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Agriculture Policy and Development

Submitted by: Alkhair U. Sangcopan

Submitted to: Nasibah Macadato

Submitted on: July 19, 2021

Learning Activity #1:

Briefly discuss the following:

1. How the agriculture affects the economy?

➢ Agriculture is all about farming plants, cultivation of soil for growing crops
and the rearing of animals. And economy is about the wealth and resources
of a country. So how does agriculture help our economy? Basically, it helps
maintain our resources like plants, foods and animals. It will help us put
meat and vegetables on our table. Without agriculture, then our economy
would have a hard time maintaining our resources.

2. Why the need to set policy in agriculture?

➢ We need a policy to ensure a safety of the farmers, government, business
and all agricultural product. If we do not have a policy to follow, agriculture
will not really prosper. We can give an example, if there will be no policy,
then I would sell my products for the highest price that I can think of, and I
can also just keep the products for myself and sell it when the price is much
higher, since there is no policy, then I won’t be violating any rules since
there is no policy for that. That is why policy is needed. Or else I would be
hoarding a lot of products and I would also for sure smuggle a lot of products
since I am not violating any rules.

3. Philippines is rich in agricultural land, but why it’s still poor in terms of agriculture?
➢ For me it is the government that they do not focus on securing our
agriculture. Too much relying in other countries to the point that we import
products from them which we can just grow ourselves because we really
have good land areas.

4. If you are appointed as Secretary of Agriculture, what policy you want to propose?
And why?
➢ If I were to be appointed as a secretary, then one of my policy is that if you
are poor, poor enough to not have your own land, then there will a land for
you, one hectare or more so that you’ll have something to work with. A free
seedling will also be given for the poor, and the price will not decrease if
ever. In that way, agriculture in our economy maintain its balance. And also,
so that everyone can eat something.

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