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Task List
W e e k 4 l e s s
mathematics. The lessons aim to develop the skills

(Mathe and the requisite knowledge for more practical

approaches to real-life problems with emphasis on
logical reasoning and well thought-out solutions.

matics Keep track of your progress in this lesson by

checking the box corresponding to each task. (5

✓ in the 1. Read/Watch Module 2 Introduction

2. Read/Watch Module 2 lesson 1

4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 4

✓ 3. Work our HW 4A

✓ 4. Read/Watch Module 2 Lesson 2

✓ 5. Read Watch/Module 2 Lesson 3

✓ 6. Work out HW 4B

✓ 7. Submit WGN Week 4.

Lesson 1. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning


A. Explain the inductive approach of mathematical inference. (7 POINTS)

- Inductive approach is based on the process of induction which involves reasoning

from the particular to the general. It starts with specific cases from observations

where patterns are recognized to create a general statement or theory. It is a


used to construct mathematical concepts or phenomena with the help of a sufficient

amount of concrete data or samples. It aims to provide a universal truth by


that if it is true for a specific case, then it is true for all such cases
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 4

B. Give an example of a situation where inductive reasoning is applied. (8


- Her shirt was black yesterday. Her shirt is black today. Therefore, all the shirts in
her closet are black

C. Explain the deductive approach of mathematical inference. (7 POINTS)

- Deductive approach is based on the process of deduction. It starts from a general

to specific or from abstract to concrete. The approach starts with a given theory
which corresponds to an assumption or hypothesis which will then be confirmed by
the way of observation. After satisfying the assumption, a specific case or
conclusion is stated as a confirmation of the theory. Deductive approach is often
used in algebra, geometry, and trigonometry where theorems are usually given.

D. Give an example of a situation where deductive reasoning is applied. (8


Acute angles are less than 90 Degrees.

This angle is 30º
30 So, it must be an acute angle.

Answer Week HW 4A
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 4

Lesson 2. Tower of Hanoi Problem


A. State the Tower of Hanoi Problem. (6 POINTS)

- The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle invented by E. Lucas. The puzzle consists of a


stack of n disks and a board with three rods. The disks are stacked in ascending

on one of the rods like a cone-shaped tower with the largest disk on the bottom and

smallest on the top. The two other rods are left empty. The objective of the puzzle

to find the least number of moves required to move the whole stack of disks from

one rod to another. Moves are valid only if smaller disks are placed on top of larger


B. At least how many moves are needed to solve the Tower of Hanoi problem with
4 chips, 5 chips and 6 chips? (7 POINTS)

With 4 Chips: 15 moves

With 5 Chips: 31 moves

With 6 Chips: 63 moves

4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 4

C. Give a generalized solution to the Tower of Hanoi problem. (7 POINTS)

- After solving for the fourth chip, a pattern is observed, and a general
formula can be created to find the least number of moves to solve the
puzzle. A general formula to find the minimal moves required to solve a
tower of Hanoi puzzle with n number of disks is 2 n − 1

Lesson 3. Problem-Solving Strategies


A. Who is George Polya? What is his main contribution in Mathematics?


- George Polya is a Hungarian mathematician and was a professor of mathematics

in ETH Zurich and Stanford University. He has made several contributions to

4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 4

combinatorics, number theory, numerical analysis, and probability theory. His

most notable contribution was in mathematics education. In 1945, he published

the book How to Solve it: A New Aspect of Mathematical Method which would later

be used as the standard for how students should proceed with problem-solving

processes. Polya’s problem-solving approach is used in mathematics as well as

real-life problems. The approach advocates for the inductive process rather than

the deductive because Polya believed that students are more engaged with

mathematics if they perform their own experimentations.

B. Enumerate and describe the 4 phases of Polya’s method of solving a

problem. (12 POINTS)

1. Understand the Problem: Students need to carefully read the problem to have

a clear grasp of the problem at hand. Polya suggested to follow guide questions

to analyze the problem being solved.

a. What is the unknown?

b. What are the data?

c. What is the condition?

d. Is it possible to satisfy the condition?

e. Is the condition sufficient to determine the unknown?

f. Draw a figure and introduce suitable notation.

g. Separate the various parts of the condition. Can you write them down?

2. Devise a plan: At this stage, students should already have a variety of

techniques in mind on how to approach the problem. These are guide question

to help design the plan of actions:

a. Have you seen it before? Or have you seen the problem in a slightly

different form?

b. Do you know a related problem? Do you know a theorem that could be


c. If a related problem is available, could you use it? Could you use its
4TH QUARTER, SY2020-2021 GED 102 WEEK 4

results? Could you use its method? Should you introduce some auxiliary

elements in ordered to make its use possible?

3. Carry out the plan: This stage is where the plan is performed with care and

precision. Every result obtained must be recorded. Keep going if an affirmative

result is obtained. If things do not go according to plan, stay open for

alternatives and revisit the plan.

4. Look back: At this last phase, the solution is reviewed. It is best to go back to

the original problem and check if the obtained solution is sufficient and

consistent with what is asked. Check the soundness of your arguments. Lastly,

assess if the obtained solution applies at a larger scale.

Answer HW 4B

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