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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4

Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number: Data Entered by:

Year of Last Formal External 1. Values not in boxes are calculated.
Year of Last In-service UT 2. Dates must be input in mo/day/year format
Year of Last Internal Inspection
Year Built (Use Jan. 1st of the year of manufacture)

Shell Couse 1
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for bottom shell course, in inches
D nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from tank floor to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 2
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for second shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 2 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number: Data Entered by:

Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Course 1 Course 2
0 0 0 Nominal (Construction Year)
Baseline / Initial Shell UT Reading, in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.0000 0.0000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Baseline - Last / If Last is blank then Nominal - Baseline)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year of Last - Year of Baseline))
(If Last is blank then Corrosion Depth / (Year of Baseline - Construction Year)) Internal inspection of tank shell
Year Course 1 Course 2
0 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches (Year of inspection)
0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Nominal - Depth of Corrosion)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of Corrosion / (Year of inspection - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation

Year Course 1 Course 2
0 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches (Year of inspection)
Maximum Depth of CUI, in inches
0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches ((Min of Nominal or Undamaged) - Max CUI)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Max CUI / (Year of inspection - Year built))

2.3.2 Type of Damage:

Course 1 Course 2
C = Area of Considerable Size / P = Widely Scattered Pits / N = None
Minimum Shell Thickness After Repairs, in inches

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate for Shell Course in mils/year (Max of (Internal Rate + CUI Rate) and UT Rate)
? ? Remaining Shell C.A., in mils (? = Complete Damage section)
(If designated as Widely Scattered Pits, Min shell - (t min / 2), otherwise Min shell - t min)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Caclulated Remaining Life for Shell Course (Years) (Remaining C.A. / Corrosion Rate)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Calculated 1/4 Life for Shell Course (Years) (Calculated Remaining Life / 4)
N/A N/A Calculated In-service UT Interval (Years)
(Minimum of 15 or Remaining Shell C.A. / Corrosion Rate * 2)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number: Data Entered by:


Table 4-1 Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

MRT 0.100 minimum required thickness at next inspection, in inches

Undamaged Thickness
Previous Insepction Year (Construction Year if there is no previous inspection)
PI Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
PB Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair
Current Inspection Year
CI Max Internal Corrosion Before Repair
CB Max Bottom Side Corrosion Before Repair
CIr Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
CBr Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair

RTbc 0.000 Min remaining thickness from bottom side corrosion (Undamaged - CBr)
RTip 0.000 Min remaining thickness from internal corrosion (Undamaged - CIr)
SrPr #DIV/0! Max rate of internal corrosion in mils per year ((CI - PI) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Upr #DIV/0! Max rate of bottom side corrosion in mils per year ((CB - PB) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Or #DIV/0! Calculated in-service interval of operation (Years) (((Min of RTbc and Rtip)-MRT)/(SrPr + Upr))

Maximum Bottom In-service Period #DIV/0! years

Inspection Intervals

Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 years

In-service UT Interval 0.0 years
Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 years (Max. 10 years per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External

Year of Last In-service UT
Year of Last Internal Inspection

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 0
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API 653#:

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Year of Last Formal External

Year of Last In-service UT
Year of Last Internal Inspection
Year Built

Shell Couse 1
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for bottom shell course, in inches
D nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from tank floor to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 2
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for second shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 2 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 3
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for third shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 3 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3
0 0 0 0 Nominal (Construction Year)
Baseline / Initial Shell UT Reading, in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Baseline - Last / If Last is blank then Nominal - Baseline)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year of Last - Year of Baseline))
(If Last is blank then Corrosion Depth / (Year of Baseline - Construction Year)) Internal inspection of tank shell
Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches (Year of inspection)
0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Nominal - Depth of Corrosion)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of Corrosion / (Year of inspection - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation

Year Course 1 Course 2 Course 3
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches (Year of inspection)
Maximum Depth of CUI, in inches
0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches ((Min of Nominal or Undamaged) - Max CUI)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Max CUI / (Year of inspection - Year built))

2.3.2 Type of Damage:

Course 1 Course 2 Course 3

C = Area of Considerable Size / P = Widely Scattered Pits / N = None
Minimum Shell Thickness After Repairs, in inches

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate for Shell Course in mils/year (Max of (Internal Rate + CUI Rate) and UT Rate)
? ? ? Remaining Shell C.A., in mils (? = Complete Damage section)
(If designated as Widely Scattered Pits, Min shell - (t min / 2), otherwise Min shell - t min)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Caclulated Remaining Life for Shell Course (Years) (Remaining C.A. / Corrosion Rate)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Calculated 1/4 Life for Shell Course (Years) (Calculated Remaining Life / 4)
N/A N/A N/A Calculated In-service UT Interval (Years)
(Minimum of 15 or Remaining Shell C.A. / Corrosion Rate * 2)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:


Table 4-1 Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

0.100 minimum required thickness at next inspection, in inches

Undamaged Thickness
Previous Insepction Year (Construction Year if there is no previous inspection)
PI Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
PB Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair
Current Inspection Year
CI Max Internal Corrosion Before Repair
CB Max Bottom Side Corrosion Before Repair
CIr Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
CBr Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair

RTbc 0.000 Min remaining thickness from bottom side corrosion (Undamaged - CBr)
RTip 0.000 Min remaining thickness from internal corrosion (Undamaged - CIr)
SrPr #DIV/0! Max rate of internal corrosion in mils per year ((CI - PI) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Upr #DIV/0! Max rate of bottom side corrosion in mils per year ((CB - PB) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Or #DIV/0! Calculated in-service interval of operation (Years) (((Min of RTbc and Rtip)-MRT)/(SrPr + Upr))

Maximum Bottom In-service Period #DIV/0! years

Inspection Intervals

Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 years

In-service UT Interval 0.0 years
Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 years (Max. 10 years per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External 0

Year of Last In-service UT 0
Year of Last Internal Inspection 0

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 0
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API 653#:

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Year of Last Formal External

Year of Last In-service UT
Year of Last Internal Inspection
Year Built

Shell Couse 1
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for bottom shell course, in inches
D nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from tank floor to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 2
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for second shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 2 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 3
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for third shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 3 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 4
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for fourth shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 4 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3 Course 4
0 0 0 0 0 Nominal (Construction Year)
Baseline / Initial Shell UT Reading, in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Baseline - Last / If Last is blank then Nominal - Baseline)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year of Last - Year of Baseline))
(If Last is blank then Corrosion Depth / (Year of Baseline - Construction Year)) Internal inspection of tank shell
Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3 Course 4
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches (Year of inspection)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Nominal - Depth of Corrosion)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of Corrosion / (Year of inspection - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation

Year Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches (Year of inspection)
Maximum Depth of CUI, in inches
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches ((Min of Nominal or Undamaged) - Max CUI)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Max CUI / (Year of inspection - Year built))

2.3.2 Type of Damage:

Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4

C = Area of Considerable Size / P = Widely Scattered Pits / N = None
Minimum Shell Thickness After Repairs, in inches

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate for Shell Course in mils/year (Max of (Internal Rate + CUI Rate) and UT Rate)
? ? ? ? Remaining Shell C.A., in mils (? = Complete Damage section)
(If designated as Widely Scattered Pits, Min shell - (t min / 2), otherwise Min shell - t min)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Caclulated Remaining Life for Shell Course (Years) (Remaining C.A. / Corrosion Rate)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Calculated 1/4 Life for Shell Course (Years) (Calculated Remaining Life / 4)
N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated In-service UT Interval (Years)
(Minimum of 15 or Remaining Shell C.A. / Corrosion Rate * 2)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:


Table 4-1 Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

0.100 minimum required thickness at next inspection, in inches

Undamaged Thickness
Previous Insepction Year (Construction Year if there is no previous inspection)
PI Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
PB Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair
Current Inspection Year
CI Max Internal Corrosion Before Repair
CB Max Bottom Side Corrosion Before Repair
CIr Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
CBr Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair

RTbc 0.000 Min remaining thickness from bottom side corrosion (Undamaged - CBr)
RTip 0.000 Min remaining thickness from internal corrosion (Undamaged - CIr)
SrPr #DIV/0! Max rate of internal corrosion in mils per year ((CI - PI) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Upr #DIV/0! Max rate of bottom side corrosion in mils per year ((CB - PB) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Or #DIV/0! Calculated in-service interval of operation (Years) (((Min of RTbc and Rtip)-MRT)/(SrPr + Upr))

Maximum Bottom In-service Period #DIV/0! years

Inspection Intervals

Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 years

In-service UT Interval 0.0 years
Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 years (Max. 10 years per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External 0

Year of Last In-service UT 0
Year of Last Internal Inspection 0

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 0
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API 653#:

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Year of Last Formal External

Year of Last In-service UT
Year of Last Internal Inspection
Year Built

Shell Couse 1
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for bottom shell course, in inches
D nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from tank floor to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 2
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for second shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 2 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 3
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for third shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 3 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Shell Couse 4
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for fourth shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 4 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 5
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for fourth shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 5 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3 Course 4 Course 5
0 0 0 0 0 0 Nominal (Construction Year)
Baseline / Initial Shell UT Reading, in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Baseline - Last / If Last is blank then Nominal - Baseline)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year of Last - Year of Baseline))
(If Last is blank then Corrosion Depth / (Year of Baseline - Construction Year)) Internal inspection of tank shell
Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3 Course 4 Course 5
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches (Year of inspection)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Nominal - Depth of Corrosion)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of Corrosion / (Year of inspection - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation

Year Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches (Year of inspection)
Maximum Depth of CUI, in inches
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches ((Min of Nominal or Undamaged) - Max CUI)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Max CUI / (Year of inspection - Year built))

2.3.2 Type of Damage:

Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5

C = Area of Considerable Size / P = Widely Scattered Pits / N = None
Minimum Shell Thickness After Repairs, in inches

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate for Shell Course in mils/year (Max of (Internal Rate + CUI Rate) and UT Rate)
? ? ? ? ? Remaining Shell C.A., in mils (? = Complete Damage section)
(If designated as Widely Scattered Pits, Min shell - (t min / 2), otherwise Min shell - t min)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Caclulated Remaining Life for Shell Course (Years) (Remaining C.A. / Corrosion Rate)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Calculated 1/4 Life for Shell Course (Years) (Calculated Remaining Life / 4)
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated In-service UT Interval (Years)
(Minimum of 15 or Remaining Shell C.A. / Corrosion Rate * 2)

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Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:


Table 4-1 Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

0.100 minimum required thickness at next inspection, in inches

Undamaged Thickness
Previous Insepction Year (Construction Year if there is no previous inspection)
PI Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
PB Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair
Current Inspection Year
CI Max Internal Corrosion Before Repair
CB Max Bottom Side Corrosion Before Repair
CIr Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
CBr Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair

RTbc 0.000 Min remaining thickness from bottom side corrosion (Undamaged - CBr)
RTip 0.000 Min remaining thickness from internal corrosion (Undamaged - CIr)
SrPr #DIV/0! Max rate of internal corrosion in mils per year ((CI - PI) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Upr #DIV/0! Max rate of bottom side corrosion in mils per year ((CB - PB) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Or #DIV/0! Calculated in-service interval of operation (Years) (((Min of RTbc and Rtip)-MRT)/(SrPr + Upr))

Maximum Bottom In-service Period #DIV/0! years

Inspection Intervals

Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 years

In-service UT Interval 0.0 years
Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 years (Max. 10 years per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External 0

Year of Last In-service UT 0
Year of Last Internal Inspection 0

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 0
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API 653 #:

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Year of Last Formal External

Year of Last In-service UT
Year of Last Internal Inspection
Year Built

Shell Couse 1
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for bottom shell course, in inches
D nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from tank floor to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 2
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for second shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 2 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.7 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30,000 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55,000 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 23,430 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.8Y or 0.426T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 3
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for third shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 3 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 4
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:
t nom specified nominal plate thickness for fourth shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 4 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 5
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for fourth shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 5 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Couse 6
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell

t nom specified nominal plate thickness for fourth shell course, in inches
D 0.00 nominal diameter of tank, in feet
H height from bottom of course 6 to maximum fill level, in feet
G 1.00 specific gravity of tank contents (default is 1.0)
E 0.70 original joint efficiency for tank (default is 0.7)
Y 30000.00 specified minimum yield strength, in psi (default is 30,000)
T 55000.00 smaller of specified minimum tensile strenght or 80,000 psi (default is 55,000)
S 25,960 maximum allowable stress, in psi (smaller of 0.88Y or 0.472T)
t min 0.100 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

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Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

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Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6
0 0 0 0 0 0 0.000 Nominal (Construction Year)
Baseline / Initial Shell UT Reading, in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Baseline - Last / If Last is blank then Nominal - Baseline)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year of Last - Year of Baseline))
(If Last is blank then Corrosion Depth / (Year of Baseline - Construction Year)) Internal inspection of tank shell
Year Course 1 Course 2 Couse 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches (Year of inspection)
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Nominal - Depth of Corrosion)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of Corrosion / (Year of inspection - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation

Year Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6
0 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (Year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches (Year of inspection)
Maximum Depth of CUI, in inches
0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches ((Min of Nominal or Undamaged) - Max CUI)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Max CUI / (Year of inspection - Year built))

2.3.2 Type of Damage:

Course 1 Course 2 Course 3 Course 4 Course 5 Course 6

C = Area of Considerable Size / P = Widely Scattered Pits / N = None
Minimum Shell Thickness After Repairs, in inches

UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate for Shell Course in mils/year (Max of (Internal Rate + CUI Rate) and UT Rate)
? ? ? ? ? ? Remaining Shell C.A., in mils (? = Complete Damage section)
(If designated as Widely Scattered Pits, Min shell - (t min / 2), otherwise Min shell - t min)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Caclulated Remaining Life for Shell Course (Years) (Remaining C.A. / Corrosion Rate)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Calculated 1/4 Life for Shell Course (Years) (Calculated Remaining Life / 4)
N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated In-service UT Interval (Years)
(Minimum of 15 or Remaining Shell C.A. / Corrosion Rate * 2)

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API Standard 653 Second Edition, Addendum 4
Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

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Table 4-1 Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

0.100 minimum required thickness at next inspection, in inches

Undamaged Thickness
Previous Insepction Year (Construction Year if there is no previous inspection)
PI Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
PB Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair
Current Inspection Year
CI Max Internal Corrosion Before Repair
CB Max Bottom Side Corrosion Before Repair
CIr Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
CBr Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair

RTbc 0.000 Min remaining thickness from bottom side corrosion (Undamaged - CBr)
RTip 0.000 Min remaining thickness from internal corrosion (Undamaged - CIr)
SrPr #DIV/0! Max rate of internal corrosion in mils per year ((CI - PI) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Upr #DIV/0! Max rate of bottom side corrosion in mils per year ((CB - PB) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Or #DIV/0! Calculated in-service interval of operation (Years) (((Min of RTbc and Rtip)-MRT)/(SrPr + Upr))

Maximum Bottom In-service Period #DIV/0! years

Inspection Intervals

Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 years

In-service UT Interval 0.0 years
Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 years (Max. 10 years per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External 0

Year of Last In-service UT 0
Year of Last Internal Inspection 0

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 0
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API 653 #:

Page 18 of 23 08/01/2021
Horizontal Cylinderical Tank Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Last Formal External

Last In-service UT
Last Internal Inspection
Year Built


0.100 inches Minimum Thickness Required

inches Specified Nominal Wall Thickness

Shell Corrosion Rates

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Thickness
Previous UT Reading (or nominal), in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Pevious UT - Last UT)
UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year Last - Year Previous)) Internal inspection of tank shell

Year Thickness
0 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches
0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Undamaged - Depth, If Undamaged is blank Nom - Depth)
UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year ((Undamaged - Remaining) / (Year - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation OR External Damage

Year Thickness
0 0.000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches
Maximum Depth of CUI/External Pitting, in inches
0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Undamaged - Depth, If Undamaged is blank Nom - Depth)
UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year ((Undamaged - Remaining) / (Year - Year built))

0 Minimum Remaining Thickness

UNKNOWN Max. Internal Corrosion Rate, in mils per year
UNKNOWN External Corrosion Rate

Max. Corrosion Rate for Shell UNKNOWN mils/year (Max Internal + External Corrosion Rate)
Remaining Shell C.A., in mils -100 (Min Remaining Thickness - Min Required Thickness)
Caclulated Shell Remaining Life 10.0 Years (If Corrosion Rate is unkown 10, otherwise remaining / corr. Rate, Max 20)

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Horizontal Cylinderical Tank Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:


inches Minimum Thickness Required

inches End 1 Specified Nominal Wall Thickness
inches End 2 Specified Nominal Wall Thickness

Ends Corrosion Rates

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year End 1 End 2
Previous UT Reading (or nominal), in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.000 0.000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Previous UT - Last UT)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corr. Depth/(Year Last - Year Previous)) Internal inspection of tank shell

Year End 1 End 2
0 0.000 0.000 Nominal Thickness, in inches (year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches
0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Undamaged - Depth, If Undamaged is blank Nom - Depth)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year ((Undamaged - Remaining) / (Year - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation OR External Damage

Year Thickness Thickness
0 0.000 0.000 Nominal Thickness, in inches (year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches
Maximum Depth of CUI/External Pitting, in inches
0.000 0.000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Undamaged - Depth, If Undamaged is blank Nom - Depth)
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year ((Undamaged - Remaining) / (Year - Year built))

End 1 End 2
0.000 0.000 Minimum Remaining Thickness
0.0 0.0 Max. Internal Corrosion Rate, in mils per year
UNKNOWN UNKNOWN External Corrosion Rate, in mils per year

End 1 End 2
Max. Corrosion Rate for End UNKNOWN mils/year UNKNOWN mils/year (Max Internal + External Corrosion Rate)
Remaining End C.A., in mils 0 0 (Min Remaining Thickness - Min Required Thickness)
Caclulated End Remaining Life 10.0 Years 10.0 Years (If Corrosion Rate is unkown 10, otherwise remaining / corr. Rate, Max 20)

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Horizontal Cylinderical Tank Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Inspection Interval
Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 Years
Calculated In-service UT Interval 5.0 Years (Minimum of calculations for each end and the shell using Remaining / (2 * Corr Rate))
Calculated Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 Years (Max. 10 yrs. Per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External 0

Year of Last In-service UT 0
Year of Last Internal Inspection 0

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 5
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API #:

Page 21 of 23 08/01/2021
Rectangular Tank Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:

Last Formal External

Last In-service UT
Last Internal Inspection
Year Built (Estimated)

Shell 60=32/60
2.3.3 Minimum Thickness Calculation for Welded Tank Shell 65=35/65
t nom specified nominal plate thickness for bottom shell course, in inches
t min 0.1000 minimum acceptable thickness in inches (0.1" minimum)

Shell Corrosion Rate

4.3.3 In-service Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements

Year Thickness
Previous Shell UT Reading or Nominal Thickness, in inches
Last Shell UT Reading, in inches
0.0000 Corrosion Depth, in inches (Previous UT - Last UT)
UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Corrosion Depth / (Year Last - Year Previous)) Internal inspection of tank shell

Year Thickness
0 0.0000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (year built)
Depth of Corrosion Observed, in inches
0.0000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Nominal - Depth of Corrosion)
UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of Corrosion / (Year - Year built)) Corrosion Under Insulation Evaluation

Year Thickness
0 0.0000 Nominal Shell Thickness, in inches (year built)
Undamaged Adjacent Wall Thickness, in inches
Maximum Depth of CUI, in inches
0.0000 Calculated remaining thickness, in inches (Minimum of Nominal and Undamaged - Max depth)
UNKNOWN Corrosion Rate, in mils per year (Depth of CUI / (Year - Year built))

2.3.2 Type of Damage:

C = Area of Considerable Size / P = Widely Scattered Pits / N = None
Minimum Shell Thickness After Repairs, in inches

Max. Corrosion Rate for Shell UNKNOWN mils/year (Max of (Internal Rate + CUI Rate) and UT Rate)
Remaining Shell C.A., in mils Complete Type of Damage (If designated as Widely Scattered Pits, Min shell - (t min / 2), otherwise Min s

Caclulated Remaining Life for Shell UNKNOWN Years (Remaining C.A. / Corrosion Rate)
Calculated 1/4 Life for Shell UNKNOWN Years (Calculated Remaining Life / 4)
Calculated In-service UT Interval 5.0 Years (Minimum of 15 or Remaining Shell C.A. / Corrosion Rate * 2)


Table 4-1 Bottom Plate Minimum Thickness

0.100 minimum required thickness at next inspection, in inches

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Rectangular Tank Corrosion Rate and Inspection Interval Calculations

Tag Number:
Undamaged Thickness
Previous Insepction Year (Construction Year if there is no previous inspection)
PI Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
PB Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair
Current Inspection Year
CI Max Internal Corrosion Before Repair
CB Max Bottom Side Corrosion Before Repair
CIr Max Internal Corrosion After Repair
CBr Max Bottom Side Corrosion After Repair

RTbc 0.000 Min remaining thickness from bottom side corrosion (Undamaged - CBr)
RTip 0.000 Min remaining thickness from internal corrosion (Undamaged - CIr)
SrPr #DIV/0! Max rate of internal corrosion in mils per year ((CI - PI) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Upr #DIV/0! Max rate of bottom side corrosion in mils per year ((CB - PB) / (Current Year - Previous Year))
Or #DIV/0! Calculated in-service interval of operation (Years) (((Min of RTbc and Rtip)-MRT)/(SrPr + Upr))

Maximum Bottom In-service Period #DIV/0! years

Inspection Intervals

Formal External Inspection Interval 5.0 years

In-service UT Interval 5.0 years
Internal Inspection Interval 10.0 years (Max. 10 Years per C-Plan)

Year of Last Formal External 0

Year of Last In-service UT 0
Year of Last Internal Inspection 0

Next Formal External Due 5

Next In-Service UT Examination Due 5
Next Internal Inspection Due 10

Reviewed By: Date:

API #:

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