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Paper: Chemistry

2nd Term Exam Feb 2021 Class: XI

SECTION B (21 Marks)

Morning Shift

Time: 2:40 Min. Total Marks: 68

NOTE: Note: Sections '13' 'C' and 'D' comprise pages 1-2 and questions therein are to be answered on
the separately provided answer book. Use supplementary answer sheet i.e., sheet B if required. Write
your answers neatly and legibly. (7 x 3 = 21)

Q.2 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks.

i. How many grams of MgS can be made from 1.5g of Mg and 1.5g of S by the reaction Mg+S--)MgS? ii.
238g of U and 23g of Na have equal no.of atoms. Justify iii. Calculate the energies of ni for He'l and Li+2.
iv. Why bond angle decreases from CH4 towards H2O although both are AB4 type molecules. v. Draw
the MOT diagram for N2+2 molecular ion and justify its nature. Also calculate its bond order. vi. Prove
that rate of diffusion is inversely proportional to molecular mass. vii. A given mass of a gas occupies
1000 cm3 at 57°C and 726 mm Hg pressure. Calculate the new volume of the gas at S.T.P? viii. How
hydrogen bonding explains the thermodynamic properties of covalent hydrides? ix. F2 is a gas while 12
is a solid although both are halogens. Justify x.What is n+1 rule? Which orbital will be filled 1st 3d or 4p?
SECTION-C (Marks-21) Q.3 Attempt any SEVEN parts. All parts carry equal marks. i. How direction of
reaction is determined using Kc? ii. What is the difference between an equilibrium with larger IQ as than
one with smaller Kc? iii. Stronger the acid weaker will be its conjugate base. Prove the given statement
iv. Discuss the behavior of K2CO3 and NH4C1 in their aqueous solutions. The rate of reaction decreases
every moment. Comment vi. Define second order reaction with two examples.

(7 x 3 =21)


vii. An aqueous solution of a compound boil at 102.4°C. At what temperature will this solution freeze?
viii. One molal solution of glucose is more dilute as compared to oneymolar solution. Comment

ix. x.

The pH of 0.1M solution of an acid is 2.85. Calculate the ionization constant, Ka of acid. Draw the energy
diagrams for endothermic and exothermic reactions. SECTION-D (Marks-26) Note: Attempt any TWO
questions. All the questions carry equal marks. Q.4 a.Derive the formula for energy of nth orbit of H-
atom. c.Explairi the formation of ethene and ethyne according to hybridization. Q.5 a.Explain the causes
and quantitative aspects of freezing point depression b.Construct Born-Haber's cycle for the formation
of NaCl. Q.6 a.How will you derive the genral gas equation. Also write its applications. b. Carbonic acid is
a weak acid. It ionizes in water as follows: H2CO3#2H+ + CO3-2 va.t will happen if strong electrolyte such
as Na2CO3 is added to such solution. c. Prove that aP =1'6 x2.

(2 x 13 = 26) (07) (06) (06) (07) (06)


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