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INVASION|AMERICA 1.0 INTRODUCTION 2.0 GENERAL COURSE OF PLAY 3.0 GAME EQUIPMENT 3.1 The Game Map 3.2. Game Charts and Tables 3.3 The Playing Pieces 3.4 Game Equipment Inventory 3.5 Game Scale 4.0 SEQUENCE OF PLAY 4.1 The Game-Turn 4.2 Sequence Outline 423 Game Length 5.0 NAVAL MOVEMENT 5.1 How to Move Naval Uni 5.2 Restrictions and Prohibitions 6.0NAVAL UNIT STACKING 6.1 Effect on Movement 6.2 Effect on Combat 7.0 NAVAL TRANSPORT UNITS 7.1 Restrictions on Naval Units 7.2 Naval Units and Zones of Control 8.0 REPLACEMENTS 81 Removal of Destroyed Units, 8.2 Replacement Units 9.0 SUPPLY 9.1 Supply Sources 9.2 Supply Effects 9.3 Judging Supply 9.4 Blocking Supply 9.5 Supply Units 9.6 Ports 10.0 LAND MOVEMENT 10.1 Movement Restrictions and Prohibitions 10.2 Effects of Terrain 11.0 LAND UNITS ZONES OF CONTROL 11.1 Effectiveness of Zones of Controt 11.2 Zone of Control Restrictions 12.0 STACKING OF LAND UNITS 12.1 Stacking Inhibitions and Prohibitions 13.0 LAND COMBAT 13.1 Which Units May Attack 13.2 Malti-Unit and Multi-Hex Combat 133 Bifets of Terr 134 Combat Resolution 13.$ How to Retreat 13.6 Displacement 137 Advance After Combat 138 Terrain Effects Chart 13.9 Combat Results Table 14.0 AIR COMBAT 14.1 Air Strike Attacks 14.2 Combined Attacks 143 Adjacent Attacks 14.4 Defense 145 Air Superiority 15.0 AMPHIBIOUS ASSAULTS 15.1 Restrictions pn Amphibious Assaults 16.0 SPECIAL UNIT TYPES 16.1 P.A.L. Special Infantry 16.2 Hovercraft 163 Militia 16.4 Rail Units 17.0 SPECIAL RULES 17. Central American Annexation Garrison 1722 Partisans 173 Weather 18.0 HOW TO SET UP AND PLAY THE GAME 1841 Setting Up 18.2 Initial Orders of Battle 183 Deployment 18.4 Victory Conditions 19.0 SCENARIOS 19.1 Scenario I: Three Pronged Invasion 19.2 Scenario II: Early Assault 19.3 Scenario III: European Invasion 19.4 Scenario IV 19.5 Scenario V 19.6 Scenario VI : Partisan Revolt 19.7 Constructing Your Own Scenarios 19.8 Campaign Game 19.9 Multi-Player Games 20.0 GAME NOTES {1.0] INTRODUCTION Invasion Amerien is a corps level simulation for two or more Players ofa hypothetical amphibious invasion of the North American continent within the next generation. Invasion Amneticn postulates ‘that the" Noeth American continent is. being Invaded. by up to three Agreeor forces: the European ‘Socaist Coalition (ESC), the South American Union (SAU), and the Pan Asiatic League (PAL). Defending the North American continent are the armed frees ofthe United States tnd Canada. Esch separate force has differing apabiitas and objectives. [2.0] GENERAL ‘COURSE OF PLAY TInvaslon America can be played as either a two-Plaer game or as a mull-Player game. Ib ‘ach of these versions, each Player mores his unis fod execites attacks on Enemy waite in fro, tempting to full the conditions of victory. TO ‘more from one hex to another, each uit expends a portion of its Movement Allowance. Combats esolved by comparing the total Combat Strength of opposing units and expressing the comparison 45 2 simplfed probability ratio (odds) A die i ‘lle snd the outeome indicated on the Combat Results Table is applied to the uoits involved [3.0] GAME EQUIPMENT [3.1] THE GAME MAP ‘The 35" x 42" two-piece mapsheet portrays the [North American continent from the Balin Islands to Venezuela. A hexagonal grid is superimposed fofer the mapsheet to regulaize movement and combat of the playing ploss. Terran, commun fatlons snd demographic considerations signi fant to the game ere delineated. How to Assemble the Map: The “North” map section is overlapped onto the “South” map Section so that the partial exes on the South map section are entirely covered by the North section This wil result in the edge of the North section exactly bitecting the northernmost hextow ofthe Southern suction. Players may wish to use stall Pieces of masking tape (not cellophane tapel] to Secure the map tothe table a the fur corners and in the middle ofthe top and Bottom, [82] GAME CHARTS AND TABLES ‘Various visual aids are provided for the Players to simplify and illustrate certain game. fonctions ‘These are the Combat Results Table, the Tersin Eefecte Chart and the Turn Record Track. These are explained in the appropriate rules sections. (83) THE PLAYING PIECES ‘The diferenily colored playing pieces represent the units of the diffrent armed forces involved in the game. They are henceforth known as uit Many of the unite are printed on both sides. One side is up when a unit has not been “tried” in Combat; the other side is used when the Unit bas tither attacked or defended and ite Strength became Know. It is strongly recommended that the Players sort the units by type and colar into the trays inthe base of the game box, as this greatly facilitates setting up and playing the game (831) Unie Types "There ae thtee types of units in Invasion Amedien: Land Units, Air Units and Naval Units. Each of these types of units is further subdivided iato several categories. Each specific type and subtype has. specific Timitatons and uses, which are outlined in the rules seston dealing specifically with cach type. (9.32]Sample Land Unit eienatty [USA ni Type contest | GAB | women (2.391Sample Air Unit aon | ESC = Unit Type | LB ‘ combat Srensh | J & | Meremen (334) Sample Naval Uatt Natnaty | sau ts | nie pe contersroets | (8.35) Sample Arent Crier ony | PAL te | tne combarsinncts| Qu | renee (9.6) Summary of Unit Type ‘rRieD UnrRIED Gren LANUNis once amor) a | wechanzed itary | 86 “| 626 5 infay E 310 2710 i rita iy 34 274 RR ‘railroad (rr) 60 special infantry) fo hovercraft th Es 30 sors AIR UNITS G8 31 sae eas 3 ee ae | 474 ied fong-range bomber (ib) ra NAVAL UNITS FE | seosteuserien aa somphitious (am) Ste | sacapost @ ™ [5371 Definition of Terms ‘Combat Strength i he basic strength of the unit ‘uantied in Combat Strength Points. The same Strength is used for both attack and defense. Morement Allowance is the basic movement bility ofa unit quantified in Movement Point: i ‘ost cases a unit expends one Movement Point of iis Movement Allowance fr each hex entered Range the ability ofan Air Unit to projet its Combat Strength for stack arons gen number iow encusve) to the defending omit ‘hex Actas) Parenthesized Strength may be used only for efense; units wth parenthestodstength may ot stick “ried Strength isthe tue value of «unit, reveled only after that unit has participated in combat. Untied Strength san approximation of strength for units of a cerain type. Units sct up showing only their Untried Stength. [34] GAME EQUIPMENT INVENTORY ‘A complete set of Invasion Ameren incles the faloring pars One Game Map (v0 22" x (One Rates Booklet ‘One Set of Die Cut Counters (400 pies) One Die One Game Bor Ir any ofthese pars are missing or damaged, write tos address for replacement Costomer Semice Simlatione Publications, In. ‘East 2a Stree New York,NY. 10010 (Questions regarding the rls to this game wil be Sniwered i sesompanied. by. stamped, sl Sddressod envelope, marked “Rules Questions invasion America” and set tothe above adres [BS] GAME SCALE ach Game Turn represents one month, and each hexagon onthe map is equivalent to 130 Kilometers from side 10 side [4.0] SEQUENCE OF PLAY (41 THE GAME-TURN Invasion America is played in turns called Game- Turns, Each Game‘Turn is composed of four * sections) Ployer-Turns, the irs thee of which are Aggressor Plajer-Turns In two-Plyer games, the ABBEssor Player must move the distinct national. forces separately during. their oxn individual Player ‘Turnsonly. In some Seenaion, there are no P.ALL. forces, and thos no PALL PlayerTor, ‘The term "Friendly" refers only to units of the same national force, Aggressor units of {vo Aliferent" national forces are. not Friendly Canadian and US. unite are considered to Be ofthe same national force: they ae always con= trolled by the same Player. SAU, ES.C. and PIAL units are not consigered to be ofthe same national fee, although they may be eontolled by {the same Player. Each of these fores Is a distinct land separate national force, and has 2 separate ‘Supply network and separate Player Turn (xcept foe Canadion and US foes) Each Player-Turn is composed of a number of diserete Phases, The Player whose Payer-Turn is in progress is termed the Phasing Payer. All actions must be exoouted in sequence actions taken ot of sequence constitute a viclation ofthe rules. Each Game-Turn proceeds follows! [4.2] SEQUENCE OUTLINE ‘8. SAW. PLAYER-TURN L.Naral Movement Phate. The Phasing Player ‘nay move any oral of hie Naval Units within the ‘estrictios oulined inthe Naval Movement Rules, No Land or Ait units except those being trans. ported by Naval nits) may be moved. 2. Replacement Phase. The Phasing Player places his replacements as called for by the Setnario being played '3. Primary Sopply Judgment Phate. The Phasing Payer determines which of hi units are out of supoly and which are in supply. 4. Land Movement Phase. The Phasing Player may ‘move allofhie Land and Ai nits in any ditection, Up to the limit of their Movement Allowances, ‘Mithin the restrictions outline in the Movement td Supply Rules. Naval units may not be moved. ‘5. Combat Phase. The Phasing Player may’ attack Enemy units and conduct Amphibious Assaults These activin. are resolved as oatlined in the respective rules sections {Secondary Supply Judgment Phase. The Phasing Player determines which ofhis units are in supply and which are out of suppl 7.Mechanized Movement Phase. ‘The Phasing Payer may move his Armored and Mechanized Infantry unite again. No other unite may he moved in this Phase BLESC. PLAYER-TURN 1. Naval Movement Phase 2. Replacement Phase 3. Primary Supply Judgment Phase 44 Land Movement Phase ‘5. Combat Phase 6. Secondary Supply Judgment Phase 7. Mechanized Movement Phase PALL, PLAYER-TURN 1. Naval Movement Phase 2 Replacement Phase 3. Primary Supply Fadgment Phase 4. Land Movement Phase S. Combat Phase 6 Secondary Supply Judgment Phase 7. Mechanized Movement Phase D. US/CANADA PLAYER-TURN 1. Replacement Phase. The Phasing Player places replacements on the map as called for by the Soenarlo being played. 2. Primary Supply Judgment Phase. The Phasing Player determines which of his units are in supply tnd which are out of supply 3. Rail Motement. The Phasing Player may load and transport units with his Ral units within the restrictions outlined inthe Rail Movement Rules. 4. Land Movement Phase. The Phasing ayes may rove all of his units in any direction or combina tion of directions within the restietions outlined in the Movement and Supply Rules, S. Combat Phase, The Phasing Player may attack Enemy units. Combat Is resolved according tothe Combat Ruts 6. Secondary Supply Judgment Phase. The Phasing Plajer determines which of his units are i supply and which are out of supply 7.Mechanized Movement Phate, The Phasing Player may mote his Armot and Mechanied Tnfantey units agai. No other units may be moved in this Phase E.GAME-TURN INDICATION ‘TheGame-Turn Marker is advanced one space on the Game-Turn Record Track tosignal the sar of anew Game-Turn [43] GAME LENGTH Repeat Steps A through E for elght Game-Turns (rless the Campaign Game s being played) At the end of the final Game-Turn the Pavers! performances are evaluated in Hight of the Victory Conditions forthe Scenario being played [5.0] NAVAL MUVEMENYT GENERAL RULE: During the Naval Movement Phase, the Phasing Player may move as many oF a8 few of his Naval units a5 he wishes. During any Friendly Naval Movement Phase, each nit may be moved as ‘mang al sex and/or coastal hexes ae the Phasing Player destes. Naval units have an unlimited Movement Aliowance PROCEDURE: “More each Naval unit (or stack of Naval unit), tracing. the path of movement through the Hexagonal grid. Naval unite may only be moved (rough sea and/or coastal exes CASES: [5.1] HOW TO MOVE NAVAL UNITS [5.11] During the Naval Movement Phase of 2 specific fore, only the units of that force are moved, All,some or none ofthese Naval units may te moved, No Land units (ccept thooe Belg Transported) and. no aon-Phasing units may be moved, nor may any form of combat take place ‘uring the Naval Morement Phase. [5.2] Naval units have an unlimited Movement Allowance. They may move through any numberof aise and/oc costal hexes. Unite may move Any direction oF combination of diections (5.2) RESTRICTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS [5.21] Naval units may nether exit the map, nor enter albland heres, nor cross all-land hersides [5.22] Zones of Control never affect Naval units [5.23] Naval units may never enter a coastal hex containing Enemy unite, ekeept to execute an Amphibious Assalt [5.24] Units may freely more through exes containing other Friendly unis [6.0] NAVAL UNIT STACKING GENERAL RULE: ‘A maximum of three Naval wits may be in any tome hex atthe end of any Naval Movemeat Phase (6:] EFFECT ON MOVEMENT [6:11] The stacking Fimit applies only at the end of, the Movement Phase, A Naval unit may tore through exes alrady containing thre Naval [6.12] Naval units may more asa stack or stack fnd unstack freely during movement, as fong as m0 ‘ore than three Naval nits end the Movement Phase in a given hex (62) EFFECT ON COMBAT [621] AI ums stacked i a singe hex must be tacked s one combined Comat Strength; all thsi Combat Strength are totalled when stacked [622] Land, Air and Supply units being tan ported by Fecndly Noval ute never edd the Schone of a given bex under eftack They do however, suffer all resus old against the vel ‘nls eensporting the (623| Land, Ai and Supply units Strength Points tre never calculated in an Exchange’ Combat Fecult in on atack agains the Navel units transporting them; the attacking units lst must ual only the Strength of the defending Naval (624) Land, Air snd. Supply units being {tansporied by Naval wits donot count against the Naval unit stacking limit of tee it (625 Land Aan Suppiy nit eng an iby Naval units ae destroyed i te unit FFansporing them scestopedy and most rereat {fount transporting thr forced fo retreat, into the same her asthe transporting slat even in a, ‘Amphibious Asal. (7.0) NAVAL TRANSPORT UNITS GENERAL RULE: During the Naval Movement Phase, Naval ‘Transport and Amphibious unite may transport wp o three Friendly” units through allseahexes Transport unite may transport only Land combat units and Air units Amphibious units may tans port only Land combat and Supply units. Transport tits may load and unload in hexes with Feendly Supply units or in Frendly-occupied port eres (ot in the PAL, Holding Bon. Amphibious units may {oad snd unload unitein hexes with riendly Supply units, in Frlendly-oceupied port hers, in amphi ‘ious hexes Corin the PAL. Holding Bor) Toad tonto or unload from a Naval Transport or Amphi- bows unitcostthe Land or Air unit to Movement Points. There ix 20. Movement Point cost far loading to the Amphibious or Transport unit PROCEDURE: During the appropriate Mosement Phas, units of 4 national free may expend 2 MP in a port hex ‘containing Transport or Amphibious unis of that nationalforee. ‘These Land units are. then considered to be loaded on the Navel unit and ‘may be transported bs them in the folowing Naval Morement Phase. The Land or Air units being ‘wansported are. placed under the Naval unit ‘tansporting them. The procedure is reverse for Unloading units from Transports oF Amphibious ‘units. Additionally, Amphibious units may Toad lind onload Land tit of the same national force (Galpin amphibious hexes, and assist these unis in atacks on Enemy unite CASES: [7.1] RESTRICTIONS ON NAVAL UNITS 7.11] Teansports and Amphibious units have a maximum capacity of three units of the same national force. [7.12] Naval units may transport oly units ofthe same nationality; for erample, E-S,C. Transport and Amphibious units may only transport ES. [7.13] Only Transport and Amphibious usits may transport unite CV ‘units may never transport tunis not even Ale units (7.| NAVAL TRANSPORT OF SUPPLY UNITS Amphibious units of a national force may teaosport Supp units (during the Neval Move ment Phat) of the same national force. To load Gr enload = Supply unit requires thatthe trans Porting Amphibious unit remain in the coastal ex With the Supply unit for an entre Neval Movement Phase. After loading, the Supply unit may be ‘uansported in the following Naval. Movement Phase. Afr unloading, the Supply unit may be used as a Port and Suppiy base for units of the “ame national fore inthe subsequent Land Mare ment Phase. After a Supply ua is placed, it continues to provide Supply as Tong as 1 remains Inthe hen. Iemay be tsnsported by any Amphibi ‘ou unt ofthe same national force that fulfils the requirements for transport. 17-21} Supply units may only be transported by “Amphibious unite (which may simultaneously ‘wansport Fiendly Land units {7.22} Supply units may never be transported by an “Amphibious unit inthe same Game Turn thatthe “Amphibious unit Is conducting an. Amphibious ‘saul 173] NAVAL UNITS "AND ZONES OF CONTROL Naval units (and units they are transporting) have ro Zones of Comtol. Naval units (and units they fre transporting) are unaffected by Land unit ‘Zomes of Conte (74) NAVAL COMBAT Only the Aggrestor forces have Naval fores Amphibious units may conduct Amphibious Assaults aganst amphibious hexes. Land units tay not sack Naval unite CV units may make attacks im the same manner as Ait units for Purpores of combet, CV units ate considered Air finite. They may attack any Land or Air units within thele range. (See 140 for procedure) Ait tits may atack Naval its inthe same manner that they attack Land units. Naval units never have ‘an “untied” Combat Strength. Ther stength i Always known, (In mult-Player games, CV unite may attack other Naval uals; other Naval unit ‘types may not atack Naval units.) [8.0] REPLACEMENTS GENERAL RULE: Liste in each Scenario ate the numberof replace: tment units received by each force during. thet ‘espective, Replacement Phases for each, Game ‘Turn. Replacement units are always romoved from the Destroyed Units Boxes. PROCEDURE: ‘When unit is destroyed, it is placed in the Destroyed Units Box for units of its own force There are five boxes, one for each force. During each Replacement Phase, the specified number of Units may be removed from the Destroyed Unite Box and brought into play CASES [8.1] REMOVAL OF DESTROYED UNITS [8-11] When 2 unit is destroyed as a result of combat, i is Immediately placed in the proper Destroyed Units Box [8.12] When a Land Combat or Air unit is placed Jn the Destroyed Unite Bo, itis placed face-down showing is unteled Strngth (as it vas. at the beginning oF the game). These uals should then be thoroughly mised in with the other units ia the Destroyed Units Bor, (8.2) REPLACEMENT UNITS [8.21] tf fore isto eceve replacement units that force may only receive replacements if thete are, luring the” appropriate. Replacement Phase. fulfitnt units inthe Destroyed Ualts Box to bring back into the gime a5 replacements. Unclaimed replacements mey not be accumulated, {8.22} When forces are being replaced, only the destroyed unit-ypes listed are replaced {8.23} American and Canadian replacements appear in any Supply hex cureealy contelled by the Phasing Piss. [8.24] Aggressor replacements appear in any ‘soastal ex occupied by a Supply unt ofthe same ‘ational force, ola any port hex occupied by units ‘of the same national fore. {8.25} All replacements may move normally the Game-Turn in which they appear 18.26} Replacements may appear in any Enemy controlled hex, but they may move no further in ‘he folowing Land Morement Phase. (8.27) 1 no replacement hex is available, replace ‘ments sheduled for that Turn may not be received. [8.28] “Constant” replacements listed in the Scenarios may be received in each Game Turn Variable" "replacements Tequire certain cont tions to be me [9.0] SUPPLY GENERAL RULE: Land units and Air units are considered to be “in. supply” or “out-of supply.” Units are considered tobe in supply if they can trace ine of hexes unblocked by Enemy nits or Zones. of Control toa Supply hex (in th ease of American snd Canadian uni), of 1 « Supply unit, oocupies ort hex, or Amphibious unit (a amphibious hex) fF the same national force as the unit to be supplied, for the Aggresor force. |9.1] SUPPLY SOURCES [9.11] American and Canadian units are ‘considered tbe in supply if they can trace a line of theres of any length, unblocked by Enemy units oF [Enemy-contrlled exes to any Supply hex in their conn respective counties. Aggresor its are ‘considered in supply if they ean trace a line of theres of any Tength unblocked by Enemy units or Enemy controlled hexes to © Supply unit of their ‘ovn national force on a coastal hex, or 4 port hex ‘ecupied by 4 unit of thee own national fore Friendly ualts negate Enemy Zones of Control for supply purposes (9.12) Aggressor units are also considered to be in "supply # they can trace apath no longer than three ‘exes toan amphibious hex occupied bya Friendly ‘Amphibious unit. Ths path must not be locked by Enemy units oF Zones of Conta [9.13 Naval units ate aways in supply {9.14} Supply hexes may not be used as supply sources for Aggressor foes, unless the supply nek isin a coastal hen (92) SUPPLY EFFECTS {9.20} Land units that are out of supply attack and defend at oneal ther printed Combat Strength. The Movement Allowance of such units i also halved [9.22] The Combst Strength and Movement Allowance of Air units that are out of supply are halved: however, their Range Allowance "is unaffected by supply considerations, [9.23] Units that are out of supply may remain so indefinitely. Unite are never eliminated as «result of Being out of suppl 19.24) Rail units are always in supply. They always fetain their full Movement Allowance, (93) JUDGING SUPPLY (9.31) Supply, for purposes of movement, i judged Shuring the appropriate Supply Judgment hase (rimary or Secondary. Units which are out of supply. at. that time hive. their Movement ‘Allowance cut in hall (actions are rounded up). 1932] Supply, for purposes of combat (cither sack or defense) is Judged at the instant of Combat. Units which are out of supply at the instant of combat have their Combat Strength cut in half (fractions are rounded wp. [9.4] BLOCKING SUPPLY Units ae considered to be out of supply if their supply path i blocked by (1) am Enemy occupied hex, of @) an Enemy-contolled hex not occupied by a Friendly unit or (3) blocked hexsides. Land and Air unity may never trace supply through allsea or lake hexes. Naval unite ate alwaye in supply: [9] SUPPLY UNITS Only Aggresioe frees have Supply its. A Supply ‘nit ean supply any Friendly nits, and Rts supply ipectty hluever expen [9.51] Each Supply un facklng purposes. [9.52] Supply units may never attack; they may only defend. [9.53] A Supply unit may be used as a source of supply tall unis ofthe ame national force which ‘can trace a Line of Supply fo tin all Game: Turns Subsequent to its landing (ee Case 7.2. 19.84) Once placed, Supply units cam never be ‘moved overland, although they may be moved by Amphibios units counts as one unit for 19.6] PORTS Some hexes on the map are designated as Port exes. These ees supply all units of @ national force tht ean trace a Line of Supply to them, if ‘cceuped by 4 unit of that force. [9.61] Port hesex function ax supply centers Immediatly upon being cecupied by Land or Ait tunis, at any point in the Game Turn [9.621 Port hexes may only function ae supply ‘centers for units ofthe same national force asthe unit currently occupying them. If Port exes are ‘unoccupied, they may #0t function as a Sapply ‘enter for any units. Al Coastal-Urban hezes and Supply hexes function as ports forall purposes [10.0] LAND MOVEMENT GENERAL RULE: During the Land Movement Phase of @ Player: ‘Tarn, as many oF as few ofthe Land and Ait units of that national force may be moved as the Contrling Payer wishes. Unis may be moved ia ‘ny direction or combination of directions During the Mechaniond Morement Phate, Armored and Mechanized Infantry unis, only, may be moved again PROCEDURE: Unis are moved one at atime, tracing a path of, ‘ontiquous heres through the hex grid. AS a unit ‘enters a her, i pays one or more Movement Pots ftom it total Movement Allowance CASES [00.t] MOVEMENT RESTRICTIONS AND PROHIBITIONS 110.11] Movement may never take place cut of sequence, Units ofa national force may be moved uly during he Moreen Phase of thee own Plajer-Tuen. During the Combat Phase. 2 unit hich js either attacking or defending may be Called upon to advance or retreat after combat is resolved: Duting the Morement Phases of other PlayerTurns and during all Combat. Phases (except when advancing o reteating as a result of combat, units of & matonal force must not be moved 10.12] A Friendly unit may never enter a hex containing an Enemy unit (exception: see 15.0) {10.13} unit may never expend more Movernent Points than is total Movement Allowance in any ‘one Movement Phase, A unit may expend al, ome for none of ie Movement Point in any one Move- trent Phase, but unused Movement Points may aot bbe accumulated uns another Movement Phase ot transfered to another unit [10.14] Once a unit has been moved and the Player's hand taken from Uhe piece, it may not change ts move without the. convent of the ‘opening Pye [102] EFFECTS OF TERRAIN [10.21] Morement i calculated in terms of Move tment Points Basically, each unit expends one ‘Movement Point from its Movement Allowance to center a clear terrain hex. To enter other types of hreses, unit. must expend. more than one -Manenent Point, When the Terrain Bifets Chatt fails fora Movement Point expenditure to crot & terrain Resse, this cost is In addtion to the terrain cost for entering the hex {30.23} Unite may never exit the map, or enter of {ros prohibited ferrin, Units forces o da so asa ‘result of combat are eliminated instead. [11.0] LAND UNITS ZONES OF CONTROL GENERAL RULE: “Thesix hexagons surrounding a hex constitute the Zone of Control of any Land Combat units in that hex. Heres upon which a unit exerts a Zone of Conic are called controlled heres, and inhibit the movement of Enemy Land wnits and Block the ‘supply path of Enemy writs All Land unite must fceaxe movement whe they enter an Enemy ‘ontolled hex CASES: [1.,1}BRFECTIVENESS OF ZONES OF CONTROL [I1AH] Atl Land Combat units exert @ Zone of {Control a allies during the entire Game: Ture. {11.42} Units do not pay any additional Move ‘ment Points to enter Enemy controlled exes [11.3] Usits may lave an Enemy controlled hex tthe beginning of their Movement Phase, but ust ceave movement immediately spon Subsequently entering aay other Enemy controlled hex Units may move fom one Enemy controlled hex directly into snother Enemy controled hex, but Ifa unit does soit may move ao further that Phase [11.14] Feendly Zones of Conteol never affect Friendly unis; only Enemy unite 11.15] Ifa given unit is in an Enemy controlled hex, the Enemy unit is also in that given unit's conirlled hex. The Enemy and Friendly units are equally and joinly affected. [11.16] Zones of Control extend into all sx hexes adjacent to the contolling unit's hex, with the folloming three exceptions: Zones of Conizl do not extend across Blocked hexsides, Major Rivers, of [ML.17) There is no additonal effec of having more than one Land Combat unit cating i Zone of Control into given hex. {11.48} Land units may not retreat as a result of ‘ombat into of through an Enemy contalled hex. ‘This isteve even ifthe Enemy controlled bex is occupied by a unit of the same national force orf Zone of Control of unit of te same national force is cat into the hex [11.19} Supply paths may noe be traced through nem Zones of Control. Te occupation of 2 hex bya Friendly Land unit, however, negates the Zone ‘of Conta or purposes of tracing a Line of Supply. 112] ZONE OF CONTROL RESTRICTIONS [11.21] While being transport by Nava usits ot Rail its, units Rave n0 Zone of Control [11.22| Zones of Control do not extend. through Hilooked herides or do they extend tnt alsen boxes, or across Major River. [01.23] Air nits and certain types of Land units do not have Zones of Control, The Land units without ‘ones of Coatzol are: HovereraRt unis, Militia units, Ral units and Supply units. Enemy units toring adjacent 10 these types never have to abserve any Zone of Control effects. These units are, howerer, subject to all effects of any Enemy Zone of Control [12.0] STACKING OF LAND UNITS GENERAL RULE: ‘A maximum of theee Friendly Land units may be Stacked in one hex at the end of any Friendly Movement Phase. All types of Land units, except Railunits, count towards the stacking restrictions. CASES: [12.1] STACKING INHIBITIONS AND PROHIBITIONS {12.11} Naval nits never count against Land Stacking limits when inthe same hex with Land tunis (ether Enemy ot Friendly). [02.2] Land unite and Naval. units may be fombined as 2 single Strength Point total when tacking or defending, except when Land units fre being transported faee 622 and 150) {12.3} Alliypes of Land and Air units except Rall fui, count towards the thes-unit stacking [12.14}Land units ofitering Aggressor forces may fot stack together, nor may they combine thet Combat Strengths when attacking or defending, [13.0] LAND COMBAT GENERAL RULE: Combat ccc between adjacent _oppoing Combat units. The Phasing Player isthe atacking Player and the non-Phasing Players the defending Player, regardless of the overall strategie situation. PROCEDURE: All attacking units ae committed oan attack, and fonce commited may not be withdran of reallo tated to another attack All defending wnits must tlso be specified. The “tried” strength of ll unite fa the combat are then revealed Gee Case 18.3) ‘otal the Combat Strengths ofall the attacking unit inglved in a specific attack and compare it {othe otal Combat Strength ofthe units in the hex tnder attack. State the “comparison as. a Trobe rae Attackers Strength to. Defer ‘ers Strength Round off the ratio in favor ofthe ‘efender to conform tothe simplified odds found on the Combat Results Tele, all the die and read the result onthe appropriate line under the odds. Apply the resul immediately before resolving any ther stacks being made during the Combat Phase. Friendly units may not atack each othe. CASES (03.4) WHICH UNITS MAY ATTACK {13.11] Land Combat Unit may only atack ducing their ove national force's spectic Combat Phase ‘They may then attack any and all Enemy units adjacent to them. Only those Land Comat units Aliettly adjacent to a given Enemy unit may participate in an attack on that unit [13.12] Adackingis completly voluntary: wos are never compalled to attack, and. not every unit {djacent fo an Enemy unit seed participate im any tack ont that i ot partijpating in a stack ‘by ther units in the same hex sneer affected by [13.13] An Enemy occupied hex may be stacked by as mat unite ae can be brought to ear in the sik adjacent Rete, lus any number of Air units {hat ean attack rom non adjacent hexes (oe 14.0), [13.18] No unit may attack more thm once per Comat Phase and no Enemy unit may beattacked tore than ones per Combat Phase. A unit may be stacked more than once pet Game-Turm (once in tach Enemy Combat Phase) 032] MULTL-UNIT AND MULTE-HEX COMBAT (13.21) Al units ina given hex must be attacked 35 {single combined Combat Strength. The defender ray not "withhold a unit in a hex under atack. Different units in a hex may not be atacked separately {13.22] Other units in 2 hex that contains an Stacking unit need not participate in that sare Stack or anyother attack. Thus when one unit in Sack le attacking sgien hex, dhe other uote the stack could attack diffrent hex, oF not attack at all (13.23) If stack of wits is adjacent to more than fone Enemy occupied hex, eould attack al, ome ‘enone of them in a single combat. Thus, wits in single hex may attack more than one hex. The fnly requirement is that all attacking units must beadjacent ral defending units. (Ai unis, when adjacent, must be adjaceat to all defending units) [13.24] A given unit's Combat Strength i always tnitary. Thats unit's Combat Strength may not be divided among different combats, either for attack oF defense (033) EFFECTS OF TERRAIN ‘ont defending in certain types of terrain may haves Combat Strength increased. This increase

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