3333333
Observations 3 3
Pearson Correlation 0.970643398
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 2
t Stat 7.829336336
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.015924963
t Critical two-tail 4.30265273

Table 5. Comparison of Blood Sugar Level of Three Mice before and After Treatment of 75%


t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  Before After
Mean 134 112.6666667
Variance 13 6.333333333
Observations 3 3
Pearson Correlation 0.991869784
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 2
t Stat 32
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.000975134
t Critical two-tail 4.30265273

Table 6. Comparison of Blood Sugar Level of Three Mice before and After Treatment of 50%

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  Before After
Mean 142.6666667 128.6666667
Variance 342.3333333 380.3333333
Observations 3 3
Pearson Correlation 0.98337151
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 2
t Stat 6.72538246
P(T<=t) two-tail 0.021401654
t Critical two-tail 4.30265273

ANALYSIS: If the p-value (two-tail) is less than 0.05, it means that sugar level after treatment is

significantly less than the sugar level before treatment. Since all the concentrations p-value (two-tail)

were less than 0.05,then null hypothesis(Ho) will be rejected and there is a significant effect of Mast tree

(Polyalthia longifolia) in reducing the blood sugar level of albino mice (Musmusculus).

Table 7. Comparison of the Amount of Blood Sugar Decrease in Control and Experimental Group

After Treatment of 100% Concentration

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  100 % Concentration Control Set-Up

Mean 37 -8
Variance 67 4
Observations 3 3
Pearson Correlation -0.977355555
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 2
t Stat 7.679881674
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.008267686
t Critical one-tail 2.91998558  
Table 8. Comparison of the Amount of Blood Sugar Decrease in Control and Experimental Group

After Treatment of 75% Concentration 22

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  75% Concentration Control Set-Up

Mean 21.33333333 -8
Variance 1.333333333 4
Observations 3 3
Pearson Correlation 0
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
Df 2
t Stat 22
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.001029867
t Critical one-tail 2.91998558  

Table 9. Comparison of the Amount of Blood Sugar Decrease in Control and Experimental Group

After Treatment of 50% Concentration

t-Test: Paired Two Sample for Means

  50% Concentration Control Set-Up

Mean 14 -8
Variance 13 4
Observations 3 3
Pearson Correlation -0.970725343
Hypothesized Mean Difference 0
df 2
t Stat 6.843881185
P(T<=t) one-tail 0.010344796
t Critical one-tail 2.91998558  

ANALYSIS: If the p-value (one-tail) is less than 0.05, it means that decrease of sugar level in

experimental group is higher compared to the control group.

The 100% concentration is significantly different with 50% concentration and with that of the control

set- up which has less significant difference compared to 75% concentration. Comparing 75%

concentration to other concentrations, it has significant difference with control set- up but has less

significant difference compared to 50% concentration and 100% concentration. Comparing 50%

concentration to others, it has significant difference compared to control set- up and 100% concentration

but has less significant difference compared to 75% concentration. The control set-up has significant

difference to 100%, 75% and 50% concentration.




The mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark has been the subject of quite a few research studies

and has been shown to have antimicrobial and antifungal properties. The alkaloids found in the stem

bark are responsible for these properties. The bark is also used to bring down the temperatureof the body

during fevers. It is also used for skin diseases, inflammation, and diabetes and to lower high blood


The mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) barks were collected, boiled in a pot within 15-20

minutesand filtered it. The filtrates were used as anti-hyperglycemia extract based on the treatment and

were administered to the 12 mice as test organism. These host specimens were grouped into four having

three mice per group. Each group of mice was treated with solutionusing the mast tree bark extract.

Data analysis revealed that the decoction obtained from mast tree bark extract had significant

effect in reducing the blood sugar level of mice using 3 different concentrations 100%, 75% and 50%.

Reducing the total blood sugarlevel showed significant difference from the control set-up from

T1=22.67%, T2= 15.91%, T3=9.95%, T4= -5.83%.

Results concluded that the Mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark had significant effect in

lowering the total blood sugarlevel ofalbino mice. Therefore, it can be used as analternative and

effective blood sugar reducer for individuals who had suffered hyperglycemia ailment.


Based on the experimentation and data gathered, the researchers presented the following


1. There is a reducing effect of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark extract on the total

blood sugar of albino mice (Musmusculus).

2. The 100% concentration of mast tree(Polyalthia longifolia) extract is effective in

reducing the blood sugar level of the white mice.

3. There is a significant difference in the effect of Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) bark

extract and the control set-upin reducing the total blood sugar of the albino mice



After a thorough review on the results and findings, the researchers suggest the following


1. To comprehend further the effectiveness of the tree sample, the researchers recommend the use

of other parts of the plant such as leaves and roots.

2. It can also be recommended that the 100% mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) extract have to

undergo chemical test under different levels of concentration to further validate its effectiveness.

3. Further studies on the application of mast tree (Polyalthia longifolia) extract as treatment to other




Amazing Healing Plant Book

Rafael A.Cox and Mario R. Garcia -Palmieri, 2011. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and

Laboratory Examination. 3rd edition

Teresa Audesirk and General Audesirk, 2008.Biology Life on Earth.

 Wright, 1922; King, 1911






ALBINO MICE (Musmusculus)


Dr. Life Sheila J. Laugo- Veterinarian- By Appointment

Dr. Oriel Echavez- Surigao’s Pet doctors Veterinarian

Mr .GodobertoAmora – DOST Surigao del Norte Charge

Ms. Mary Jane Laoguico- Statistician/ Lecturer

Mr. IsaiasElumba, City Agriculturist

Ms .Maridel L. Zerda- Agricultural technologist


Microsoft Office Word 2007

Microsoft Office Excel 2007



The Mast Tree (Polyalthia longifolia) Bark Extract Used During the Whole
Course of the Experiment. They were Labeled According to its Level of
Concentration. (100 %, 75 %, 50 %)

The Researchers cut the tail of the mice to take the subject’s blood.

The Glucometer and Glucostrips used during the FBS Count of the subjects.

The Oral Administration of Mast Tree (Polyalthialongifolia) Bark Extract on
the Subject.

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